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1、上学期期中考试 九年级英语试卷(考试时间:90 分钟,满分:100 分)第一部分:听力(20 分)(略)第二部分:笔试 (80 分).单项选择。(15 分)()21.Staying up late _ our health.We should go to bed early and get up early.A.is good for B.are good for C.is harmful to ()22.Its the first time I visit Mount Tai.I have _ visited it before.A.already B.ever C.never ()23.T

2、he worlds population is increasing _ 80 million every year.A.by B.as C.in ()24.There is in my home tonight.We all went out to the cinema.A.somebody B.anybody C.nobody ()25._ is the population of the city?About 8 million.A.What B.How many C.How much ()26.Bill tried his best to prepare the exam,he sti

3、ll failed.A.If B.Because C.Although ()27.I must ask my father to give up .Its bad for his health.A.smoke B.smoking C.to smoke ()28.Trees can _ wind from blowing the earth away.A.kept B.put C.stop ()29.Jane,how long have you been in China?I here two years ago and I in China for two years.A.came;have

4、been B.have been;came C.came;have gone()30.Project Hope,many children in poor areas in China can go to school.A.So far B.According to C.Thanks to ()31.Paris is the of France.A.capital B.city C.government()32.Columbus _ America in 1492.But he didnt explore it.A.looked for B.has looked for C.discovere

5、d ()33.In the past I walk on Sundays.Now I _ swimming.A.used to,used to B.used to,get used to C.got used to,get used to()34.About _the students in our school _ girls.A.two fifth;are B.two fifths of;is C.two fifths of;are ()35.We should the rubbish when we go travelling.A.take away B.turn off C.put a

6、way .完形填空。(10 分)Here is a news report from the UN(联合国).It said that the world population in the city is increasing more 36 than that in the countryside.More than half of the world 37 are living in the city at present.The population in the city of the world has 38 quickly from 746 million in 1959 to

7、3.9 billion in 2014.And it will be over 6 billion 39 2045.Its a very large number.40 the report,54%of the worlds population live in the city at present.The number will 41 to 66%in 2050.It also reported that the largest growth of population in the city will 42 in India,China and Nigeria.The 43 develo

8、ping countries take up 37%of the growth of the worlds city population between 2014 and 2050.By 2050,there will be 404 million people living 44 the city in India,China 292 million and Nigeria 212 million.As a result,these countries will face many 45 to meet the needs of their growing city population,

9、such as houses,transportation,education and health care.It is a big challenge(挑战)for these countries in the 21st century.()36.A.rapid B.rapidly C.slowly()37.A.population B.people C.men ()38.A.grow B.grown C.grew ()39.A.on B.for C.by ()40.A.Thanks to B.According to C.After all ()41.A.reduce B.increas

10、e C.produce ()42.A.take off B.take place C.put on ()43.A.two B.three C.four ()44.A.at B.on C.in ()45.A.problems B.chances C.changes .阅读理解。(20 分)(A)We pick up your children at school and give them a safe place to play,do homework,and learn after school.Experienced TeachersLunch&SnacksToys&Books Ages

11、6 to 12 Our Programs:*Languages *Math *Computer *Music Open 11:0 0 a.m.to 7:00 p.m.,Mon.to Fri.26 Market Road,Star City(between First Street and Second Street,next to the Flower Market)TEL:87654321()46.What cant children learn in Little Rabbit?A.Art.B.Music.C.Computer.D.Math ()47.Mrs.Green can send

12、her daughter Lucy to Little Rabbit except _ A.6:00 p.m.on Friday B.7:00 a.m.on Wednesday C.11:00 a.m.on Tuesday D.4:00 p.m.on Thursday ()48.Little Rabbit will be open for _ in a week.A.4 hours B.8 hours C.40 hours D.32 hours()49.Who can have fun and learn in Little Rabbit?A.Mike,a school boy of 13.B

13、.Mary,an eight-year-old girl.C.Cathy,an experienced teacher.D.Marys mother()50.Wheres Little Rabbit?A.On Second Street.B.On First Street.C.On Market Road.D.In the Flower Market (B)One day a man went home and said to his wife,“Ive bought something nice for you.”“Thank you!”said his wife.“What have yo

14、u bought for me?”“Ive bought a gold ring(戒指).Here it is.”He took it out for his wife to see.Then he dropped it to the ground.He began to look for it on the ground,but it was too dark in the house and he could not see anything.Then he went out and began to look for it in the street.Just then a friend

15、 came along.“Whats the matter with you?”asked his friend.“I am looking for my ring.I lost it in my house.”“You lost your ring in your house,but you are looking for it in the street.How foolish it is!”“But it is dark in my house.I shall never find it there.But in the street,it is much brighter,I can

