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《江苏省连云港市灌云县西片2021届九年级英语下学期第一次月考试题2330.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省连云港市灌云县西片2021届九年级英语下学期第一次月考试题2330.pdf(15页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、.下载后可自行编辑修改,页脚下载后可删除。2021-2021 学年度第二学期第一次月考九年级英语试卷 第一卷 选择题共 90 分 一、听力局部30 分 第一局部 听对话答复下列问题 1.What does the woman order?A.B.C.2.Which direction should the boy go first?A.B.C.3.What must Jane remember to take?A.B.C.4.What does Peter NOT like about camping?A.B.C.5.What does David want to do?A.Go cyclin

2、g.B.Go swimming.C.Watch TV.6.How many people will be at the barbecue?A.Three.B.Four.C.Five.7.What does the man suggest?A.Buying a watch instead.B.Going to other shops to see more.C.Buying the necklace at the shop.8.What is Amy doing all day?A.Practising the violin.B.Singing.C.Dancing.9.Why are Milli

3、e and Susan arguing(争论)?A.Millie forgot to buy Susan a book.B.Millie has lost Susans book.下载后可自行编辑修改,页脚下载后可删除。C.Millie got some paint on Susans book.10.What does Mary advise for getting a better job?A.To be more outgoing and patient.B.To be more patient and modest.C.To be more outgoing and modest.第二

4、局部 听对话和短文答题 听第一段对话,答复第 11、12 小题。11.Where do they find the mobile phone?A.In the bag.B.On the bookshelf.C.On the table.12.What do they think of the mobile phone?A.Not very useful.B.Useful and cheap.C.Useful but expensive.听第一篇短文,答复第13-15小题。请根据短文内容选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。A Website Designer Experience The person

5、 needs at least 13 years of experience.Characteristics The person should be able to work 14 and make good decisions.What to do The person can 15 the company to know more information.13.A.two B.three C.five 14.A.with different people B.over the weekend C.under stress 15.A.phone B.go to C.e-mail 听第二篇短

6、文,答复第16-20小题。16.Why do children look forward to Christmas?A.They can receive gifts.B.They can have a big dinner.C.They can play with their friends.17.What may a woman buy for her husband?A.A tie.B.A pair of shoes.C.A watch.下载后可自行编辑修改,页脚下载后可删除。18.What are popular gifts these days?A.Toys.B.Diamond nec

7、klaces.C.Computers.19.What do most people like to do at Christmas?A.Watch TV.B.Go travelling.C.Go shopping.20.Where can you see coloured Christmas lights?A.On buildings and trees.B.On cars and buses.C.On shelves outside.二、单项选择共 15 小题;每题 1 分,总分值 15 分()21.-How do you like _ film Where Are We Going,Dad

8、?-I have never seen _ more interesting film than this one.A.the;a B.the;/C.a;the D./;a 22.Would you please repeat it?I didnt catch _ you said just now.Awhat Bhow Cwhen Dwhere 23.He used to very late,but now he is used to early.A.get up,getting up B.get up,get up C.getting up,get up D.getting up,gett

9、ing up 24.The old man lives in a town.He lives ,but he doesnt feel .A.lonely,lonely,alone B.alone,alone,lonely C.lonely,alone,lonely D.alone,alone,alone 25.little water is not enough for many people.A.Such,so B.So,so C.Such,such D.So,such 26.-I have no idea if he to see his friend in hospital.-He wi

10、ll go if it .A.goes,wont rain B.goes,doesnt rain C.will go,doesnt rain D.will go,wont rain 27.Nobody understood him,so he stopped in another way.A.to explain B.explaining C.and explain D.explained 28.-When shall we meet,this evening or tomorrow evening?-I dont mind._ time is OK.A.some B.Neither C.Bo

11、th D.Either()29.Sleeping is a popular way to relax _ the students.下载后可自行编辑修改,页脚下载后可删除。A.on B.among C.about ()30.-What do you think of the science exam?-Very difficult!We all find _ the most difficult one we have ever taken.A.this B.that C.it D./()31.-What can I do for you?-This pair of boots is too

12、expensive.I dont want _.Would you show me another _ _?Ait;one B.them;pair C.them;ones D.it;pair()32.-Do you know the famous basketball player Kobe has said goodbye to the NBA?-Yes,Im afraid I will _ see him on screen.A.sometimes B.often C.always ()33.Give me _ more minutes and Ill finish doing my ho

13、mework.A.a little B.little C.few D.a few()34.-Hi,Nora.Is your mother at home?-Just a minute!She _ flowers in the garden.A.plant B.is planting C.planted D.was planting()35.Have you ever heard of the news _ is about the Strawberry Concert?A.who B.what C.which 三、完型填空共 15 小题;每题 1 分,总分值 15 分 Leo was a sm

14、all and thin boy who 36 in a small village.Some boys in the village often made fun of 37 and Leo was afraid.One day,an old wizard(术士)went by the village and saw Leo being made fun of.So when the bad boys left,he gave Leo a lions tail.“Its a 38 tail.the wizard said.“When someone wears it and acts 39

