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1、冀教版六年级上册英语教案作者:winterflower Lesson 1 At the Airport 一、教学目标(一)知识目标1.学生能听懂会读本课课文。2.使学生通过练习复习句子:What time is it?It s _.复习所学过的时间表达法。(二)能力目标1.学生能够模仿课文对话,能练习相互问候的日常用语。2.培养以旧带新掌握一定的语言技巧的能力,练习该如何表达时间。(三)情感目标以情感培养人,培养学生珍惜时间的好习惯。二、教学重点掌握 what time is it?It s三、教学难点学生能够准确的用英语表达时间。四、教学用具录音机,磁带五、教学资源2:10 two ten

2、or ewo past ten.4:30 four thirty or half past four.9:00 nine o clock or nine.5:45 five forty-five or a quarter to six.六、教学过程:Step 1:Review 1)Play a game:“The number game”to review number,play with numbers up to ten thousand.2)Review some phrases:What day is it?What time is it?Step 2:Presentation and

3、 practice 1.引出新课题,教授新单词airport,教读数遍并让学生明白单词的意思。2.Ask and answer:1).Who is this?JennyDannyLi Ming.2).Where does Jenny live?Canada.Where does Li Ming live?China.3)How long is it from September 1 to June 25?Ss count the months:October November December January February June.Wow!That sten months.3.Teach

4、ing“What time is it?”1)指着自己的手腕处,T:What time is it?(强调连读is it)S:“It s _”Explain that we use“o clock”only on the hour.2)Demonstrate:T draws a clock on the blackboard.More the hands on the clock as T asks and answer the question.Then get volunteers to answer the question.Eg:2:40 two forty 5:10 five ten

5、 6:37 six thirty seven 9:00 nine o clock3.Practice:1)Practice in pairs.2)Ask the volunteers to more the hands on the clock as they ask and answer the question.4.Teaching“the text”1)When the students listen to the tape,think over the question:a.Why does LiMing come to Canada(He wants to learn English

6、)b.When does Li Ming arrive?c.What time did Li Ming s plane arrive?d.Who meets him at the airport?e.Did he have a good trip?2)Read the dialogue and discuss the questions in groups.3)Ask the students to answer the questions.4)Read by themselves,then read role-play.Step 3.Homework Make up a dialogue a

7、bout meeting someone at the airport.Use“What time is it?It s.”七、Blackboard Lesson 1 At the Airport 5 o clockWhat time is it?6 o clock It s5:25.Lesson2 Jenny s House一、教学目标:(一)知识目标:1、能听、说、读、写单词:room;kitchen;bathroom;living room 2、能用英语简单描述自己的家中的各个房间。(二)能力目标:学生能正确运用英语描述家中的房间,能在创设的情境中进行交流,使语言交际与表达能力进一步得到

8、提高。(三)情感目标:1、激发学生学习英语的浓厚兴趣,培养学习主动性,感受学英语的乐趣。2、培养学生要热爱家庭、热爱生活。二、教学重点、难点:(一)教学重点:能正确运用room;kitchen;bathroom;living room,能准确理解课文内容。(二)教学难点:能正确理解两个名词性物主代词mine,yours。三.教具、学具:Some pictures,vocabulary cards,audiotape and the tape recorder 四、教学资源:起居室和客厅的区别简单的说,区别:客厅主要是用来接待客人的地方,起居室主要是家人一起聊天,看电视的地方。因为咱们现在的条件

9、有限,一般人家是把客厅和起居室没有分开,一个空间,两种功能。五、Teaching steps:Step 1.Class Opening 1.Greetings:T:Good morning,boys and girls!S:Good morning,Miss Sun!T:How are you today?S:I m fine,thank you.And you?T:I m fine,too.Thank you.Where do you live?S1:I live in an apartment.S2:I live in a house.Step 2.Revision Use vocabul

