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《新教材外研版高中英语必修第二册ppt课件:UNIT-1---Section-C.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新教材外研版高中英语必修第二册ppt课件:UNIT-1---Section-C.ppt(38页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、UNIT 1 Food for thoughtSection C Developing ideas,Presenting ideas&Reflection词汇一 belong to 属于;是的成员教材原句教材原句Can you guess which fridge belongs to which person?你能猜出哪个冰箱属于哪个人吗?要点必记要点必记belong to sb.属于某人,归某人所有belong to a club 是俱乐部的成员a sense of belonging 归属感题组练领悟方法核心词汇误区警示误区警示(1)belong to 既不用于被动语态,也不用于进行时态

2、。这本书是我的。This book belongs to me.()This book is belonged to me.()This book is belonging to me.()(2)可用 belong to 的现在分词形式作后置定语,如 the car belonging to her(属于她的小汽车)。单词积累单词积累belongings n.所有物;财产单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)Its well-known that lions and tigers belong _ the cat family.(2)Put your name in your coat so we c

3、an see who it _(belong)to.(3)The old house _(belong)to my grandfather was still in good condition.(4)He took away the suitcase not _(belong)to him by design.(5)I just escaped from the flood and all my _(belong)were swept away.单句写作单句写作(6)Professor Williams keeps telling his students that the future _

4、 _(属于)the well-educated.(7)Its important to(有归属感)_ _ _ _ _(履行许多不同的职责).belonging belongsbelonging tobelongingsbelongs tohave a sense of belonging词汇二 end up(尤指经历一系列意外后)最终处于,到头来教材原句教材原句I often end up saving part of my meal for the next day.我经常把一部分饭留到第二天吃。要点必记要点必记(1)end up doing sth.以做某事而告终end up with 以

5、结束(后接表具体事物的名词)end up in 以结束(后接表抽象概念的名词及地点名词)end up as 最终成为(后接表职位或身份的名词)end in以结束/告终(多指不好的结局)(2)bring sth.to an end 使某事结束put/bring an end to sth.结束某事come to an end 结束in the end 最后,终于单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)He came round for a coffee and we ended up _(have)a meal together.(2)You will end up _ debt if you keep

6、on spending money like that.(3)He started out to study French,but end up _ an English translator.(4)The closing ceremony of the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympic Games ended up _ Beijing 8-minute show.(5)His experiment ended up _ failure but he didnt lose heart.单句写作单句写作(6)At first they disliked each o

7、ther,but they _ _ _ _(最终结婚)after going through a lot together.(7)How time flies!The term has _ _ _ _(结束)havinginaswithin ended up getting marriedcome to an end词汇三 catch up(1)打听(不在时所发生的事情),别后叙谈 (2)追上,赶上(某人)(3)赶上,达到(某水平)教材原句教材原句Cooking together gives us a chance to relax and catch up on each others da

8、ys.一起做饭给了我们一个放松的机会,让我们互相了解对方的生活。要点必记要点必记catch up on sth.打听(不在时所发生的事情)catch up with sb.赶上某人;赶上某人的水平单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)We spent the evening catching up _ each others news.(2)He was off school for a while and is finding it hard to catch _.单句写作单句写作(3)When I got home I phoned Joe to _ _ _(打听)all the gossip.(

9、4)After missing a term through illness he had to work hard to _ _ _(赶上)the others.on upcatch up on catch up with词汇四 bring up 养育,抚养;提起(某个话题);呕吐教材原句教材原句If we have children,I want to bring them up just like us.如果我们有了孩子,我想按照我们的生活方式抚养他们要点必记要点必记be brought up to do sth.从小被教导要做某事bring about 引起,导致bring back

10、带回;使回忆起;恢复bring down 降低,减少bring forward 将提前;提出bring in 引入;赚得bring out 使显现,使表现出单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)The Smiths are praised for the way they bring _ their children.(2)Born into a family with three brothers,David was brought up _(value)the sense of sharing.(3)She was crying so much.I thought shed bring _ her

