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《安徽省阜阳一中0-10学年高一英语下学期期中考试新人教版.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《安徽省阜阳一中0-10学年高一英语下学期期中考试新人教版.pdf(20页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、word-1-/20 阜阳一中 09-10 学年高一下学期期中英语试卷 第 I 卷 选择题 共 115 分 第一局部:听力共两节,总分为 30 分做题时,先将答案标在试卷上,录音内容完毕后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节共 5 个小题;每一小题 1.5 分,总分为 7.5 分 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最优选项。并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.When will the plane arrive in New York?A.At 10

2、:20 B.At 10:40 C.At 10:55 2.What can we know from the conversation?A.Tom usually goes to school on foot.B.Tom usually goes to school by bike.C.Tom is often late for school.3.What are the two speakers talking about?A.A painting B.Modern life C.Tea 4.Why does nothing appear on the screen?A.Because the

3、res something wrong with the screen.B.Because theres something wrong with the button.C.Because the woman forgot to turn on the power.5.What does the woman mean about the report?A.She has completed it.B.She will finish it before long.C.The report has no end.第二节(共 15 个小题,每一小题 1.5 分,总分为 22.5 分)听下面 5 段对

4、话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几道小题,从每题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最优选项。并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将word-2-/20 有 5 秒钟时间阅读每一小题;听完后,每一小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 至 7 题。6.Whose turn is it to clean the house?A.The mans turn B.The womans turn C.Jacks turn 7.Whats the mans attitude towards the woman?A.Blame.B.Praise.C.Enc

5、ourage.听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 10 题。8.Where does the conversation probably take place?A.At an airport B.At a bus station.C.At a railway station.9.What will the man do with his lost suitcase?A.Wait until it is reported.B.Report it to the station.C.Forget it.10.Where does the woman suggest the man should wai

6、t?A.At the place where the suitcase is lost.B.At the bookstore.C.In the coffee shop.听第 8 材料,回答第 11 至 13 题。11.Whats Potters problem?A.He cant understand Japanese grammar.B.He cant talk with Japanese people.C.His written Japanese is poor.12.How long has Potter been learning Japanese?A.3 years B.4 year

7、s C.5 years 13.What can we learn from the conversation?A.Potter speaks Japanese a lot.B.Potter is happy to learn driving.word-3-/20 C.Potter needs a lot of practice to improve his Japanese.听第 9 材料,回答第 14 至 16 题。14.How will the man travel?A.By bus B.By train C.By ship 15.How much will the man pay for

8、 the trip?A.460 dollars B.920 dollars C.1,150 dollars.16.On which day will the trip end?A.August 10 B.August 16.C.August 15 听第 10 料,回答第 17 至 20 题。17.When will the exam take place?A.Next Tuesday.B.Next Wednesday.C.Next Friday 18.What should the students take with them to the exam?A.Notes made in clas

9、s.B.A final copy of the research project.C.A few pens.19.What will be the form of the exam?A.There will be only essay questions.B.The exam will have oral and written sections.C.The exam will only have multiple-choice questions.20.When is the talk most likely being given?A.During the midterm week B.D

10、uring the first week of the term.C.On the last day of the class.第二局部:英语知识应用共两节,总分为 45 分。第一节,语法和词汇知识共 15 题,每一小题 1 分,总分为 15 分。word-4-/20 从 A、B、C、D、四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最优选项。并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.21.Do you think it is _ good manners to hear others conversations in _curious manner?A.the;a B./;/C./;a D.the;the 22.-Have

11、 you asked somebody to repair the machine?-Oh,sorry,I forgot it.I _for an engineer at once.A.am going to send B.would send C.have sent D.will send 23.Were looking forward to _a chance to watch the opening ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games.A.give B.be given C.giving D.being given 24.It is no

12、longer _it was 20 years ago,_it was so poorly equipped.A.what;when B.that;which C.what;which D.what;that 25.-What do you think of the book I lent you yesterday?-Oh,not too bad.It s not too difficult_.A.to read B.to be read C.reading D.being read 26.The traffic in the city was _today,so Mary got home

13、 earlier than usual.A.heavy B.weak C.serious D.light 27.Bens been looking for a job for two months,but nothing good _.A.dressed up B.brought up C.turned up D.broke up 28.We could see the temple quite clearly from _we lived.A.what B.which C.where D.that 29.Seeing the happy _of children playing in the

14、 park,Im full of joy and confidence in the future of our country.A.sight B.scene C.view D.sign 30.Id appreciate _if you would like to teach me how to use the computer.A.you B.that C.this D.it word-5-/20 31.-Excuse me.Is this the right way to No.1 Middle School?-Sorry,I am not sure.But it _ be.A.will

15、 B.must C.might D.can 32.“We cant go out in this weather,said Bob,_ at the desk.A.seating B.seated C.sat D sit 33._matters most in learning English is enough practice.A.What B.Why C.It D.That 34.The teacher tells his students to _the dictionary for the new word.A.look up B.consult C.consult about D.

