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《工业企业厂内运输安全规程.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《工业企业厂内运输安全规程.pdf(40页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、工业企业厂内运输安全规程 GB4387-84 国家标准局 1984-05-15发布 1985-01-01实施 为了防止发生运输事故,保障职工安全,提高运输效率,特制定本规程。本规程适用于工业企业厂内铁路、道路及其装卸(包括工厂所属码头)的设计、施工、生产,涉及安全方面,必须执行本规程,还应遵守国家有关标准、规程、规范。本规程不适用于矿山、林场、建筑工地、物资仓库,以及铁道、交通、公安部门管理的铁路、道路和码头,也不适用于工厂到矿山的铁路专用线和道路。,基本要求 ,.,设计应根据工艺流程、货运量和货物性质,选用适当的运输方式,合理地组织车流、人流,从设计上保证运输、装卸作业安全条件。,.,厂内建



4、.,跨越铁路线路和道路或横穿路基、桥梁敷设电线、管道等设施时,必须事先经工厂总图管理和运输部门同意。,.,在铁路线路附近施工或检修时,应事先通知运输部门,并作好防护设施,所用的器具、材料的堆放,不得妨碍行车安全。summer of masonry construction,brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a.hardening spe

5、ed up,vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding,fast drying,easy to crack(plastic),high early strength,fast early hydration heat,less cooling,temperature increases rapidly,due to temperature difference cracks.B.pouring daytime high temperatures,due to the high temperature effect of concrete strength,s

6、tability,in varying degrees,on mixing processes,perfusion vibration and moisture conservation,effective measures should be taken.2)main measures taken by a.temperature control the water temperature in your standard mix proportion of concrete 2 degrees,the concrete temperature 0.5 degrees.B.with the

7、controlled addition of retarder agent can reduce the effects of concrete under high temperature,but make some performance degradation of concrete,so when you are using additives must be implemented upon approval by the supervising engineer.C.time control suitable for work at night,should seek to red

8、uce the mixing time and shipping time at high temperatures.D.strengthen the conservation and high temperatures after pouring in the early days of continuous water conservation to prevent surface drying and covering thin-film wet grass bag to make it moist State in 24 hours.8.6.3 winter const

9、ruction measures in winter construction preparation 1)required winter construction materials,equipment,planning ahead of time comes into ,铁路运输 ,.,铁路运输设备 ,.,.,铁路线路应按设计标准铺设,保持路基坚实稳固边坡整齐、道床密实、排水设施完整畅通。,(,.,厂内正线、联络线在路堤地段坡脚线或护堤边线外、路堑地段顶线或天沟边线外、或平坦地段侧沟边线外,内,严禁挖沟、蓄水、取土,并不得向铁路线上排弃废水和倒垃圾。,.,.,站场最外侧的线路中心至路基面边


11、,(,的坡道上。站线曲线半径不得小于,,困难时不得小于,。,厂内铁路线最小曲线半径如表,,最大纵向坡度如表,。,.,.易燃、易爆、危险物品装卸线的曲线半径不得小于,。使用固定轴距小于,(,或,(,机车的线路,前者最小曲线半径可采用,,后者可采用,。铁路局机车进厂取送车的专用线,按铁道部技术标准办理。表,(,)最小曲线半径线 路 名 称 一般条件 困难条件 厂 内 正 线,联 络 线 300 180 装 卸 线 500 300 其 它 线 200 180 表,最大纵坡线 路 名 称 一般条件 困难条件 蒸汽机车厂内正线和联络线 15 20 厂内正线和联络线内燃与电力机车 20 25 装 卸 线

12、0 1.5 液保槽车、液体金属和熔渣罐车停放线 0 0,.,.,站内有调车作业的各线道床间,应用渗水材料铺平。summer of masonry construction,brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a.hardening speed up,vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding,fast

