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《浙江省2022年中考英语真题分类汇编:语法填空(短文类)及答案.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《浙江省2022年中考英语真题分类汇编:语法填空(短文类)及答案.pdf(5页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、浙江省浙江省 20222022 年中考英语真题分类汇编:语法填空(短文类)年中考英语真题分类汇编:语法填空(短文类)一、语法填空一、语法填空阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。Matt is a primary school student who loves playing with little animals.One day,when he was on1(he)way to school,he saw a homeless cat sitting in a box.It was a black-and-white cat withbright ey

2、es.The cat was so cute2Matt couldnt help playing with it.The longer Matt played with3cat,the more he liked it.The little cat followed him as heleft for school.Matt then decided4(take)the cat to school with him.He put the cat in hisschoolbag5went to school happily.After Matt entered the class,he told

3、 some6(classmate)about the cat.As heopened the schoolbag to show them the cat,it suddenly jumped out and7(start)runningaround the classroom.It even jumped onto the teachers desk!Everyone in class was8(excited)than ever before.Just at that time,the teacher came in and caught the cat9(quick).Matt felt

4、 embarrassed and his face turned red.To Matts surprise,the teacher came up to him10a smile,saying,Matt,its nice of you tolend a helping hand to homeless animals,but you are not allowed to take it to school.阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。Max Woosey is a 12-year-old boy.He has slept outside in st

5、orms,snow and heat waves,but now hescoming indoors.After two years of11(sleep)in a tent,Max,who has raised over 700,000,is aboutto remember what a bed12(feel)like.Im still going to be in my tent a lot,said Max.Butnow Ive done two years.If theres a big,13(danger)storm coming,I may come inside.Max beg

6、an camping out in March 2020.At that time,14old neighbor of his,RickAbbott,who was15(serious)ill,gave Max a tent and told him to take a risk with it.Later Max decided to camp out to raise money16the hospital that cared for Rick.Max didntthink he would keep going a long time,17it went on and on.Over

7、the two years,Max has been through around 15 tents and has had camping18(trip)in many places.He even slept on a hotel balcony(阳台).His dad joined19in the tent duringlast months Storm Eunice,with Max joking that he20(wake)up not by the wind butby his dads snoring(鼾声)!阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形

8、式。My pen friend is Allison.She is a lovely Australian girl21big blue eyes.Like me,Alisonloves singing and dancing,22we both like travelling to different places for our holidays.Do you want to know23our friendship started?By travelling!Three years ago,I paid avisit to my24(uncle)home in Sydney.One Sa

9、turday my cousin and I went to the BlueMountains Scenic World and I25(meet)Allison on the bus.She was sitting just next to me.At first,we were both a bit shy.We sat26(silent)all the way until we got near the footof the mountains.I was surprised by the amazing views and opened the window27(take)photo

10、s.Thats when Allison turned to28(I)and said,Its beautiful,isnt it?Then she beganto explain why the mountains looked blue.For the rest of the day,29three of us travelled together.We saw many koalas and werehappy to see that they30(protect)well in the forest.What a great experience!Back home,I started

11、 writing to Allison and weve been friends ever since.阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。It was the summer holidays and our family rented an apartment for a week near the beach.We all wentto the beach on31first day and it was fantastic!I did lots of surfing.The sea was reallywarm!While Mum and Dad w

12、ere reading32(they)books,my brother Paul was building abig sandcastle(沙堡).He was happy for33(hour)!On the evening we arrived,my parents were cooking supper when suddenly the computer stoppedworking.There was no electricity in the apartment!We had to eat our supper in the dark!The electricitydidnt co

13、me on again34late at night.The next day,we went to the market.We35(shop)when suddenly darkclouds came over and it started to rain hard.Dad36(drive)us back to the apartment.When we got back,the rain was coming into Pauls bedroom and his bed was very wet.So for the rest ofthe holiday he had to share m

14、y bedroom.37the end of the holiday,Mum and Dad were cleaning the apartment when suddenly Dadshouted,Oh,no!Paul and I ran into the kitchen.38strange it was!Pauls milk was drunkand my apples39(eat)by a family of mice!We packed up our things and left the apartment very40(quick)!We were all reallyglad t

15、o get home.阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号里所给的单词的适当形式。Some people say it is not easy for a middle-aged person to learn a foreign language.But is it41(real)true?Several years ago,I worked for42English newspaper which was doing such a research.They asked me to learn a new language for one month.Then I had t

16、o go to the country and do some tests43(see)if I could survive(挺过来)in different situations.I chose Spanish(西班牙语)and did a one-month course at a language school and44(find)that some Spanish words are very similar to English ones.45example,hola isnt very different from hello.Of course,there are other