16、see everything.”()51.The man bought a ring for his_.A.son B.friend C.mother D.wife()52.The man lost his ring _.A.in the street B.in his house C.in the store D.on the bed()53.When the man was looking his ring,_came up.A.his wife B.his son C.his friend D.his mother()54.The man began to look for the ri

17、ng in the street because_.A.he lost it there B.it was much brighter there C.his friend could help him there D.he can find it there()55.The friend thought the man was_.A.foolish B.clever C.interesting D.cute(C)把 A-E 五个选项填入文中空缺处,使短文完整正确。My mother is a kind and nice woman.56 One Sunday night,when I was

18、 watching the film Harry Potter very happily Mother asked me to go to bed.57 that I didnt move.But for a while,I noticed that she didnt say anything.58 .I was so sad and that I went into my room and cried.I thought“I have only two nights in a week to enjoy the TV.59 ”The next day she cooked and talk

19、ed with me as usual.I pretended not to hear,but she didnt mind and told me why she didnt allow me to watch TV 60 Then I understood her.I love my mother.A.But she is very strict with me.B.because she wanted me to have a good rest.C.Then she got angry and turned off the TV.D.I loved the film so much E

20、.Why doesnt mother allow me to watch TV?(D)Once there were five beggars(乞丐).One was English,one Turkish(土耳其人),one Greek(希腊人),one was an Arab(阿拉伯人)and one was Persian(波斯人).One day they met and decided to stay together,sharing what they had and helping each other in trouble times.Soon a man passed the

21、m in the street and gave them a coin.They talked about what to do with it.At last they decided to buy something to eat.“Let s buy some grapes!”said the Englishman.But the Turkish wanted“uzum”,the Arab“aneb”,the Greek“stafelea”,and the Persian insisted on(坚持)“angur”.They did not understand each other

22、s language very well.Soon they quarreled and even fought.While they were fighting about how to spend the money,a stranger came along.He knew all the five languages.He asked them why they were fighting.After they told him,he said,“Give me your coin.I will buy what you want.”He was soon back with a bu

23、nch of grapes.Each beggar was happy,as each had what he had wanted.They all asked for the same thing,but the word for“grapes”is different in different languages.If people could understand each other,there would be no need to fight.根据短文内容填空,每空填一词 61.The five _came from different countries,so they did

24、nt speak the _ language.62._ the money,they decided to buy _ to eat.63.They quarreled and even_ because they didnt _ each others language very well.64.With the _ of the stranger,they were_ to get what they wanted.65.In fact,all of them wanted to buy _.If everyone can know different languages,we have

25、 no _ understanding people.词汇运用:选择括号内恰当的单词填入空白处,使句子正确。(5 分)66.Miss Li always _(provides/offers)us with love and help.67.The paper is made _(of/from)wood.68.My father isnt here.He has _(been/gone)to Xiamen.69.As we know,the USA is a _(developing/developed)country.70.People who work and live in_(noise

26、/noisy)conditions often go deaf.情景交际:(10 分)从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话,其中有一个多余选项。Tony:Hi,Lucy.I havent seen you these days.71 Lucy:I joined an environment protecting club.We went to all the parks in our city to collect rubbish these days.Tony:72 Can I join the club to protect the environment?Lucy:Of course you

27、can.We can also protect the environment by ourselves.Tony:What should I do?Lucy:73 We should put the rubbish in the dustbin.Tony:What else should I do?Lucy:Second,we can plant trees.74 Tony:That sounds easy.Lucy:75 Tony:Actions speak louder than words.A.Would you like to be a greener person?B.Where

28、have you been?C.First,we shouldnt leave rubbish here and there.D.What a wonderful experience!E.All these problems are very serious.F.Trees can stop the wind from blowing the earth away.请根据提示及上下文完成以下段落填空。(8 分)China has the largest 76._in the world.It has 77.r_20%of the worlds populatio

29、n.The large population has caused many difficulties.So 78.f_,our government has 79._ many measures to control it.One is known as the 80._(独生子女)policy.It has 81._ well in controlling Chinas population.82._to the policy,China is developing quickly and people s living conditions are improving rapidly.H

30、owever,the population problem is still serious in China.We still have a 83._(长的)way to go.76_77_78_79_80_81_82_83_.书面表达。(13 分)(A)遣词造句 根据提供的图画和提示词,写一个符合图意的完整、正确的句子。(4 分)ought to,plant already,climb buy,last year do harm,health 84._ 85._ 86._ 87._ (B)根据要求写短文。(9 分)88.我们生活的环境越来越恶劣,每个人都应该从自身做起,从小事做起,尽我们最

