人教版七下unit2 What time do you go to school 单元测试.docx

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1、Unit 2单元检测 一、单项选择(每题1分,共15分):() 1. Tom is the best student in my class. He gets good grades.A. always B. sometimes C. never D. often()2. My father often at 7:00 in the morning.A. get up B. brushs teeth C. goes to work D. goes to bed()3. How dirty (脏的)you are! Go and take a.A. look B. shower C. meal

2、D. show() 4. Susan her homework at school every weekend.A. doesnt B. doesn, t do C. dont D. don do() 5.Do you often go to the gym?No,. I dont like sports at all. (2011 滨州中考)A. always B. never C. sometimes D. usually() 6. She plays basketball for every day.A. half an hour B. a half hour C. an half ho

3、ur D. half hour() 7.1 love my school. And I am never late school.A. at B. to C. of D. for()8. My brother has in Shanghai.A. a interesting job B. a interesting work C. an interesting job D. an interesting work()9. The ice-cream, so many students like it.A. taste well B. sound well C. tastes good D. s

4、ounds good()10. Either Jim or Tom at a radio station.A. work B. works C. to work D. working()11.your father watching TV in the evening?A. Does, likes B. Does, like C. Is, likes D. Do, likes()12.When docs your father go swimming?.Saturday evening.A. On B. In C. Of D. At()13. Music is good our life, a

5、nd my friend is good music.A. at, for B. for, at C. with, for D. at, with()14. The c.akes sell and taste.A. well, well B. well, good C. good, well D. good, good ()15.1 always do my homework after school.A. first B. one C. ones D. once.二、完形填空(每题1分,共10分):My cousin John is 1 thirteen years old. But he

6、is a good student and a successful musician. He usually 2 up at six ten. He has breakfast at seven oclock. He 3 school at seven thirty. School 4 at around eight oclock. At twelve oclock, he has a quick lunch at school. After lunch, he plays 5 guitar with his friend. They are 6 players in school show

7、.John and his friends _7_ a music club. After school, they take the number 103 bus to their club. In the club, he helps kids play the guitar for Iwo 8 . He works very well. The kids 9 him a lot. He usually gets home at around 6:00. He has dinner with his parents at six thirty. After dinner, John and

8、 his parents listen to music, because(因为)they 10 love music. And they go to bed at around nine.()1. A haveB. hasC. only D. more()2. A. goesB. doesC. sleepsD. gets()3.A. goes toB. go toC. goes for D. go for()4.A. playsB. classes C. starts D. puts()5.A. an B. a C. the D. /()6.A. guitar B. piano C. tru

9、mpet D. violin(.)7.A. isB. arc C. have D. has()8.A. hoursB. daysC. weeksd. years()9.A. loveB. needC. joinD. listen()10.A. veryB. allC. everyD. someone三、阅读理解(每题2分,共30分):Its Sunday today. Lisa doesnt go to school. After getting up, she has breakfast and then she starts to do her homework. She finishes

10、(完成)her homework at 10:00. Lisa goes to the clothes store to buy a T-shirt for her father. Why? Because her fathers birthday is coming.What does Lisa do in tJie afternoon? She goes to the swimming club to learn swimming. She likes swimming and she wants to be a swimming star. She wants to be a runni

11、ng star, too. Her favorite sports star is, Liu Xiang. She also likes Sun Yang and Ye Shiwen.()1. Taday isA. Tuesday B. Thurday C. Saturday D. Sunday()2. What does Lisa buy at the clothes store?A. shirt B. T-shirt C. skirt D. sweater () 3. What does Lisa do in the afternoon?A. She docs her homework.

12、B. She goes to a store.C. She has a birthday party. D. She learns to swim.()4. What does Lisa want to be?A. A clerk B. A running star. C. A singer. D. a musician() 5. Which of the following statements is right?A. Lisa likes swimming with her father.B. Jackie Chan is Lisas favorite star.C. This Sunda

13、y is Lisas fathers birthday.D. Lisa does her homework after breakfast.BI usually get up late(晚)on Saturdays and Sundays. I have my breakfast at around nine oclock. I like eggs and an apple for breakfast. I often go to see my uncles after breakfast. Theyre very fun. Uncle Jim is a runner. He runs for

14、 eight hours every day. I like to run with him because its really interesting. But I often run with him fbr only one hour. Im usually very tired after that. Uncle Bob is a movie star. Hes really busy. Its very difficult fbr me to see him on weekenxls. Uncle Bill is an English teacher. I like him, an

