2019七年级英语上册 Revision module A词句精讲精练 (新版)外研版.doc

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1、1RevisionRevision modulemodule A A 词句精讲精练词句精讲精练词汇精讲词汇精讲1.1. nononotnot1)no 表示“不” ,修饰可数名词单数时 no=not a; 修饰可数名词复数或者不可数名词时no=not any。例如:I have no book.=I dont have a book. 我没有一本书。I have no books. = I dont have any books. 我没有一些书。There is no water in the cup.=There isnt any water in the cup. 杯子里面没有水。2)no

2、常用来做否定回答,与 yes 相对应,not 不可以。例如:Do you like bananas? No, I dont. 不可以说 Not, I dont.3)not 用于否定句,放在助动词或者 be 动词后面表示否定,no 不可以。例如:I dont like tea. 不可以说 I do no like tea.2.2. AmericanAmericanAmerican 做名词时,意为“美国人,美洲人” ;做形容词时,意为“美国的,美国人的,美洲的” 。America 意为“美国” ,和 American 都是专有名词,第一个字母要大写。例如:He is an American stu

3、dent. 他是个美国学生。He comes from America. 他来自美国。拓展:拓展:其它常见的国家和某国人的表达国家居民语言China 中国Chinese 中国人Chinese 汉语America 美国American 美国人English 英语England 英国Englishman 英国人English 英语Japan 日本Japanese 日本人Japanese 日语23.3. bebebe 动词包括 am, is, are。在句子中使用时,要和主语的单复数或者人称相配合。am 用在 I 的后面;is 用在第三人称单数(she, he, it 或者单数名词)的后面;其余的人

4、称用 are。例如:I am a teacher. 我是个老师。She is a worker. 她是个工人。They are my teachers. 他们是我的老师。4.4. thesethesethosethosethese 是 this 的复数形式,意为“这些” 。those 是 that 的复数形式,意为“那些” 。this,these,that,those 这四个词称为指示代词,用来指示或标识人或事物。this与 that 后接单数名词,是单数指示代词;those 与 these 后接复数名词,是复数指示代词。通常谈论离自己近的人或物时用 this/these; 谈论离自己远的人或

5、物时用that/those。例如:This is a book. 这是一本书。Those girls are in Class 3. 那些女孩在三班。5.5. itsitsitsitsits=it is 意为“它是” 。it 是代词,意为“它” ,表示第三人称单数。its 意为“它的” ,后面需要加名词。例如:It is a book.= Its a book. 它是一本书。I have a book. Its picture is beautiful. 我有一本书,它的图片很漂亮。6.6. howhow manymanyhowhow muchmuch1)how much 和 how many

6、 是同义词组, 意为“多少” 。how many 用来提问可数名词的数量,后跟可数名词的复数。例如: How many books are there in your school library? 你们学校图书馆有多少本书?2)how much用来提问不可数名词的量。例如:How much water is there in the bottle? 瓶子里面有多少水?Only a little. 仅一点。33)how much 既可以用来询问不可数名词量,也可以用来询问物体的价钱。例如:How much is this book? 这本书多少钱?20 yuan. 20元。7.7. somes

7、omeanyanysome和any 意思都是“一些” ,既可以修饰可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词。但用法有些不同。1)some一般用在肯定句,any常用于否定句或疑问句。例如:Is there any food on the desk? 桌上有食物吗?There arent any students in the classroom. 教室里没有学生。There are some birds in the tree. 树上有些鸟。2)在表示委婉的请求或希望对方给予肯定回答的一般疑问句中用some。例如:Could you please bring some things to school?

8、请你把一些东西带到学校好吗?3)any可以用于肯定句中表示“任何”,指三者以上任何一个,后接可数名词单数或复数形式。例如:He likes any book in his fathers room.他喜欢他爸爸房间里的任何一本书。We know any of them. 我认识他们当中的任何一个。8.8. lotslots ofoflots of 的意思是“大量的、许多的” ,和 a lot of 是同义词短语。lots of 既可以修饰可数名词的复数形式,相当于 many;也可以修饰不可数名词,相当于 much。例如:lots of timemuch time(大量的时间)lots of c

9、hickenmuch chicken (许多鸡肉)lots of applesmany apples(大量的苹果)9.9. staystay healthyhealthy1)stay healthy”意为“保持健康” 。 healthy 是形容词,意为“健康的” , “healthy food”意为“健康食品” 。healthy 的名词为 health, 副词为 healthily, 反义词为4unhealthy。例如:The old man looks healthy. 这个老人看起来很健康。Healthy food is good for our health. 健康食品对我们的健康有益。

