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1、会计学1耶鲁大学校长毕业演讲耶鲁大学校长毕业演讲Graduates of the Class of 2018,family members,and friends.Graduates of the Class of 2018,family members,and friends.It is a pleasure to be here with you today,a day filled with joy It is a pleasure to be here with you today,a day filled with joy for the present and hope for t

2、he futurefor the present and hope for the future.n nThere is a wonderful Yale tradition that I would like to There is a wonderful Yale tradition that I would like to honor right now:honor right now:n nMay I May I askask all of the families and friends here today all of the families and friends here

3、today toto rise rise and and recognizerecognize the the outstandingoutstandingand graduatingand graduatingmembers of the Class of 2018?members of the Class of 2018?n nAnd now,may I ask the Class of 2018 to consider all those And now,may I ask the Class of 2018 to consider all those who have supporte

4、d your arrival at this who have supported your arrival at this milestonemilestone(里程(里程(里程(里程碑)碑)碑)碑),and to please rise and recognize them?and to please rise and recognize them?n nThank you!Thank you!第1页/共26页n nThese are the months and years when people These are the months and years when people te

5、nd to make a lot of plans.Some are practical:tend to make a lot of plans.Some are practical:you schedule flights and rent apartments and you schedule flights and rent apartments and consider where you will live,work,or study after consider where you will live,work,or study after graduation.Others ar

6、e more graduation.Others are more aspirationalaspirational(有雄(有雄(有雄(有雄心壮志的)心壮志的)心壮志的)心壮志的):you imagine your future life and you imagine your future life and what you wish to accomplish in the years ahead.what you wish to accomplish in the years ahead.n nI want to begin by sharing a passage Pauli I w

7、ant to begin by sharing a passage Pauli Murray wrote in 1945 about her aspirations.At the Murray wrote in 1945 about her aspirations.At the time,she was a young lawyer and civil time,she was a young lawyer and civil rightsrights(民(民(民(民权)权)权)权)activist activist(积极分子)(积极分子)(积极分子)(积极分子).第2页/共26页n n“I

8、intend to destroy I intend to destroy segregationsegregation(种族隔离;)(种族隔离;)(种族隔离;)(种族隔离;)by by positive and positive and embracingembracing(欣然接受的)(欣然接受的)(欣然接受的)(欣然接受的)methods,”methods,”Murray wrote.“When my brothers try to draw a circle to Murray wrote.“When my brothers try to draw a circle to exclud

9、eexclude(排除)(排除)(排除)(排除)me,I shall draw a larger circle to me,I shall draw a larger circle to include them.Where they speak out for the include them.Where they speak out for the privilegesprivileges(特权)(特权)(特权)(特权)of a of a punypuny(弱小的)(弱小的)(弱小的)(弱小的)group,I shall shout for group,I shall shout for

10、the rights of all mankind.”the rights of all mankind.”n nSo today I ask you:How large will you draw your circle?So today I ask you:How large will you draw your circle?n nWill you draw a circle that is large,inclusive,and Will you draw a circle that is large,inclusive,and vibrantvibrant(充满活力的)(充满活力的)

11、(充满活力的)(充满活力的)?Or will it be small,“puny,”and Or will it be small,“puny,”and privileged?privileged?n nThe work of inclusion is difficult,but the rewards are The work of inclusion is difficult,but the rewards are great.great.第3页/共26页n nLet me suggest ways you might follow the Let me suggest ways you

12、might follow the example of Pauli Murrayand many other Yale example of Pauli Murrayand many other Yale graduateswhen you leave this graduateswhen you leave this campuscampus.n nFirst,make sure your circles are truly large.First,make sure your circles are truly large.n nIn todays world,In todays worl

13、d,wherewhere you can have 700 you can have 700 followers on Twitter and a thousand friends on followers on Twitter and a thousand friends on Facebook,it may seem easy to have a large circle.Facebook,it may seem easy to have a large circle.But if youre But if youre bombardedbombarded(轰炸)(轰炸)(轰炸)(轰炸)w