10、ary cards to review t he words“house”,“classroom”,“bathroom”,“bed”.Step 3.Key concepts:room,kitchen,bathroom,living room 1.Introduce:a.Use posters of rooms to demonstrate each word.b.Point out the word“room”in bathroom,bedroom and living room.c.Free talk:Let the students introduce their rooms and th

11、e things in it.2.Student book:a.Play the audiotape as the students follow in their books.b.1).T:In our book,there are two new words.“mine and yours”T:This is my book.This is mine.T:This is my coat.This is mine.T:That is your pencil.That is yours.T:That is your shirt.That is yours.T:Do you know the m

12、eaning?S:Yes.Mine 是我的.Yours 是你的.2).Ss say sentences freely,they should hold some objects in their hands or point to the objects and make the others clear about their meaning.T:(Point to a book)This is mine S:This is my book.Step 4:Practice:Use a picture-prompt drill.Hold up vocabulary cards for obje

13、cts found in particular room.T:(Hold up the card for toilet)Where does this go?It goes in the.S:bathroom.T:Very good.It goes in the bathroom.TV,couch and lamp go with kitchen.Bathtub,shower and toilet go with bathroom.Divide the class into small groups.Ask each group to make up a dialogue about show

14、ing someone around a new house.Step 5:Consolidation 1.Fill the blanks.T:I write some sentences for my house.,but I can t write the name of rooms.Can you help me?S:Fill in the blanks in small groups.Ask one volunteer to show.Step 5:Homework:Write some sentences to describe your rooms in your house.六、

15、板书设计:Lesson 2 Jenny s Houseroom kitchen bathroom living room This is my bedroom.This is mine.That is your bedroom.That is yours.Lesson 3:Making Breakfast 一、教学目标(一)认知目标1.使学生争取掌握(正确地说、读、写、用)单词:make,stove,refrigerator,cook,sink.2.学生能够理解并且掌握句型:What would you like for breakfast?I would like a/an/some_,pl

16、ease.(二)能力目标1.使学生能进一步掌握更多有关厨房的名词,扩充词汇量。2.能运用本课所学的内容及以前学过的相关句子结合实际生活情况表达自己感情和意愿。(三)情感目标学习课文后,让学生能够领悟到父母劳碌的辛苦,鼓励学生们多帮助爸爸妈妈做家务。二、教学重难点使学生学会读写单词:make,stove,refrigerator,cook,sink.并应用。三、教学用具录音机,磁带,单词卡片五、Teaching Steps:Step 1 Class opening and Review 1.Greetings.Say“hello”to everyone.2.Review:1)Play“What

17、time is it?“to review the way to say some times.2)Play“Draw and guess”to review the words of food.T:What would you like for breakfast?S:I would like a,an/some _.Step 2 Presentation 1.Teach“make and cook”T:We learned some words of the kitchen.Now let s make breakfast.T:First of all,I want to know wha

18、t do you want to cook?(Explain“cook”)Ask the students to come to the front to write the answer.(“cook”是做饭的意思。多暗示加热食物,当你需要使用炉灶的时候,用cook.)S1:I want to cook _.S2:I want to cook _.2.Teach the new words“refrigerator,stove and sink”1)Show a picture of kitchen:T:Where is it?Is it a bedroom?S In the kitchen

19、.T:What can you see in the kitchen?S:2)T:What s this?S:T:It s a refrigerator.(Hold up your vocabulary card for refrigerator.)T:Is a refrigerator cold?S:Yes.2)T:Is this cold?(Hold up the card for stove)S:No.T:Great!A stove is hot.Follow me.T:Does a stove have some water?S:No.3)T:Does a sink have wate

20、r?S:Yes.T:Very good.A sink has some water.4)Play“Simon says“to practice the new words.5)Ask the students to come to the front to read.Step3 Drill and Practice 1.Study the dialogue T:.S:Good morning,Miss Sun!T:What would you like for breakfast?S:T:Let s cook eggs on the stove.Please put some dishes o

21、n the table.S:.T:Now breakfast is ready.This is yours.This is mine.What s the meaning of“yours”and“mine”?2.Open your books,read the part one and answer my question.What would Jenny and Li Ming like for breakfast?3.Listen to the tape and fill in the blank.1)Mum is _ eggs on the _.2)The juice is in th