10、2)stay 在此做系动词,后跟形容词作表语,意为“保持(某种状态) ” 。例如:The library stays open all day. 图书馆整天开着。10.10. bebe goodgood forforbe good for 意为“对有好处,对有益处” ,介词 for 后接名词或代词。其反义词为 be bad for,意为“对有害处” 。例如:Junk food is not good for our health. 垃圾食品对我们的健康没有好处。Smoking is bad for you. 吸烟对你有害。11.11. a a bitbit“a bit”意为“有点” ,后跟形容

11、词。例如:Your bag is a bit big. 你的书包有点大。拓展:拓展:a bit 与 a littlea bit 和 a little 都可以修饰形容词,意为“有些,有点” 。例如:She is a bit / a little tired. 她有点累。但是 a little 可以直接修饰名词,a bit 与 of 连用才可以修饰名词。例如:There is a little/ a bit of water in the bottle.瓶子里有一点水。12.12. eateathavehaveeat 与 have 都可以表示“吃”的意思,有时两者可互换。例如:I eat (hav

12、e) an apple every day. 我每天吃一个苹果。They are having (eating) their lunch. 他们在吃中饭。eat 可用作不及物动词,后面不跟宾语。但是 have 没有这个用法。例如:We eat well at noon. 我们午饭吃的很好。注意:注意:“吃药”习惯说“have(take) medicine” ,不说“eat medicine” 。513.13. wellwellgoodgood两者都可以表示“好”的意思。well 是副词,用于修饰动词。例如:Tom speaks Chinese well. 汤姆的汉语说得好。He sings w

13、ell. 他唱得好。good 是形容词,可以修饰名词作定语,也可以放在系动词的后面做表语。例如:She is a good doctor. 她是个好医生。His pronunciation is very good. 他的语音很好。well 作形容词时,指的是健康状况良好。例如:He is quite well. 他身体好。I hope you will be well soon. 我希望你很快好起来。14.14. and,and, ororbutbutand 和 or 都是连词,可以表示“和”的意思;都可以用来连接并列的前后语法作用相同的成分。但是 and 经常用在肯定句中,or 常用于否定

14、句中。例如:My mother and my father are both teachers. 我的爸爸和妈妈都是老师。I dont like pears or oranges. 我不喜欢梨和橘子。but 也是连词,意为“但是” ,和 and, or 等一样,可以用来连接两个并列句。but 连接两个并列句时,表示前后意义的转折;此时,but 的前面要有逗号。例如:Im a student, but she isnt.我是个学生,但是她不是。词汇精练词汇精练. 根据首字母提示填空。根据首字母提示填空。1. Im f_ Shanghai. What about you?2. Mike is my

15、 aunts son. He is my c_.3. My mother is a doctor. She works in a h_.4. There are l_ of flowers in the garden.5. V_ are good for us.66. Look! The baby is drinking m_.7. Hamburgers are not h_ food.8. Its hot today. Please put the food in the f_.9. Dont d_ too much cola. Its not a healthy drink.10. Wha

16、ts the w_ like in Beijing?. 用所给词的适当形式填空。用所给词的适当形式填空。1. My friends _(be) here.2. This is _ (me) photo.3. What are _ (this) in Chinese?4. Is _ (those) Johns book?5. Fast food is not _ (health) food; its bad for your_ (health).6. There arent _ (some) books on your desk.7. That is not my bag. Its _ (Lil

17、y).8. My mother buys some _ (chicken).9. His grandmother _ (have) got three sons.10. I like eating _ (noodle) in the morning. 选择适当的词填空。选择适当的词填空。1. I am _ (English, England) and she is Chinese.2. I usually watch TV _ ( in, on, at) Sundays. 3. I dont like pears _ (and, or) bananas.4. He likes English,

18、 so he studies English _. (good, well)5. How _ (many, much) water is there in the bottle?6. Would you like _ (some, any) bread?7. There is _ (not, no) people in the room.8. I have a dog; _ (its, its) name is Bobby.79. I _ (eat, have) breakfast with my parents.10. There is only_ (a little, a bit) wat

19、er in the glass.IV.IV. 听力链接。听力链接。(福建漳州期中)(福建漳州期中)A.句子理解:听句子,找出与你所听内容相符的图片。 (每小题读两遍)1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5. _B.情景反应:根据你所听到的句子,选择恰当的答语。 (每小题读两遍)6. A. Theyre pencils. B. Yes, it is. C. Its a pencil.7. A. How are you? B. E-G-G, egg. C. Im ten.8. A. No, I am not. B. Im in Class One. C. Im in Grade Seven.9. A.

