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《pep小学英语五年级上册各单元测试题132.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《pep小学英语五年级上册各单元测试题132.pdf(28页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、新版PEP五年级英语上册 Unit1 检测试题 一、读一读,找出不同类的单词。(10 个知识点)()1.C.kind D.young()2.A.Ms B.Miss C.funny D.Mr()3.A.strict B.polite C.helpful ()4.A.clever ()5.A.sometimes B.shy 二、把下列汉语翻译成英语。(15 个知识点)年老的 年轻的 搞笑的 严厉的 和蔼的 乐于助人的 聪明的 有礼貌的 害羞的 勤奋的 三、单项选择。(30 个知识点)()Whos your English teacher-_ A.Miss Wu.B.Shes s

2、trict.C.She is hard-working.()2.-Is your brother helpful -_ A.Yes,he is.B.Yes,I do.,she is.()3.-Is she young -_ A.Yes,he is.B.No,she is.C.No,she isnt.()4.My new.teacher is tall and strong.Who is he A.B.C.()5.-_ -Hes very funny.A.Whos that boy B.Whats he like C.Whats she like ()6.-Whats she like -_ A

3、.Her name is Amy.B.Shes polite.C.She likes apples.()7.-Who is he -He is _music teacher.A.our C.I ()8.-What are these -They _ C.are ()9.-_ he like -Hes hard-working.A.whats B.Whos C.Whats ()10.You cant judge a book by its cover.这句谚语的意思是 A.熟能生巧。B.不能以封面断定一本书。C.不能以貌取人。四、重新排列顺序,使其

4、成为意思通顺的对话。(15 个知识点)(1 )Hey,Ms Wang will be our new Chinese teacher.()Is she strict ()Do you know her()Shes kind.()Really Whats she like()Yes,sometimes.(7 )Yes.Shes my mother!(8 )Haha.Cool!五、连词成句。(15 个知识点) What he like ()2.she Is strict ()3.He our English is teacher (.) Who maths your teacher

5、 ()5.My is mother funny (.)六、小练笔。根提示描述一下 Miss White,不少于 5 句话。(15 个知识点)1、Miss White 是我们的英语老师。2、她很年轻。3、她很和蔼。4、她很搞笑。5、有时(sometimes)她也很严厉。_ 五年级英语(上)第二单元过关检测试卷 一、选择与图片相符的单词或短语:(只填序号)(10 分)二、选择正确的字母组合补全单词:(10 分)()1.Th _ _ sday A.or B.ur _ k A.or

6、 C.ow()3.Sat _ _ day A.ur _ _ esday A.nd B.dn _ _ A.oh _ _ day C.on()7.T _ _ sday B.ue _ _ day A.ri C.rl ()9.S _ _ day A.un _ _ B.ay C.ya 三、选择不同类的单词:(10 分)()1.A.Sunday B.Monday C.English() C

7、.today ()3.A.math B.Chinese C.often()4.A.on B.what C.who() B.tomorrow C.homework 四、选择题:(10 分)()1.-_ do you have on Mondays -We have.and art.A.How B.Who C.What()2.John _ Mondays and B.likes C.have 星期星期星期星期星期 TV B.Saturday C.Monday D.Friday ()3.Today is Wednesday.Tomorro

8、w is _.A.Friday B.Tuesday C.Thursday()4.-_ is it today -Its Tuesday.A.What time B.Whats day C.What day ()5.What do we have _ Fridays A.on ()6.We _ English,science and.on Mondays.A.has B.are C.have()7.What do you have on _ -We have English,Chinese and math.A.tomorrow C.Wednesday()8.