15、,he or she will turn into a strong 40 .Leo hung the lions tail behind his body and decided to teach the bad boys a 41 .But when the boys came,Leo was afraid and tried to 42 .However,they caught him.Suddenly,Leo 43 the tail and remembered what the wizard had said.He became brave.He looked them in the

16、 eyes and said he would make them 44 doing that.Leo felt the goose bumps(鸡皮疙瘩)all over his body.“This must be the 45 that I am turning into a.下载后可自行编辑修改,页脚下载后可删除。lion.he thought.The boys ran away in fear.Leo wanted to catch them,but he found his legs were short 46 .When the wizard saw it,he came to

17、Leo.Leo was very happy,although a little 47 because his lion body had lasted only a short time.“You are right,said the wizard.“But have you ever seen a lion fighting?No one fights with lions 48 they know how brave and strong lions are.It was true.Leo had 49 seen a lion fighting.He understood that a

18、truly 50 boy would make the bad boys afraid and that what really worked was not the tail but the heart.36.A.lives B.lived C.living D.live 37.A.it B.him C.her D.them 38.A.strong B.long C.magic D.beautiful 39.A.bravely B.brave C.polite D.politey 40.A.soldier B.hero C.man D.lion 4 42.A.catch up B.run a

19、way C.speak up D.go over 43.A.felt B.got C.hung D.showed 44.A.regret B.keep C.forget D.hate 45.A.problem B.sign C.chance D.purpose 46.A.at last B.at first C.as well D.as usual 47.A.shy B.afraid C.nervous D.disappointed 48.A.if B.until C.because D.though 49.A.always B.already C.just D.never 50.A.brav

20、e B.clever C.tall D.kind 四、阅读理解30 分 A Get ready,China.The world is coming!Every day lots of foreigners come here as business people or tourists.And even more people will come in 2021 for the Beijing Olympics.When they come to China,we should do something to help them enjoy themselves and like China

21、and the Chinese people.But there are some things they may not like:1.Traffic problems Cars park on sidewalks.Bus drivers drive so fast that they make.下载后可自行编辑修改,页脚下载后可删除。people who are trying to cross the street afraid.2.Queue jumping At the post office,or even at McDonalds,people push to the front

22、of a line instead of waiting.3.Bumping Too many people are crowded onto buses and trains.This makes people feel terrible,and it is not safe,either.On a bus in North America,people try to make themselves smaller and theyll say“Excuse me or“Sorry if they knock into someone.In China,people make themsel

23、ves bigger with no“Sorry or“Excuse me.4.Littering I notice this everywhere.Some people throw rubbish onto the ground even when there is a rubbish bin right next to them.Most Chinese people are just as unhappy with these kinds of things as I am.And,certainly,the government has known the problems and

24、is trying to do something about them.China is on her way!51.Someone throws an empty Cola bottle onto the ground.This is called _.A.bumping B.littering C.queue jumping D.a traffic problem 52.The writer thinks we Chinese people should do the following except _.A.park our cars at right places B.wait ou

25、r turn in public places C.throw rubbish into rubbish bins D.hurry onto buses before others 53.We can conclude from the passage that _.A.things will get better and better in China B.fewer and fewer foreigners will visit our country C.there will be more and more traffic problems in Beijing D.fewer and

26、 fewer Chinese people will eat hamburgers 54.When the writer says“Get ready,China,he means that _.A.China is going to be a fast-growing country B.it is time for the Chinese to change their bad behaviors C.most Chinese people are as unhappy with these problems as him D.the Chinese will do a good job

27、in the 2021 Beijing Olympic Games 55.Which of the following is right according to the passage?A.When the foreign tourists come to China,they will be pleased with everything here.下载后可自行编辑修改,页脚下载后可删除。B.In North America,when people knocks on someone,most will say“Sorry.C.Most Chinese are used to traffi

28、c problems,bumping,littering and so on and dont want to change them.D.The writer has no confidence of the future of China.B Many children use the Internet to get useful knowledge and information,and to relax in their free time.But some of them are not using it in a good way.Here are some rules to ma

29、ke sure you are safe and have fun on the Internet.Make rules for Internet use with your parents.For example,when you can go on line,for how long and what activities you can go on line.Dont give your password to anyone else,and never give out the following information-your real name,home address,age,

30、school,phone number or other personal information.Check with your parents before giving out a credit card number.Never send a photo of yourself to someone in e-mail unless your parents say its OK.Check with your parents before going into a chat room.Different chat rooms have different rules and attr

31、act different kinds of people.You and your parents will want to make sure its a right place for you.Never agree to meet someone you met on the Internet without your parents permission.Never meet anyone you met on line alone.Always remember that people online may not be who they say they are.Treat ev

32、eryone online as strangers.If something you see or read online makes you uncomfortable,leave the site.Tell a parent or teacher right away.Treat other people as youd like to be treated.Never use bad language.Remember not everything you read on the Internet is true.56.The writer tells children to_.A.s

33、end their photos to him B.make rules for Internet use with parents C.believe everything they read on the Internet D.give out their personal.下载后可自行编辑修改,页脚下载后可删除。information 57.Its good for children to_ on the Internet.A.give password to others B.get useful knowledge and information C.give out a credi