13、drying,easy to crack(plastic),high early strength,fast early hydration heat,less cooling,temperature increases rapidly,due to temperature difference cracks.B.pouring daytime high temperatures,due to the high temperature effect of concrete strength,stability,in varying degrees,on mixing processes,per

14、fusion vibration and moisture conservation,effective measures should be taken.2)main measures taken by a.temperature control the water temperature in your standard mix proportion of concrete 2 degrees,the concrete temperature 0.5 degrees.B.with the controlled addition of retarder agent can reduce th

15、e effects of concrete under high temperature,but make some performance degradation of concrete,so when you are using additives must be implemented upon approval by the supervising engineer.C.time control suitable for work at night,should seek to reduce the mixing time and shipping time at high tempe

16、ratures.D.strengthen the conservation and high temperatures after pouring in the early days of continuous water conservation to prevent surface drying and covering thin-film wet grass bag to make it moist State in 24 hours.8.6.3 winter construction measures in winter construction preparation

17、 1)required winter construction materials,equipment,planning ahead of time comes into ,.,.,牵出线、货场边缘的装卸线有调车作业人员上、下车地段的一侧,其道床宽度应铺设至轨枕头部外,处。,.,.,道岔应铺设在直线上,避免铺设在竖曲线或桥头上。如有困难,可铺设在半径大于,的竖曲线上或距桥头,以外。道岔有下列情况之一者,应及时整治或更换:,(两尖轨互相脱离;,(尖轨尖端与基本轨在静止状态下不密贴,间隙超过,;(尖轨轧伤,轮缘有爬上尖轨的危险;,(在尖轨顶面宽,以上的断面处,尖轨顶面低于基本轨顶面,;,(基本轨垂



20、不得大于,;(液体金属罐车、熔渣罐车的罐体应保持正位,翻罐机构作用良好。summer of masonry construction,brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a.hardening speed up,vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding,fast drying,easy to crac

21、k(plastic),high early strength,fast early hydration heat,less cooling,temperature increases rapidly,due to temperature difference cracks.B.pouring daytime high temperatures,due to the high temperature effect of concrete strength,stability,in varying degrees,on mixing processes,perfusion vibration an

22、d moisture conservation,effective measures should be taken.2)main measures taken by a.temperature control the water temperature in your standard mix proportion of concrete 2 degrees,the concrete temperature 0.5 degrees.B.with the controlled addition of retarder agent can reduce the effects of concre

23、te under high temperature,but make some performance degradation of concrete,so when you are using additives must be implemented upon approval by the supervising engineer.C.time control suitable for work at night,should seek to reduce the mixing time and shipping time at high temperatures.D.strengthe

24、n the conservation and high temperatures after pouring in the early days of continuous water conservation to prevent surface drying and covering thin-film wet grass bag to make it moist State in 24 hours.8.6.3 winter construction measures in winter construction preparation 1)required winter

25、construction materials,equipment,planning ahead of time comes into ,.,.,站场、道岔区、料场、渣场、装卸线以及建筑物的进出口等处,应有良好的照明设施,其照明度应符合下列要求:,(站场线路上不小于,;,(道岔区不小于,;(装卸线不小于,;,(料场、渣场不小于,.,。,.,铁路界限、线路间距和安全距离 ,.,.,建构筑物和设备对铁路的建筑物接近限界,除按标准轨距铁路限界国标,棧担埂废藿绻娑猓 杏 袷叵铝泄娑?/P ,(使用特殊型号的机车、车辆或有其它特殊需要时,各工业部制定特殊要求限界;,(有普通车调车作业通过的车间、仓库大门边


