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1、Module2Unit1TalesoftheunexplainedRevisionSuYu Experimental senior high school Grade three chen juan Period one reading-task Step one:Leadin Are you glad to travel everywhere?Please tell us some tourist attractions!Learning aims1.Review some important words,phrases and sentences 2.Use these language

2、points flexibly by practising themREVISIONWordsPhrasesSentence patternConsolidation1.1.安排安排2.2.看待看待3.3.前进前进4.4.埋葬埋葬5.5.反射;反映反射;反映6.6.探索探索7.7.宣布宣布8.8.惊吓惊吓9.9.漫游;徘徊漫游;徘徊10.10.抛弃抛弃11.11.冒险冒险12.和谐REVISION OF WORDS1.arrange (arrangement)2.view3.advance4.bury5.reflect (reflection)6.explore (exploration)7.

3、announce(announcement)8.scare9.wander10.desert11.adventure12.harmony (harmonious)arrangearrange sth.for sb./sth._ _.安排安排(某人某人)做某事做某事arrange that._Make arrangements for._词义词义用法用法原句再现原句再现(P22 line 4)Ive been quite busy arranging my holiday with my old brother,Colin.vi.&vt 安排安排 vt.筹备;整理筹备;整理Important w

4、ords:-1为为.安排好某事安排好某事arrange(for sb)to do sth商定商定.安排安排.为为做准备做准备/安排安排arrange 经理已经安排秘书去机场接你。经理已经安排秘书去机场接你。The manager has _ _ his secretary to see you off at the airport.The manager has _ _ _ _ his secretary to see you off at the airport.我们将按原计划举行开幕典礼。我们将按原计划举行开幕典礼。Well hold the opening ceremony _ _ _

5、_.Well hold the opening ceremony _ _.arrangedforasarrangedmadeanarrangementforasitwasarranged viewviewas _have/get a good view of 清楚地看到清楚地看到take/hold the view that 持有持有的观点的观点_ 鉴于,考虑到鉴于,考虑到in ones view/opinion 在某人看来在某人看来词义词义用法用法原句再现原句再现(P38)Are you tired of seeing the same view out of your window?.vt

6、.观看;看待观看;看待 n.景色;观点景色;观点将将看做看做in view ofImportant words-2 view1.Daydreaming is considered as a waste of time.Daydreaming is_ a waste of time.2.Given our good relationship,we agree to allow you a discount._ our good relationship,we agree to allow you a discount.3.As far as I am concerned,what he has

7、said seems quite objective._,what he has said seems quite objective.viewed asIn view of In my viewAdapt sentences:2023/2/19辨析辨析:view,scenery,scene,sight(高考链接高考链接)The practice of hanging clothes across the street is a common in many parts of the city.A.look B.signC.sight D.appearanceStand at the top

8、of the mountain,and then youll get a betterof the town.A.sight B.view C.scene D.sceneryC B2023/2/19“风景风景”“”“景象景象”,通常指从某个特定(高的通常指从某个特定(高的,远的)位置所见到的事物远的)位置所见到的事物;观点观点 viewsceneryscenesight“风景风景”,指某地的,指某地的自然风景自然风景,是,是不可数不可数的集体的集体 名词,不能与不定冠词连用。名词,不能与不定冠词连用。指风景时着重指与有人参与的场景。指风景时着重指与有人参与的场景。“一场一场”;“场景场景”;“


10、wereonthewithinminutesofthecrash.A.viewB.sightC.sceneD.scenerysightviewDC Chance 词义词义n “偶然的机会偶然的机会”“可能性可能性”v 碰巧碰巧用法用法原句再现原句再现Important words-3Would you like the chance to discover a place of mystery and beauty in the south-west of China?(P 38)by chance Chances are that There is no/a chance that-Have

11、 a chance to do sth 偶然地偶然地 同同 byaccident反反 bydesignbyintentiononpurposeDeliberately很有可能很有可能不可能不可能/有可能有可能有机会做某事有机会做某事opportunity也是也是“机会机会”的意思,常指好机会。的意思,常指好机会。2023/2/19Translation:他他有可能有可能在会上提出一项新的在会上提出一项新的安排。安排。没有你们的帮助,我不可能按时完成工作。没有你们的帮助,我不可能按时完成工作。Thereisachance/Chancesarethathewillcomeupwithanewarr

12、angementatthemeeting.ThereisnochancethatIcanfinishtheworkontimewithoutyourhelp.reflectbereflectedinsth.映在映在/反映反映.reflecton/upon_reflection 反射;反映反射;反映词词 义义用用 法法原句再现原句再现 (P38line26)Belowthemountainthesunshinereflectsonthemanylakes,makingthemshinelikediamondsagainsttherichcountryside.vt.反射;反映;考虑,深思反射;反

13、映;考虑,深思Important words-4认真考虑;沉思认真考虑;沉思 (1)这幅漫画反映了一个常见的现象,许多孩子这幅漫画反映了一个常见的现象,许多孩子由于沉溺于网络而忽视与父母的交流。由于沉溺于网络而忽视与父母的交流。The picture _a common phenomenon that quite a few students ignore communication with their parents dueto their addiction to the Internet.reflects/is a reflection of(2)高考链接高考链接(2010 湖北高考湖

14、北高考)Just as the clothes a person wears,the food he eats and the friends with whom he spends his time,his house _ his personality.A.resembles B.strengthens C reflects D shapes C REVISION OF PHRASES Environmental protection has been a hot issue over the past two decades.We are looking forward to a wor

