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1、12 20 01 19 9 学学年年七七年年级级英英语语下下学学期期综综合合测测试试试试题题(一一)一.单项选择:1. He _in the school last year. A. is B. did C. was D. be2. We _to the beach last weekend. A. go B. goes C. going D. went3. . Alice _her homework _Saturday morning.A. did, onB. do, on C. did, inD. do, in 4.Two years ago our family _ to New Yor

2、k from China. A is moving B moves C moved D move5. She studied _the history test. A. in B. at C. for D. on6. -_did she do last Sunday? -She watched TV A. Why B. When C. What D. Where7. China _the WTO in 2001.A. join B. joins C. joined D. joining8. I think everyone enjoys _weekends.A. they B. theirs

3、C. their D. her9. She _a book but I watched TV. A. read B. reads C. reading D. to read10.-_?-He did some reading, A What did your father do yesterday evening. B What does your brother do in the school. C When did your brother do in the school. D Where did your brother go last Sunday.11.I cleaned my

4、classroom _. A with three hours B three hours ago C in three hours D three hours before12.-_?-I went to the park .I could hear birds singing .It was really interesting. A Who did you go with last Sunday B How did you get there last Sunday C Where did you go last Sunday. D Why did you go there last S

5、unday.13.Where _you last night?I _ at home. A are am B am am C were was D were were14.-_ flew a kite in the park this morning?-Tom did. A What B who C where D was 15.A family of mice _ in the room .They wanted to talk about a big rat. A is B are C were D was16.Everyone knows _ is important to learn

6、English. A this B it C that D he 17.Why are you late again?Sorry .I _ last night. A went to bed B went to sleep C had dinner D stayed up late218.I dont want to see the lion because I feel _. A scared B excited C interested D happy19.My sister is _ tired that she walk on. A very B quiet C too D so.20

7、. The story _me. That is , Im _ at the _story. A surprise surprising surprisedB surprise surprised surprised C surprise surprised surprising D surprises surprised surprising二.完形填空Peter was going out shopping. He waited for a short time 1 he got on a crowded(拥挤的)bus. He 2 for about five minutes until

8、 the bus came to the next bus stop and some of the people 3 . He took a seat beside 4 woman with several shopping bags. As there was 5 room for her, 6 she felt very uncomfortable(不舒服的). Peter wanted to 7 her, but she didnt agree. 8 the bus came to the town and people began to get off. Peter was very

9、 polite. He stood up and 9 , but she refused(拒绝)again. It took her 10 to get all her heavy bags to the door. While the bus was slowly moving away, Peter found the fat woman was left alone on the bus shouting for his help.1.A. after B. so C. before D. as 2.A. sat B. stood C. ran D. waited3.A. got off

10、 B. got out C. went in D. hurried away4. A. a bad B. an old C. a very fat D. a young5. A. no B. some C. enough D. not much6. A. so B. and C. 不填 D. because7. A. know B. push C. talk to D. change his seat with8. A. Just then B. At last C. In a minute D. While9. A. went to her B. got off C. spoke to he

11、r D. tried to help her10. A. a minute B. a very short time C. quite some time D. little work三.阅读理解 AMr Brown was the manager (经理) of an office in London. He lived in the country and came up to work by train. He liked walking from the station to his office unless it was raining, because it gave him s

12、ome exercise.3One morning he was walking along the street when a stranger stopped him and said to him. “You may not remember me, sir, but seven years ago I came to London without a penny in my pockets. I stopped you in the street and asked you to lend me some money, and you gave me five pounds, beca

13、use you said that you were willing to take a chance so as to (为了) give a man start on the road to success.Mr Brown thought for a few minutes and then said, “Yes, I remember you. Go on with your story.“Well,“ answered the stranger, “are you still willing to take a chance?“1. Mr Brown _.A. lived in th

14、e city of London B. worked in an officeC. walked to London every day D. was a train driver2. Mr Brown liked walking because _.A. he was a good runner B. he wanted to be healthyC. he wanted to save money D. he wanted to help others3. Mr Brown walked to his office _.A. every day B. when he went to wor

15、k earlyC. when it wasnt raining D. when it was raining4. What do you think about the stranger?A. Perhaps he was a clever but lazy man.B. He knew Mr Brown very well.C. He was one of Mr Browns neighbours.D. Mr Brown knew him.5. Which of the following sentences is true?A. Mr Brown was kind-hearted.B. T

16、he stranger got another five pounds at last.C. Mr Brown was not willing to help others. D. Mr Brown believed the stranger very much.BBobby, the dog is very hungry. He goes to the market to look for food. He runs to meat stalls(肉摊). He sees a big bone in a basket. The seller is not looking. He is tal

17、king to a woman.Bobby jumps and takes the bone. Quickly he turns and runs home. He holds the bone in his mouth.4Bobby comes to a bridge. In the halfway of the bridge, he looks into the river. What does he see? He sees another dog in the river. The dog is carrying a bone, too. What a greedy dog he is

18、.Bobby jumps into the river at once. Splash! He looks around for the other dog. He cannot, so he barks. His bone falls into the water and the water carries it away. Now Bobby is looking for his bone Can he find it? No, he cannot. He climbs out of the water. He is sad and hungry.1What did Bobby look

