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1、黄州西湖中学高二英语学科导学活页案年级:_班级:_ 学生:_ 时间:_月日选修六 Unit 3 A healthy life课型一:阅读课(warming up,pre-reading,reading and comprehending)课型二:词汇课(Discovering useful words and expressions)课型三:语法课(Discovering useful structure)课型四;语言技能课(Using Ianguage)课型五:写作课(Reading and writing)课型六:测试课(Testing)课型一:阅读课(warm ing up,pre-re

2、ad in g,readi ng and comprehe nding)一、学习目标 能力目标:1.通过讨论明确什么是健康的人及什么是健康的生活。2.学习与话题相关的词汇。语言目标 cigarette;alcohol;abuse;stress;obesity;adolesce nt,etc;二、学习过程Part 1Warmi ng up一、合作探究。Task 1:小组内看图片讨论,哪些图片描述的是 healthy activity 哪些是 unhealthy activity Task2:讨论问题。1.What kind of life is healthy life?2.What kind

3、of pers on is healthy pers on?二、成果展示。展示 Task 2。Part 2 Pre-reading一、合作探究。Task 1:小组内讨论 Pre-reading Ex 1 中的问题。Task 2:阅读 Ex 2 的要求。1.不细读文章,只看 title;思考问题:What form is our passage?_推测:What may this part tell us?_浏览文章,思考:Who wrote this letter?_Who did he write this letter to?_What did he want to do?_、成果展示。展

4、示 Task 1,2oPart 3 Reading一、自主学习。Task 1:速读全文,写出文章的 outline。Task 2:阅读下面的内容,学习阅读技巧。阅读技能:区分主次细节。What are major details?1)important to the main idea of the reading2)pers on ally importa nt to you for some special reas onsTips:How to separate major from minor details1.Find out the main idea of the passage

5、.2.Look for in formati on that directly supports the main idea.3.Look for most importa nt words that tell you what the in formati on will be about.4.Underline the major details as you find them.5.Read over quickly the words or sentences that do n ot give in formatio n about the mainidea.Task 3:运用以上技

6、能,完成课文阅读。1.What is the main idea of the letter?高二英语导学案选修六 Unit 32.List the major details and group them.Give each group a subtitle.Subtitle 1:_Detail 1:_Detail 2:_Detail 3:_Detail 4:_第 1 页共 6 页Subtitle 2:_Detail 1:_Detail 2:_Detail 3:_Detail 4:_Subtitle 3:_Detail 1:_ _ _Detail 2:_ _ _Detail 3:_Detai

7、l 4:_ _ _Task 4:完成 Comprehending EX 1,2,3.、展示成果。展示 Task 1,3,4.三、知识稳固。Task 1:跟读课文,边读,边划出你认为重要的单词及短语。Task 2:请小组在全班交流。课型二词汇课(Discoveri ng useful words and expressi ons)一、学习目标:重点词汇:accustom;quit;non-;adolesce nt;stay;重点短语:due to;be addicted to do damage to;be doing;man age to;feel like;remi ndsb.of;in s

8、pite of;sb be likely to;get into the habit;at risk二、自主学习。Part 11.1 think my long and active life must be due to the healthy life I live.1)due to 由于;归功于What one thinks and feels is due to traditi on,habit and educati on.The accide nt was due to his careless drivi ng.Her worldwide fame is due to his s

9、upport.The accide nt is due to your careless drivi ng.The game was put off due to the rain.2)归类记忆:表示因果关系的词和短语:because 附属连词,接从句,意思是“因为,表示所表达的理由是本句的重点。as 和 since 附属连词,接从句,意思是“因为,表示理由是的,而理由以外才是表达的重点。for 并列连词,不用于句首,置于第一分句之后,补充说明理由,第一分句表示推测时,用 for 说明推测 的依据。because of 介词短语,意思是“因为,较口语化。owing to 介词短语,意思是“因为

10、,较正式。thanks to 介词短语,意思是“因为,“多亏了。as a result o 介词短语,意思是“因为。as a resul 副词短语,意思是“因此。therefore 副词,意思是“因此。so 并列连词,意思是“因此。with the result that 接从句,意思是“因此。知识小结及自我造句:2.First,you can become physically addicted to nicotine,which is one of the hundreds ofchemicals in cigarettes.1)addicted adj.对上瘾的,沉湎于的be/becom

