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《江苏省部分市2022-2023学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题汇编:阅读理解.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省部分市2022-2023学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题汇编:阅读理解.docx(26页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、江苏省部分市2022-2023学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题分类汇编阅读理解江苏省苏州市2022-2023学年高一上学期期末学业质量阳光指标调研英语试卷 第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AWelcome to Write the World!Were a community of young writers (ages 13-18) from over 120 countries. Join us and.Write moreExplore our cvcr-changing library of pro

2、mpts (提示)as you keep on a regular writing practice. When youre at a loss fbr an idea or feeling uninspired, a prompt magically opens new doors. Push beyond your comfort zone and try different topics and styles.Write wellSee your writing improve as you find your own voice. Enter competitions for the

3、chance to receive comments (评论)from authors, writing teachers, and other experts in the field.Each month Write the World holds a new competition, which is developed around an idea or type of writing, such as poetry, fantasy, sports news, or fiction. Competitions encourage you to dig deeper into the

4、writing process, try ou( new types and share your work with a sea of eager readers.Write togetherWriting is a social act. The best writers often rewrite their work based on the advice (hey receive from their writing community. Share your work with an energetic community, and exchange opinions with w

5、riters from all over the world.At Write the World, this is what creates connection from one side of the world to the other. Expressing ourselves through the written word is so much easier and fun when we have eager readers telling us whats working well, and where we might improve our skills.WORDS AR

6、E POWERFUL. In joining the Write the World community and publishing on our website, you are responsible fbr your words. Check out our Writing Guidelines for further details. Please contact us at if you have any questions.B. Differences between hot and cold.C. Changes of physical performance.D. Benef

7、its of cold temperatures.DI was recently in Door County Wisconsin, the land of cherriesa fruit sweet to taste and, for me sweeter to recall. The little fruit reminds me of a chat I had with my daughter Molly, now 19, about ten years ago on the summer shores of Lake Michigan.Molly and I have much in

8、common, including a lasting love of homemade pies. As I get aged. Ive never changed the sense that freshly baked pies are the most delicious. My daughter agrees.When she was younger, we would talk about pies before, while and after eating them. She made a special face and sign-one eye closed, fork w

9、aved twice in the airwhenever a tasty pie had been eaten up. So this chat wasnt all that strange as wc drove around Door County, a land of cherries that July day.“Dad, Molly asked from the back of our car, “try to guess my two favorite pies.” I thought before answering, given the importance of the s

10、ubject.Pumpkin and Wisconsin cherry, I answered, looking at her through the rearview mirror(后视 镜).Our Lake Michigan location had given me the idea of my second guess and. I thought, her question. But that was not Mollys answer. Her expression told me she was confused. But as quickly as the look came

11、, it was replaced by a naughty smile. OK, she corrected, 4ttry to guess my three favorite pics. Molly had changed her rankings(排序),putting her original top two picks to second and third place.Our brief chat stayed with me. Too often facts around me change, but my mind doesnt. Unaffected by new infor

12、mation, I function like a navigation (导航)system that has missed a (urn but wont return. Since that summer day, when I sense myself behaving this way, I try to recall the favorite pic“ chat with my daughter and correct my course.It was a small moment that Molly has probably forgotten, but I never wil

13、l. Sometimes big lessons come from small moments.12. What did Molly mean by making a special face and sign after eating a pie?A. She was quite full.B. She was very lovely.C. She wanted more pies.D. She really enjoyed the pie.13. What does the writer learn from iheir chat?A. Refuse to change his mind

14、.B. Behave his own way.C. Accept new information.D. Follow a navigation system.14. Which of the following best describes my feeling after the chat?A. Grateful.B. Excited.C. Regretful.D.Unconcerned.15. Which can be a suitable title for (he text?A. A shared love for piesB. A happy journey in summerC.

