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《人教新目标九年级上册英语期中测试题_1.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教新目标九年级上册英语期中测试题_1.pdf(22页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、 说明:选择题答案写在第 6 页答题处。一、选择最佳答案。(20 分)1Its necessary for you _ exercise every day.A.taking B.to take C.take D.takes 2 You will fall behind others you work hard.A.if B.unless C.though D.since 3 Does my question sound enough?I dont think so.You can ask more by using“could”instead of“can”.A.polite;politel

2、y B.politely;polite C.politely;politely D.polite;polite 4If you meet some new words,youd better _ in a dictionary.A.look out them Blook them out Clook up them Dlook them up 5 Is AC Milan Italian football club?Yes.Its one of most successful clubs in Italy.A.an;/B./;the C.an;the D./;/6 Do you need any

3、 help?Yes.I want to buy some novels.Could you please tell me?A.where is the nearest library B.where the nearest library is C.where the nearest bookstore is D.where is the nearest bookstore 7It took her some time _ Chinese in class.A.finish to reading Bto finish to read Cfinish reading Dto finish rea

4、ding 8I believe _ the Spring Festival will be fun.A.that B.how C.whether D.If 9_ good time we had at the party last night!Yes.It was _ exciting party that I would never forget it.A.What;so B.How;such C.What a;such an D.How a;so an 10I wonder _ you would like to come to my birthday party.Athat B whet

5、her Cwhat D where 11.-Many women have to _ their husbands for their livings.-That may not be true.Many women choose to go out to work themselves.Aput on B.decide on Cdepend on Dcome on 12 Mary is _ girl.A.a 8 years-old B.a 8-year-old C.an 8-years-old D.an 8-year-old 13-How is your grandma?-Shes fine

6、.She used to _ TV at home after super.But now she is used to _out for a walk.A.watch;go B.watching;go C.watching;going D.watch;going 14He said that _the English club at school was the best way_ his English.A.joining;to improve B.join;of improving C.joining;improved D.join;improving 15My grandma live

7、s ,but she doesnt feel .A.alone;lonely B.lonely;alone C.alone;alone D.lonely;lonely 16Look at those students._ hard-working they are!A.What B.What a C.How D.How a 17More than 70,000,000 sharks _ every year.Its really time for us to do something.A.kill B.killed C.are killed D.were killed 18 _ a new b

8、uilding _ in our school last year?A.Is;built B.Does;build C.Was;built D.Did;build 19Look at the sign on the right.Oh,parking _ here.A.doesnt allow B.isnt allowed C.didnt allowed D.wasnt allowed 20-Have you found the poor dog yet?-Yes.But he was_when we found him.The bad weather killed him.来源:学+科+网 Z

9、+X+X+K A.dying B.died C.dead D.die 二、完形填空。(20 分)根据短文内容,从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案。A Mr.Young has a big shop in the center of the city.He tells all his employees(雇员)to be 21 to the buyers and he gets a lot of 22 .One day an old woman went to the shop to 23 a silk blouse.When she came out of the

10、 shop with the blouse,she 24 her wallet in it.A girl picked it up and 25 there were nearly five hundred dollars in it.She looked around and 26 saw it.She put it into her pocket 27.Soon the old woman came back to look for it,of course she failed.That evening Mr.Young 28 about it.He was very 29 and se

11、nt the girl away.Then he decided to employ an honest man to take her 30 .Several young men came,but 31 of them could satisfy him.This morning a young man came to his 32 .He asked,Do you smoke,sir?No,sir,answered the young man.Do you 33?No,sir.Mr.Young asked him the other questions,and the young mans

12、 34 satisfied him.Before he employed him,he asked him 35 question,You have no shortcoming(缺点),do you?No,I dont,sir.said the young man.I only like telling lies.”21A.strict B.friendly C.strange D.terrible 22A.knowledge B.surprise C.money D.hope 23A.buy B.borrow C.look for D.lend 24A.threw B.put C.plac