11、e addicted t 沉溺于;嗜好It does not take long to become addicted to drugs.My kids are all addicted to TV cartoons.His father is addicted to watch ing football match.My childre n have become/are hopelessly addicted to televisi on.2构词法:addict n.沉湎于不良嗜好的人尤指吸毒者addiction n.沉湎,成瘾addictive adj.使人上瘾的3nicoti ne 尼

12、古丁。无色有毒生物碱,是烟草中使吸烟者上瘾的物质。知识小结及自我造句:_3.This means that after a while your body becomes accustomed to having nicotine in it.1accustom v.使人习惯于;养成习惯。常用句式accustom+名词/on eself+to+名词She found it n ecessary to accustom her child to getti ng up earlyChildre n are quick to accustom themselves to new surroundi

13、n gs.2become/be accustomed to 名词:习惯于某事或做某事You will soon get accustomed to the job.Im the boss here!I am not accustomed to being told what to do.I am accustomed to sleep ing on a sofa.Im not accustomed to gett ing up so early to do morning exercise.2英语中的 to 有时是不定式的符号,它后面必须接原形动词。become accustomed t 中的

14、 to 是介词,它的后面要接名词或动词-ing 形式;类似的常用短语动词还有:object to 反对;devoteto 把奉献给;look forward to 盼望;be used to 习惯于等。I strongly object to wasting time.He devoted his life to doing scientific research.We are all look ing forward to visit ing your beautiful country知识小结及自我造句:_4.I didn tknow,for example,that it could d

15、o terrible damage to your heart and lungs or that it was moredifficult for smok ing couples to become preg nant.do damage to 伤害;损伤The accident did little damage to either car.5.I also no ticed that I became breathless quickly,and that I waenj oying sport as much.此句中的 enjoy 用的是过去进行时,强调在某段时间内不再爱好体育了,这

16、比用一般过去时内涵更丰富 些,它表达过去的某种习惯。He was always idli ng away his time whe n he was a schoo lboyShe was forever ask ing her pare nts for money with which to buy new clothes.知识小结及自我造句:6.I know it was time to quit smok ing.1quit v.停止做。过去式和过去分词无为 quit,现在分词为 quitting 接动词的-ing 形式。She quit smok ing whe n she got p

17、reg nant.I wish youdall quit compla ining.She quit school and started her own bus in ess.2归类记忆:以下动词只能用动词的-ing 形式用宾语。admit;advise;allow;appreciate;avoid;celebrate;complete;consider;deny;forbid;fancy;finish;keep;men ti on;mind;miss;pard on;permit;preve nt;delay;discuss;dislike;enjoy;escape;excuse;expl

18、a in;imagi ne;postp one;practise;quit;recall;recomme nd;recollect;resist;risk;suggest;tolerate;understa nd知识小结及自我造句:7.Every time you feel like smoking a cigarette,remind yourself that you are a non-smoker1feel like 想;愿意。后面接名词、代词或动词-ing 形式。You can talk to me whenever you feel like it.Right now I feel

19、 like celebrati ng our achieveme nt.2remi nd 提醒。常用的句型有:remin d of;remin d to;remind.that-The photo remin ded me of my happy childhood.Please remind me to call him back.The bell remin ded me that I was late.3)non 是个前缀,意为不、非、无。nonmen tainon huma nnon party知识小结及自我造句:non reader8.Why do you think some ad

20、olesce nts start smok ing?1)adolesce nt n.青少年adolesce nt betwee n 13 and 18 and the problems they face2)归类记忆表示“儿童的词A very young child is a babyor an infan t(rather formal).A child who has just learned to walk is a toddler.People aged 13 to 19 are tee nagers or adolesce nts.A youth is a tee nager,usu

21、ally male.British people use childre n while America ns use kids for all youngpeople.知识小结及自我造句:Part 2本单元第二篇课文中的重点词汇1.In spite of all his efforts he failed.He was so upset about himself that he felt like crying1)in spite of 尽管;无视In spite of the dan ger of being in fected with SARS,the doctors and nu

22、rses were busy work ing in thewards.They went on fighting in spite of all setbacks.The boy went out in spite of his fatheorders.2)思考:despite,in spite of,althoug 有什么区别?知识小结及自我造句:2.Here are some things you can do to make sure you stay safe.stay 在此处是一个系动词,意为“保持某种状态,后接形容词。They are going to stay awake to

