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1、日期:2022 年二月八日。日期:2022 年二月八日。一中高二英语 Units11-13 单元测试卷 制卷人:打自企;成别使;而都那。审核人:众闪壹;春壹阑;各厅 日期:2022 年二月八日。I.Listening comprehension (一共 15 题,计 15 分)听下面 5 段对话,答复 1 至 5 小题每段对话仅读一遍 1.What does the man mean?A.The movie is not interesting at all.B.The movie is very interesting.C.The movie is not a bit interesting

2、.2.What time is it now?A.6:30 B.6:00 C.5:30 3.Where does the conversation take place?A.In a clothing shop B.At the womans home.C.In the street.4.How much does one coat cost?A.$18.B.$80.C.$30.5.What will the woman do this evening?A.Meet her sister at the airport.B.Say good-bye to her sister at the ai

3、rport.C.Go to the airport with her sister.第二节 听下面 3 段对话,答复 6 至 15 小题(每段对话读两遍)日期:2022 年二月八日。日期:2022 年二月八日。听第 6 段材料,答复第 6 至 8 题。6.Why did David come to China?A.His mother works here.B.He lives in China.C.He likes to work here.7.Whats David?A.He is a businessman.B.He is an actor.C.He is a student.8.How

4、 does he learn Chinese?A.He teaches himself Chinese.B.His friends teach him.C.He goes to Chinese classes regularly.听第 7 段材料,答复第 9 至 11 题。9.Whats the woman thinking about?A.Getting more money.B.Doing better in her job.C.Changing her job.10.How does the woman like her present job?A.It is difficult.B.I

5、t is interesting.C.It is well-paid.11.When does the woman have to decide?A.Today B.Tomorrow C.The day after tomorrow 听第 8 段材料,答复第 12 至 15 题。12.Who didnt go shopping according to the conversation?A.The man speaker B.The woman speaker C.Peter 13.What will the man do this afternoon?A.Go swimming B.Go s

6、hopping C.Plant some flowers 14.Whom are they going to help?日期:2022 年二月八日。日期:2022 年二月八日。A.Mrs.White B.Mr.White C.Miss White.15.Why is the man glad to plant flowers?s ready to help others.B.He loves flowers.C.He can get some money by doing so.II.Multiple choice (一共 15 题,计 15 分)16.-How is _ going with

7、 you?-So so.A.everything B.anything C.something D.nothing 17._ be sent to work here?A.Who do you suggest that should B.Who do you suggest C.Do you suggest who would D.Do you suggest whom should 18.Jim passed the driving test,_ surprised everybody in the office.A.which B.that C.this D.it 19.The poor

8、young man is ready to accept _ help he can get.A.whichever B.however C.whatever D.whenever 20.When _ help,one often says,“Thank you.or“Its kind of you.A.offering B.to offer C.to be offered D.offered 21.Taking _ is _ means to get there.A.plane;a quick B.plane;good C.a plane;quick D.a plane;a quick 22

9、.The tests have _ the drug is safe.A.made clear that B.made it clear that C.made that clearD.made it clear what 日期:2022 年二月八日。日期:2022 年二月八日。23.I _ the present he bought me.I threw it away.A.dislike B.unlike C.inlike D.mislike 24.You must put your heart into what you are doing,or you _ your aim.A.nev

10、er achieved B.will never achieve C.have never achieved D.are never achieving 25.The moment she came back from work,she _ to clean the kitchen thoroughly.A.set out B.set about C.set off D.set up 26._ he was complaining about?A.What it was that B.What that it was C.That what was it D.What was it that

11、27.Although the boy came back to life,yet he _ rather weak.A.grew B.became C.remained D.proved 28.He said that he failed in the last examination because of his _.A.careless B.carelessness C.careness D.care 29.Where _ John have put the matches?Has he thrown them away?A.can B.must C.cant D.mustnt 30.I