13、ed D.left 25A.found B.knew C.understood D.wanted 26A.somebody B.anybody C.nobody D.everybody 27A.quick B.quickly C.polite D.politely 28A.did tell B.tells C.told D.was told 29A.sad B.angry C.happy D.worried 30A.place B.seat C.table D.chair 31A.both B.all C.neither D.none 32A.house B.car C.office D.fa

14、ctory 33A.dress B.drink C.eat D.sleep 34A.answer B.clothes C.knowledge D.face 35A.first B.last C.the first D.the last B “How can I learn English well?”“This is a 36 many students may ask.In my opinion,the most effective(有效的)37 is to learn lessons by heart.If you can recite the text and write it out,

15、you will learn it pretty well.And if you can tell 38 your own words about 39 the lesson says,you are a very successful learner indeed.Your English will be quite perfect.This is a difficult task.However,40 you try to learn by heart only part of each lesson,youll find it not so hard as you might have

16、thought.36A.question B.puzzle C.problem D.challenge 37A.time B.place C.road D.way 38A.by B.with C.of D.in 39A.which B.how C.what D.when 40A.if B.before C.unless D.until 三、阅读理解。(30 分)A During his life Dr James Naismith worked as a doctor,taught P.E and wrote several books.While he never thought it ve

17、ry important,Dr Naismith is today best known for one thing.He was the inventor of basketball.Dr James Naismith was born in Canada in 1861 and his first job was at a special sports school in the USA.One day the school principal(校长)told James he was having a problem with the students.Because of heavy

18、snow,the students could not go outside.He told James that they needed a sport the boys could play indoors and gave the teacher two weeks to think of something.It was on the very last day that James came up with his idea.The birth of basketball is said to be on December 21,1891,when two teams from th

19、e school played the first game.It was quite different from the basketball games of today.It had 9 players on each team and footballs were used instead of basketballs.Soon after,the game changed to 5 players on each side,using special basketballs through nets.来源:Zxxk.Com Although Dr Naismith did not

20、live to see basketball become the worldwide game it is today,in 1936,just three years before his death,basketball became an Olympic sport at the games in Berlin.41Which of the following things did Dr James Naismith NOT do?A.Teach P.E in school.B.Write some books.C.Work at hospital.D.Take part in the

21、 Olympic Games.42In which season did Dr Naismith invent basketball?A.Summer.B.Winter.C.Spring.D.Autumn.43Why is December 21 thought to be the birthday of basketball?A.Dr Naismith came up with his idea for basketball on December 21.B.Dr Naismith was born on December 21.C.Dr Naismith was asked by his

22、boss to invent a new game on December 21.D.The first game of basketball was played on December 21.44 At the time of Dr Naismiths death,which of the following was true?A.Basketball was already a worldwide game.B.Basketball was played with 9 players on each side.C.Basketball was an Olympic sport.D.Bas

23、ketball was still played using footballs.45What would be the best title for this story?A.Basketball B.How Basketball Has Changed C.Father of Basketball D.Happy Birthday,Basketball B Young people and older people dont always agree.They sometimes have different ideas about living,working and playing.B

24、ut in one special program in New York State,adults and teenagers live together in a friendly way.Each summer 200 teenagers and 50 adults live together for eight weeks as members of a special work group.Everyone works several hours each day.They do so not just to keep busy but to find meaning and enj

25、oyment in work.Some teenagers work in the woods or on the farms near the village.Some learn to make things like tables and chairs and build houses.The adults teach them these skills.There are several free hours each day.Weekends are free,too.During the free hours some of the teenagers learn photo ta

26、king or painting.Others sit around and talk or sing.Each teenager chooses his own way to spend his free time.When people live together,rules are necessary.In this program the teenagers and the adults make the rules together.If someone breaks a rule,the problem goes before the whole group.They talk a

27、bout it and ask,“Why did it happen?What should we do about it?”One of the teenagers say about his experience,“You stop thinking only about yourself,You learn to think about the group.”46In one special program in New York State,young and older people _.A.dont work well together.B.are not friendly to

28、one another.C.teach one another new ways of building houses.D.spend eight weeks together.47All the members work some time every day mainly to _.A.lead a busy life B.learn new skills of farming C.get used to the life on the farms D.find value(价值)and pleasure in work 48 Living together,_.A.the teenage