23、 see the lunar eclipse.Please stay calm.Nothing serious.英语中还有哪些连系动词?be likely3.Wome n are slightly more likely to become in fected tha n men.后接不定式或从句,表示“可能会Heslikely to arrive late this after noon.He teleph oned me this morning.Its likely that they will camp out toni ghttsuch a log way that I dSth i

24、nk they can get back.知识小结及自我造句:4.Of course the best way to deal with these drugs is not to get into the habit in the first place!1)get into the habit o 养成的习惯。相当于 fall into the habit of 或 form the habitof。The girl has got into the habit of play ing with her hair while read ing.He got into the habit o

25、f play ing computer games,which worried his pare nts a lot.短get into debt语联想:get into deep waterget into a temperget into on headget into the way ofget into trouble2)at risk 在危险中。相当于 in dan ger,You are really at risk if you do not wear a seat belt.短语联想知识小结及自我造句:at the risk of_at your own riskrun the

26、 risk ofF 面短语中的介词表示“处于某种状态归类记忆at easeat peaceat warat workat schoolat breakfastin troublein tearsin powerin rui nsin good healthin orderin printin lovein flowerin good spiritsin a bad temperin pai nin doubtin progressin sile neein a hurryin comfortin peacein deep thoughton dutyon strike知识小结及自我造句:三、展

27、示成果。展示自主学习局部。四、自我检测。1.完成课本 P20 Ex 1,2,3。2.完成课时作业词汇练习。课型三 语法课(Learning useful structure)一、学习目标:学习 it 的用法(The use of it)。二、自主学习:Task 1.自主阅读 Ex 1 局部,了解 it 的用法。你能写出 it 用法常见的五大句型吗?三、自我检测。完成课本 P 21 Ex 2。四、展示成果。展示 Task 1,2。五、知识拓展。1.先行主语 itoit 可以用作先行词,作为句子的主语,而把句子的真正主语移到后面去,可移到后面的主语可以是:1)动词不定式。句子的结构可以是 be+形

28、容词、be+名词、be+介词短语。也可用其他类型的谓语。It is importa nt to know your limitatio ns 知道自己的局限性是重要的。It is a good idea to have a little notebook han 手边有个小笔记本是个好主意。It is agai nst the law to do tha 这样做是违法的。It gave me great pleasure to see the moV 观看电影让我很快乐。2)动词-ing 形式。当 it+be 后接 no good,no use,great fun,a new experie

29、等名词或形容词作表语时,可用作其后动词-ing 形式的先行词,偶尔在其他谓语形式的句子中也有此用法。It is fun worki ng for him.为他工作很有意思。Do you thi nk its worthwhile quarrel ling with me?尔认为和我吵值得吗?Does it matter wast ing a little mo ney 稍微浪费一点钱行吗?3)主语从句。可以是 that 引导的,也可能是 wh-词引导的。Its stra nge that it hatrbeen noticed before 直 奇怪,它以前没有被注意到。It is a wo

30、nder that he is still aliv 他居然还活着,这真是个奇迹。It happe ned that the harvest was bad that y 碰巧,那年收成不好。高二英语导学案选修六 Unit 3itIt is said that there has been an earthquake in J 据说 n,日本发生了地震。It is still a questi on how many people are to com 多少人会来,还是个问题。It remains to be see n whether it will do us harm or go 对我们

31、有好处还是害处,还要等着瞧。It was clear eno ugh what he mea 他的意思很清楚。2.非人称代词 itit 有时并不指具体的东西,而泛指天气、时间、环境、距离等。It is a warm sunny afternoon 这是一个温暖的、阳光灿烂的下午。It was n early midni ght whe n she came ba 她回来时已快至 U 午夜了。It is noisy here.这儿很嘈杂。It is half an houwalk to the city cen tre 走到市中心需要半小时。六、稳固练习。选词填空。1.Its no good _

32、(eat,eati ng)too much chocolates.2.Its not dangerous _(to help,helping)AIDS patients in a proper way.3.lts un believable _(that,since)he spe nds all his money on alcohol.4.Itll give me great stress _(to fini sh,finishing)this experime nt in two days.5.Take a bus.s too dark and far away for a pregnan

