2019八年级英语下册 Unit 3 Online tours教案 (新版)牛津版.doc

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1、1UnitUnit 3 3 OnlineOnline ToursTours课课 题题8B8B UnitUnit 3 3 OnlineOnline ToursToursWelcomeWelcome toto thethe unitunit 2. Teaching the new words. 3.Free3.Free talktalkHow do you know about Sydney?While-task:While-task:StepStep 2 2 LearningLearning Making charts1.We can use charts to organize our ide

2、as when we write. This helps us see and understand the ideas better. We can also use charts to make notes of a piece of writing.2.We can use the following chart to show people what the website “Around the World in Eight Hours“ is about. 3.Tip When we make charts, we do not need to use complete sente

3、nces. StepStep 3 3 PracticePracticeMillie is making a chart to introduce an online course to her classmates. Help her use the chart to organize her ideas. Write the letters in the boxes.Step4Step4 TestingTestingPost-task:Post-task:1.Make your own charts 2.Complete the sentences StepStep 5 5 Homework

4、Homework 1.复习本课内容 2.预习 Task. 3.完成课课练的部分内容。课课 题题8B8B UnitUnit 3 3 OnlineOnline ToursToursTaskTask课时课时1 1授课时间授课时间教学目标教学目标To grasp important vocabulary, phrases and sentences in this unit. To learn about the UK and learn to make a chart to collect different types of information. To learn to introduce a

5、 country using a chart and grasp the paragraph 10structure of the example article. To introduce a country with a chart and write an article about it.教教 学学重难点重难点To grasp important vocabulary, phrases and sentences in this unit. (importance)(importance) To learn to introduce a country using a chart an

6、d grasp the paragraph structure of the example article.(importance)(importance) To introduce a country with a chart and write an article about it. (difficulty)(difficulty)预习要求预习要求To revise the important vocabulary, phrases and sentences in this unit.教学内容及活动设计教学内容及活动设计二次复备及教学随感二次复备及教学随感Pre-task:Pre-t

7、ask: StepStep 1 1 CheckingChecking StepStep 2 2 LeadLead inin Show some pictures in the UK and ask: 1. Which country are they in? 2. How much do you know about the UK? While-task:While-task: StepStep 3 3 LearningLearning Learn something about the UK by showing some picturesStepStep 4 4 PracticePract

8、ice 1.Let the students read the introduction to the UK and answer the questions. (1). Which city is the capital of the UK? (2). When is the best time to visit the UK? 2. Read again and answer more questions. (1). What is the full name of the UK? (2). Which countries is the UK made up of? (3). Where

9、is the most famous place in the UK? (4). What has the UK always been famous for? (5). How is the weather in the UK? StepStep 5 5 LearningLearning Some language points StepStep 6 6 PracticePractice Do some translations Post-task:Post-task: StepStep 7 7 TestingTesting Write an introduction to a country. StepStep 7 7 HomeworkHomework 1.完成课课练练习 2.背诵课文11教教 学学 反反 思思


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