11、 breakfast.(4)Her carelessness brought _ the terrifying accident.单句写作(5)His father died when he was young,and he_ _ _ _(由抚养长大)his mother.(6)An important topic _ _ _(被提出)at the meeting.upupaboutto valuewas brought up bywas brought up词汇五 construction n.U建造,建筑;C建筑物教材原句教材原句Construction worker 建筑工人要点必记要点

12、必记under construction 在建造中the construction of an airport 机场的建造the construction industry 建筑业a modern construction 一幢现代建筑学法点拨学法点拨“under+n.”常表示正在进行的动作,而且包含被动含义,相当于进行时的被动语态。under repair 在修理中under observation 在监视中under consideration 在考虑中under treatment 在治疗中under discussion 在讨论中单词积累construct vt.建造,建筑 const

13、ructive adj.建设性的,积极的单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)Young people should make a contribution to the _(construct)of their motherland.(2)This website is currently _ construction.(3)She criticised my writing,but in a way that was very _(construct)I learned a lot from her.单句写作单句写作(4)Our new offices are still _ _(在建造中).(5

14、)The possibility of employing more workers is still _ _(在讨论中).(6)Your suggestion is still _ _(在考虑中)for we are not sure whether it will work or not.constructionunderunder construction/being constructedconstructiveunder discussion/being discussed under consideration/being considered词汇六satisfying adj.令

15、人高兴的,令人满意的教材原句教材原句When I get back home,theres nothing more satisfying than a big meat dinner.当我回到家,没有什么比一顿丰盛的肉类晚餐更令人满意的了。要点必记要点必记(1)a deeply satisfying feeling 深深的满足感 Its satisfying to do sth.做某事令人满意。(2)a satisfied smile 满意的微笑 a satisfied customer 满意的顾客be satisfied with 对感到满意(3)with satisfaction 满意地

16、 to ones satisfaction 使某人满意的是单词积累单词积累satisfy vt.使满意satisfied adj.满意的,满足的satisfaction n.满意,满足单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)The young boy gave a _(satisfy)answer to his teacher.(2)It is very satisfying _(know)that the project was a success.(3)From his _(satisfy)voice on the phone,I know everything is going well.(4)H

17、aving rid the company of the heavy debts,the manager smiled with _(satisfy).单句写作单句写作(5)_ _(对感到满意)his students achievements,the professor referred to them several times in the interview.(6)_ _ _(令她感到满意的是),her son made great progress.satisfyingto knowsatisfiedsatisfactionSatisfied withTo her satisfact

18、ion词汇七convenient adj.方便的,便利的教材原句教材原句I know we should eat more fresh fruit and vegetables,but ready meals are so convenient.我知道我们应该多吃新鲜的水果和蔬菜,但是即食餐很方便。要点必记要点必记(1)be convenient for sb.对某人来说是方便的It is convenient(for sb.)to do sth.(对某人来说)做某事是方便的。(2)for convenience 为了方便起见for ones convenience 为了方便某人at ones

19、 convenience 在某人方便时误区警示误区警示convenient 不能用人作主语,可用事物作主语或用 it 作形式主语。如果你方便的话,请在 8 点钟来。Please come at eight if you are convenient.()Please come at eight if it is convenient for you.()单词积累单词积累convenience n.方便,便利inconvenient adj.不方便的单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)The meeting is scheduled for Thursday when it is convenient

20、 _ everyone.(2)It is convenient for you _(take)a plane because theres a regular bus to the airport.(3)There are countless articles telling us how the Internet has made our lives _(convenient).(4)Most of us like the _(convenient)of using credit cards to buy necessities.(5)These meals can be prepared