15、A sweet lesson from a pieD. A small moment with Molly江苏省宿迁市2022-2023学年高一上学期2月期末英语试题第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AA Date with Beautiful SichuanChina Daily website is inviting photography-lovers to take photos and short videos thatdescribe beautiful Sichuan in Southwest

16、 China from Oct 20, 2022 until Feb 20, 2023. The event called “A Date with Bcautifiil Sichuan is hosted by Sichuan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism and China Daily website.Anyone is welcome (o submit(提交)photos or videos, regardless of whether you are a professional or an amateur, or even

17、 who you are or where you are from. Photography works centered around the theme are welcome, such as Sichuans urban landscape, local customs, cultural and natural heritage, cultural relics and museums, cultural and creative industries, cuisine, opera, song and dance, etc. , which fully display the b

18、eauty of Sichuan and convey the friendship and love across borders. Participants(参与者)will have the opportunity to get nice cultural and creative gifts. Outstanding works will be exhibited on the China Daily website, China Daily App, as well as overseas cooperative media platforms.Requirements:The su

19、bmitted works should be original, creative in form and theme, and should present what you see, hear and feel in Sichuan.Works must be a series of photos. A series of photos counts as one entry and each series may contain no more than ten photos. 5MB maximum for each photo. Format in JPG or PNG No mo

20、re than 200 descriptive words in Chinese or English fbr each work shall be submitted.How to submit: Send works and application forms to contestchinadaily. coni. cn Post your works through Facebook or TikTok.Facebook: Follow and tag beautiful ChinaTikTok: Follow and tag china cultureHow long will the

21、 event last?A. 3 months B. 4 months. C. 5 months. D. 6 months.21. What is a requirement of the works?A. Original. B. Uncreative C. Single. D. Descriptive.22. Where can (he article be found?A. Novel. B. Newspaper C. History book. D. Travel brochure.BHave you ever got frightened for being seriously il

22、l but some doctors caring words cured you right away? Or have you ever felt moved deeply when doctors listened to you patiently? If so, then youre not alone.My mum, fbr example, recently started losing her sight, which made her worried. She went for an urgent date with an eye doctor at the local hos

23、pital. When I telephoned her that evening to see how it went, she replied, *Oh, it was wonderful. They were so lovely and kind, Could she now see? No. Had they been able to treat it? No. In fact, she had to wait for an hour to see the nurse, and three hours to see the doctor.Although theyd ruled out

24、 emergency causes for her sight loss, they hadnt known the root of the problem. She was now at home, still unable to see properly and not knowing if she would go blind permanently. But that didnt matter. What mattered to her was that a nurse met her at ihe door and helped her to her seat. Another nu

25、rse offered to get my mum a sandwich when lunch came. The doctor touched her knee and listened to her as she explained what had happened, asking about how the loss of sight had affected her life. He understood what worried my mum was that as an avid(热衷的)reader, she wouldnt be able to read a book aga

26、in. Touched by ihe doctors and nurses kind actions, she felt she had received good care.Patients dont evaluate the actual medicine thats practiced; its the communication skills of the doctor that determine how they evaluate the care. Maybe the key to improving healthcare is better listening.23. Why

27、does the author use two questions in paragraph 1?A. To praise the doctors.B. To attract readers1 interest.C. To show a common sight.D. To provide background information.24. How did the mother feel after seeing the doctor?A. Upset. B. Worried. C. Satisfied. D. Confident.25. What can we learn from the

28、 text?A. The mother is able to read again.B. The mother has lost sight forever.C. The root of the problem has already been found.D. Better listening is good for improving healthcare.26. Whats the authors attitude to the medical workers behaviour?A. Doubtful. B. Unconcerned. C. Supportive. D. Objecti

29、ve.CCoral reefs(珊瑚礁)as underwater walls can help reduce the effects of hurricanes on coastal communities. This seems unbelievable. It is reported that scientists have discovered that coral reefs are even more effective than man-made sea walls under the waler. However, coral reefs are especially easy

30、 to be influenced by climate change. Overfishing and pollution have also proved very dangerous to them. Since 1950, half of the worlds coral reefs have already been lost. To protect our communities and keep sea ecosystems alive, we need to protect coral reefs right away.Lets take a closer look at ho

31、w coral reefs protect us from floods, and how scientists arc restoring(修复)reefs.The roles that coral reefs play as underwater walls have long been recorded by scientists. During a Category 3 hurricane in 2015 in Australia, the coral reefs effectively protected the eastern shoreline from flooding. In

32、 contrast, the western coasts without coral reefs suffered serious damage. The researchers observed that the shape of coral reefs can break the approaching waves.More recently, researchers at the University of Miami have reached the same conclusion. They used a special lab simulator (o recreate ocea

33、n conditions during a Category 5 hurricane. They found that coral reefs could reduce the impact of waves by up to 95 percent!Because of higher ocean acidity( 酸 性)and temperature, coral reefs are disappearing and dying out. At the same time, climate change puts weakened coral reefs under more stress.