22、e _.3)Let s put the _ on the _.4)We wash _ in the _.4.Role-play the dialogue.Divide the class into small groups.Ask each group to make up a dialogue about making a meal in a kitchen.Step 4 Homework 1.Make a dialogue.2.write a short dialogue or passage about a meal in a kitchen.六、板书设计:Lesson3:Making

23、Breakfast Make breakfast What would you like for breakfast?Cook on the stove I would like a,an _,please.Wash in the sink dish-dishes I would like some _,please.refrigerator cold inside Lesson4:In the Bathroom 一、教学目标:1、知识目标:掌握单词bathtub,shower,toilet,mine,yours,理解 mine,yours 的含义,并会在句子中应用。2、能力目标:让学生能够理

24、解并会书写这些单词,并在情景中熟练运用。3.情感目标:培养学生讲卫生的好习惯。二、教学重、难点:理解mine,yours 的含义,并会在句子中应用。三、教具、学具:word-cards,tape 五、教学过程:一 Class Opening and Review Greeting.Review:Play a game:“Guessing game”Use some pictures to review“kitchen,living room,bedroom,bathroo m”.Talk about the rooms.二Key concepts:1.Introduce:Use the pos

25、ter about the bathroom to introduce“bathtub,shower,toilet”.2.Demonstrate“mine”and“yours”and practice1)T:(Hold up my pencil)This is my pencil.This is my pencil.It s mine.Where is your pencil?S:(Hold up his or her pencil.)T:(Point to my pencil.)This is my pencil.That is your pencil.This is mine.That i

26、s yours.2)Practice in pairs._ is/are mine._ is/are yours.3.Teach the text 1)Open your books,turn to page8.Listen to the tape to No.1.(The first time)2)Ask the students to guess the meaning of“dirty”and“wash”.Then explain:3)Ask them to read the text and then answer questions.a.Which brush is Li Ming

27、s?b.Which brush is Jenny s?4.Teach“in the bathroom”in Number 2.1)Look at the pictures and say the verbs phrases.2)Play the tape and have your students sing along and do the action.3)Note that Danny says he s“dirty”at the beginning of the song and“clean”at the end of the song.What does“clean”mean?三 C

28、lass closing.六、板书设计:Lesson4 In the Bathroom This is my pencil.It s mine.Where is your pencil?Lesson 5:Making Supper 一、教学目标:1.知识目标:要求学生掌握四会单词:dishes/clean/dirty/wash/dry.2.能力目标:理解并能够运用本课所学内容进行日常的会话练习。3.情感目标:培养学生热爱劳动的思想感情。二、教学重点:本课的四会单词。三、教学难点:clean 和 dirty 的区别与运用。四、教学用具:录音机、教学卡片、实物等。五、教学过程:(一)、Class

29、opening and review 1、Greeting.2、Review:Play a variation of“Where is the world?”to review rooms and objects that go in them.3、Sing“In the Bathroom.”(二)、Key concepts:1.Introduce:Demonstrate the new vocabulary with a basin of water,some dish detergent,some real dishes and a towel.Wash and dry the dishe

30、s and say:These are dishes.These dishes are dirty.Let s wash the dishes in the sink.Now,I am washing the dishes.2.Use the student book and audiotape.Pause between Number 1 and Number 2.What will Li Ming do after Jenny says“Please pass me the peas”?3.Practice:Divide that class into small groups.Ask e

31、ach group to make up a dialogue about clean and dirty.Encourage the students to have fun.What gets dirty?How?Where?Play a game such as“Go fish”or“Memory cards”.Play“opposites”and include the new vocabulary.4.Use the activity book.Number 1 is a listening exercise on the audiotape.5.Check for understa