21、in advance,and served _ your convenience.forto takemore convenientconvenienceat单句写作单句写作(6)The secretary arranged a _ _ _ _(方便的时间和地点)for the applicants to have an interview.(7)If _ _ _ _(对 方 便)you,I will visit you next Tuesday.(8)We have provided seats _ _ _ _(为了方便)our customers.convenient time and p

22、lace it is convenient forfor the convenience of词汇八identify v.确定,发现;认出,识别教材原句教材原句.can support reading and help you identify the theme and content of a text.可以支持阅读并帮助你确定课文的主题和内容。要点必记要点必记identify the cause 确定原因identify the problem 发现问题identify.as.认出为identity card 身份证a sense of national/cultural/persona

23、l/social identity 民族/文化/个人/社会认同感单词积累identity n.身份;特征单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)They are trying _(identify)what is wrong with the present system.(2)Eyewitnesses identified the gunman _ an army sergeant.(3)2015湖北卷 He gave himself a new name to hide his _(identify)when he went to carry out the secret task.单句写作单句写作

24、(4)Our strong _ _ _ _(民族认同感)has been shaped by our history.to identifyas identitysense of national identity词汇九originally adv.原先,最初教材原句教材原句Gong Bao Chicken(also known as Kung Pao Chicken)was originally a family dish of Ding Baozhen.宫保鸡丁(又名宫爆鸡丁)最初是丁宝桢的家常菜要点必记要点必记(1)had originally planned to do sth.原计划

25、做某事(2)in origin 在来源上;在血统上the origins of life 生命的起源(3)the original plan 原先的计划a highly original design 非常独特的设计单词积累单词积累origin n.起源,起因;出身,血统original adj.原先的,最初的;新颖的,独创的单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)We _(original)intended to stay for just a few days.(2)_(original),we had planned a tour of Scotland but we didnt go in th

26、e end.(3)I think you should go back to your _(origin)plan.(4)Their medical problems are basically physical _ origin.单句写作单句写作(5)_ _ _ _(的确切起源)table tennis is not known.(6)I dont think George is capable of _ _ _(有别出心裁的主意)!originallyOriginally original inThe exact origin ofhaving original ideas词汇十resis

27、t v.忍住,按捺;抗拒,对抗;反抗,抵抗教材原句教材原句The combination of spicy,salty,sweet and sour flavours makes Gong Bao Chicken hard to resist.辣、咸、甜、酸的味道混合在一起,使宫保鸡丁难以抗拒。要点必记要点必记cannot resist doing sth.忍不住做某事resist doing sth.抗拒做某事resist the temptation/urge to do sth.抵挡做某事的诱惑/冲动resist pressure 顶住压力resist arrest 拒捕单句语法填空单句

28、语法填空(1)She couldnt resist _(laugh)at him in those clothes.(2)For months the company has resisted _(change)its accounts system.(3)He found the temptation to miss the class too hard _(resist).(4)He could no longer resist the urge _(go)and see Amanda.单句写作单句写作(5)He tried to run away from the police and

29、was charged with _ _(拒捕).laughingchangingto resistto goresisting arrest词汇十一adapt v.(使)适应,(使)适合;改编,改写教材原句教材原句Whats more,it is easy to make and can be adapted to individual tastes.而且,它很容易制作,可以适应个人的口味。要点必记要点必记adapt(oneself)to(使自己)适应(to是介词)be adapted for 被改编成be adapted from 改编自学法点拨学法点拨apt 适合 adapt根义(使)适

30、合多义(1)(使)适应(2)改编,改写opt 选择 adopt根义选取多义(1)采取,采用(2)收养,领养单句写作单句写作(1)I hope you have _ _ _(很好地适应)the new situation and are enjoying your new school.(2)Three of her novels _ _ _ _(已被改编成)television.辨析填空辨析填空(adapt/adopt)(3)They have no children of their own,but theyre hoping to _.(4)The good thing about chi