14、ith the same with the same stories,stories,memesmemes(文化基因)(文化基因)(文化基因)(文化基因),and opinions from and opinions from all your so-called friends,then your world may in all your so-called friends,then your world may in fact be quite narrow.A conversation with six fact be quite narrow.A conversation with

15、six friends in real life actually may lead to a greater friends in real life actually may lead to a greater variety of ideas and variety of ideas and perspectiveperspectives s(看法)(看法)(看法)(看法).第4页/共26页n nIn my years at Yale,I have In my years at Yale,I have been been privileged privileged to to(有(有(有

16、(有幸)幸)幸)幸)know know some of the most some of the most brilliantbrilliant(杰出的)(杰出的)(杰出的)(杰出的)minds in the world.I have learned that the minds in the world.I have learned that the greatest scholars draw large circles.They read greatest scholars draw large circles.They read widely and are interested in

17、 ideas well widely and are interested in ideas well beyond the beyond the scope scope ofof(超出(超出(超出(超出范围)范围)范围)范围)their own research and their own research and beliefs.beliefs.n nRobert Dahl,who was a Robert Dahl,who was a sterlingsterling(纯正的)(纯正的)(纯正的)(纯正的)Professor of Political Science,taught at

18、Yale for Professor of Political Science,taught at Yale for forty years.One of the most respected political forty years.One of the most respected political scientists of his generation,Professor Dahl was scientists of his generation,Professor Dahl was an authority on an authority on democracydemocrac

19、y(民主主义)(民主主义)(民主主义)(民主主义)and and democratic democratic institutions(institutions(民主制度民主制度民主制度民主制度).And he was a And he was a beloved teacher and beloved teacher and mentormentor(导师)(导师)(导师)(导师).第5页/共26页n nAfter his death in 2014 at the age of 98,After his death in 2014 at the age of 98,tributetribut

20、es s(称赞;敬意)(称赞;敬意)(称赞;敬意)(称赞;敬意)from his former students from his former students poured poured inin.One of his graduate students,Jeffrey Isaac,.One of his graduate students,Jeffrey Isaac,recallrecalled how he ed how he vehementlyvehemently(激烈地)(激烈地)(激烈地)(激烈地)disagreed disagreed with some of Dahls a

21、rguments,even though he with some of Dahls arguments,even though he loved taking his classes.For his loved taking his classes.For his dissertationdissertation(论(论(论(论文)文)文)文),Isaac Isaac proposedproposed(提议;计划)(提议;计划)(提议;计划)(提议;计划)writing a writing a critiquecritique(评论文章)(评论文章)(评论文章)(评论文章)of Dahls

22、theories.Much to of Dahls theories.Much to his surprise,the most enthusiastic and supportive his surprise,the most enthusiastic and supportive faculty faculty membermember(教职工)(教职工)(教职工)(教职工)in the department in the department was Dahl himself!He agreed to was Dahl himself!He agreed to supervisesupe

23、rvise(指导;(指导;(指导;(指导;监督)监督)监督)监督)the dissertation.the dissertation.第6页/共26页n nIsaac wrote,“Bob Dahl spent countless hours in Isaac wrote,“Bob Dahl spent countless hours in his office talking with me about my his office talking with me about my principalprincipal(主(主(主(主要的)要的)要的)要的)theoretical theore

24、tical(理论的)(理论的)(理论的)(理论的)antagonist antagonist(敌手)(敌手)(敌手)(敌手)him!We would discuss this guy Dahl in the him!We would discuss this guy Dahl in the third person,considering the limits of his third person,considering the limits of his arguments,arguments,speculatingspeculating(推测)(推测)(推测)(推测)about how

25、he about how he might respond to my arguments.”might respond to my arguments.”n nProfessor Dahl Professor Dahl embraceembraced d(拥抱;接受)(拥抱;接受)(拥抱;接受)(拥抱;接受)his his critics,listened to them,and critics,listened to them,and converseconversed d(交谈)(交谈)(交谈)(交谈)with them,a model of open and engaged with

