Unit1 How can I get there第六课时.ppt

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《Unit1 How can I get there第六课时.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit1 How can I get there第六课时.ppt(12页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、第六课时,lets checkstory time,Unit 1 How can I get there?,review!,Robin,Crossing,bookstore,Turn left,compass,GPS,cinema,Post office,Go straight,hospital,Turn right,Presentation,Listen and tick the places you hear .write the words under the pictures.,Lets check,Post office,cinema,museum,school,bookstore,

2、He wants to go to the museum.,He can see the bookstore,go straight ahead.then turn right at the cinema.finally,he can at the museum.,On the left of,In front of,On the right of,Story time,Practice,works,three,Fill out,go straight,turn left,at the bookstore,turn right,Extension & Consolidation,堂清:,1、生

3、日快乐2、打扰一下3、在周六,A、excuse me .B、on saturday.C、Happy birthday.,堂清时间:,在前面,美味的,伦敦之眼,It looks tasty.,最后,伦敦之眼在哪里?,它与电影博物馆邻近在泰晤士河的附近。,我的胃不舒服!,In front of,tasty,London Eye,Where is the London Eye?,My stomach hurts!,它看起来很美味。,finally,Its next to the film museum near the Thames.,Homework,Listen and recite “story time”.,2. 完成英才教程中相关练习。,3. 默写今天学习的单词。,


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