32、nding.(三)Class closing 六、板书设计:Lesson 5:Making Supper.wash dish(dishes)clean dry dirty Lesson6:In the living room 一、教学目标1、知识与技能目标(1)听、说、读、写客厅里的物品TV,chair,couch,以及描述或介绍各个房间及房间里的物品的名称、颜色、位置等。(2)能够牢固掌握现在进行时,并将之灵活运用到课文图片的谈论及实际生活中,就家人在家里的活动用现在进行时进行简单、准确的描述。2、情感及文化目标(1)激发学生听英语、说英语、用英语和他人进行交流的兴趣,敢于用英语进行表达,并

33、能主动利用语言环境大胆实践。(2)鼓励学生根据所学知识谈论自己家客厅的物品及家人,使之能在小组活动中积极参与他人合作,互相帮助,增强学生的团结合作意识。(3)通过学习客厅物品及能家人的描述,教育学生珍惜亲情,热爱家庭,增强学生对家的热爱及对父母的尊重。二、教学重点、难点1、教学重点(1)掌握客厅里的物品单词。如:TV,chair,couch(2)掌握动词短语。如:watch TV,read the newspaper,play cards,write a letter,sit in the chair,sit on the couch.(3)现在进行时的理解、掌握和运用。2、教学难点(1)变现

34、在分词的不同方法。如:playing,reading,watching,writing,sitting(2)掌握现在进行时以及能够熟练运用。三、教具准备电视、小沙发、长沙发的模型以及客厅的图片课件。四、教学资源Chair 表示单人沙发,couch 表示三人沙发,长沙发。五、教学过程(一)step1:warming up A.sing a song“In the living room”B.revision T:where do you live?I live in a house.Here smy house.How many rooms?Guess,what room is it?S1,S2

35、,S3,S4:This is a bedroomliving roomkitchenbathroom T:I have something for my house.I want you to put them in the correct room.(2)step 2:new teaching T:There is a a and in the bedroomkitchenbathroom.But there s nothing in the living room.Guess,what s in my living room?(出示电视、小沙发、长沙发模型)T:I want to watc

36、h TV.(指黑板)Is this a TV?Ss:No,this isn t a TV.This is a blackboard.T:(指椅子)Is this a TV?S:No,th is isn t a TV.This is a chair.T:Where is the TV?S:Here is the TV.T:(出示 Jenny家客厅的图片课件)What can you find in the living room?S1:This is a S2:These are S3:I see S4:I like T:What do you do in the living room?(三)

37、step 3.game 教师让一个学生看动词短语,然后做动作,其他同学回答:what is heshe doing?what are youthey doing?what am I doing?教师把黑板上的短语变成现在进行时的句子。T:today we llmeet a new friend.(出示现在进行时自我介绍的课件)T:ask and answer about the picture.(出示 Jenny家客厅的图片课件)(四)step4:cousolidation T:listen to the tape and answer the question“Iseveryone in t

38、he living room quiet?”Ok,answer the question.T:take out your listening paper,listen and fill the blanks.Listen,repeat and check your answers.(五)step 5.activities T:show a picture of your living room and talk about it with your partner.(六)step7:homework T:Talk about your living room with your friends

39、 and your family.六、板书设计Lesson6:In the living room TV chair couch watch TV read the newspaper play cards write a letter sit in the chair sit on the couch.Lesson 7:Are You Ready for a Quiz?教学目标知识目标重点单词:能从小故事中找到本单元所学的单词,会拼写单词。重点句型:复习本单元常用句型,熟练掌握。能力目标:能看懂故事,提高阅读能力。情感目标:渗透劳动意识,培养劳动习惯。教具、学具:录音机、磁带、图片、小奖品、

40、小黑板教学过程:Class Opening and Review Greeting 在开始上课环节,可以通过师生、生生之间的对话来复习本单元的重点句型What time is it?和一般短语,如:a.Let s help _ _ _.B.What would you like for _?I would like _.(一般短语学生能并听懂即可)并鼓励他们在生活中积极运用。Review Use the quiz in the student book as review.Observe the students closely.(根据我以前的教学经验,学生很喜欢这种寓教于乐的方式。我们可以在