26、them,a model of open and engaged scholarship and teachingthe best we can scholarship and teachingthe best we can aspireaspire(渴求)(渴求)(渴求)(渴求)to at Yale.to at Yale.第7页/共26页n nThe lesson The lesson extends extends beyondbeyond(延伸到(延伸到(延伸到(延伸到之外)之外)之外)之外)our our campus.Our greatest challenges as a soci

27、etycampus.Our greatest challenges as a societyclimate change,poverty,insecurity,and climate change,poverty,insecurity,and violenceviolencedemand demand innovativeinnovative(革新的)(革新的)(革新的)(革新的)and and creative solutions.Yet political creative solutions.Yet political polarizationpolarization(极(极(极(极化)

28、化)化)化)is making it more difficult than ever to solve is making it more difficult than ever to solve these problems.We must be able to talk with our these problems.We must be able to talk with our opponentopponents s(对手)(对手)(对手)(对手)even though we disagree even though we disagree with themwith them.n

29、nWe might start by We might start by emulatingemulating(仿效)(仿效)(仿效)(仿效)Professor Professor Dahland so many other wise and generous Dahland so many other wise and generous thinkers who have drawn large circles and so thinkers who have drawn large circles and so added to added to the sum of human unde

30、rstanding.the sum of human understanding.第8页/共26页n nMy second piece of adviceand here I am taking some liberties(自由)(自由)with the metaphor(比(比喻;暗喻)喻;暗喻)is to draw as many circles as you can.n nOne circle will be your work.Make sure you enjoy it,but make sure you have other circles as well.第9页/共26页n n

31、We know one of the keys to happiness is developing a passioneven an expertise(专业(专业知识)知识)outside of work.Sharing that passion with others gives us great joy,and it connects us to other circles of friends and associates who might be very different from the ones we would meet otherwise.第10页/共26页n nAs

32、many of you are aware,I am quite As many of you are aware,I am quite passionatepassionate(热情的)(热情的)(热情的)(热情的)about music from the Appalachian Mountain region.My about music from the Appalachian Mountain region.My love of traditional country and bluegrass music has allowed love of traditional country

33、 and bluegrass music has allowed me to visit places such as southwest Virginia and eastern me to visit places such as southwest Virginia and eastern Kentucky,to chair the Kentucky,to chair the boardboard(董事会)(董事会)(董事会)(董事会)of the International of the International Bluegrass Music Museum,and to play

34、Bluegrass Music Museum,and to play bassbass(低音)(低音)(低音)(低音)for for thirty years nowwith the Professors of Bluegrass.It thirty years nowwith the Professors of Bluegrass.It enables me to share stories and songs with perfect strangers enables me to share stories and songs with perfect strangers at summ

35、ertime bluegrass festivals.Most at summertime bluegrass festivals.Most significantlysignificantly(意义(意义(意义(意义重大地)重大地)重大地)重大地),though,it has led to circles of friendship beyond though,it has led to circles of friendship beyond the towns in which I grew up,beyond the universities I the towns in which

36、I grew up,beyond the universities I attended,and beyond my profession of attended,and beyond my profession of psychologypsychology(心理学)(心理学)(心理学)(心理学).第11页/共26页n nI am proud,of course,to be a psychologist,and I am proud,of course,to be a psychologist,and my my disciplinediscipline(学科;纪律)(学科;纪律)(学科;纪

37、律)(学科;纪律)does in fact does in fact provide some provide some empirical empirical evidenceevidence(实证)(实证)(实证)(实证)to to support my personal experience.support my personal experience.n nPatricia Linville is a social psychologist who Patricia Linville is a social psychologist who studies how people thi

38、nk of themselves and how studies how people think of themselves and how these these self-perceptionsself-perceptions(自我知觉)(自我知觉)(自我知觉)(自我知觉)influence influence well-beingwell-being(幸福)(幸福)(幸福)(幸福).She is now at Duke,but she She is now at Duke,but she was my teacher here at Yale when she completed wa