20、 Sorry. B. Right. C. Thats OK.10. A. No, its a car. B. No, its a bike. C. Yes, its a bike.C.对话理解:听对话,选择最佳答案回答问题。 (对话读两遍)11. Whose jacket is this?A. Its Lucys . B. Its Bills. C. We dont know.12. Is Nancy eleven years old ?A. Yes, she is. B. No, she isnt D. No, he isnt.13. What color does Mr. Huang li

21、ke ?A. Brown. B. Blue. C. Black14. What are these?A. Theyre oranges. B. Theyre apples. C. Theyre bananas.815. What does the boy want?A. Some rulers.B. Some erasers. C. Some boxes.D. 听短文填表格:根据短文内容,填写表格,每空填一词。 (短文读三遍)Name:Name:BruceFrom:From:16._AgeAge(年龄)(年龄): : 17._Looks:Looks:18.having a _facecloth

22、esclothes19.in a black_FavoriteFavorite colorcolor20._参考答案参考答案. 根据首字母提示填空。根据首字母提示填空。1. from 2. cousin 3. hospital 4. lots 5. Vegetables 6. milk 7. healthy 8. fridge 9. drink 10. weather. 用所给词的适当形式填空。用所给词的适当形式填空。1. are 2. my 3. these 4. that 5. healthy, health 6. any 7. lilys 8. chicken 9. has 10. no

23、odles. 选择适当的词填空。选择适当的词填空。1. English 2. on 3. or 4. well 5. much 6. some 7. no 8. its 9. have 10. a littleIVIV听力链接。听力链接。参考答案:A:A: 1.C 2.E 3.D 4.B 5.AB: 6. C 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.BC: 11.A 12.A 13.B 14.C 15.AD: 16. Canada 17. twelve/12 18. round 19. T-shirt 20. green9听力材料: A.句子理解:听句子,找出与你所听内容相符的图片。 (每小题读两遍)1

24、. The dress is white. Its nice.2. David is from England.3. I like oranges a lot.4. Those are buses.5. He has a wide mouth.B.情景反应:根据你所听到的句子,选择恰当的答语。 (每小题读两遍)6. Whats this in English?7. How do you spell it?8. Are you in Grade Seven?9. Thank you.10. Is that a car? C. 对话理解:听对话,选择最佳答案回答问题。 (对话读两遍)11. W:

25、Bill, this jacket is nice. Is it yours? M: No, its not mine. Its Lucys.W: Question: Whose jacket is this?12. M: Hi, Nancy! Are you ten years old? W: No, I am eleven.W: Question: Is Nancy eleven years old ? 13. W: Do you like blue, Mr. Huang?M: Yes, I like blue very much.W: Question: What color does

26、Mr. Huang like?14. W: Are these apples ? M: No, they arent. They are bananas.10W: Question: What are these?15. M: Mom, I want some rulers. W: They are in the box.W: Question : What does the boy want ?D. 听短文填表格:根据短文内容,填写表格,每空填一词。 (短文读三遍)I have a friend at school. He is from Canada. His name is Bruce.

27、 He is twelve. He has a round face. His eyes are big. His favorite color is green. He is in a black T-shirt and white pants now. He and I are not in the same class, but we are in the same grade. His telephone number is 2674853.He is a cool boy.句式精讲句式精讲1.1. MyMy namename isis WangWang Lingling.Lingli

28、ng. 句式“My name is名字” ,意为:“我的名字是” , “name is”的缩写是“names” ,用来回答“Whats your name ?”这样的问句。句中的形容词性物主代词“my”可以根据问句的情况换成相应的词。例如:Whats your name? 你叫什么名字?My names Mary. 我叫 Mary。Whats her name? 她叫什么名字?Her names Lily. 她的名字叫 Lily。“My name is名字” ,等于“I am名字” 。例如:My names Jack = Im Jack. 我的名字是杰克。该句子还可以用于自我介绍。例如:Hel

29、lo, my name is Jim. Whats your name, please?你好,我是吉姆,请问你叫什么名字?2.2. WhereWhere areare youyou from?from?be from=come from 意为“来自于” 。因此,句式“Where + be + 主语+ from?”=“Where does/ do + 主语 + come from?”意为“是哪里人?” 或 “来自哪里?” 。11例如:Hes from Beijing. = He comes from Beijing.他来自北京。Where is he from? = Where does he

