2019九年级英语上册 Unit 5 Look into Science Lesson 26 Keep the Candle Burning同步练习.doc

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1、1UnitUnit 5 5 LookLook intointo ScienceScienceLessonLesson 2626 KeepKeep thethe CandleCandle BurningBurning同步练习同步练习1. There are lots of_ in the box.2. Youre ill, so you must stop _.3. Fill the glass half_ of water.4. There is about_ oxygen in the air.5. There are about_ books in the classroom.1. You

2、 are very ill. Youd better stop _ (have) a rest.2. How to make a candle _ (burn)?3. You should put the jar over the candle _ (careful).4. What _ (observe) can he make?5. _ (three), ask the children to guess what will happen.1. I fill a jar_ water. A. with B. use 根据句意写出单词根据句意写出单词 根据所给单词的适当形式填空根据所给单词的

3、适当形式填空 单选题单选题2C. with D. use2. Lets see_ will happen. A. what B. when C. howD. where3. I will_ them the fairy tale. A. sayB. speakC. talk D. tell4. The water in the lake_ after it rained. A. rise B. raiseC. raisedD. rose5. You neednt keep the candle_. Its bright here. A. burn B. to burn C. burning D

4、. burned1. minutes, will, sun, the, rise, five, in(.)3. high, the, did, how, rise, water (?)5. Mike, the, as, did, described, experiment, she, it (.)参考答案参考答案1. maths2. Smoking 根据汉意写出单词根据汉意写出单词 连词成句连词成句33. full4. one-fifth5. two-thirds1. to have2. burn3. carefully4. observation5. Third解析:1. stop to d

5、o sth. 停止做某事。2. make do sth. make 后接动词原形。3. 根据句意可知,小心地副词形式为carefully。4. 本句中指他会制作什么,而这个东西,事物则是名词,因此,observe的名词形式为observation。5. three的序数词为third。1. A 根据所给单词的适当形式填空根据所给单词的适当形式填空 单选题单选题42. A3. D4. D5. C解析:1. Fill with 填满,装满的意思。2. 表示发生什么用特殊疑问词 what。3. 根据句意可知为讲童话故事,因此用 tell, 告诉。4. 雨后湖里的水上涨。rose 是 rise 的过去式,表示数量增加。5. burning 译为燃烧。1. The sun will rise in five minutes.2. How high did the water rise?3. Mike described the experiment as she did it.


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