19、for in the market?A. Bones B. His friends C. Baskets D. Food2Did the seller see Bobby take the bone away from the basket? Whats he doing?A. No, He could not see anything around him.B. No, He was having a talk with a woman.C.No, He was having words with a woman.D.No, He was very busy selling his meat

20、 at the moment.3What did Bobby see on the bridge?A. Another dog who was coming towards him.B. Another dog with a bone in the water.C. Another dog who wanted to have his bone.D. Another dog who wanted to give his own bone to him.4What does the word“greedy”mean?A. 贪婪 B. 友好 C. 真诚 D. 勇敢5Why was Bobby un

21、able to find the dog?A. The other dog ran away when he saw Bobby.B. Bobby drove away the dog in the water.C. The dog in the water was Bobby himself.D. The other dog took Bobbys bone away.CLi Lei is my good friend. His parents work in a hospital in the USA. So he goes to America with his parents. Now

22、 he is studying in New York. We often write to each other. He tells me that Chinese food is very different from American food. We Chinese eat rice, dumplings, noodles, fruit, meat, vegetables and so on. But Americans eat a lot of potatoes every day. They have bread for meals. And they like meat or f

23、ish with potatoes and other vegetables. After meals they always have some dessert. How 5interesting it is!61.How do “I” know the differences between Chinese food and American food?A.Li Lei tells me on the phone. B. “I” go to the USA.C.Li Lei writes letters to tell me. D. “I” know them from the book6

24、2.Does Li Lei like American food very much?A.Yes, he doesB.No, he doesntC.We dont knowD.Yes, he doesnt63.What are Li Leis parentsthey are_.A.doctorsB.teachersC.studentsD.writers64.Which of the following is right?A.Li Lei is a policeman in the USA B.Potatoes are very popular in the USAC.Chinese dont

25、eat meat D.Li Leis parents are in China65.What do Americans eat after meals?A.RiceB.FishC.DessertD.Potatoes九.任务阅读:(每题 2 分共 10 分)Many American families often do some sports on weekends. _Running, biking, playing volleyball and swimming are popular sports. The weekend is also a time for American famil

26、ies to work in the yard(院子), the garden or the house. Many families plant flowers and vegetables in the garden. Sometimes some families spend the weekend painting their houses .(1)They are busy on weekends, but they are very relaxed. Children are also very happy on weekends. They can go to the park,

27、 the zoo, the cinema and many other places they want to go. They can play games, fly kites and play any ball games. (2)Sometimes they may help their parents do some housework at home and their parents will take them to restaurants to have a good dinner. They think the weekend is the best time of a w

28、eek. 1. 76. Most American families often spend their weekends doing some sports. (判断正 T 误 F)77. Where do families plant flowers and vegetables?_ _78.请把(1)句翻译成汉语_79. Are children very happy on weekends? _80.把(2)句改为同义句Sometimes children may their parents .6四.词汇运用1. We like to go to the b_ and play vol

29、leyball. 2. Lily s_ up to watch the soccer game last night. 3. Mr Wang can speak three l_. 4. Mother w_ her son up and went out. 5. They will m_ to Beijing next month. 6. They _ (be) happy at the party last night. 7. -where are you now, Nancy? -Im _ (visit) my grandparents. 8. A family of _ (mouse)

30、came into the kitchen. 9. Im _ (surprise) to hear the news. 五.用方框中词语的适当形式填空cook food, sothat , start, wakeup, go to sleep1. I was very tired and I _ early last night.2. every day my mother _ for my family. 3. When he was three, he _ to skate.4. The boy was _ scared _ he couldnt move.5. Mother, pleas

31、e _ me _ tomorrow morning.六.完成句子1. 不要把时间花在玩电脑游戏上。Dont spend your time_ _computer games.2. 上周末我读了一本关于音乐的书。I_a book_music last weekend.3. 这件事对我来说是个很好的教训。This thing was a very_ _for me。4. Ann went to see a movie last weekend.(改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)_Ann_to see a movie last weekend? No,_ _.5. She usually walks a

32、fter supper.(改为同义句)She usually_ _ _after supper.6. They played computer games last night. _ _they_computer games?7. We watched TV yesterday evening. _ _you_yesterday evening?8. She ate some noodles for lunch yesterday.(一般疑问句)_she_ _noodles for lunch yesterday?9. 孩子们是如何度过周末的?_did the kids_their weeke

33、nd?10. 对于大多数的孩子来说,周末是有趣的。_ _ _,the weekend is fun.七. . 连词成句。1. with,play,last,soccer,Sunday,he,his,friend_72. just,the,under,told,sat,each,moon,stories,other,and,we_3. when,looked,our,we,out,saw,of,big,tent,snake,a,we_4. let,shouted,we,our,to,them,know,parents,danger,the,about,to_5. a,me,leaaon,for,this,very,was,useful_八书面表达:写一篇 5060 词的短文,谈谈你上个周末做过的事情。用上以下词汇:do ones homework,play,visit,clean,do some reading,cook,watch,listen,have a good time_ _ _ _ _


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