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《Unit9-人教新目标七年级英语下册单元综合测试含答案3658.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit9-人教新目标七年级英语下册单元综合测试含答案3658.pdf(12页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、姓名_ 得分_ Unit 9 单元检测 听力部分(20 分)一、听力(20 分)第一节:听小对话,回答问题。(5 分)()1.What does Tinas new friend look like?AShe has long curly hair.BShe has short straight hair.CShe has long straight hair.()2.What animal is it in the picture?AIts a dog.BIts a pig.CIts an elephant.()3.What is Anns brothers job?AHe is a doc

2、tor.BHe is an artist.CHe is a postman.()4.What is the story about in the newspaper?AA criminal.BA policeman.CA near accident.()5.What does the actress wear?AA pair of glasses.BA nice watch.CA beautiful hat.第二节:听长对话,回答问题。(5 分)听下面一段较长对话,回答第 67 两小题。()6.What does Miss White look like?AShe has short stra

3、ight hair.BShe is short with long curly hair.CShe is tall with long straight hair.()7.What can we learn from the conversation?AThe students have a new school year.BDave likes his new teacher.But Kate doesnt.CKate has a new teacher,but Dave doesnt.听下面一段较长对话,回答第 810 三小题。()8.Wheres the new student from

4、?AJapan.BCanada.CAmerica.()9.What does the new student like?APlaying basketball.BReading books.CPlaying chess.()10.What is Joe like?AHe is talkative.BHe is a little quiet.CHe is a little shy.第三节:听独白,回答问题。(10 分)()11.What does Marys father look like?AHe is short and heavy.BHe is tall with short hair.C

5、He is of medium build.()12.Where does Marys mother work?AIn a hospital.BIn a store.CIn a bank.()13.How many people are there in Marys family?AFour.BFive.CSix.()14.Who is of medium height?AMary.BBen.CMarys father.()15.Who has long hair?ALinda.BMary.CMarys mother.笔试部分(80 分)二、完形填空(10 分)Mr.Smith works i

6、n a middle school.He teaches English.He is really _16_.He _17_ his students and they also like him.He spends a lot of time _18_ his students.He often does some reading and writing.Sometimes he plays basketball with his students.When hes _19_,he is also very busy.So he cant help his wife do any _20_.

7、Mrs.Smith often do _21_ at home,like cooking,_22_,cleaning the rooms and helping her daughter with her homework.Its Saturday.Their daughter,Kate,is _23_ her homework in her bedroom.She wants _24_ her mother a question.Her mother doesnt answer her question,_25_ she says,“Ask your father,he is a good

8、teacher.”Kate knows her mother is angry with her father.()16.Afunny but tiring Bhandsome but scary Ccold and boring Dcool and fun()17.A.looks like Bis strict with Cis friendly to Dis angry with()18.A.on Bwith Cin Dfor()19.A.at home Bat work C in bed D in the classroom()20.A.washing Bcooking Ccleanin

9、g Dhousework()21.A.the same thing Bthe thing C different thing D the same things()22.A.washes clothes B washing clothes C wash clothes D to wash clothes()23.A.do Bto do Cdoing Ddoes()24.A.ask Basks Cto ask Dasking()25.A.and Bbut Cor Dbecause 三、阅读理解(30 分)A My name is Tom.My best friends are John and

10、Ann.We do many things together.John lives near my house and we are in the same class.Hes fifteen years old and hes tall and thin.He has blonde hair and blue eyes.Hes polite and very clever.Hes good at math and helps me with my homework sometimes.He usually wears jeans and a T-shirt,but in the photo

11、hes wearing black trousers and a yellow Tshirt.We also play basketball at a nearby park together and sometimes we play video games at my house.Ann doesnt go to our school.Shes short and slim with straight brown hair and brown eyes.Shes a little bit shy.We all have kung fu lessons on Tuesday and Frid

12、ay afternoons.We love them.Ann is really good at kung fu.We call her the“kung fu kid”.She sometimes plays basketball with us,too.In the picture she is wearing a dress,but she doesnt usually wear skirts or dresses.She often wears a Tshirt and a baseball cap(帽).The three of us have great fun together.

13、()26.What thing do the three children do together?APlay baseball.BPlay basketball.CPlay tennis.DPlay video games.()27.What are John and Anns favorite clothes?ATshirts.BJeans.CTrousers.DJackets.()28.Who is good at math?ATom.BAnn.CJohn.DWe dont know.()29.When do the children have kung fu lessons?AOn T

14、hursday and Friday afternoons.BOn Tuesday mornings.COn Friday mornings.DOn Tuesday and Friday afternoons.()30.Where do they play video games?AIn the nearby park.BAt Johns house.CAt Toms house.DAt Anns house.B There are many minions(小黄人)in the movie Despicable Me(神偷奶爸).They are all small robots(机器人).