34、 The University of Miami researchers are testing to plant new coral reefs while others are actively looking for effective methods to reduce (he acidity of sea water. The governments have also paid more attention to these actions and provided enough money for reef restoration. With these efforts, we

35、may address climate threats to coral reefs and they can carry on protecting our communities. 28. What can we know about coral reefs?A. They can reduce hurricanes.B. They arc faced with danger now.C. They cant effectively prevent floods.D. They arent influenced by overfishing.29. Which of the followi

36、ng is true according to paragraph 3?A. A terrible hurricane attacked Australia in 2015.B. Scientists paid little attention to coral reefs before.C. Coral reefs could reduce the impact of waves to 95%.D. The eastern coasts of Australia were damaged seriously.30. What may happen to coral reefs in (he

37、future?A. Coral reefs may disappear.B. Coral reefs will be ignored.C. More coral reefs may appearD. Few coral reefs will be planted.31. Whats the purpose of this passage?A. To introduce the growth of coral reefs.B. lb explain the functions of coral reefs.C. To encourage people to plant more coral re

38、efs.D. Tb stress the importance of protecting carol reefs.DIn the past several months, Apple, Google and Samsung have all launched their newest smartphones and other products. But in the process, this may also be adding to a growing problem: electronic waste.The limited lifespan of many tech gadgets

39、(设备)has caused the issue of e-waste to increase over the years. uPeoplc tend not to realize that all these seemingly insignificant things have a lot of value, especially in large amounts, Pascal Leroy, director general of the WEEE Forum, said in a statementHow to solve the problems of e-waste is muc

40、h more than just cleaning out space in your junk drawers. Actually, large amounts of e-waste are shipped to developing countries that lack the power to refuse and safely recycle these imports. The WHO warned that children, with their smaller hands, are often used to deal with mountains of e-waste in

41、 developing nations in search of valuable elements such as copper, silver, palladium and so on. The WHO said the health of more than 18 million children are being affected negatively as they arc employed in this informal c-wastc processing industry.Personally, what can you do to reduce the e-waste b

42、urden? Find an e-waste disposal处理) service. The impact of recycling e-waste can be staxcrine. For every 1 million cellphones that are recycled, 35, 000 pounds of copper, 772 pounds of silver, 75 pounds of gold and 33 pounds of palladium can be recovered. Meanwhile, environmental advocates say the mo

43、st important step to deal with the mounting e-waste problem is simply to try to use your electronics fbr as long as possibleWhat might come along with companies launching new e-products?A. More electronic waste.B. Few optional tech gadgets.C. Limited lifespan of the devices.D. Important things for c

44、onsumers.32. Why are children greatly influenced by e-waste according to the WHO?A. Developed countries cant recycle e-waste safely.B. E-waste mountains are places for children to play.C. Many valuable elements can be found on e-wasle mountains.D. Children are hired in the informal e-waste processin

45、g industry.33. What does the underlined word staggering in Paragraph 4 probably mean?A. Interesting. B. Surprising. C. Annoying. D. Challenging.34. Which of the following may be the best title for (he passage?A. What is the source of e-waste?B. E-wastea serious problem?C. E-wastea processing industr

46、y? D. What to do with your e-waste?江苏省镇江市2022-2023学年高一上学期期末统考英语试卷第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AFor children in parts of Kenya, books often arrive on the back of a camel. In other parts of the world, they arrive on horses, boats and motor vehicles. Books are hard to com

47、e by in some parts of the world. That makes mobile(移动的)libraries an excellent way to share knowledge and the joy of reading.The Camel Mobile LibraryIn Kenyas Northeaster region, the Camel Mobile Library takes books to remote villages. The government created the program to give children a chance to l

48、earn to read. The animals, which carry 400 books at a time, travel four days a week.II BibliomotocarroRetired school teacher Antonio La Cava wanted to help children learn to love reading. With that in mind, he turned his three-wheeled van(小货车)into a (raveling library. His Bibliomotocarro holds 700 books. Each month he (ravels over 480 kilometers to visit excited children in southern Italys smallest villages.CLI Book BoatsCommunity Learning International(CLI)sponsors a floating library in Laos. The boats, which visit out-of-the-way villages along the Mekong River, carry more th


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