9、_ is the first day of the week.A.Monday B.Sunday C.Tuesday()9.I often _ on book books books()10.We have.tomorrow.I need _.A.a pair of sneakers B.a box of crayons apple 五、选择划线部分发音与众不同的单词:(10 分)()1.A.tomorrow B.cow () C.Monday() B.about

10、 C.young()4.A.have C.what () B.homework C.who 六、根据句意和图片,补全单词:(10 分)1.I often _ _ after supper.2.Do you _ _ in the evening 3.I often _ _ in the _.We have _ class.5.We have _,science and _ on Fridays.星期七、选择与图片相符的句子:(10 分) day is it today -Its Wednes

11、day.B.-What day is it today -Its Thursday.A.-What do you have on Monday afternoon -We have.B.-What do you have on Monday afternoon -We have music.A.What do you do on weekend -I often play football.B.What do you do on weekend -I often play ping-pong.A.My English teacher is quiet.B.My English teacher

12、is active.A.Its nine.Its time for math class.B.Its nine.Its time for Chinese class.八、给下列对话排列顺序:(10 分)()No,I dont.Because I have math on Thursdays.()But I like it.I think math is fun.()It is Thursday.()What day is it tomorrow ()Do you like Thursday 九、连词成句:(10 分)1.classes,like,do,what,you ()_,

13、day,what,is,it ()_ 3.often,computer,Sundays,games,I,on,play (.)_ 4.have,do,what,on,Tuesdays,you ()_ 5.class,Tuesdays,have,on,we,art (.)_ 十、阅读理解:(10 分)My name is John.I am eleven years old.I am tall and strong.I get up at six oclock every day.I have classes from Monday to Friday.I like Sundays,becaus

14、e I can play computer games.Tomorrow is Monday.We have English and art.Mr Liu is our art teacher.He is smart and kind.He likes painting.We all like him.根据短文内容判断对(T)错(F)()1.John is eleven years old.()2.He is short and strong.()3.He likes Sunday,because he can watch TV.()4.Mr liu is his English teache

15、r.()5.Mr liu is smart and kind.Unit3 what would you like 检测试题 一、根据问句选择合适的答句()1.What would you like to eat A.Pears.()2.Whats your favourite food B.Fish.()3.What would you like to drink C.Id like a hamburger.()s your favourite fruit D.Id like some tea.()5.Do you like ice cream E.Yes,I do.二、连词成句 1.dont

16、 grapes like I(.)_ 2.favourite your food Whats()_ d a hamburger like orange juice some and(.)_ 4.would What like you to drink()_ 5.My food favourite chicken is(.)_ 四、选出下面各单词缺少了的字母,把序号写在括号里。(10 分)()1.h lthy A.ea k B.un C.on() B.ish C.ich() to A.ta _t A.aa

17、 B.ea _ken ()_dwich .an ()8.s_l_d A.a a e e()_ger B.ur _m C.ea 五、单选(10 分)()1.Im hungry.-I can get some_for you.()would you like to eat-_ A.Some apples,please.B.I dont like pears.C.Id like to go home.()3.I dont like beef _ chicken is OK.A.and B.but C.too()like sal

18、ad._tasty.A.Theyre s C.Its()would you like_ eat A.for ()bananas.A.likes C.not like()_your favourite food like bananas -Yes,I do.A.Are B.Do C.Would()9.-What would you like to drink -Id like some _.A.sandwich B.hamburger C.tea()sweet and yummy.六、选句子,补全对话。(10 分)A.

19、They are hot.B.It is sweet.C.Whats your favourite food D.I have to(必须)eat vegetables.E.I like beef,too.A:1.B:I like ice-cream.2.What about you A:Tomatoes are my favourite.They are tasty.I dont like onions.3.Whats your favourite food C:I like beef.Its yummy.D:4.But Im heavy(重)now.5.七、根据单词的首字母或汉语提示补全单

20、词。(5 分)1.I like salad.Its h_.2.-What would you like to drink -Id like some t_,please.would like some noodles.They are d_.d like a _(三明治)Is it _(辣的)-Yes,it is.八、找出句子中的错误并改正。(10 分)1.I love beef noodle.()A B C 2.What would you like to eat.()A B C would you like to drink-Id like a sandwich.()_ A B C 4.I

21、 love ice cream.They are sweet.()A B C 5.My favourite food are chicken.()A B C 九、连词成句,注意标点和大小写。(10 分)1.your favourite food What is ()_ 2.tea favourite drink is My(.)_ 3.would eat like What you to()_ 4.healthy fish is The(.)_ water some Id(.)_ 十、读短文,判断正误。(用 T 表示正确,F 表示错误)(10 分)My name is Mike.

