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1、介绍海伦凯勒的英语作文(精彩10篇)高二海伦凯勒英语作文 篇一 Helen Keller is the American writer and educator. In 1882, when she was more than a year old, because a high fever, brain damage, from then on, her eyes could not see, ears to hear, then, even words also said not to come out. She grew up groping in the dark. At the ag

2、e of seven, the family hired a private tutor for her, is also affect Helen Sullivan teacher of life. Sullivan eyes also almost blind in childhood, to understand the loss of the light. Under the guidance of her hard work, Helen touch to learn sign language, touch the braille card learned to read, the

3、n with the hand to touch other peoples lips, finally learn to speak. Sullivan teacher in order to let Helen close to nature, let her roll on the grass, in the field to run and jump, sow the seeds in the fields, climbed up the tree to eat; Also take her to touch newborn piglets, also to the river to

4、play water. Helen under the care of teachers love to overcome barriers to blind and deaf, finished college. In 1936, and her elbow fifty years of the teacher left the room, Helen was very sad. Helen know, without the teachers love, there would be no today, she was determined to give the teacher to h

5、er love. So, Helen, big and small cities around the United States, travel around the world, for the disabled people on the road, with all my heart to serve those unfortunate people. 介绍海伦凯勒的英语作文 篇二 Watching the Helen Keller movie, I surging, I be Helen made such a big achievement, that kind of toughn

6、ess, be Helen shocked by his spirit bumpy moved. The film tells the story of Helen Keller in her birth nineteen months time, because of illness, lost valuable listening and vision, so she became a deaf, dumb, and blind severe disabled. She doesnt like normal person study, the life, but Helen Keller

7、in teacher Annes help, her overcome her sick. Learn to use hand talk, and mastered English, French, German, Latin, Greece five kinds of words, In her 24 years old, she graduate with excellent results in the famous Harvard University, it completely changed keller life. See the film, gave me great com

8、prehend: a deaf and dumb people can have made so great achievement, how surprising. If Helen Keller had succumbed to unfortunate fate, then it will become a poor YuWei parasites。 But she didnt head to fate, she with amazing perseverance, indomitable spirit, carvered wonderful life path. Helen is a d

9、isabled, but her mind is key just and free, longing for the future, she himwith a single indomitable heart, created a miracle in human history, and with lovingkindnehands holding the world of the disabled. She is our pride, our example. Helens life, are tough, will give to us great encouragement, so

10、 that those who idling people very regret. Helen unyielding life, not only gives us a lot of enlightenment: we these healthy people, not away your youth, we should treasure this beautiful life, cherish the happineof life. Dont wait for lost regret it, then already too late. From Helen Keller body, I

11、 realized profoundly: a person will achieve, is not the condition quality, but in any struggle and progressive spirit. Had a target, just have the power, for this goal, will certainly encounter all sorts of difficulties, but as long as we march forward courageously, we will overcome all the difficul

12、ties and achieving brilliant achievements. 让我感动的海伦凯勒作文 篇三 有一个美丽而伟大的女性,一生生活在黑暗无声的世界里,却演绎着传奇与辉煌。她就是19世纪伟大的女性之一海伦凯勒。在百年后的今天,当我读完她的自传假如给我三天光明后,仿佛海伦就在我的身边,如火炬一般刺亮了我的眼睛,重新面对自己的人生。 在她19个月失去视觉和听觉后,就与这个世界失去了沟通和联系,对知识的渴求,使她在常人难以想象的单调和枯燥中竟然学会了德语、拉丁语、法语等多国语言,阅读了多部文学和哲学名著,吸取着那些伟人和智者的思想精髓。她把学习比做攀登奇山险峰,跌倒了再爬上去,每得到

13、一点进步,就有一份鼓舞,逐渐看到更为广阔的世界,直到璀璨的云端、蓝天的深处、希望的顶峰!这些知识,像一道道彩虹,点亮了海伦心中的灯,照亮了她的内心世界,也架起了海伦和这个世界沟通的桥梁! 她是无数的残疾人的偶像,但她也同样震撼着我们这些正常人。她的一生是人类的奇迹,她的自传,使我汗颜,也使我警醒。 在这个世界上,为什么只有聋人才珍惜失而复得的听觉?只有盲人才珍惜重见天日的幸福? 我想到了最近残奥会开幕式的节目永不停跳的舞步,在汶川地震中失去左腿的11岁女孩李月坐在轮椅上的芭蕾表演,百名聋哑孩子用他们的双手化作李月的双腿。用他们永不停跳的舞步,向全世界展现了梦想的美丽和生命的坚强。 让我感动的海

