2019七年级英语上册 Unit 3 Getting Together句式精讲精练 (新版)仁爱版.doc

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1、1UnitUnit 3 3 GettingGetting TogetherTogether句式精讲精练句式精讲精练1.1. CouldCould youyou helphelp meme withwith it?it?help sb. with sth.在某事上帮助某人 例如:My maths teacher helps me with my maths. 我的数学老师在数学上帮助我。【拓展】(1) help sb. to do sth.意为“帮助某人做某事” 。此句型也可以说成:help sb. do sth.。例如:He helps me to learn English.= He hel

2、ps me learn English. 他帮助我学习英语。(2) help 也可以作名词,作名词时常用于下列短语:with ones help= with the help of 在的帮助下 例如:With Marys help, I made rapid progress in English learning. = With the help of Mary, I made rapid progress in English learn. 在 Mary 的帮助下,我在英语学习方面进步很快。2.2. HeHe wantswants toto visitvisit Beijing.Beiji

3、ng.(1) want to do sth.意为“想要做某事” 。 例如:I want to have a rest. 我想要休息一下。They want to go home. 他们想要回家。【拓展】(1) want sb. to do sth.意为“想要某人做某事” 。 例如:He wants me to play with him. 他想让我和他一起玩。He wants me to help him. 他想要我帮他。(2) want sth. 意为“想要某物” 。 例如:She wants a pen. 她想要一支钢笔。She wants a cup of tea. 她想要一杯茶。3.3

4、. WhatWhat doesdoes youryour mothermother do?do?2这个句式是有 what 引导的询问职业的句式,意为“你妈妈是干什么工作的?” 。回答一般为:人称代词+is/are+职业名词.例如:What does she do? 她是干什么工作的?Shes a teacher. 她是一名教师。【拓展】询问职业还可以用句式:What is / are +人称代词?或 What is sbs job?例如: What are they? 他们是干什么工作的? Theyre students. 他们是学生。 What is your elder sisters j

5、ob?你姐姐的做什么工作的? Shes a bus driver. 她是公共汽车司机。4.4. WhatWhat aboutabout you,you, Jane?Jane?What about 意为“怎么样?” ,可用来询问有关情况、提出建议或征求意见等。about 是介词,后面接名词、代词或动名词,即:what about + sb./sth. (可接表示人或物的名词及代词)what about + doing sth. 例如:What about sitting in the garden? 在花园里坐坐怎么样?Im going to the park. What about you?

6、我要去公园,你呢?What about your exam last week, Tom? Tom,你上周考试怎么样?【拓展】What about?与 How about 通常可以互换,后接名词、代词或动名词,但不能接动词不定式或动词原形。5.5. WhyWhy notnot havehave somesome fishfish andand eggs?eggs?“Why not + 动词原形 + 其他?”相当于“Why dont you + 动词原形 + 其他?”并不表示疑问,而是作建议、询问。例如: Why not play football with us? 为什么不和我们去踢足球呢?3

7、 That sounds like a good idea. 这是个好主意。Why not go out for a walk? = Why dont you go out for a walk? 为何不出去散步呢?6.6. HelpHelp yourself/yourselvesyourself/yourselves (to(to somesome fish).fish).(1) help oneself to sth. 用作招呼客人吃东西时的客套话,其意为“请随便吃” “请吃” 。例如:Help yourself to the fruit. 吃点水果吧。Help yourself, Mr.

8、 Green. 格林先生,请随便吃。Make yourself at home, and help yourself to anything you like. 请不要拘束,喜欢吃什么就吃什么。(2) 表示客气答应请求,其意为“请自便” “请随意” 。例如: Do you think I could use your dictionary? 我可以用你的词典吗? Yes, help yourself. 可以,自已拿吧。 Can I have a drink? 我可以喝杯酒吗? Help yourself. 请自己倒。句式精练句式精练I.I. 句型转换,每空一词。句型转换,每空一词。1. you

9、rself, fish, to, some, help(.) (连词成句 )_2. Id like an egg and some bread for lunch. (对划线部分提问 )_ _ you _ for lunch ?3. I would like to drink some milk. (改为一般疑问句)_ _ _ to drink some milk?4. Does she speak Chinese? (否定回答)_, she _.5. I come from the USA.(变为一般疑问句)4_ you _ from the USA?6. We like Chinese.

10、(变为否定句)We _ like Chinese.7. Juanjuan has some friends. (变为一般疑问句)_ Juanjuan _ _ friends? 8. She lives in England. (对划线部分提问)Where _ he _ ?9. Li Ming often helps me study English. (改为同义句)Li Ming often helps _ _ my English.10. My sister wants to visit Shanghai. (改为否定句)My sister _ _ to visit ShanghaiII.I

11、I. 根据汉语提示,完成句子。根据汉语提示,完成句子。1. 孩子们,请随便吃些鸡肉吧。Kids, _ _ _ some chicken, please.2.你想要些喝的吗?Would you like _ _ _?3.请给我两玻璃杯牛奶。Please give me two _ _ _.4.晚餐要吃什么?_ would you like_ _ for dinner?5.为什么不吃鱼和蛋呢?_ _ _ some fish and eggs?6. 你姐姐是干什么的? _ _ your sister _? 她是老师。5 _ a teacher.7. 我祖父母和我们住在一起。My grandparen

12、ts_ _ us.8. 那个穿红衣服的年轻女士是你阿姨吗?Is the young woman _ _ your aunt?9. 我通常吃鸡肉和蔬菜及米饭。I usually _ chicken _ vegetables and some rice.10. 这是一幅 Tony 家的全家福。This is a _ _ _ _.III.III. 根据上下文选择方框内的选项完成对话,其中两项为多余选项。根据上下文选择方框内的选项完成对话,其中两项为多余选项。Han Mei: Would you like to have supper with me?Jane: 1 (Han Mei and Jane

13、 are in a restaurant(饭店) in the evening.)Waiter: Welcome! 2 Han Mei: What would you like to eat, Jane?Jane: 3 Id like some chicken and some rice.Han Mei: Would you like something to drink?Jane: 4 Han Mei: Id like some fish, some rice and a glass of juice, please.Waiter: OK, forty yuan.Han Mei: 5 Tha

14、nks a lot.Waiter: Thats all right.6IV.IV. 连词成句。连词成句。1. movie, about, hero, the, a, is _.2. can, save, she, the, tiger ?_? 3. do, like, what, to, you, do? _?4. putting, book, Jenny, desk, the, is, on, the, _.5. usually, with, English, he, me, helps, my _.参考答案参考答案I.I. 句型转换,每空一词。句型转换,每空一词。1. Help yours

15、elf to some fish.2. What would; like 3. Would you like 4. No; doesnt 5. Do; come 6. dontA. What about you, Han Mei?B. Let me see.C. No, thanks.D. OK, Id like to.E. Heres the money.F. May I take your order?G. What do you have?77. Does; have any 8. does; live 9. me with 10. doesnt wantII.II. 根据汉语提示,完成

16、句子。根据汉语提示,完成句子。1. help yourselves to 2. something to drink 3. glasses of milk 4. What; to have5. Why not have 6. What does; do; Shes 7. live with 8. in red 9. have; with 10. photo of Tonys familyIII.III. 根据上下文选择方框内的选项完成对话,其中两项为多余选项。根据上下文选择方框内的选项完成对话,其中两项为多余选项。1. D 2. F 3. B 4. C 5. EIV.IV. 连词成句。连词成句。1. The movie is about a hero. 2. Can she save the tiger ?3. What do you like to do? 4. Jenny is putting the book on the desk.5. He usually helps me with my English.


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