22、I am 10 years old.I study in Willow School.My favourite day is Wednesday.We have PE and English class on Wednesdays.We have salad for lunch.Salad is my favourite food.Salad is Johns favourite food,too.John is my friend.We often go to the canteen(餐厅)together.We like sandwiches,too.The sandwiches are

23、yummy.We have sandwiches for lunch on Fridays.()1.Mikes favourite day is Sunday.()2.Mike has PE on Wednesdays.()3.Johns favourite food is salad.()4.John and Mike are good friends.()5.Mike and John like salad and potatoes.十一、作文(5 分)同学们,这个单元我们学习了很多种食物,请你以 Food and drinks 为题,介绍一下你喜欢的或不太喜欢的食物或饮品吧。不少于五句话

24、。小学英语(PEP)五年级上册测试题 Unit 4 What Can You Do 一、找出画线部分发音与其他三个不同的词。(10 分)().book B.cook C.goodbye D.too().at B.class C.have D.Saturday().food B.afternoon C.foot D.balloon().song B.not C.who B.tea C.sweat D.great 二、判断下列单词是否正确,打“”或“”。(5 分)1.clothes()()()4.window()()三、根据提示,完成词组。(10 分)1.唱英文歌曲 2

25、.弹琵琶 _ English _ _ the _ 3.练武术 4.画漫画 do _ _ _ _ 5.打篮球 6.说英语 _ basketball _ English 四、用所给的词填空,组成与汉语意思相符的词组。(10 分)sing play do go party 1.英语聚会 English _ 2.唱英语歌曲 _ English songs 3.弹钢琴_the piano 4.做家庭作业 _ homework.5.上学 _ to school 五、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10 分)can you _(do)can _(clean)the classroom.sister can co

26、ok the _(meal).can do many things at home,so Im very_(help).(be)you ill today 六、选择填空。(20 分)()1.What _the monkey do A.are B.can D.cans()2.I can _the clothes.A.put B.away C.put away D.()3.-Are you helpful at home-_.A.Yes,you can.B.Sure.C.Yes,you not D.No,you not.()4.Can you play the pipa_.A.No,I

27、can.B.Yes,I cant.C.No,I cant D.No,I cant.()5.Is she in the kitchen_.A.Yes,they are B.Yes,she is C.Yes,she can D.No,she is.()6.I can _a computer well.A.uses B.use use D.using()7.Who _they D.are()8.What can you_ C.are D./()9.Can you do the _ B.dishes C.a dish D.dis

28、hing()10.-_can make clothes-My mother can.A.Who B.What C.Where D.Whose 七、选择正确的答句。(10 分)()1.What can you do A.She can water the flowers.()2.What can Sarah do B.Fish.()3.Can you draw cartoons C.No,I cant.()4.Can you wash the clothes D.Yes,I can.()5.Whats your favourite food E.I can wash the clothes.八、

29、连词组句。(15 分)1.can,What,do,you ()_ 2.can,Sarah,sing,songs,English _,speak,Can,English()_ 4.can,I,play,ping-pong(.)_ 5.can,do,any,you,kung fu()_ 九、阅读短文并回答问题。(10 分)My name is Ann.I have a happy family.We share the housework.My father can cook the meals.My mother can wash the clothes.I can put away

30、 the clothes.My sister can do the dishes.My brother can make the bed.can Ann do She can_.her father cook the meals_.can her mother do She can _.can her sister do_.5.What can her brother do_.Unit 5 检测试题 一、选出每组中不属于同一类别的词。并将正确选项写在题前的括号内。(10 分)()1.A.strong B.above C.beside()2.A.many B.big C.between()3.A