30、come from?他来自哪里?/ 他是哪里人?注意:注意: 请避免出现以下错误句式:Where are you come from?或 Where do you from?这两种句子结构均不正确。3.3. WhatWhat aboutabout1) “What about= How about”意为“怎么样” ,用来征求别人的意见,了解情况或提出建议。其后可以接名词或者是代词,接代词时要用宾格。例如:What about the book? 那本书怎么样?I like this car, what about you? 我喜欢这辆汽车,你呢?2)What about 后接动词时一定要用动词的

31、-ing 形式。例如:What about going shopping?去购物怎么样?What about drinking a cup of tea? 喝杯茶怎么样?4.4. ThisThis is/Theseis/These areare 1)当我们介绍一个人或一些东西时,经常用 This is/These are,而不是用“He is”或者“They are” 。例如:Mum, this is my teacher. 妈妈,这是我的老师。Miss Wang, this is my mother. 王老师,这是我妈妈。2)This is 后接单数名词,These are 后接复数名词。

32、例如:This is my book. 这是我的书。These are my friends. 这些是我的朋友。3)指近处的物体时用“This is”句型;指远处的物体时用“That is ”句型。例如:This is my aunt. 这是我姑姑。That is my friend. 那是我的朋友。124)用来询问时,也可以用人称代词 he 或者 she 代替指示代词 this/that。例如:Is she your mother? 她是你的妈妈吗?注意:注意:用指示代词提问时,回答的时候用人称代词。如果是人称代词询问,回答的时候仍用人称代词。例如:Is that your book?那是你

33、的书吗?No, it isnt. 不,不是。Is she your sister? 她是你的妹妹吗?Yes, she is. 是的,她是。5.5. WhatsWhats youryour mothersmothers job?job?这个句式是由 what 引导的询问职业的句式,意为“你妈妈是干什么工作的?” 。回答一般为:人称代词+is/are+职业名词。例如:Whats her job? 她是干什么工作的?Shes a teacher. 她是一名教师。另外,询问职业还可以用句式:What+ is /are+人称代词?或 What do/does +人称代词+do?例如:What are t

34、hey?(=What do they do?) 他们是干什么工作的?Theyre students. 他们是学生。What does your older sister do?你姐姐是做什么工作的? Shes a bus driver. 她是公共汽车司机。6.6. What+be+sb/sthWhat+be+sb/sth like?like?这个句式是用来询问人的性格特征,这里的be like意为“像一样” ,like是介词。例如:What is the old man like? 那个老人怎么样?He is kind. 他很和蔼。注意:注意:What does/do sb. /sth. lo

35、ok like?这个句式是询问某个人或物的外貌特征的。例如:What does the old man look like? 那个老人怎么样?13He is short and thin. 他又矮又瘦。7.7. WhereWhere is/areis/are询问某人或某物在哪个地方,where 是疑问副词,意为“在哪里” ,be 要随着后面主语人称单复数进行变化,单数用 is,复数用 are。wheres 是 where is 的缩写形式,回答时不能用 yes 或 no,而是问什么就答什么。如果主语是人,回答时用人称代词主格做主语;如果主语是物,回答时单数为“Its + 表示地点的词” ,复数

36、用“They are + 表示地点的词” 。例如:Wheres my radio? 我的收音机在哪儿?Its on the desk. 在桌子上。Wheres your book? 你的书在哪里?Its in the bookcase. 在书柜里。8.8. WeveWeve gotgot lotslots ofof apples.apples.1)本句的句式是“主语+ have/ has got + 其它” ;意思是“某人有” 。当主语是第三人称单数或者不可数名词时用“has ” ,其余情况用“have” 。例如:I have got a dog. 我有一只狗。2)这个句型的否定形式是“主语+

37、 have not/ has not got+其它” 。 “have not”的缩写是“havent” , “has not”的缩写是“hasnt” 。例如:We havent got any meat.本句的意思是“我们没有肉了。3)本句的一般疑问句是将陈述句中的“have/has”提到句首,将句末的句号变成问号,并将句子中的某些词做相应的变化。例如,要把 some 变成 any。它的肯定回答是“Yes, 主语+have/has.” ;否定回答是“No, 主语+havent / hasnt.” 。例如:Have we got any chocolate? 我们有巧克力吗?Yes, we ha