29、rs dont have to obey(遵守)the rules B.the teenagers have to obey the rules the adults make C.the members have no free time on weekends D.the members are not allowed to break the rules they make together 49The last paragraph shows that the teenager thinks his experience in the program is _.A.unpleasant

30、 B.tiring C.helpful D.boring 50 The best title for the passage is _.A.The rules of living together B.Life in New York State C.A special program D.Free hours in the special work group C Tom was a farmer.He worked on the farm all day,but sometimes he went to the town market to sell fruit and vegetable

31、s.One day,a terrible sound attracted his attention in the town market.He saw a young bull for sale.The bull was white and yellow.It was looking at Tom in fear.Tom walked up and touched its head gently.Just at that time they both seemed to have known each other for a long time.How amazing!Tom bought

32、it at once and called it Amba.From then on,Tom and Amba got on well with each other.But some friends told him that it was dangerous to have such a close relationship with an animal.One afternoon,Tom was walking through the forest with Amba.Suddenly,Amba stopped walking and kept pushing Tom with its

33、head.Tom was very surprised and looked around.There was a big snake in front of him.It was beautiful but poisonous.Quickly Amba stepped on the snakes tail with its foot and at the same time Tom picked up a stick and hit the snakes head heavily.Soon the snake died.Tom was very grateful for Ambas help

34、.When people heard this,they were shocked at the bulls expression of love for Tom.But for Tom,Amba was not a bull but a member of his family.51 Tom worked _.A.on the farm B.in the market C.in the forest D.in the town 52Amba was _.A.a small and nice cow B.a big and beautiful snake C.a white and yello

35、w bull D.a black and white dog 53From the passage,we know Tom and Amba .A.hated each other B.got angry with each other C.got on well with each other D.disliked each other 54Which of the following statements is NOT true?来源:学科网 ZXXK A.Tom went to the town market to sell fruit and vegetables.B.Toms fri

36、ends thought animals were safe.C.Tom hit the snakes head heavily with a stick.D.For Tom,Amba was a member of his family.55 The passage mainly wants to tell us .A.the love between humans and animals B.the fight between a bull and a snake C.how to keep an animal D.how to train an animal 四、任务型阅读,读短文,完成

37、 56-60 题,56 判断正误(正确 T,错误 F),57、58 回答问题,59 完成句子,60 把文中划线句子译成汉语。(10 分)Shenzhen is a city in South ChinaIt is not very big,but it has attracted people of the whole country and the whole world as well Just about thirty years ago,it was only a small fishing village There were not many people there Most o

38、f them lived on fishingThings have greatly changed since the 1980sIt became the first special economic zone(经济特区)in China Because of the opening policy(政策),economic changes between China and the outside world have increased greatlyPeople can come and go easily between Shenzhen and Hong KongBoth fore

39、igners and Chinese have built a lot of factories,companies and tourists attractions therePeople all over the country have come to find jobsMany of them have settled down in this new booming(兴起的)city Shenzhen has been developing so fast that it has become a wellknown metropolis(大都市)in China 56There w

40、ere not many people in Shenzhen just about thirty years ago.()57When did Shenzhen become a special economic zone 58.Where does Shenzhen lie?来源:学科网 ZXXK 59.Economic changes between China and the outside world have increased greatly because of .60 五、根据汉语意思,完成英文句子,每空一词。(10 分)1.我们通过朗读学习英语。We learn Engli

41、sh aloud.2.我想学更多的语法以便更好地理解英语电影。I want to learn more grammar I can have a better understanding of English movie.3.那些食物多可口啊。the food is!4.大部分人认为嫦娥的故事最动人。people think that the story of Change is the touching.5.你知道书店几点关门吗?Do you know the bookstore?6.打搅一下,你能告诉我怎么去邮局吗?me,can you tell me how to to the post

42、 office?7.我过去怕黑。I to be of the dark.8他加入了校篮球队在许多活动中很积极。He the school basketball team and became active many activities.9.这枚戒指看上去很好,使用银子制成的吗?This ring looks .Is it of silver?10.电话在 1876 年发明的。The telephone in 1876.六、A根据句意和汉语提示写单词。(5 分)1.The fridge was sold at a price.(低的)2.Somebody my camera last nigh