31、.bottle B.clock ()4.A.there C.are()5.A.this B.where C.that 二、选出与句子相对应的图片并将正确选项写在题前的括号内。(10 分)()1.The rat(老鼠)is beside the box.A.B.()2.The rat is behind the box.A.B.()3.The rat is in front of the box.A.B.()4.The ball is between the dogs.A.B.()ball is above the dog.A.B.三.单项选择题。并将正确选项写在题前的括

32、号内。(15 分)()is a big bed, B.too C.two()2.-_ is the bike It is behind the door.A.Where B.What C.Who()are _ trees.A.lot of B.many C.Any()just moved into _ old B.a C./()is _ garden.A.Toms B.Toms C.Toms ()_ a clock,two flowers and three B.are grandmother can _ very

33、well A.sing B.sings ()ball is _ the bed and the plant.A.on B.above C.between ()9.There _ some books in my bag.A.are C.have ()10.Lets_ with ping-pong on the weekend.A.plays play have _ new room.A.I ()12.There are three _ on the table.A.a fish C.fishs()13.Is thi

34、s your water bottle-_ A.Yes,it is.B.No,it is.C.Yes,he is.()14._ is in the roomThere is a book and a bed.A.Where B.What C.Who()15.The clock_ on the desk.A.are 四按要求完成下列各题。请注意大小写和标点符号。(10 分)1.The picture is in the living room.(对划线部分提问)2.The ball is above the dog.(对划线部分提问)3.the,is,my,on,comput

35、er,desk (.)(连词成句)4.many,there,pictures,so,are (.)(连词成句)5.really,your,nice,is,room (!)(连词成句)五情景交际。并将其正确的字母编号写到相应的横线上。(10 分)1.询问对方的房间是怎么样的。该怎么说:_ A.Whats in the classroom B.Whats your room like C.Where is your room 2.如果你想说“多么漂亮的照片啊!”,该怎么说:_ A.Were late for school.B.Please hurry!C.What a nice photo!3.如

36、果你想说“到处都是图片和照片应该怎么说:_ A.You look cool!B.There are pictures and photos everywhere.C.The rooms are dirty.4.如果你想说“它们是我奶奶的植物”时,应该怎么说_ A.Theyre my grandparents plants.B.Theyre my grandmother plants.C.Theyre my grandmothers plants.5.如果你想说“房子前面有一棵树”时,应该怎么说_ A.There is a tree behind the house.B.There is a t

37、ree in front of the house.C.There is a tree front of the house.六.从右栏找出适合左栏的答语,并将其字母编号写在左栏题前的括号里(10 分)()1.Is this your bedroom A.I can see a bed.()2.Wheres your schoolbag B.Yes,its under the table.()3.Is it under the table C.Its on the desk.()4.Whats on the desk D.There is a water bottle,a book and a

38、 pho()5.What can you see in my room E.No,it isnt.七.排序。并将其正确的数字序号写在相应的横线上(10 分)1.Really Whats in the room 2.There is a big bed,a new desk and a computer.3.I have my own room now.4.Cool!Where is the desk 5.Its beside the bed._ _ _ _ _ 八用横线画出错误的地方,并在横线上改正。(5 分)1.There are two rabbit._ 2.There is a Engl

39、ish book on the desk._ 3.There have a clock._ 4.The room are very dirty._ 5.John have a ball on the floor._ 九根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。(10 分)This is a picture of Robots room.There is a big desk.There are four pictures.The closet(衣柜)is near the desk.Many clothes are in the closet.There is a bike behind the d

40、oor.The basketball is under the desk.What s on the desk It s a computer.Robot works with it.Do you like Robots room()s room has a big table.()desk is near the closet.()bike is not in front of the door()are many clothes in the closet.()s computer is under the desk.十、阅读理解。根据下面短文内容选择正确答案。(10 分)This is