12、t seemed a long time _ my turn came.A.after B.before C.since D.as III.Cloze test 一共 20 题,计 30 分 I climbed over the rail(栏杆)and stood on the edge of the bridge and looked at the water of the river.My knees felt a bit funny and started to shake.Why did I come up here and 31 a fool of myself?I looked d

13、own at the 32 again.A leaf went 33 by.Then a log.The log passed the 日期:2022 年二月八日。日期:2022 年二月八日。leaf.The current(水流)must be 34 ,I thought.Jim and Mark had already jumped.Then they stood on the 35 watching me.Steve was sitting on the bank,too,36_ his foot.Bob was on the opposite bank.He shouted at me

14、,“Go in straight,37_ youll kill yourself.I was ready after he said that.“OK,I shouted back to 38_.“If Phil jumps,then,I will.Phil ran over to 39 I was.He was built like me,so I figured(指望、期待)40_ he could do it,so could I.Phil stood on the rail and then did a beautiful swan dive.“OK,if Bob jumps agai

15、n,I will.Bob came up and jumped off.“OK,if Jim jumps again,I will.Jim came over,shaking his head 41_ and jumped.As soon as his head 42_ above the water,he said,“All right,now its your 43_ to jump.I looked up at the sky.I closed my eyes.Then I held my nose,let out a cry and jumped off.My eyes were cl

16、osed and 44_ the way down I 45_ how it was in heaven.When I 46_ the water,feet first,the force turned 47_ and I could 48_ the current.My feet sunk in the mud.I pushed off,came to the surface,and swam to the shore.Mark looked at me,“Wasnt that 49_?I looked at my red swollen(肿的)50_,“Yes,certainly.31.A

17、.make B.have C.do D.become 32.A.rail B.leaf C.log D.water 33.A.flying B.walking C.floating D.running 34.A.strong B.weak C.heavy D.cold 35.A.edge B.water C.bank D.bridge 日期:2022 年二月八日。日期:2022 年二月八日。36.A.to hold B.holding C.was holding D.held 37.A.and B.but C.or D.however 38.A.him B.her C.me D.them 39

18、.A.what B.where C.who D.there 40.A.whether B.why C.how D.if 41.A.a little B.few C.little D.a few 42.A.disappeared B.found C.appeared D.discovered 43.A.chance B.turn C.right D.way 44.A.some of B.half C.part of D.all 45.A.wondered B.noticed C.knew D.understood 46.A.drank B.hit C.drove D.emptied 47.A.o

19、ff B.in C.around D.again 48.A.feel B.touch C.see D.smell 49.A.surprised B.fun C.different D.easily 50.A.hands B.head C.feet D.arms IV.Reading comprehension一共 15 题,计 30 分 A You either have it,or you dont-a sense of direction,that is.But why is it that some people could find their way across the Sahar

20、a without a map,while others can lose themselves in the next street?Scientists say were all born with a sense of direction,but it is not properly understood how it works.One theory is that people with a good sense of direction have simply worked harder 日期:2022 年二月八日。日期:2022 年二月八日。at developing it.Re

21、search being carried out at Liverpool University supports this idea and suggests that if we dont use it,we lose it.“Children as young as seven have the ability to find their way around,says Jim Martland,Research Director of the project,“However,if they are not allowed out alone or are taken everywhe

22、re by car,they never develop the skills.Jim Martland also emphasizes that young people should be taught certain skills to improve their sense of direction.He makes the following suggestions:If you are using a map,turn it so it relates to the way you are facing.If you leave your bike in a strange pla

23、ce,put it near something like a big stone or a tree.Note landmarks on the route as you go away from your bike.When you return,go back along the same route.Simplify the way of finding your direction by using lines such as streets in a town,streams,or walls in the countryside to guide you.Count your s

24、teps so that you know how far you have gone and note any landmarks such as tower blocks or hills which can help to find out where you are.Now you need never get lost again!51.Scientists believe that_.A.some babies are born with a sense of direction B.people learn a sense of direction as they grow ol