39、s my teacher here at Yale when she completed several studies of what she several studies of what she termsterms(把(把(把(把称为)称为)称为)称为)“self-complexityself-complexity(复杂性)(复杂性)(复杂性)(复杂性).”.”第12页/共26页n nGreater“self-complexity,”according to Linville,means a person has a variety of aspects to his or her s

40、elf.In other words,he or she draws many circles.For example,a woman who thinks of herself as a student,a marathon runner,a theater-goer(戏(戏迷)迷),a reader of the New Yorker magazine,andlets saya bass player in a bluegrass band would demonstrate(证明)(证明)greater self-complexity than someone who thinks of

41、 himself only as a lawyer.第13页/共26页n nProfessor Linville,in her research,found that Professor Linville,in her research,found that greater self-complexity acts as a“buffergreater self-complexity acts as a“buffer”(缓冲(缓冲(缓冲(缓冲器)器)器)器)against negative experiences.For example,against negative experiences

42、.For example,if you define yourself almost entirely if you define yourself almost entirely in terms of in terms of your job,getting passed over for a your job,getting passed over for a promotionpromotion(晋(晋(晋(晋升)升)升)升)might be might be devastatingdevastating(毁灭性的)(毁灭性的)(毁灭性的)(毁灭性的)for your for your

43、 sense of sense of self-worthself-worth.Linville calls this“putting all.Linville calls this“putting all your eggs in one your eggs in one cognitivecognitive(认知的)(认知的)(认知的)(认知的)basket.”basket.”People such as our marathon-running bass player,People such as our marathon-running bass player,on the other

44、 hand,on the other hand,bouncebounce(迅速恢复活力;反弹)(迅速恢复活力;反弹)(迅速恢复活力;反弹)(迅速恢复活力;反弹)back more quickly after a back more quickly after a setbacksetback(挫折)(挫折)(挫折)(挫折).Linville even found that college students with Linville even found that college students with greater self-complexity greater self-comple

45、xity were less likely to were less likely to get sick get sick or experience or experience depressiondepression or or stressstress.第14页/共26页n nThird and finally,let me suggest one important way we can expand(拓展)(拓展)our circlesby reaching out and engaging with(与(与接洽)接洽)others.n nHere I would like to

46、turn again to Pauli Murray and one of her more surprising relationships.n nMurrays papers contain thousands of lettersa reflection(映像)(映像)of a full life,animated(活生生的)(活生生的)by many interests,commitments,and relationships.A life of many circles.第15页/共26页n nDuring her time at Yale Law School,Murray re

47、ceived a letter from William S.Beinecke,a member of the Yale College Class of 1936.Now the name will sound familiar to everyone here.The Beinecke Rare Book&Manu Library is named for Williams father and two uncles,and many other programs and places at Yale have benefited from the familys remarkable(卓

48、越的,非凡的)(卓越的,非凡的)philanthropy(博爱,慈善)(博爱,慈善).第16页/共26页n nBill Beinecke Bill Beinecke passed awaypassed away just last month;he was just last month;he was nearly 104 years old.In 1963 when he wrote nearly 104 years old.In 1963 when he wrote Murray,he was chairman of the Sperry and Murray,he was chairma

49、n of the Sperry and Hutchison Company,a Hutchison Company,a venerablevenerable(庄严的)(庄严的)(庄严的)(庄严的)American company founded by his grandfather.American company founded by his grandfather.(Your parents and grandparents probably(Your parents and grandparents probably remember S&H Green Stamps.)Beinecke

50、 was a remember S&H Green Stamps.)Beinecke was a leader in leader in corporate corporate AmericaAmerica(美国公司)(美国公司)(美国公司)(美国公司)and a and a wealthy and powerful man.wealthy and powerful man.n nHe had met Murray at an event at Yale,and not He had met Murray at an event at Yale,and not long after that


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