43、t.(偷)3.It is my to help you.(高兴)4.Remember to the door when you leave.(锁上)5.Americans can hardly buying Chinese products.(避免)B.选择词语适当形式填空。(5 分)leaf absent real beside increase 6.You require a lot of talent and hard work to succeed.7.In autumn almost all fall.8.The number of foreign players in the NB

44、A has .9.The hotel is on your left,the bank.10.Sometimes he is from classes.七、A、把下列每组单词分别重新排序构成句子,句子第 1 个字母改为大写,句末标点已给出。(5 分)1.who invented was it by _?2.cotton my shirt made is of _.3.shy not she anymore is _.4.wonder I we where should next go _.5.fun that believe I is Water Festival _.B、(15 分)假如你是

45、林涛,你班同学李明患病住院已有三周。请你给他发一封电子邮件,主要内容包括:1.询问病情 2.介绍班级近期活动或学习情况:参加了运动会,获得了一等奖;现在正为歌咏比赛做准备。3。表达祝愿 提示词语:miss exciting pity busy help Dear Li Ming,Yours Lin Tao 双休日放松但别太放纵养成合理的作息习惯 我国实行双休日后,无疑给学生们创造了更广泛的、可自已支配的空间,每年 52 个双休日就是 104 天时间,这是一个不小的数目。双休日给中学生带来了欢乐,同时也伴随着忧虑,安排得好,这两天会促进平时的学习,使人进步;安排不好,会使平时学习受干扰,使人退步

46、。我们先来听听曾获得省文科状元的某某是怎么安排自己的双休日的某某说:“有的同学把学习当成享受,他们觉得双休日可以全由自己来支配,一天效率是平时上学的两倍,这样来,每年生命便延长到了 469 天。而不善利用时间的同学呢,这两天懒惰下来,周一还要重新鼓动,一年生命还不到 261 天。可见,把握好双休日,对我们来说是至关重要的。“在紧张的备考期间,对中学生来说,比较可行又有益处的过双休日的办法还是以学习为主,但不一定以学习课堂知识为主。有的专家认为,平时课堂知识没有学好的,应以复习课堂知识为主制订学习计划,其他则应以阅读课外知识性读物为主,适当地辅以课内重点内容的复习。一般来说,双休日两天,总共安排

47、的学习时间以 810 小时为宜。其他时间,可以根据自身的环境和条件,如到野外放风筝、游园、打羽毛球、滑旱冰,还可以在家里搞一搞家庭读书报告会、诗歌朗诵会、卡拉 OK 演唱会、猜谜晚会等,过一个融知识性、趣味性、科学性于一体的双休日。”某某告诉我们的是,面对双体日,尽管可能有很多种安排,但对中学生来说比较可行又有益处的过双休日的办法还是以学习为主。当然,你也不能将两天时间全部花在学习上,还应该适当休息,做到劳逸结合。那么,具体来说,该怎样安排自己的双休日呢?(1)适当安排时间复习、预习课本内容,做到“温故而知新”,每天不少于 2 小时。(2)晚上看电视、上网不要超过 9 点再休息,要养成良好的作

48、息习惯,当然,早上可以适当多睡会。(3)加快学习的节奏。人在精神良好的状态下工作、学习、做事,效率和效果都会最佳,而适当地加快做事节奏,可以有效地刺激大脑,振奋人的精神。在一个小时内应完成的学习任务,不应拖拖拉拉利用两小时去完成。在学习时,加以时间限制以使自己有一个紧迫的时间观念,防止拖沓。同时,做事节奏一加快,就可以把节省下来的时间做一些文体活动和休息调整,充实自己的生活,从而更加有效地清除心理上的疲劳力更容易集中。(4)生活上丰富多样化。初三的学习生活无疑是紧张的 是战前的大演习,但在这种紧张的生活中能以各种富于强烈情绪体验的活动来充实自己的生活,放松一下是有可能的,如打球、听音乐、看电影



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