14、伦凯勒作文 篇四 马克吐温说过:“十九世纪有两个奇人,一个是拿破仑,另一个是海伦凯勒。” 最近我拜读了海伦假如给我三天光明。读完这本书后,我被海伦的精神深深震撼了! 海伦是不幸的,在她11个月的时候,因一场疾病失去了视觉和听觉,而后也失去了言语功能,从此她就与这个世界失去了沟通,失去了联系。这对任何人来说,都是不能接受的。但海伦又是幸运的。1887年3月3日,家里为海伦请了一位家教,也就是影响海伦一生的老师安妮莎莉文老师。莎莉文小时候眼睛也差不多失明了,她对失去光明的痛苦有更多的切肤之疼。也许是同病相怜,莎莉文老师跟海伦相处很融洽,很投缘。作为家教的莎莉文老师开始教海伦写字。对于这样一个残疾人


16、还成为一名作家、教育家、社会活动家,多么的了不起! 海伦面对不幸没有消沉,而是自强不息,奋力抗争,最终成为一个有益于人类,有益于社会的人! 我真真的佩服海伦! 让我感动的海伦凯勒作文 篇五 她曾经害怕过,失落过,伤心过但是,她最终走出了她黑暗而又无知的世界。在那黑暗的世界之中,她曾经找不到光,找不到人,她曾经孤单着,落寞着,可她最终还是没有放弃那一丝希望。在那个地方,是她第一次知道,自己也可以与其他人一样。 看过假如给我三天光明的各位都对海伦凯勒不陌生,她是里面的主人公,她一岁时生了一场大病,失明了,全家上下都宠着她,她也因此而像个暴君,直到安妮走进她的世界,把她带出了那个失明的世界,在安妮的

17、指导下,她像是能看见整个世界一般。而她,姝凝,算是我的堂妹。她也是一位失明的孩子。 姝凝长得很平常,因为失明,她显得更加颓废,没有一点生气。尽管父母在努力地告诉她不是只有她一个失明的孩子,不是异类,她仍旧是那般颓废。我一直认为她就像假如给我三天光明里还没遇见安妮的海伦凯勒那般,像个暴君。直到那天,我才明白,原来她是那样努力。 那天,妹妹撕烂了我的作业本,妈妈却向着妹妹,我十分生气,便跑了出来,在小姨家的小树林里散心。那时正是深秋的黄昏时分,地上铺满了枫叶,夕阳照入树林,斑斑驳驳,像是阳光打在地上。我抬头,还是一样的景色枫叶。我的心情越来越烦躁,她却出现在我的视线里。她站在我的左边,并没有发现我

18、,小心翼翼地走着,生怕自己跌倒了,她就像刚刚学会走路的婴儿一般,笨拙地走着每一步。 那时,我听小姨说过:“姝凝啊,就是不愿意别人帮她,脾气倔得很!也不愿意去上学,医生说这样很影响她的心理。我和你姨父就担心这样沉默,会得抑郁症。可是她就是不愿意说话。”于是,我便不敢上前,看着她笨拙地走着,谁知,她却停了下来:“谁在那?”她知道我在?“姝凝。”我担心地望向她,我们全家都知道她最讨厌别人看着她做事,“堂姐?”她认出了我来,“你”她欲言又止,我的心却提到了嗓子眼儿,听表兄妹说,她的脾气可不是一般的差。 “算了,我先回去了。”她没有跟我多说,转身想走,我拉住她,说:“我可以帮你学习走路。”她甩开我的手,

19、冷冷地说了一句:“我不需要。妈妈跟你们说过,我不喜欢别人帮我。”“你为什么想学走路?”我也是个出了名的倔脾气,我的话像是触动了她,她回答道:“我不想变成异类。” “但是你并不是异类,你跟我们一样,只是眼睛看不见。你可以试着跟我们一样,你也可以变成一个正常人,大家都会帮你。我可以读一本书给你听,那里面的主人公,也是一个失明的孩子。”我尝试着慢慢引导她,“是假如给我三天光明吗?家教老师给我讲过。”她有些激动,可是那一丝激动又马上消失了。 “可是你不觉得你也可以变成像海伦凯勒那样吗?不说你写作,你也可以像她那样慢慢走出那个黑暗的世界。”我并不觉得她会反对这个问题,因为她看起来很希望自己能那样。“尽管