33、t woman like you _(to walk,walking)home.6.Its very com mon _(that,as)adolesce nts like to try mew thin gs.7.In spite of his pareritwar ning,he _(becomes,became)addicted to cigarettes.8.Its believed_(because,that)smok ing does terrible damage to heart and lun gs.9.It is not yet decided_(whether,that)

34、he will be sent to the drug rehabilitation centre or not.课型四语言技能课(Using Ianguage)一、学习目标1.了解 HIV/AIDS 的知识。2.训练语言综合运用能力。Part one Reading一、自主学习Task 1:训练 surveying 浏览)的能力。要求不详细阅读课文,通过 skimming,将注意力放在 title,heading 及实词上,列出文章的 outline 提纲)。Task 2:An swer the follow ing questi ons.Q1:What is the style of th

35、e passage?Q2:Who does the wordyou refer to?Q3:What is the purpose of the passage?Task 3:以小组为单位,学习全文,通读全文,讨论不懂的词汇及句子,理解内容。Task4:自学完成后,小组内讨论以下问题,作为对文章内容理解的检测与评价。Evaluation of what you have learned:1.Did you learn anything new from reading this text?2.Has it ch a nged your attitude towards people suffe

36、ri ng from HIV/AIDS?3.Do you think many people believe the statements in the last section of this passage?4.Who do you think this poster was written for?5.Where might you see such a poster?6.Do you think information like this should be available to all high school students?二、自我检测。Task 5:完成 P23 Ex 2,

37、3。二、展 zN 成果。展 zN Task 1 5 Part 2 Listening一、合作探究。讨论:Q1:Are there any discos,karaoke bars or nightclubs in your district for young people to go to?Q2:Have you ever been to places like these?Q3:Do you ever go to parties with your friends?Q4:Do you think it is OK for alcohol to be available at places w

38、here young people meet?二、自主学习。Task 1:听听力材料,写下你所听到的内容。Task 2:完成 P23 Ex 1,2。二、展 zN 成果。展 zN Task 1,2 o课型五 写作课(Speaking and writing)一、学习目标:1.稳固写建议信(letter of advice)2.熟悉建议信的一些根本特点及一般的写作模式。3.能就写作任务,写一封建议信。二、自主学习。Task 1:复习下面说明。写建议信的一些根本要素,简单归纳如下:1.What you think the problem is:A good understanding of the

39、problem高二英语导学案选修六 Unit 3A good analysis of the problem,A creative mind(what the problem is,whether it is serious,what its causes are,etc.)2.Convincing reasons why you think so:Reason 1What the proposed solution isWhat the proposed solution will achieveHow it addresses questions and objections from r

40、eaders.注息;Reason 2Reason 33.Propose and justify solutions:1 以上要素需根据具体的写作情景与要求,要有所取舍,详略的安排也应根据自己的需要来决定,不必 面面俱到。2.写建议信时,要考虑到采取适应的语气与角色身份,使建议信更有说服力。Task 2:写作素材准备。1.HabitIts very easy to acquire bad habits,such as eating too much,and smoking.The force of habit makes us do a thing agai n and agai n,if we

41、 do not continue to do it,we feel,un happyIt seems easier to fall into bad habits than into good ones.Sometimes we start bad habits without knowing their dan ger.Some boys and girls first pick up some bad habits in schools,following the lead of their schoolmates.Dont let him get you into the habit o

42、f smoking.2.SmokingYears ago,we might not know the bad effect smoking had on non-smokers.Smoking not only does harm to the health of smokers but also affects the health of non-smokers around thembecause non-smokers are forced to take in some poisonous substances which smokers blow into the air.Some

43、smokers argue that smoking makes them happy gives them energy.And some say that smoking isenjoyable and relaxing after a meal.Smoking may be responsible for may diseases.Perhaps you had not thought aboiqluitting smoking as a gift,but it is one of the greatest gifts of love that youcan give to yourse

44、lf a nd your loved on es.3.FriendshipTrue friends are those who warm you when you are in dan ger of doi ng somethi ng wrong.Knowing how valuable friends are,we should be very careful in making friends.One should keep the principle in his mind that a good friend is helpful while a bad friend would be harmful.Task 3:就 P24 面的写作要求,列出自己的 outline。Task 4:根据 outline,组织成文。第 6 页共 6 页


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