34、t card number D.go into a chat room as theyd like to 58.What shouldnt be done when you are on line?A.Using bad language.B.Sending messages and e-mails.C.Leaving the site if you feel uncomfortable D.Treating everyone online as strangers 59.If your parents dont agree,never_.A.read anything on the Inte

35、rnet B.relax in your free time C.have a face-to-face meeting with anyone you met online D.treat other people as youd like to be treated 60.The best title for this passage is“_.A.How to Use Computers B.Surfing on the Internet C.Information on the Internet D.Internet Safety Rules C David worked in a s

36、hoe factory,but he was not very good,and he lost his job one day.His wife looked in the newspaper and said,“One of the banks wants a guard.“Im going to go there tomorrow,David said,“I want that job,the guards job.A man gave him a piece of paper.There were a lot of questions on it.“Please write your

37、answers under the questions.he said to David.One of the questions was,“Have you ever been in prison?David smiled and wrote“No.Then he looked at the next question.It was“Why?He thought for a long time and then he wrote,“Because the police have never caught me.()61.David lost his job because _.A.he wa

38、s ill badly B.he wasnt good C.he didnt like the job D.his factory was too far away ()62.How did he know one of the banks needed a guard?A.His wife saw it in the newspaper.B.His wife worked in that bank.下载后可自行编辑修改,页脚下载后可删除。C.His wife saw it on the computer.D.His friend told him the information.()63.D

39、avid went to the bank to _.A.deposit money B.draw money C.ask for that job D.work hard ()64.The man asked David to _.A.write his answers under the questions B.clean the bank C.show how strong he was D.give himself up ()65.From the text we know David is _.A.clever B.foolish C.old D.tall 第二局部 笔试局部60 分

40、 五、单词拼写共 10 小题;每题 1 分,总分值 10 分 A.根据句意和汉语提示,在空白处填入适当的单词 66.My hometown _(位于in a hidden valley.People there live peacefully all year round.67.Nancy and her classmates want to be _(科学家when they grow up.68._(比照)with life in the past,life now is more comfortable.69.She dares not go out alone at night bec

41、ause of a _(风险)of getting killed.70.The _(创造of the computer is believed to be a great leap for man.B.根据短文的意思和所给的首字母,写出一个完整正确的单词 My sister has got a new job in hospital.Shes not a nurse or a doctor.She works in the kitchen,shes a cook.She prepares s_(71)food for the patients in the hospital.She saw a

42、n a_(72)in the paper,and wrote a letter telling them about her work cooking for people in a vegetarian(素食)restaurant.She has lots of e_(73)working in a kitchen.The hospital manager asked her to come for an interview,they like her very much,but before they o_(74)her the job,they checked her reference

43、(证明,介绍).She loves her new job and says that c_(75)for patients in a hospital is much better than working in a small company.下载后可自行编辑修改,页脚下载后可删除。六、选词填空共 10 小题;每题 1 分,总分值 10 分 step by step;connect to;of his age;be in a mess;use;take up;as a result;know;store;be made of;76.For some _ reason,Mark gave u

44、p his job and moved to Greece.77.-I am so puzzled with the accident.-So lets just look at what has happened _.78.Milk cant _ for too long.79.-_ your new gloves _ leather?-Yes,they feel soft and smooth.80.The bed _ two thirds of my room.81.I was not happy because my house _.I had to spend a whole day

45、 tidying it.82.It is _ to complain too much all day.83.Some boys _ like playing computer games very much?84.He was caught in the heavy rain yesterday._,he got a bad cold.85.Every student would have a computer at home _ an interplanetary netwoek.七、完成句子(5 小题,每题 2 分,共 10 分 86.However,_返回地球的途中,the space

46、craft began spinning_.失去控制 87.Food would most probably be _ 以药片的形式 and would not _ 味道没那么可口。88.Who will be _(第一个在月球上行走的中国人?89.I decide to _ 请人修我的电脑tomorrow.90.I think white shirts _ 看 起 来 干 净 ,and white _和其他颜色相配。八、任务型阅读共 5 小题;每题 1 分,总分值 5 分 Once upon a time,there was a millionaire who loved money mor

47、e than the other things.下载后可自行编辑修改,页脚下载后可删除。in the world.He didnt know exactly how much he had,so he took on a little girl to count all his money for him.It took the little girl six days to count all the money.When she told the millionaire that he had forty-two million dollars,he was wild with joy a

48、nd asked,How much money do you want?He thought she was only a child and he could give her less money.The girl said,Well,I worked for six days,so I think you should pay me for six days.Give me two pennies for the first day.Each day after that,just give me the amount you give me the day before,multipl

49、ied(乘)by itself.The millionaire thought that in this way he would only have to give her a few dollars.What a foolish girl!On the first day the millionaire paid her two pennies,and on the second day,two pennies times two pennies,or four pennies.Each day after that,he gave her the number of pennies he

50、 had given her the day before,multiplied by itself.And by the sixth day the foolish millionaire had to give the clever girl all his money.Fill in the blanks according to the passage.Only one word for each blank.Long long ago,a millionaire loved money than anything 91 ,in the world.One day he took on


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