16、look over 35.-Excuse me,sir,_ -Id like a cup of coffee and two pieces of bread.A.what do you want?B.may I have your order?C.this table is reserved.D.I would like to serve you.第二节 完形填空共 20 小题;每一小题 1.5 分,总分为 30 分 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项A、B、C、和 D中,选出可以填入空白处的最优选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。I am a single mom with two girl

17、s and we are on food stamps.I often go to do my grocery shopping for the whole 36_.While I was shopping for this month,I noticed a lady 37_ a very serious conversation on the cell phone.I continued to do my shopping and continually ran into her throughout the 38_.By the time I made it to the check-o

18、ut line,she too was in line 39_ me.I didnt think anything of it and went to pay my 40_.I needed to pay$60 for my non-food items as food 41 _are only for food.I opened my 42_only to find that I did not have credit card with me.43_,I realized that I had 44_it at home.The 45_said she could hold my orde

19、r and I could 46_home to get my money and come word-6-/20 back.I ran outside to ask Sharon,who gave me a lift to the store,47_she could drive me home and she said 48_.So I ran back in to let the cashier know that I would be right back.But while I was running in the store,the cashier was 49_her hands

20、 in the air.She told me not to 50_going home because the lady behind me had paid my$60 bill.I was 51_as I had never expected she would help me out.I asked her if I could give her phone number so that I could 52_her.She smiled and said,“Just 53_it.But I will 54 _forget what she has done for me.I than

21、k her so much for 55_a single mom without any expectation.36.A.day B.week C.month D.year 37.A.sparing B.sharing C.going D.having 38.A.shelf B.counter C.store D.street 39.A.behind B.beside C.ahead D.around 40.A.debt B.fine C.rent D.bill 41.A.cards B stamps C.papers D.tickets 42.A.box.B.basket C.purse

22、 D.watch 43.A.Suddenly B.Firstly C.Interestingly D.Luckily 44.A.brought B.sent C.left D.placed 45.A.man B.woman C.cashier D.boss 46.A.ride B.fly C.run D.roll 47.A.what B.if C.how D.why 48.A.nothing B.no C.sorry D.yes 49.A.waving B.shaking C.biting D.touching 50.A.find out B.think up C.worry out D.tu

23、rn to 51.A.satisfied B.surprised C.ashamed D.word-7-/20 disappointed 52.A.remind B.call C.teach D.repay 53.A.leave B.follow C.forget D.remember 54.A.sometimes B.usually C.ever D.never 55.A.cheering up B.helping out C.making up D.letting down 第三局部:阅读理解(共 20 小题;每一小题 2 分,总分为 40 分)。阅读如下短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B

24、、C 和 D)中,选出最优选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A Do you enjoy reading?Do you read newspapers or magazines?Chances are,if you do any of these activities,your pre-school child is on his way to becoming a reader.The process of learning to read is complex,and one of the most important things to know is that parents can he

25、lp their children learn to read.As children have conversations with adults,they hear both new and familiar words and their vocabulary grows.There are many opportunities for adults and children to talk together,such as when riding in the car or in a bus,doing housework like fixing dinner,or bathing a

26、nd getting ready for bed.A major part of conversation is listening.When children talk,adults listen and respond.Then children listen and respond,and so the flow of conversation happens.Have you watched you pre-school child pretend to read to his younger sisters or brothers?Have you read his favorite

27、 story over and over?These experiences tell children that reading is fun.And when things are fun and they are repeated,your child will see letters.He begins to connect them to familiar words,especially the letters that make up his name.A natural next step for him to take is to write the letters.word

28、-8-/20 When children see parents make a grocery list,they want to use a pencil and paper to make their own list.To encourage these beginning writing activities,have pencils,markers,crayons and scrap paper within your childrens reach.The more children get connected with talking,listening,reading and

29、writing,the easier it is for them to become active readers.While you as a parent have a big influence on these early behaviors,it is important to remember that opportunities for literacy experiences happen when you and your child share in the basic routines日常生活of everyday life.56.The third paragraph

30、 tells us that parents can talk with their children_.A.during daily routines B.only in quiet places C.in their spare time D.when they are eager to walk 57.During the process of learning to read,children may _.A.copy the action of the adults.B.prefer to talk with those of their own age.C.keep their i

31、nterest in reading all the time.D.waste a lot of paper and other materials.58.When do children want to learn to write?A.When their parents ask them to do so.B.When they believe they can write well.C.When they remember what their parents taught them.D.When they can connect letters with familiar words