41、my class.Its Class two,Grade Five.I have three good friends in my class.There are Li Lei,Tom and Kate.In my classroom there are two windows,a board(黑板)and many desks.The board is in front of the desk.Miss Liu is our English teacher.She is pretty.She is 23.She is a good teacher.We all like her very m

42、uch.()1.Where is the board A.In front of the desk.B.Behind the desk.C.Beside the desk.B.()2.How many good friends in my class C.A.Five B.Three C.Four()3.How many desks in my classroom A.One B.Two C.Many()4.Who is our English teacher A.Miss Zhu B.Miss Liu C.Miss Zhang()5.Whats in our classroom A.Ther

43、e is a window and a board.B.There are two boards.C.There are two windows,a board and many desks.PEP unit5-6 综合测试 姓名_ 分数_ 一、填入所缺字母,完成单词。(10 分)1.河流 r _ v _ r 2.山脉 m _ _ nt_ _n 3.房子 h _ _ se 4.花 fl _ _ er 5.森林 f _ r _ s t 6.建筑物 bu _ _ ding 7.公园 p _ _ k 8.照片 _ _ oto 9.桥 bri _ _ e 10.干净的 cl _ _ n 二、翻译下列短

44、语。(10 分)1.在学校附近_ 2.在椅子下面_ 3.在墙上 _ 4.在门后面_ 5.在窗户旁边_ 6.在书包里_ 7.在房子前面_ 8.在书桌上方_ 9.紧挨着图书馆_ 10.在两棵树之间_ 三、单项选择。(20 分)()1.There _ some rice in the bowl.A.are C.isnt ()2.There _ many apples on the tree.A.have C.are ()3.How many _ are there in the room A.student B.students C.the students ()4.Theres

45、_orangetreebehind_house Aan;theBa;aCthe;the()5.Thereis_oldwomaninthecar Aa Ban Cthe()6.There _ any rice in the bowl.A.are C.isnt ()7.There _ a pencil-box,two books and some flowers on the B.are C.has ()8.There _ two books,a pencil-box and some flowers on the B.are C.has ()9.

46、There_somepaperandapenonthedesk Ais Bare Chave()10.Thereissome_ontheplate AappleBfish Csandwich()11.Thereis_mapintheclassroom_mapisonthewall Aa;A Bthe;The Ca;The ()12.There_notanywaterintheglass Ahas Bis Care ()13._anyflowersin the garden AIsthereBArethereCHave()14.There isnt _ tea in the cup.A.a B.

47、some C.any ()15.There are_ pencils in my pencil box.A.a C.some ()16.Thereseraserondesk.A.anthea the()17.There are many ducks _ the C.on()18.Are there _ pandas in the mountains -Yes,there _.A.some;are B.many;is C.any;are()19._ storybooks are there on the shelf A.How B How many C.How mu

48、ch()20.-_ there a river in the forest -No,there _.;is B.Is;isnt C.Are;arent 四、按要求完成下列句子。(10 分)1.There is a forest in the park.(变成否定句)_ 2.There is a tree in front of my house.(变成复数句子)_ 3.There is a house over there.(改成一般疑问句)_ 4.墙上有一些照片。(译成英语)_ 5.Theres a nature park near the village.(译成汉语)_ 五、连词成句。(1

49、0 分)1、there,Is,forest,nature park,the,a,in ()_ 2、There,many,fish,in are,river,the (.)_ 3、any,in,the,Are,there,pandas,mountain()_ 4、many,There,houses,my,are,in,village(.)_ 5、can,many,see,You,fish(.)_ 六、完形填空。将正确的选项序号填在题前的括号里。(10 分)There is a new park 1 my house.Its a fine day today.My family and I 2 i

50、n the park now.3 my left(左边),there is a restaurant.On my right(右边),there is a big lake.There are 4 flowers 5 trees near the lake.There 6 a small hill behind the lake.Near the lake,there is a sign(指示牌).It says,“Dont 7 8 the lake!”There is a playground in the middle of(在中间)the park.There are 9 small s


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