15、ld free from pollution.However,the situation is far from satisfactory.Faced with increasingly serious pollution,most of us are at a loss how to deal with the situation.In my view,the earth is home to all the living creatures and we are supposed to live in harmony with nature.Therefore,immediate acti

16、on should be taken in case the situation gets further worse.I am convinced that with joint efforts made,a world free from pollution is awaiting us!PHRASES1.1.提前,预先提前,预先2.2.万一,以防万一万一,以防万一3.3.与与 协调协调4.4.是是的家园的家园5.5.茫然,不知所措茫然,不知所措6.6.盼望盼望7.7.远高于远高于8.8.沉默地,静静地沉默地,静静地9.9.被被包围着包围着 1.in advance2.in case3.i

17、n harmony with4.be home to5.at a loss6.look forward to7.tower over8.in silence9.be surrounded by in casein case+从句从句 万一、以防万一、以防in case of sth.万一发生万一发生just in case 以防万一(置于句末)以防万一(置于句末)in this/that case 如果这样如果这样/那样的话那样的话in no case 决不决不in any case 无论如何无论如何as is often the case 这是常有的事这是常有的事原文再现原文再现用法归纳用法

18、归纳(P23 line 23)You have to wear a helmet and a life jacket for protection,just in case you fall into the water.in case1.Later in the chapter cases will be introduced to readers _(where/that)consumer complaints have resulted in changes in the law.2.In no case _(中国将会中国将会)the first to use nuclear weapo

19、ns.3.She may be late.In that case,we should wait for her.She may be late,_,we should wait for her.4.Mr.Brown is considering buying some petrol in case the price _(go)up abruptly.wherewill China bein which casegoesin case(5)Womens earning are well below mens _ educational differences that are decreas

20、ing between the two sexes.A.in spite of B.in favor of C.in case of D.in terms of(6)(2012 辽宁高考)辽宁高考)Leave your key with your neighbour _ you lock yourself out one day.A.as long as B.even if C.in case D.as if名词性从句名词性从句让步状语从句让步状语从句REVISION OF the sentencewhatever=anything that=no matter what(P23 line 2

21、4)We will live with the local people in their village,and eat and drink whatever they do,including cows blood!【原文再现】Anything that 2023/2/19Translation:1.无论王菲做什么无论王菲做什么,李亚鹏都会支持她。李亚鹏都会支持她。_ Wang Fei did,Li Yapeng would support her.2.李亚鹏会支持王菲做的一切事。李亚鹏会支持王菲做的一切事。Li Yapeng would support _ Wang Fei did.Wh

22、ateverNomatterwhatwhatever1.Ifweworkwithastrongwill,wecanovercomeanydifficulty,_greatitis.(高考在线)(高考在线)A.whatB.how2.C.whateverD.however2._withagoodeducationcanapplyforthejob.A.WhoB.WhoeverC.AnyoneD.WhoeverCDSummaryWords:arrange view chance reflectphrases:in case,in harmony with,be home to,at a loss S

23、entence pattern:whatever To the Students in Grade ThreeThe last year in high school is a time to think and work hard.Regardless of the difficulties you may face,you should adjust yourselves both psychologically and physically.It is vital to make a reasonable arrangement of the limited time to learn

24、efficiently.Failure in exams should be looked on as a valuable lesson instead of extra pressure.Make full use of the learning materials provided by the teachers and dont do excessive exercises,which turn out ineffective.If you have some difficulties,dont hesitate to turn to your teacher for help,who

25、se advice will definitely benefit you greatly.No pains,no gains.I am convinced that you are sure to reap what you sow!reflectWhatever viewed supplied byIn case of Consolidation-Rewriting 如今,正能量这个词在如今,正能量这个词在我们我们之间很流行,正能量鼓励我们去之间很流行,正能量鼓励我们去做对他人有益的事。在我们的日常生活中,我们有许多方法去做对他人有益的事。在我们的日常生活中,我们有许多方法去传播正能量,比

26、如说传播正能量,比如说很可能很可能我们会看到一个人我们会看到一个人在黑暗在黑暗中中迷路,迷路,在这种情况下在这种情况下,我们理应我们理应伸出援助之手伸出援助之手。正如习语所说,正如习语所说,“有爱的地方就有希望有爱的地方就有希望”。不管不管我们的生活我们的生活多么艰难多么艰难,我们都应该尽力去帮助他人,我们都应该尽力去帮助他人.当这个世界充满正能量当这个世界充满正能量的时候,我们将彼此的时候,我们将彼此和谐地生活在一起和谐地生活在一起。(正能量(正能量 positiveenergy)也可以适当发挥,但尽可能使用刚学的知识点。也可以适当发挥,但尽可能使用刚学的知识点。Nowadays,the w

27、ord“positive energy”is popular amongus,which encourages us to do something beneficial to others.In our daily life,we have many ways to spread it,for example,chances are that we see an old man losing his way in the dark,in which case we are supposed to reach out our hands to help him.Just as a prover

28、b goes,“where there is love,there is hope”,no matter how hard our life is,we should do what we can to help others.By the time the world is full of positive energy,we will be living in harmony with each other.One versionHomework 1.Review the words,phrases and sentence patterns learned in the unit.2.Complete the composition unfinished in class.Thank you!


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