15、The color of their skin(皮肤)is the same as that of banana skin,and bananas are their favorite food.Their arms and legs are short,so they look very funny.Minions are small,but they are smart and hardworking.Carl,Tim and Mel are three of the minions in the movie.Carl is of medium height.He has one eye.

16、There are three red lights on his head.He can use them to tell others there is fire(火).Tim has two eyes.He is very tall and thin.His hair is straight and black.He wears blue trousers.Mel has one eye.His trousers are blackandwhite and there is the number“001”on them.()31.Minions are from a _.Amovie B

17、book Cgame DTV show()32.Minions have _ skin.Ablue Byellow Cblack Dwhite()33.We know the minions _.Aare all big Bhave long arms Cdont like working Dare small but smart()34.The underlined word“lights”means“_”in Chinese.A武器 B灯 C腰带 D玩具()35.Which one is Mel?A.B.C.D.C Vanilla is my best friend.She is of m

18、edium height.She is a cute girl with beautiful big eyes.But she always hides them behind a pair of black glasses.Why?Because she cant see and she is afraid that others make fun of(取笑)her.Amy is our English teacher.She is from America.She is tall with long hair.The students in our class all like her,

19、because she knows each of us very well and she cares about(关心)us.After knowing how Vanilla feels about her eyes,she wants her to learn something.On Sunday,Amy asks Vanilla to go shopping with her.So they go to a busy street.On the street corner(角落),they stop.“Where are we,Miss Brown?”asks Vanilla.“W

20、e are on a street corner.And there are many people here.I will describe them to you,”says Amy.“Why?”Vanilla feels curious(好奇的).“You will know.Here comes a boy.He looks happy with his parents,but he has to speak to them with gestures(手势).Also,there is a woman sitting there.She is playing the violin,b

21、ut she cant see.”“I get it,Miss Brown,”Vanilla says happily.()36.What is Amys last name?ASmith.BBrown.CJackson.DDean.()37.What does Vanilla look like?AShe is short with big eyes.BShe is tall with long hair.CShe is of medium height with black glasses.DShe is of medium height with small eyes.()38.Vani

22、lla always wears a pair of black glasses because _.Ashe is nearsighted(近视的)Bshe wants to look cool Cher eyes are small Dshe doesnt want others to see her eyes()39.We can learn that _.Athe woman is playing the guitar to make money Bthe boy uses gestures because he cant speak English CVanilla and the

23、woman have the same problem DAmy takes Vanilla to go shopping on Saturday()40.What does Vanillas teacher want to tell her?AShe needs to live a happy life.BEveryone has a health problem.CThe boy and the woman are not happy.DPeople with defects(缺陷)can still live happily.四、词汇运用(15 分)A)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。d

24、ifferent way act put another 41I like the _ because he is very handsome.42What about _ the book on the desk?43I dont like this color.Could you show me _ one?44All the students do the job _ 45Our teacher teaches us in many different _.B)根据汉语提示完成短文。There is a student from China in our class.He is of 4

25、6_(中等的)height.He is very good at his lessons.He likes math and science.His English is good,too.But he is also very shy.He doesnt talk too much with us because he thinks that there are so many differences.His skin(皮肤)is yellow and doesnt look like ours.He has short,black and 47_(直的)hair.He doesnt wea

26、r 48_(眼镜).He has a 49_(圆的)face with two big eyes and a small 50_(嘴巴).But we are all 51_(不同的)from him.Jims hair is yellow and much longer than his.Daves hair is 52_(卷曲的)and brown.Kittys hair is 53_(金色的).Our builds and clothes seem to be strange(奇怪的)in his eyes,too.Peter is a boy.He is tall and 54_(瘦的

27、),but he wears a colorful Tshirt.Bob is short and he always wears 55_(牛仔裤).五、语法填空(10 分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。I love listening to music in my free time.Taylor Swift and Lala are two 56_(sing)I like best.Now I want 57_(tell)something about them.Taylor Swift is 58_ the United States.She i

28、s a tall and beautiful girl.She is 180 cm in 59_(high).She sings very well and she is also good at 60_(write)songs.Whats more,Taylor is interested in acting very much.She is 61_ actress,too.I like every movie she acted in.Lala is Xu Jiayings English name.She lives 62_ Taiwan,China.Lala is a lovely g