32、.59.The passage is written to _.A.talk about parents influence on their childrens behavior B.encourage parents to set a good example to their children C.advise parents to make reading a part of their childrens daily life word-9-/20 D.make parents believe in the importance of early reading B Kings Co

33、llege Summer School Kings College Summer School is an annual(每年的)training program for high school students at all levels who want to improve their English.Courses are given by the teachers of Kings College and other colleges in New York.Trips to museums and culture centers are also organized.This ye

34、ars summer school will be from July 25 to August 15.More information is as follows:Application(申请)date Students in New York should send their applications before July 18,2007.Students of other cities should send their applications before July 16,2007.Foreign students should send their applications b

35、efore July 10,2007.Courses English Language Spoken English:22 hours Reading and,Writing:10 hours American History:16 hours American Culture:16 hours Steps A letter of self-introduction A letter of recommendation(推荐)The letters should be written in English with all the necessary information.Cost Dail

36、y lessons:$200 Sports and activities:$100 Travels:$200 Hotel service:$400 You may choose to live with your friends or relatives in the same city.Please write to:Thompson,Sanders 1026 Kings Street New York,NY 10016,USA word-10-/20 E-mail:KC-Summer-School yahoo 60.You can most probably read the text i

37、n _.A.a newspaper B.a travel guide C.a textbook D.a telephone book 61.Which of the following is true about Kings College Summer School?A.Only top students can take part in the program.B.Kings College Summer School is run every other year.C.Visits to museums and culture centers are part of the progra

38、m.D.Only the teachers of Kings College give courses.62.If you are to live with your relatives in New York,you will have to pay the school_.A.$200 B.$400 C.$500 D.$900 63.What information can you get from the text?A.The program will last two months.B.You can write to Thompson only in English.C.As a C

39、hinese student,you can send your application on July 14,2007.D.You can get in touch with the school by e-mail or by telephone.C Marie Curie was a Polish physicist and chemist who lived between 1867-1934.Together with her husband,Pierre,she discovered two new elements(radium and polonium)and studied

40、the x-rays.She found that the harmful properties of x-rays were able to kill tumors(肿瘤).By the end of World War,Marie Curie was probably the most famous woman in the world.She had made a conscious decision,however,not to patent 申请专利 methods of processing radium or its medical applications.Marie Curi

41、e was born on November 7,1867,in Poland and died on July 4,1934.Her co-discovery with her husband Pierre Curie of the radioactive elements word-11-/20 radium and polonium represents one of the best known stories in modern science for which they were recognized in 1901with the Nobel Prize in Physics.

42、In 1911,Marie Curie was honored with a second Nobel Prize,this time in Chemistry,to honor her for successfully isolatingpure radium and determining radium s atomic weight.As a child,Marie Curie amazed people with her great memory.She learned to read when she was only four years old.Her father was a

43、professor of science and the instruments that he kept in a glass case fascinated Marie.She dreamed of becoming a scientist,but that would not be easy.Her family became very poor,and at the age of 18,Marie became a governess(家庭教师).In 1891,Marie attended the Sorbonne University in Paris where she met

44、and married Pierre Curie,a well-known physicist.Marie Curie contributed greatly to our understanding of radioactivity and the effects of x-rays.She received two Noble Prizes for her brilliant work,but died of leukemia,caused by her repeated exposure to radioactive material.64.What does the authors p

45、urpose of writing the passage?A.To give us a general introduction of Marie Curie.B.To show us how Madame Curie discovered radium.C.To tell us how Madame Curie received the Noble Prize.D.To let us know something about Madame Curies childhood.65.In this passage the underlined word“isolating probably m

46、eans_.A.discovering B.inventing C.separating D.comparing 66.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?A.Marie Curie could learn things by heart very easily as a child.B.Marie Curie had a great ambition when she was young.word-12-/20 C.Marie Curie found it hard for her to

47、 receive high education.D.Marie Curie received two Noble Prizes in physics.67.Which is the right order of happenings in this passage?a.married Pierre Curie b.attended University c.discovered radium d.determined radiums atomic weight e.won the Noble Prize in physics A.b,c,a,d,e B.b,a,c,d,e C.b,a,c,e,

48、d D.b,c,a,e,d D Global warming is the process of earths atmosphere heating up.Over the last 100 years,the average temperature of earths atmosphere has gone up 1 Fahrenheit.The weather has not changed exactly the same way in every area of the planet.But scientists think that the rise in average tempe

49、rature is already affecting the earths climate.Many scientists now believe that global warming is caused by cutting down trees,producing more trash,and polluting the environment are some of the reasons that the temperature has gone up.Many scientists believe that the biggest causes of global warming

50、 are new human technologies that release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.The greenhouse effect is not new.Certain gases in the atmosphere,like carbon dioxide,nitrous oxide and methane,prevent heat energy from escaping back into space.In the past,the climate didnt change much because nature prod


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