27、,(接近时,,以下的高压电线,电杆内侧距铁路中心线的水平距离,不得小于,;,以上的高压线,不得小于杆高加,;,(跨越铁路时,电杆内侧距铁路中心线不得小于,;,以下电力线的导线,其最大弛度的最低点距钢轨顶面不得小于,.,;,的电力线不得小于,.,;,的电力线不得小于,.,。,.,.,厂内正线、联络线直线地段以及站场两侧边缘栽植灌木绿篱时,其内侧边缘距铁路中心线不得小于,;栽植乔木不得小于,,当树冠影响行车视线时,应及时剪枝;曲线地段应栽植于行车视线以外。,.,信号、安全标志 ,.,.,信号标志的设置、信号显示和使用方法,应按铁道部铁路技术管理规程有关规定执行。,.,.,各种信号机和表示器在正常情

28、况下的显示距离如下:,(进站、通过、遮断和防护信号机不得小于,;,(出站、进路、预告和驼峰信号机不得小于,;(调车、矮型出站、矮型进路、复示、容许、引导信号和各种表示器,均不得小于,。summer of masonry construction,brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a.hardening speed up,vibratin

29、g difficulties reduced bleeding,fast drying,easy to crack(plastic),high early strength,fast early hydration heat,less cooling,temperature increases rapidly,due to temperature difference cracks.B.pouring daytime high temperatures,due to the high temperature effect of concrete strength,stability,in va

30、rying degrees,on mixing processes,perfusion vibration and moisture conservation,effective measures should be taken.2)main measures taken by a.temperature control the water temperature in your standard mix proportion of concrete 2 degrees,the concrete temperature 0.5 degrees.B.with the controlled add

31、ition of retarder agent can reduce the effects of concrete under high temperature,but make some performance degradation of concrete,so when you are using additives must be implemented upon approval by the supervising engineer.C.time control suitable for work at night,should seek to reduce the mixing

32、 time and shipping time at high temperatures.D.strengthen the conservation and high temperatures after pouring in the early days of continuous water conservation to prevent surface drying and covering thin-film wet grass bag to make it moist State in 24 hours.8.6.3 winter construction measur

33、es in winter construction preparation 1)required winter construction materials,equipment,planning ahead of time comes into 因地形、地物等条件限制影响视线的地方、进站、通过、预告、遮断和防护信号机的显示距离,不得小于,。如达不到上述规定时,可设置复示信号机。,.,.,白天因天气恶劣,影响观望,以致使调车手信号在显示距离内不能辨认时,应改用夜间手信号或者音响信号。道口安全,.,.,.,新建厂的铁路线路与道路交叉点,具有下列情况之一者,应设置立体交叉。,(当地形条件允许设立体交



36、动车,辆以上或行人,人次以上的干道平面交叉道口;,(每昼夜行车,次以上的铁路线路与不能满足机动车驾驶员侧向视距要求的干道平面交叉的道口;(运送液体金属、熔渣和其他高温物料(热锭、热模等),以及易燃、易爆危险货物的铁路线路与厂区主干道平面交叉的道口;,(厂内主干道与两条或两条以上通行普通车辆的铁路线路平面交叉的道口;,(有通勤汽车通过的道口;,(近五年发生重大事故或重复发生事故的无人看守道口。summer of masonry construction,brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following meas

37、ures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a.hardening speed up,vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding,fast drying,easy to crack(plastic),high early strength,fast early hydration heat,less cooling,temperature increases rapidly,due to temperature difference cracks.B.

38、pouring daytime high temperatures,due to the high temperature effect of concrete strength,stability,in varying degrees,on mixing processes,perfusion vibration and moisture conservation,effective measures should be taken.2)main measures taken by a.temperature control the water temperature in your sta

39、ndard mix proportion of concrete 2 degrees,the concrete temperature 0.5 degrees.B.with the controlled addition of retarder agent can reduce the effects of concrete under high temperature,but make some performance degradation of concrete,so when you are using additives must be implemented upon approv

40、al by the supervising engineer.C.time control suitable for work at night,should seek to reduce the mixing time and shipping time at high temperatures.D.strengthen the conservation and high temperatures after pouring in the early days of continuous water conservation to prevent surface drying and cov