17、things which are more difficult.In Spanishyou have to change the verbs(动词)for each person.But my46(big)problem of all wasthe pronunciation.I found47was very difficult to pronounce some letters in Spanish,especially r and j.So I had to download48(sentence)onto my phone and I listened andpractised the

18、m again and again.A month later I went to Spain.A Spanish teacher49(call)Paula came and began the test.Will I survive?I wasnt sure enough but50I wished I would!阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。Lance almost ran home after school.His older brother Nathan had promised to take51(he)to the new skate p

19、ark today.Lance was so excited,52he got everythingready when Nathan got home.Whos that?Nathan53(ask),pointing out the window.Lancelooked out and found his friend Haley waiting54(quiet)in front of the mailbox.What isshe doing here?Lance thought55a while and remembered that he promised Haley to work o

20、ntheir science project today,before Nathans promise.Skating with Nathan was certainly,a56(good)offer than,working on the project.He could learn some new57(skill)with the help of Nathan.It would be58exciting experience.But if be canceled on Haley,hecould imagine how disappointed she would be.Lance de

21、cided to work on the project59Haleyand told Nathan everything.Good for you,his brother said.And ask Haley if she wants60(go)to the skate park after you two finish the project.Lance couldnt believe his ears,Really?Youd take us?Of course,I promised,Nathan nodded.And a promise is a promise.阅读下面材料,在空白处填

22、入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。将答案填写在相应位置。Old new medicinesWhat should you do if you have a headache?In modern times people often take aspirin(阿司匹林).Butis aspirin61(actual)a modern medicine?More than 4,000 years ago,ancient Egyptians used dried leaves to treat pain.And in the fourth centuryB.C.,a medicine

23、 made from tree bark(树皮)62(use)to treat fevers.In the nineteenthcentury,European scientists discovered that both medicines have the same chemical(化学物质).They usedthe chemical to make a modern medicine aspirin.Today,its one of the worlds63(cheap)and most helpful medicines.Some of the medicines we have

24、 today come64traditional Chinese medicine.In thethird century B.C.,some people65(begin)studying the human body.They tried many differentways to treat the patients and recorded66(they)results.For more than 2,000 years,doctorsrecorded67they found in books.These ancient books are still useful today.Tu

25、Youyou,aChinese medical researcher,found that in68past,people used a herb with yellow flowers totreat fevers.After studying it,she developed a medicine that saved millions of people from dying.For69(century),Western medicine paid little attention to traditional Chinesemedicine.But today,scientists a

26、re studying traditional treatments70(develop)newmedicines.阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。As a foreigner,the first time I ate hot pot was in Chongqing,China.The hot pot restaurant was one ofthe largest and71(busy)places in the city.In the restaurant,hundreds72people were crowded into one large r

27、oom.My friend and I sat at a table with73large pot in the middle.It was an amazing experience.I74(real)couldntforget it.Today,the hot pot is one of the most popular forms of cooking in China,and nearly every town and cityhas some hot pot75(restaurant).Some people might ask how hot pot becomes sopopu

28、lar.With a hot pot,you can76(put)in any food that you like.The same pot can serveany number of different meals to the people sitting around the table.Everyone can eat as much77they want and no one is left out.This78(be)one of the values of Chineseculture.Finally,not only does hot pot taste wonderful

29、,but it is the perfect way79(spend)time with others.In China,people often joke that theres no problem that a hot pot cant solve.Over a hot pot,people cantalk about not just food,but friendship.The food may soon be forgotten,80the friendshipwill stay with us forever.Even today,I remember all the good

30、 times I spent with my friends in Chongqing.答案解析部分【答案】1his;2that;3the;4to take;5and;6classmates;7started;8moreexcited;9quickly;10with【答案】11sleeping;12feels;13dangerous;14an;15seriously;16for;17but;18trips;19him;20was woken【答案】21with;22and;23how;24uncles;25met;26silently;27to take;28me;29the;30were p

31、rotected【答案】31the;32their;33hours;34until/till;35were shopping;36drove;37At;38How;39were eaten;40quickly【答案】41really;42an;43to see;44found;45For;46biggest;47it;48sentences;49called;50how【答案】51him;52that;53asked;54quietly;55for;56better;57skills;58an;59with;60to go【答案】61actually;62was used;63cheapest;64from;65began;66their;67what;68the;69centuries;70to develop【答案】71busiest;72of;73a;74really;75restaurants;76put;77as;78is;79to spend;80but/yet


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