25、der C.people never lose their sense of direction D.everybody possesses a sense of direction from birth 52.What is true of seven-year-old children according to the passage?日期:2022 年二月八日。日期:2022 年二月八日。A.They never have a sense of direction without maps.B.They should never be allowed out alone if they

26、lack a sense of direction.C.They have a sense of direction and can find their way around.D.They can develop a good sense of direction if they are driven around in a car.53.If you leave your bike in a strange place,you should_.A.tie it to a tree so as to prevent it from being stolen B.draw a map of t

27、he route to help remember where it is C.avoid taking the same route when you come back to it D.remember something easily recognizable on the route 54.According to the passage,the best way to find your way around is to _.A.ask policemen for directions B.use walls,streams,and streets to guide yourself

28、 C.remember your route by looking out for steps and stairs D.count the number of landmarks that you see B Oxford is a very old town on the River Thames,about 60 miles from London.Unlike modern university towns,where you usually find the university on the edge of the towns,or on its own campus,Oxford

29、s center is the university;and all around the crossroads at the very heart of Oxford,Carfax,there are grey stone colleges and other university buildings.In the center you can also find interesting old restaurants.There are a lot of churches,and a few really large and interesting buildings,such as th

30、e Ashmolean Museum;the“round library,the Bodleian and the Radclife Camera.Like all English towns,there are parks,and“The Parks 日期:2022 年二月八日。日期:2022 年二月八日。is the home of university cricket in the summer months.As you leave the center and go towards the edge of Oxford you can see industrial areas in

31、one direction;and in another,beautiful suburbs.There are,in fact,quite a lot of industries in Oxford.55.What does the passage mainly discuss?A.A well-known university.B.An old industrial center.C.A newly developed town D.A famous university town.56.Visitors to Oxford will find that _.A.the universit

32、y is also the town center B.one of the crossroads is called Carfax C.most buildings are modern and interesting D.the university is on the edge of the town 57.It can be inferred from the passage that _.A.“The Parks is the only park in Oxford B.“The Parks is the home of the university sportsmen C.“The

33、 Parks is where cricket games take place in summer D.all towns in Britain have“The Parks 58.What does the underlined word“another mean?A.Another suburbs.B.Another directionC.Another area D.Another park C Do you want to have your favorite songs with you anytime.Anywhere?With the new iPod,you can carr

34、y1,000 of your favorites around in your pocket.Apple Computers,a US company and a leader in personal computers,showed its new product,a digital music player,last week at its California head office.The iPod,a portable(便携的)stainless-steel不锈钢player,is the same size as a packet 日期:2022 年二月八日。日期:2022 年二月

35、八日。of cards.It weighs the same as a school textbook.Yet it is able to store 1,000 songs on its 5 GB hard drive and has a battery电池life of 8 to 10 hours.“To be able to carry your whole music library with you at all times is a huge step forward in listening to music,said Steve Jobs,chief executive off

36、icer(CEO)of Apple Computer.Before the iPod came out,an MP3 player could normally store no more than 20 songs.Apple says that people can download an entire CD onto the iPod within 10 seconds and 1,000 songs in less than 10 minutes.The iPod comes with a screen that shows the artists name and the song

37、and album titles for the tract you are listening to.It is very simple to manager because it works with Mac OS X,a very powerful server.It can recharge再充电by itself,so there is no need for you to carry a power pack.You can recharge and download files to the iPod at the same time.“This is going to be t

38、he hottest gift for this Christmas,said Jobs.The iPod costs US$399 and will be on sale in the US from November 10.59.Why can the iPod store so many songs?Because_.A.it is a computer.B.it is a digital device(装置).C.it has a 5GB hard drive D.it has a battery life of 8 to 10 hours 60.Mac OS X can possib

