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《最新2019小升初英语衔接练习1(无答案).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《最新2019小升初英语衔接练习1(无答案).doc(3页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、1小升初英语衔接练习小升初英语衔接练习1、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. You should listen to the teacher _ (careful) in class. 2. I will _(am) busy next week.3. _(swim) is good for us. It _(make) people _ (health) and strong.4. In front of the house _ (be) some young trees. 5. The month after August is _ (nine) month of the year. 6. H

2、ow about _ (play) football after school ? 7. -Who _ (play) the piano for us this afternoon? -Mike is. 8. _ you at home last night ? (be) 9. Please stop_(cry) and tell me whats the matter with you. 10. Mr.Hang read the news and _ (tell)_ _(they) to us.11. There _(be) many_(woman doctor) and _(child)

3、in the street yesterday afternoon.12. _ (father) Day is on the third Sunday of June. 13. Please put the table between you and _ (his).14. Water is _(use).We use it _(clean) things every day.15. Look, the people _ (pick) apples. 16. It is _(rain) here in spring ,so there is a lot of _(rain) here.It _

4、(rain) again yesterday,and it _(rain) heavily.17. Its really an_ football game.The boys are shouting_.(excite)18. She _ (go) home with her friends last night. 19. _(dance) _(make) people healthy and beautiful.20. We all enjoyed _ (run). 21. Ill show_(he) some _(photo) after the holiday.22. We use en

5、ergy_(drive) cars.23. You must _ (be) hungry. Ill give you something _ (eat). 24. They are from different _(country).225. I cant wait _(have) the picnic.26. The boy _ ( not do) his homework last night. 27. _the woman and the girl _ (go) to Beijing next week?28. He felt _ (happy) during his holiday.

6、29. Which is _(heavy),the bear or the elephant?30. They are going _(fish) tomorrow.31. The weather gets_(cold) and the nights get _(long) in winter.32. The pair of jeans_(be) yours,it isnt mine.33. -Whats _(it) name? - Its Jimmy.34. Su Hai with his classmates _(watch) TV every night.35. -Thanks for

7、_(help) me. -You are welcome.36. Here _(come) the bus.Lets get on the bus.37. _you _(work) in Shanghai?38. I _(be) thirteen years old next year.39. Lucys _(parent) room is on the second floor.40. -What_(be) under the bed? -There are two mice.41. Its six oclock . I_(have) breakfast.42. Look ! _ the b

8、oys _ (draw) on the wall ? 43. We_(put) our things in the car just now.44. Can you help_(he) with_(he) Maths?45. There _ (be) many banana trees in Hainan.46. Bob always_(ride) a bike to school. But today he _(take) a bus to school.47. She put on her coat and_(get) on the bus.48. There are three_(Ame

9、rican) here.49. I like_(swim) this afternoon.50. Please turn to page _(12) and look at the _(3) picture.51. Can I have (some) fruit?52. There _ (be) a lot of water in the glass. 353.Are you interested in _ (swim)? 54. To keep (safely),you can wait on the pavement.55. The lion (catch) the mouse,but a

10、t last he let the mouse go.56. My teacher (not listen) to music on Sundays.57. Sam was ill, he_(go) hospital yesterday.58. Im happy (meet) you .59. He did some (shop) on the Internet last week.60. My mother makes me _(do) a lot of homework every day.61. We each _(have) our own car.62. Dont eat too _(many) in the evening.63. Here is some_(mango) juice for you.64. Look, there_(be) some fish on the plate. I think its nice _(eat).65. Twenty and ten_(be) thirty.


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