29、irl with big eyes and long straight black hair.Lalas songs sound wonderful 63_ she also writes songs.She enjoys 64_(visit)different cities and countries in her free time.She says it helps her 65_(sing)more great songs.六、任务型阅读(5 分)根据短文内容,完成表格,并回答第 70 小题。I will describe three people to you.One of them

30、 is a criminal.Then you must decide which person is the criminal.Jane weighs 69 kilos and is 1.75 meters tall.Her age is 39 and the size of her shoes is 8.At the time of the crime,she was wearing a brown dress.She has a sports car.Jim is 30 years old and wears size 8 shoes.He is 1.82 meters tall and

31、 weighs 68 kilos.He was wearing a green suit(西装)on that day.He has a sports car,too.Nancy is 22 years old,weighs 52 kilos,and is only 1.50 meters tall.She wears size 5 shoes.She was in a red blouse and skirt on the day of the crime.She drives a very fast sports car.The criminal is under 40 years old

32、 and weighs between 60 and 70 kilos.The height is about 1.80 meters.The shoe size is 8 or 9.We think the criminal is wearing green clothes and driving a small fast car.Name Age Weight Height Shoe size Clothing Transportation Jane 39 69 1.75 8 66_ _ a sports car Jim 30 68 1.82 8 67_ _ a sports car Na

33、ncy 22 52 68_ 5 69_ a sports car _ _ 70.Who is the criminal?_.七、书面表达(10 分)71弗兰克已经两天没有回家了,他的父母非常着急。请你根据表格中提供的弗兰克个人资料,帮他的父母写一则寻人启事。词数 80 左右,表格中的信息必须全部用上,可适当发挥。开头已给出,不计入总词数。Name Frank Age 6 Appearance 矮的,中等身材,短头发,圆脸,大眼睛,小嘴巴,戴黑色眼镜 Clothes 黄色 T 恤,蓝色牛仔裤,白色运动鞋 Tel.8765-4768 Were looking for our son.We have

34、nt seen him for two days._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Worried Parents 参考答案 听力材料 第一节:听小对话,回答问题。1M:Does your new friend have long curly hair,Tina?W:No.She has long straight hair.2W:What animal is it in the picture?M:Wow!It has a long nose.3M:Whats your brothers job,Ann?W:He is an artist.4W:What is the story

35、about in the newspaper?M:A criminal kills two people.5M:Does the actress wear a red hat?W:No.She wears a pair of glasses.第二节:听长对话,回答问题。听下面一段较长对话,回答第 67 两小题。W:Hi,Dave.Do you have a new teacher this term?M:Yes,its Mr.Brown.He teaches math.W:Is he the tall man with short straight hair?M:Yes,you are rig

36、ht.I really like him!Who is your new teacher,Kate?W:My new English teacher is Miss White.Shes short with long curly hair.M:Do you like her?W:Yes.She is beautiful.And she makes her classes interesting.听下面一段较长对话,回答第 810 三小题。M:Do you know we have a new student from Japan?W:What does he look like?M:He h

37、as brown hair and he is of medium build.W:Does he like playing basketball?M:No,he doesnt,but he likes playing chess.W:I think I know who he is.He often plays chess with Joe.M:Yes,thats him.His name is Peter.Sometimes he is a little quiet.W:I really dont know how they can be friends.You know Joe like

38、s talking.第三节:听独白,回答问题。Hello,Im Mary.I have a happy family.My father works in a hospital.He is tall and has short hair.My mother works in a bank.She is thin.She has short curly hair.I have a brother and a sister.My brothers name is Ben.He is of medium height,and he has short hair.My sister is Linda.

39、She is a little heavy.She has long blonde hair.听力部分 一、15.CCBAA 610.BAACA 1115.BCBBA 笔试部分 二、1620.DCBAD 2125.DBCCB 三、2630.BACDC 3135.ABDBB 3640.BCDCD 四、41.actor 42.putting 43.another 44.differently 45.ways 46.medium 47.straight 48.glasses 49round 50.mouth 51.different 52.curly 53.blonde 54.thin 55.jea

40、ns 五、56.singers 57.to tell 58.from 59.height 60writing 61.an 62.in 63.and 64.visiting 65.(to)sing 六、66.a brown dress 67.a green suit 68.1.50 69.a red blouse and skirt 70.Jim 七、71.One possible version:Were_looking_for_our_son._We_havent_seen_him_for_two_days._His name is Frank.He is a sixyearold boy.

41、He is short and of medium build.He has short hair.He has a round face with two big eyes and a small mouth.He is a cute boy and he is wearing a pair of black glasses.He wears a yellow T-shirt,blue jeans and white sports shoes.If you find someone who looks like him,please call us at 87654768.Thank you very much.Worried_Parents


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