31、ldren is that they _ very easily to new environments.(5)All three teams _ different ways to solve the problem.(6)This film is _ from a true story.adapted well tohave been adapted for adoptadaptadoptedadapted词汇十二pick up 买,购买;拿起,捡起;(开车)接人,搭载;(偶然)得到,学会;接收(信号等)教材原句教材原句 So,dont forget to pick up some chi

32、cken on your way home and try this recipe out!所以,别忘了在回家的路上买些鸡肉,试试这个食谱!要点必记要点必记pick up a few bargains 买到几件便宜货 pick up a coin 捡起一枚硬币pick up the phone 接起电话 pick sb.up 开车接某人pick up some French 学会一些法语 pick up bad habits 染上坏习惯pick up a signal 接收信号 pick out 精心挑选;辨认出误区警示误区警示pick up 是“动词+副词”型短语,人称代词作宾语时,要放在

33、pick 和 up 中间。写出句中写出句中 pick up 的含义的含义(1)The boy picked up the hat for the old man._(2)Where did you pick up that lovely old vase _(3)Its surprising that your brother picked up Russian so quicklyhe hasnt lived there very long._(4)He drove to the airport to pick up his daughter Jane._(5)I managed to pi

34、ck up an American news broadcast._单句语法填空单句语法填空(6)Will you please pick me _ at the station tomorrow?(7)There are so many cars parked outside.Im wondering how you can pick _ yours.捡起购买(偶然)学会(开车)接人接收upout句式一no/not.without 双重否定结构教材原句教材原句.no family meal is complete without some form of meat.没有某种形式的肉的家庭聚餐

35、是不完整的。句式分析句式分析句中 no.without 是一种双重否定结构,表达强烈的肯定语气,常译为“没有就不”。重点句式要点必记要点必记双重否定结构:(1)否定词 no/not/never 等+without.(2)否定词 no/not 等+表否定意义的形容词(3)否 定 词 no/not/never/nobody/few 等+具有否定意义的动词(短语)No smoke without fire.无风不起浪。Nothing is impossible.没有什么是不可能的。Nobody disagrees.没有人不同意。单句写作单句写作(1)世上无难事,只怕有心人。_ is impossib

36、le for a willing heart.(2)没有问过医生,就不要吃安眠药。_take any sleeping pills _ asking your doctor.(3)他们每次见面必吵架。They quarreling._ _ _.(4)没有你的帮助,我不可能取得如此大的进步。I _ _ _so much progress without your help.(5)没有你们的帮助,我们就不能成功。We _.NothingDont without never meet withoutcouldnt have made cannot succeed without your help句

37、式二There be+主语+非谓语动词教材原句教材原句There are five of us living in our shared student house.我们五个人住在我们共用的学生宿舍里。要点必记要点必记“There be+主语+非谓语动词”句式中,非谓语动词作后置定语,修饰前面的主语。具体形式:(1)There be+主语+doing(表示主动和进行)(2)There be+主语+done(表示被动或完成)(3)There be+主语+to do(表示动作尚未发生)误区警示误区警示当主语与其后的不定式是被动关系时,不定式用主动语态和被动语态均可,有些没有意义上的区别,有些则有区

38、别。There is no time to lose/to be lost.时间不容耽搁。There is nothing to see.没有什么东西值得看。There is nothing to be seen.看不见什么东西。单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)词汇复现 There are still millions of people _(suffer)from hunger nowadays.(2)I also grow wheat and vegetables so there are many things _(look)after.(3)There is still some sup

39、port _(give)by the local people.(4)There is a castle _(build)in the 11th century.(5)Last night,there were millions of people _(watch)the opening ceremony live on TV.(6)2014北 京 卷 There are still many problems _(solve)before we are ready for a long stay on the Moon.(7)2015四川卷 There is only one more day _(go)before your favorite music group play livesufferingto lookgivenbuiltwatchingto solve/to be solvedto go完成“综合练提升能力”中的题目综合练提升能力


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