41、游戏的基础上再引入竞争机制。以小组为单位,答对问题多的为优胜组,可以当堂给予一定奖励,也可以将成绩累积,在期中或期末给予鼓励,以调动其学习积极性,并激励其他学生向他们学习,形成学习上的比拼精神。另外,小组机制也可以培养学生之间的团结、合作、互相帮助的品德。)Story Use the storybook and audiotape.Prepare to Read Here are some questions I can use to prepare the students for the story.Use as much English as possible,but allow the

42、 discussion to take place in Chinese where necessary.Who remembers Baby Becky?What is Baby Becky doing in this story?.Read 可以利用录音带和故事书,让学生边听边阅读,阅读完毕能从故事中找出本单元的重点单词,并通过 Find the words.等形式,训练学生熟练拼写单词。Discuss Here are some questions I can use to reinforce the main idea of the story.Did Baby Becky have

43、fun?Did her mother have fun?Why not?Where does Baby Becky“help”her mother cook?How does Baby Becky get dirty?Where does her mother take Baby Becky when she is dirty?Do you like this story?Why or why not?(也可以出一些判断题,帮助学生理解故事,提高学生的英语阅读能力。此外,在讨论故事的过程中,还要向学生渗透劳动意识,培养他们热爱劳动的习惯。)Class Closing 板书设计:Lesson 7

44、:Are you ready for a quiz?1.Is this a refrigerator or a stove?It s a stove.2.Are these dishes clean or dirty?The dishes are clean.3.Is this a bathtub or a shower?It s a shower.4.What is Mr.Smith doing?Mr.Smith is washing the dishes in the sink.5.Where s the toilet?The toilet is in the bathroom.Lesso

45、n 8:Again,Please!一、教学目标:1、知 识 目 标:能 听、说、读、写 单 词bathroom,bathtub,dishes,kitchen,living room,refrigerator,room,shower,sink,stove,toilet,clean,dirty,cook,dry,make,wash,mine,yours.掌握句子 What time is it?Its.2、能力目标:通过师生互动、生生互动培养孩子们的听说及综合语言的运用能力。3、情感目标:让学生了解西方国家的学校教育、民族风情及饮食文化,对比中西方之间的差异。二、教学重难点:掌握本课红单词,红句子

46、,mine 和 yours 的用法,能灵活运用表示时间的说法“What time is it?It s?”三、教具、学具:单词卡片,录音机,实物钟表五、教学过程:1.Greeting.2.Class opening and review.A.Review the words of the rooms bathroom,bathtub,dishes,kitchen,living room,refrigerator,shower,sink,stove,toilet1)Use the cards,let children say the words as quickly as they can.2)

47、Use a game to practice the words.(one student describe the things,the other student guess them.3)Pay attention to the pronunciation of “kitchen and chicken”.I use a chant to practice,“chicken,chicken,chicken,chicken in the kitchen.Chicken is meat,kitchen is a room.”B.Review“clean,dirty,dry and wet”C

48、omparative the words,remember the opposites.We can use sentences to show the words.Example:These dishes are clean,they are dry.Those bowls are dirty,they are wet.C.Review”cook,make,wash”Do the actions to show the verbs,use sentences to show the verbs.Examples:a room,you can wash your hands.(bathroom

49、);a room,you can cook.(kitchen);a room,you can sleep.(bedroom);a room,you can watch TV.(living room).D.“mine”and“yours”my+n=mine;your+n=yours.Example:This is my book,that is yours.Your toothbrush is red,Mine is green.E.What time is it?=What s the time?It s7:00 seven o clock8:10 eight ten 9:30 half p

50、ast nine 10:50 ten to eleven F.Sing a song of“Goodbye”to close the class.G.Homework:Draw your bedroom or living room.Talk about your picture to the class.六、板书设计bathroom,bathtub,dishes,kitchen,living room,refrigerator,shower,sink,stove,toiletclean,dirty,dry,wet cook,make,wash mine,yours What time is


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