39、ly be _.A.a computer company.B.the iPod producer.C.CEO of the Apple company.D.a good operating system(操作系统).61.The main purpose of this passage is _.日期:2022 年二月八日。日期:2022 年二月八日。A.tell the difference between the iPod and the MP3 player.B.teach people more about IT technology C.show people how to use

40、the iPod D.advertise a new music player 62.Which of the following can be the best title of this passage?A.Pocket Your Top Songs B.Store All Your Songs C.An MP3 D.MP3 with a Screen D William Shakespeare was born in 1564 at Stratford-on-Avon in England.At that time Elizabeth I had been Queen for six y

41、ears.We do not know much about Shakespeares life.However,we do know that his father was a shopkeeper and that his mother was a daughter of a farmer.William went to Stratford Grammar School,where he learnt Latin,Scripture and mathematics.When he left school,William was employed by his father.He marri

42、ed a local girl,Anne Hatheway,when he was eighteen.Three years later he left Stratford and went to London.We dont know anything about Shakespeares life between the year 1585 and 1590.We are certain,however,that by the end of 1590 he had joined a group of actors and had started writing plays.He possi

43、bly wrote more plays,which he did not have published or performed.Shakespeare went back to Stratford-on-Avon a few years before he died in 1616 at the age of 52.日期:2022 年二月八日。日期:2022 年二月八日。63.Shakespeare _ in 1582.A.went to London B.got married to Anne Hatheway C.began to write plays D.attended Stra

44、tford Grammar School 64._ he left Stratford for London.A.Before he graduated from Stratford School B.It was three years after he got married that C.After writing the first play D.Being an actor 65.By the end of 1590 Shakespeare had_.A.written a lot of plays B.returned to Stratford C.joined a company

45、 of actors D.become a teacher in London V.Word spelling (一共 10 题,计 10 分)66.What a discovery!Many thousands have _(受益)from the new medicine.67.The show had a very large audience,r_ from children to grandparents.68.B_ is the science or study of plants.69.The liner was in _(碰撞)with an oil-tankers.70.Ha

46、ve they _(宣布)when the race will begin?71.The injury left him with a _(永久的)limp.日期:2022 年二月八日。日期:2022 年二月八日。72.The other candidates main _(不利条件)is her age.73.The eye is _(敏感的)to light.74.Chinese doctors are playing an important role in the b_ against AIDS.75.The water molecule is made up of two hydro

47、gen atoms and one o _ atom.VI.Correction(见答题纸 一共 10 题 计 10 分)此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。对标有题号的每一行作出判断:如无错误,在该行右边横线上画一个勾 ;如有错误每只一个错误,那么按以下情况改正:该行多一个词:把多余的词用斜线划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉。该行缺一个词:在缺词处加一个漏字符号。在该行右边横线上写出该加的词。该行错一个词:在错的词下划一横线,在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词。注意:原行没有错的不要改。答题要标准。VII.Translation 见答题纸 一共 10 题 计 10 分 日期:2022 年

48、二月八日。日期:2022 年二月八日。录音材料 Text 1 W:How do you like the film we saw last night?M:I never thought it was going to be so interesting.Text 2 W:Hurry up.The film will begin soon.M:Dont worry,The film begins at half past six and we still have half an hour to go.Text 3 M:Can I help you,Madam?W:Id like to buy

49、 such a dress as is shown in the shop window.Text 4 M:These are very nice coats,how much are they?W:18 dollars each.For two 30 dollars.Text 5 M:Shall we go to the theatre this evening?W:Oh,sorry.Im afraid I cant.Im seeing my sister off at the airport.Text 6 W:When did you come to China,David?M:I cam

50、e here about 10 years ago.W:Why did you come here?M:Because I like to act in Chinese movies.W:Do you enjoy working here?日期:2022 年二月八日。日期:2022 年二月八日。M:Yes,very much.The Chinese people are very friendly.W:How about your Chinese:?M:Just soso.I go to Chinese classes every Thursday evening.Text 7 M:Whats


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