41、ering thin-film wet grass bag to make it moist State in 24 hours.8.6.3 winter construction measures in winter construction preparation 1)required winter construction materials,equipment,planning ahead of time comes into ,.,.,道口防护设施的标准:有人看守道口,应设置道口房、电话、音响装置、道口信号机、手动或半自动栏杆、鸣笛标和照明设施等。无人看守的道口必须设

42、置小心火车警标、鸣笛标和照明设施。一般应设置自动音响装置和色灯信号机。,要加强对道口防护设施的维修,保持轮缘槽深度不小于,(,;,,建立巡回检,.,.查制度,保持防护设施齐全有效。,.,.,不准随意增设道口,发现有私设道口时,铁路运输部门有权拆除。如生产厂必需增设永久道口时,经铁路运输部门同意,安全部门批准,按道口标准设计,由申请增设单位负责管理,并接受铁路运输部门检查。体增设临时道口,经铁路运输部门同意,申请单位派人看守,并限期拆除。,.,列车运行和调车作业的要求 ,.,.,运输部门的调度工作,必须集中领导,统一指挥。调度人员应随时了解现场情况,遇有危及安全时,应及时采取措施,确保行车安全。

43、,.,.,列车运行和调车作业的限制速度不得超过表,规定。,.,.,车站值班员(调度员)在办理闭塞时,必须亲自检查,明认区间,接车线路空闲,进路有关道岔位置正确,影响进路的调车作业已经停止后,方准给开放信号。,.,.,大、中型蒸汽机车,应实行司机、副司机、司炉三乘制。,.,.,在机车运行中,乘务人员必须做到以下各项:,(不得离开机车(遥控的机车除外);表,序号 列车运行与调车作业 限制速度 1 厂内正线运行 40 牵引运行 30 2 在空线上调车作业推进运行 20 3 在栈桥、矿槽上作业 10 重 车 10 4 调动液体金属车空 车 15 5 调动重铸锭及摆好的空模车 10 6 调动装载爆炸品、

44、压缩气体、超限货物的车辆 15 7 出入厂房、仓库、站修线和在高炉下作业 5 8 在轨道衡上(不包括电子轨道衡)推送车辆 3 9 接近被连挂的车辆 3 10 在尽头线路上取送车 3 注:天气恶劣时,应降低速度。,(准确掌握速度,认真观望,确认信号,执行呼唤应答制,严禁臆测行车;(遇有信号中断或显示不明时,立即停车;,(在指定地点清炉、放气、放水;,(在作业中除添乘指导和持有许可证者外,严禁其他人员搭乘;summer of masonry construction,brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the followin

45、g measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a.hardening speed up,vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding,fast drying,easy to crack(plastic),high early strength,fast early hydration heat,less cooling,temperature increases rapidly,due to temperature difference cra

46、cks.B.pouring daytime high temperatures,due to the high temperature effect of concrete strength,stability,in varying degrees,on mixing processes,perfusion vibration and moisture conservation,effective measures should be taken.2)main measures taken by a.temperature control the water temperature in yo

47、ur standard mix proportion of concrete 2 degrees,the concrete temperature 0.5 degrees.B.with the controlled addition of retarder agent can reduce the effects of concrete under high temperature,but make some performance degradation of concrete,so when you are using additives must be implemented upon

48、approval by the supervising engineer.C.time control suitable for work at night,should seek to reduce the mixing time and shipping time at high temperatures.D.strengthen the conservation and high temperatures after pouring in the early days of continuous water conservation to prevent surface drying a

49、nd covering thin-film wet grass bag to make it moist State in 24 hours.8.6.3 winter construction measures in winter construction preparation 1)required winter construction materials,equipment,planning ahead of time comes into ,(值乘探头观望时,必须注意侵限情况。,(,(,在调车作业时,调车人员应遵守下列各项:,(按调车作业计划工作,变更计划时应彻底传达;



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