38、ve. 是的,我们有。No, we havent. 不,我们没有。9.9. isis mymy favoritefavorite 这个句式意为“是我最喜欢的” ,等于“My favoriteis”经常对下列问句进行回答。141) “What is your favorite?”=“What+名词+do/does+主语+like best?” ;意思是“你最喜爱的是什么?” 。例如:What is your favorite movie? 你最喜爱的电影是什么?Horry Potter is my favorite movie./ My favorite movie is Horry Potte

39、r. 我最喜爱的电影是哈利波特。What is your favorite color?What color do you like best?你最喜爱的颜色是什么?Yellow is my favorite color./ My favorite color is yellow. / I like yellow best.我最喜欢的颜色是黄色。注意:注意:这个句式中的物主代词可以用各种人称。例如:History is his favorite subject. 历史是他最喜欢的科目。Art is her favorite subject. 美术是她最喜欢的科目。10.10. ItsIts +

40、 +几点钟几点钟“Its +几点钟”是用来回答句型“Whats the time?/ What time is it?”。英语中具体时刻的表达有以下几种:1) 如果是没有过半小时的时间, 一般表达为几点过几分,用介词past。 例如:5:20 读作: twenty past five(分钟放在小时前)2) 如果过了半个小时的时间,一般表达为几点差几分,用介词to。 例如:5点50 可以表达为:ten to six(分钟放小时之前)3) 不管过不过半个小时,都可以直接表达。 例如:5:20 直接表达为:five twenty;5:40直接表达为: five forty。注意是小时加分钟,先读小时

41、再读分钟。4) 另外,英语中有很多常用的表达。15分钟可以说成:quarter。3:15 可表达为:a quarter past three,6点30可以表达为:half past six,7点整可以表达为:seven oclock。 15句式精练句式精练.根据对话内容,填写所缺单词,每空一词。根据对话内容,填写所缺单词,每空一词。(福建漳州期中)(福建漳州期中)A: Who is the letter from, Ben ?B: Its from my pen pal , David.A: 1 he speak Chinese?B: No, he doesnt .He 2 English.

42、But he knows a lot about China.A: Does he live 3 China?B: Yes, he does.A: 4 does he say in the letter?B: He says he wants to visit the Great Wall.A: Oh, he can help you with your English.B:Yes, youre 5 . 按要求完成句子。按要求完成句子。1. My name is Jim Smith. (对划线部分提问) your name?2. Damings sister is in Class Three

43、.(改为否定句)Damings sister _ _ in Class Three.3. His favorite color is red.(对划线部分提问)_ his favorite color?4. Whats your fathers job? (改为同义句)What_ your father_?5. My mother is in the room now. (对划线部分提问)_ _ your mother now?6. Jack has got some milk. (改为一般疑问句)16_ Jack got _ milk?7. I like fish and noodles b

44、est. (改为同义句)My _ _ is fish and noodles.8. Its half past eight.(对划线部分提问)_ the _?9. I come from Henan province.(改为一般疑问句)Where_ _ come _?10. There are some students in my class.(改为单数句)There_ _ _ in my class.根据汉语提示完成句子。根据汉语提示完成句子。1. 你妈妈是干什么的?经理。_ your mothers _?A manager.2. 我们没有肉。We havent _ _ meat.3. 一

45、起去游泳怎么样?_ _ going swimming?4. 你们的新老师怎么样?很和蔼。What _ your new teacher _?Very kind.5. 我的卧室里有一些图画。There are _ _ in my bedroom.6. 这些男孩不喜欢做作业,但是他们喜欢玩。17These boys dont like _ _ but they like playing.7. 学生们早上八点去学校。The students _ _ _ at eight in the morning.8. 我们周日不去动物园。We _ go to the _ on Sundays.9. 欢迎你来我们

46、家。_ you _ my home.10. 上海是个大城市。Shanghai is _ _ _.参考答案参考答案I.I. 根据对话内容,填写所缺单词,每空一词。根据对话内容,填写所缺单词,每空一词。1. Does 2.speaks 3.in 4. What 5.right. 按要求完成句子。按要求完成句子。1. What, is 2. is, not 3. Whats 4. does, do 5. Where, is6. Has, any 7. favorite, food 8. Whats, time 9. do, you, from 10. is, a, student.根据汉语提示完成句子。根据汉语提示完成句子。1. Whats, job 2. got, any 3. How/What, about 4. is, like 5. some, pictures6. doing, homework 7. go, to, school 8. dont, zoo 9. Welcome,to 10. a, big, city


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