20、我想,但是我遇不到安妮。”她的语气都慢慢低沉下来。“我可以像安妮一样教你。”我十分愿意教她,因为我对这个事情十分感兴趣。她突然抬起头,她并不知道我在哪个位置,所以不停地问我:“真的吗?堂姐,你在哪里?你在哪里” 我握住她不停挥动地小爪子,轻轻地笑了,她也笑了,仿佛已经看到了她以后的样子,虽然失明,但是她不是异类,她能知道附近有什么! 夕阳下,我们肩并肩走在小道上,余晖把我们的影子拉得很长,很长 高二海伦凯勒英语作文 篇六 Early in the morning, the sun is not up to the hill, Helen just woke up, she softly sit

21、 to the front of the desk, opened a thick braille books. She feels with relish, pages and pages. The uneven braille, scratched his fingers of Helen, a terrible pain, Helen like an electric shock convulsions, but she didnt stop, but the wound on his mouth containing the containing, bite the bullet to

22、 touch up again. At noon, the sun rose to the sky, it is lunch time. Mother had already prepared a table, waiting for Helen to enjoy, but not see the figure of little Helen, it turns out that she still immersed in the endless ocean of knowledge, not extricate oneself! Mother pulled Helens hand and m

23、otioned for her to eat lunch, reading was happy Helen how to put down that interesting book! She shook her head and continued to use finger to read braille. The food hot and hot, Helen to read while eating. At night, people are asleep, even in the home guard dog lying in her nest, taken a nap. Helen

24、 is still hungry. Night, the temperature decrease, Helen made some sneeze in a row, after a while, a burst of and a tiredness coming toward her, she quickly shook his head, wake up, but after a few minutes, and sleepy, she bit your own tongue, pain has finally made her awake, she again make spirit,

25、an extremely continue to swim in the sea of knowledge. A braille book by Helen finished reading, but a terrible pain let she barked, it turns out that hand injuries increased. She dont want to disturb my mom and dad, and picked up another book, she was too sleepy, lie prone on the table, and fell as

26、leep. 海伦凯勒英语作文 篇七 Helen Keller lived in the USA. She was a great woman. Helen was blind and deaf. She couldnt see anything or hear anything. Her parents are very sad. A teacher helped Helen study words. Helen studied them very hard when she grew up. She went to college. In Helen Kellers life, she wr

27、ote fourteen books and her first book is My Life。 The book If you give me three days light is very famous. She has some words: Be of good cheer. Do not think of todays failures, but of the success that may come tomorrow. You have set yourself a difficult task, but you will succeed if you persevere;

28、and you will find joy in overcoming obstacles. Though she was blind and deaf, she found a way to see and hear. 让我感动的海伦凯勒作文 篇八 有时候我想,要是人们把活着的每一天都看做什么的最后一天该多好!这就可能献出什么的价值, (美)海伦凯勒 海伦凯勒出生于1882年,正是春天百鸟鸣叫的时候。可是出生没过多久,她一直发烧不退,医生们诊断结果是急性胃充血和脑充血,其实她已经开始慢慢失去视觉和听觉,但是她还是个婴儿,所以她的家人和医生都全然不知。过了一段时间海伦凯勒的家人已经发现她开始听

29、不见,看不见,不久也不会说话了。她就在黑暗和寂静总长大的。直到7岁的时候安妮沙利文小姐来当她的家庭教师,莎莉文小姐用触觉的方法教她学单词,有一次老师把布娃娃给他玩,再在她手上一直写“doll”这个单词,又有一次她的脑子对水和杯子的英语有口角。老师就把她带到水井旁边,让她去摸水,直到她会写“water”这个单词后来经过努力考到了美国哈佛大学。得到了公民中荣誉最高的总统自由勋章,等奖项。 我在海伦凯勒身上知道不要小瞧路上的盲人,其实他们的内心是坚强的,我们一定要努力学习,因为我们比起那些不会说话,又听不见,看不见的人来说要强多了。既然我们比他们有优势就更应努力学习。海伦凯勒在听不见的情况下学了说话