15、d I like English, too.()57. When do I have breakfast on weekends?A. At eight. B. In the afternoon. C. At around nine. D. At around seven.()58. Uncle Bob is.A. a runner B. a clerk C. strict D. busy()59. I often on Saturdays and Sundays.A. get up at six B. play soccer C. watch TV D. go to see my uncle

16、s()60. Who is a teacher?A. My father. B. My mother. C. Uncle Bill. D. Aunt Lily.()61. I like for breakfast.eggs and apples B. eggs and milk C. milk and apples D. bread and milkCThis is Wang Pings Day. Hes a young worker. His job is carrying coal (运煤).He thinks thats great.5:10 a.mDont work.5:20 a.m.

17、Go home by car.5:30 a.m.Take a shower.5:40 a.m.Eat breakfast.6:00 a.m.Go to bed.5:00 p.m.Get up.5:10 p.m.Buy vegetables or other things.6:00p.m.Have a big dinner.6:30-7:30 p.m.Watch news on TV.7:40 p.m.Leave home and go to work.()I. When does Wang Ping have breakfast?A. At 5:20 in the morning.B. At

18、5:10 in the afternoon.C. At 5:40 in the morning.D. At 6:00 in the afternoon.()2. Where does he have his breakfast?A. At home. B. In the coal mine (煤矿).C. In the restaurant (餐馆).D. In the factory (U ).( )3. Wang Ping watches news.A. over the rad io(收音机)B. on TV in the morningC. every dayD. every morn

19、ing( )4. Wang Ping goes home.A. at 7:40 every eveningB. at 5:20 every eveningC. at 7:30 every morningD. at 5:20 every morning()5.-How old is Wang Ping?A. About 50 B. About fifteenC. 25D. Wc dont know四、用单词的适当形式填空:(每题1分,共10分):1. My sister brushes her(tooth) every day.2.1 usually get(dress) at six ever

20、y day.1.1 often do morning(exercise).4. Mr Brown has a(health) life.5. Do you have to(help) others?6. Some old people like(take) a walk after dinner.7. My sister runs(quick).8. French-fries taste(well), so many people like to eat them.9. As a doctor, he can save(拯救)lots of (life) every year.10. Acti

21、ng is an(interest) job.五.根据汉意或首字母提示补全单词:(每题1分,共5分)My sister gets up e every day.1. Miss Liu often tells us some f stories in class, and we all like her.2. There are(五十)students in our class.4.1 have m interesting storybooks.5.1 stand behind a(组)of girls in the classroom.五,补全对话:(每题1分,共5分):从方框中选择最佳答案完

22、成对话,有两项多余After that, I quickly have a shower and .eat breakfast.A. When do you get up?B. How many teeth do you have?C. Because I am a student.D. When is the first class in the morning?E. Do you often brush your teeth after breakfast?F. Because I usually exercise from six ten to six fifty.A: Hi, Tony

23、. 1 .B: I always get up at six.A: Why do you get up so early?B: 2Well, what do you usually do next?A: 34A: Yes, I always brush my teeth and go to school at half past seven.A: 5It always begins at eight.A: Thank you for answering my questions.B: Youre welcome.1.六.完成句子:(每题2分,共10分):1 .晚上他要么做作业

24、要么看电视。In the evening, he docs homework watches TV.2 .丽丽上学从不迟到。Lily is school.3 .那真是个愉快的早餐时间!Thats for breakfast.4 .我通常七点差一刻淋浴。I usually take a shower at seven.5 .我从星期一到星期五没有时间散步。I dont have time to take a walk Monday Friday.七.书面表达:(共15分)假如你是Scott,你的网友Rick想知道你的H常活动安排,请根据你平时的作息习 惯给你的网友写一封电子邮件说说你的情况。De

25、ar Rick,How are you? Now, let me tell you about my day.Yours,Scott参考答案:一、1-5 ACBBB6-10 ADCCB 11-15 BABBA二、1-5 CDACC1-5 DBDBD6-10 ACAAB6-10 CDDCA 11-15 CACDD四、1. teeth 2. dressed 3. exercises 4. healthy 5. help6. taking/ to take 7. quickly 8. good 9. lives 10. interesting五、 1. early 2. funny 3. fifty 4. many 5. group六、1-5 BGAFE七、 1. either, or 2. never late for 3. a funny time 4. a quarter to 5. from, to 八、(略)


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