2019八年级英语下册 Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet Section B(3a-3b).doc

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《2019八年级英语下册 Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet Section B(3a-3b).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019八年级英语下册 Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet Section B(3a-3b).doc(4页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、1UnitUnit 8 8 HaveHave youyou readread TreasureTreasure IslandIsland yetyet课 题 SectionB 3a3b Self Check主备人课型Revision教 学目 标Knowledge aims: To master the key vocabulary in this unit.Ability aims :To use the target language correctlyMoral aims: Educate students to read more.教 学资 源courseware and a recor

2、der重 点难 点Finish the task of writing in this unit and exercises教 学 过 程教学环节Teachers activitiesStudents activitiespurposeTime Step 1 Revision Step 2 Presentation1.Greet to the students .Ask the students to check their writing in groups.And they should correct their mistakes individually.Greet to the te

3、acher.Students check their writing each other.Answer the To ask students learn better. To prepare Ss 232Step3: Writing (3a-3b)Step4 Self check Think of a singer or a writer you know well.Make a list of facts about him/her on the blackboard and talk to the students.Look at the list. Have the students

4、 add some and discuss it with a partner.T:Which singer/writer do you know?Do you know more about him or her? Please discuss in groups. Talk about your opinions.Ask the students to complete the article in 3b individually.questions.Students do g roupwork to talk about the singer or writer. Then ask so

5、me groups to present their ideas to class.Students should go over the questions and sentences in 3b.Students can use these questions and sentences for help.After finishing the writing, the students will check each others writing to writing using kthe target language. To provide Ss with the opportuni

6、ty to use the target language to communicate about something they know. 22153Step5 sum up and homework Fill in each blank with the correct words in the box.Teacher should ask them to make a list of phrasal advs and preps in groups.Ask the students to read the short passage themselves.Fill in the bla

7、nk with the correct forms of the words in brackets.We should learn how to use present perfect tense so please remember the the structure of present perfect tense.写一篇关于你熟悉的歌手或作家的英语短文。in groups, then the best one can be presented to the class.Students complete the phrasal in Part 1 individually firstl

8、y.Students complete the passage in Part 2 individually and check the answer together.To provide a comprehensive review of the key vocabulary and funcitons presented in the unit.To help Ss master the target language and expand their vocabulary.Ask Ss to study English better.3Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet?4板书设计Rock band / modern /success/ one another教 学后 记According to this lesson ,most students master this points. I hope they can keep on it.


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