31、大的努力保护环境。平时你都是怎么做的呢?根据自身情况完成下面表格,然后写一篇你是如何在日常生活中保护环境的短文。不少于 90 词。Things we do Yes No recycle newspapers or cans take a shower instead of a bath go to school on foot or by bike pick up the litter on the street use a cloth bag for shopping turn off the light when you leave a room 参考答案 第一部分:听力(20 分)(略)

32、第二部分:笔试(80 分).单项选择。(15 分)21 25 A C A C B 2630 C B C C C 31-35 A C B A C .完形填空。(10 分)36-40 B A B C B 41-45 B B B C A .阅读理解。(20 分)(A)46-50 ABCBC (B)51-55 D B C B A (C)56-60 ADCEB (D)61.beggars,same 62.With,something 63.fought,understand 64.help,happy 65.grapes,trouble/difficulty.词汇运用:选择括号内恰当的单词填入空白处,使

33、句子正确。(5 分)66.provides 67.from 68.gone 69.developed 70.noisy.情景交际。(10 分)从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话,其中有一个多余选项。情景交际 71-75 BDCFG.请根据提示及上下文完成以下段落填空。(8 分)76.population 77.reached 78.far 79.taken 80.one-child 81.worked 82.Thanks 83.long.书面表达。(15 分)(A)遣词造句 根据提供的图画和提示词,写一个符合图意的完整、正确的句子。(4 分)84.We ought to plant trees e

34、very year.84.They have already climbed the mountain/hill.85.I bought the computer last year.86.Smoking does harm to our health.(B)参考范文:Our environment is becoming worse and worse.Everyone should try his or her best to protect it.I always do the following things in my daily life to protect the enviro

35、nment.I usually recycle newspapers and cans.I never throw them away.I always take a shower not a bath to save water.I usually go to school by bike.Riding a bike can not only make me keep health but also help reduce air pollution.I also pick up the litter on the street whenever I see.When I leave a r

36、oom,I will make sure to turn off the light.My Mom always does the shopping.So I have no chance to go shopping with a cloth bag,but I usually ask my Mom to do so.双休日放松但别太放纵养成合理的作息习惯 我国实行双休日后,无疑给学生们创造了更广泛的、可自已支配的空间,每年 52 个双休日就是 104 天时间,这是一个不小的数目。双休日给中学生带来了欢乐,同时也伴随着忧虑,安排得好,这两天会促进平时的学习,使人进步;安排不好,会使平时学习受

37、干扰,使人退步。我们先来听听曾获得省文科状元的某某是怎么安排自己的双休日的某某说:“有的同学把学习当成享受,他们觉得双休日可以全由自己来支配,一天效率是平时上学的两倍,这样来,每年生命便延长到了 469 天。而不善利用时间的同学呢,这两天懒惰下来,周一还要重新鼓动,一年生命还不到 261 天。可见,把握好双休日,对我们来说是至关重要的。“在紧张的备考期间,对中学生来说,比较可行又有益处的过双休日的办法还是以学习为主,但不一定以学习课堂知识为主。有的专家认为,平时课堂知识没有学好的,应以复习课堂知识为主制订学习计划,其他则应以阅读课外知识性读物为主,适当地辅以课内重点内容的复习。一般来说,双休日

38、两天,总共安排的学习时间以 810 小时为宜。其他时间,可以根据自身的环境和条件,如到野外放风筝、游园、打羽毛球、滑旱冰,还可以在家里搞一搞家庭读书报告会、诗歌朗诵会、卡拉 OK 演唱会、猜谜晚会等,过一个融知识性、趣味性、科学性于一体的双休日。”某某告诉我们的是,面对双体日,尽管可能有很多种安排,但对中学生来说比较可行又有益处的过双休日的办法还是以学习为主。当然,你也不能将两天时间全部花在学习上,还应该适当休息,做到劳逸结合。那么,具体来说,该怎样安排自己的双休日呢?(1)适当安排时间复习、预习课本内容,做到“温故而知新”,每天不少于 2 小时。(2)晚上看电视、上网不要超过 9 点再休息,

39、要养成良好的作息习惯,当然,早上可以适当多睡会。(3)加快学习的节奏。人在精神良好的状态下工作、学习、做事,效率和效果都会最佳,而适当地加快做事节奏,可以有效地刺激大脑,振奋人的精神。在一个小时内应完成的学习任务,不应拖拖拉拉利用两小时去完成。在学习时,加以时间限制以使自己有一个紧迫的时间观念,防止拖沓。同时,做事节奏一加快,就可以把节省下来的时间做一些文体活动和休息调整,充实自己的生活,从而更加有效地清除心理上的疲劳力更容易集中。(4)生活上丰富多样化。初三的学习生活无疑是紧张的 是战前的大演习,但在这种紧张的生活中能以各种富于强烈情绪体验的活动来充实自己的生活,放松一下是有可能的,如打球、



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