30、,那么我们还有什么困难克服不了的呢?以后,我假如碰到难题一点会想起海伦凯勒的坚强和勇敢,我也一定会坚强、勇敢。 海伦凯勒英语作文 篇九 a person who is deaf when he is born, is usually dumb as well. there seems to be nothing wrong with his mouth and tongue, but he cannot speak. this is because, as he is deaf, he cannot hear other people, and therefore has nothing to

31、 imitate. he may try to make sounds himself, but he cannot hear his own voice. however, even though he finds it difficult to speak and cannot hear, he can see. he can therefore learn to read. nowadays he can also be taught to speak because we have modern methods and equipment, but we did not have th

32、ese when helen keller was born. helen keller was born in a small alabama town in 1880. when she was nineteen months old, she fell ill and had a fever. she became blind and deaf. she could not municate with anyone, and no one could municate with her. she grew frustrated and angry. she threw things an

33、d broke things. then in 1887, a teacher, annie sullivan arrived at the home of the kellers to be helens tutor. though miss sullivan herself had been blind, she had been partly cured, and although she could not see very well, she was not blind. she remained as helens tutor and friend for fifty years.

34、 miss sullivan began to work with helen. she taught her to make different movements with her fingers. the movements represented the letters of the alphabet. helen learned to make the movements, but she did not understand their meaning. she did not know that the letters were related to something in t

35、he world. but, one morning miss sullivan took helen to a water pond, and she put helens hand under the water. at the same time she spelled the letters w-a-t-e-r on helens other hand. at that moment, helen understood. later in her life, she said, somehow the mystery of language was revealed to me. i

36、knew then that w-a-t-e-r was the wonderful cool something flowing over my hand helen was smart and learned quickly. soon she knew many words. when she was eight years old, she went to a school for the blind in boston, and she learned to read books written for blind people. she even went to college a

37、nd had a full education. she wrote many books, too. although other people had written books about her, people agreed that her own books are the ones that best explain how it feels to be deaf, dumb and blind. her best book is the story of my life. perhaps you have read it. though it was written in 19

38、02, it still is a very exciting book. even if you have not read it, you may have heard of helen keller. 介绍海伦凯勒的英语作文 篇十 A person who is deaf when he is born, is usually dumb as well. there seems to be nothing wrong with his mouth and tongue, but he cannot speak. this is because, as he is deaf, he can

39、not hear other people, and therefore has nothing to imitate. he may try to make sounds himself, but he cannot hear his own voice. however, even though he finds it difficult to speak and cannot hear, he can see. he can therefore learn to read. nowadays he can also be taught to speak because we have m

40、odern methods and equipment, but we did not have these when helen keller was born. Helen keller was born in a small alabama town in 1880. when she was nineteen months old, she fell ill and had a fever. she became blind and deaf. she could not municate with anyone, and no one could municate with her.

41、 she grew frustrated and angry. she threw things and broke things. Then in 1887, a teacher, annie sullivan arrived at the home of the kellers to be helens tutor. though miss sullivan herself had been blind, she had been partly cured, and although she could not see very well, she was not blind. she r

42、emained as helens tutor and friend for fifty years. Miss sullivan began to work with helen. she taught her to make different movements with her fingers. the movements represented the letters of the alphabet. helen learned to make the movements, but she did not understand their meaning. she did not k

43、now that the letters were related to something in the world. but, one morning miss sullivan took helen to a water pond, and she put helens hand under the water. at the same time she spelled the letters w-a-t-e-r on helens other hand. at that moment, helen understood. later in her life, she said, som

44、ehow the mystery of language was revealed to me. i knew then that w-a-t-e-r was the wonderful cool something flowing over my hand. Helen was smart and learned quickly. soon she knew many words. when she was eight years old, she went to a school for the blind in boston, and she learned to read books

45、written for blind people. she even went to college and had a full education. She wrote many books, too. although other people had written books about her, people agreed that her own books are the ones that best explain how it feels to be deaf, dumb and blind. her best book is the story of my life. perhaps you have read it. though it was written in 1902, it still is a very exciting book. even if you have not read it, you may have heard of helen keller.15


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