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1、 Unit 5Words and Expressionsvolcanodiagram/grapherupteruption Its like volcanoready to erupt.注意!volcano n.ulken 火山(volcanoes/volcanos)【改错】【改错】a2.volcano n.c 火山 1.volcanopl.volcanoes-logy:“学学/论论”volcanology-ist“学家学家”volcanologist 活火山活火山死火山死火山休眠火山休眠火山火山学火山学scientistpianist 火山学家火山学家biologyoceanology an

2、 active volcano an extinct volcano a dormant volcano2.eruptIts many years since Mount Vesuvius last erupted.2)(搏斗,暴力事件,噪音等)突然发生,爆发(搏斗,暴力事件,噪音等)突然发生,爆发 Violence has erupted on the streets.erupt into laughter/shouting/crying突然大笑突然大笑/叫喊叫喊/大哭大哭He erupted into laughter without any reason.1)1)(火山)爆发,喷发(火山

3、)爆发,喷发3.erupt vi.(火山火山)爆发,突然发生爆发,突然发生_n.火山爆发火山爆发_突然发展成突然发展成 _从从喷出喷出 _正在喷发、爆发正在喷发、爆发_战争,灾难的爆发战争,灾难的爆发 eruptionerupt into sth.erupt fromin eruptionbreak out词根记忆:词根记忆:-rupt 破破 abrupt adj.突然的,意外的,粗鲁突然的,意外的,粗鲁 erupt v.喷出,爆发 interrupt v.打扰,打断打扰,打断 corrupt a./v.贪污的,腐败的,使腐化,堕落贪污的,腐败的,使腐化,堕落 erupt into laugh

4、ter/shouting/crying突然大笑突然大笑/叫喊叫喊/大哭大哭 erupt v.eruption n.craterlava absolutely fantastic volcanic ash4.ash(un.灰灰)-ashes(灰烬灰烬,废墟废墟ruins)burn to ashes烧成灰烧成灰,化为乌有化为乌有 cigarette ash烟灰烟灰 1.The house was burnt down to ash.【改错】【改错】ashes _2.Her ash were spread over the sea.ashes骨灰骨灰 _The town was reduced to

5、 ashes in the fighting.6.questionnaire n.问卷;调查表【巧记】question-naire.可联想成:question问题,naire耐热。口诀:你耐着天气的热去问问题,叫人填“问卷调查表”。millionaire百万富翁 运用:请指出下列句中运用:请指出下列句中alongside的词性和意义。的词性和意义。The car parked alongside.Its a pleasure to work alongside such men.Alongside me was a woman in a black dress.adv在旁边在旁边(close

6、to the side of sth.)prep和和一起一起(together with)prep在在的旁边的旁边(beside,by the side of)7.alongside 1)prep.with“和和”;beside“在在.旁边旁边”沿着沿着的边的边 2)adv.在旁边在旁边;沿着沿着;靠拢着靠拢着;并排地并排地拓展:拓展:alongside of 在在旁边,与旁边,与并排,与并排,与相比相比alongside with 与与一起,一起,除除.以外以外alongsideprep.在在.的旁边的旁边,沿着沿着along(动态动态)alongside(静态静态)I took a wal

7、k_the river.我沿着那条我沿着那条河散步。河散步。She parked her car_the road.alongalongsideWe are in need of some electrical equipments.注意!equipment作“设备”讲时,是不可数名词。【改错】【改错】equipment_8.equipment n.U装备,设备,器材装备,设备,器材 a piece of equipment一件设备一件设备 Your education will equip you with your future life.注意!equip sb/oneself/sth w

8、ith sth用用装备装备 equip sb/sth for sth 1.为为装备装备;使为使为进行训练或做好准备进行训练或做好准备 provide sb/sth with necessary things for 2.具备具备 have the necessary ability【改错】【改错】for_equipment n.U装备,设备,器材装备,设备,器材 equip sb.for/to do sth.使某人使某人为为做好准备做好准备 9.equipment n.U装备,设备,器材装备,设备,器材 _用用装备起来装备起来./使具备使具备_装备着装备着;具备具备_装备精良装备精良_使某人具

9、备做某事使某人具备做某事的条件的条件equip sb./sth.with sth.be equipped withbe well equipped_ adj.配备好的,有装备的配备好的,有装备的(过去式和过去分词过去式和过去分词)_vt.装备装备;使具备条件使具备条件 equipequippedequip sb.for/to do sth._一件设备一件设备 a piece of equipment根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子。根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子。(1)Your training will _.(使你能够胜任将来的工作)(使你能够胜任将来的工作)(2)Please _ a sharp

10、 pencil and a rubber for the exam.(为自己准(为自己准备)备)equip you for your future jobequip yourself withThey appointed me the president of the association.注意!S+appoint+n./pron.+(to be/as)n./pron.独一无二的职位不用冠词。独一无二的职位不用冠词。appoint sb head of任命某人当任命某人当主任主任【改错】【改错】零冠词零冠词10appoint vt.任命;委派任命;委派He was appointed as

11、this job.注意!appoint sb to the committee委托某人为委员会成员委托某人为委员会成员 appoint sb to the position of委派某人担任委派某人担任职务职务 appoint sb to the post of委派某人担任委派某人担任职务职务 appoint sb as chairman任命某人为主席任命某人为主席【改错】【改错】to_appoint sb.to岗位(岗位(as+职务)职务)10appoint vt.任命;委派任命;委派appoint vt.任命;委派任命;委派_ adj.安排的,确定的安排的,确定的_ n.被委任者被委任者_

12、 n任命;约会任命;约会_ 任命某人担任某职位任命某人担任某职位_ 任命某人为任命某人为_ 委派某人做某事委派某人做某事_ 为为约定时间约定时间/地点地点_ 约会;约定约会;约定_ 守守(失失)约约appointmentappoint sb.to岗位岗位appoint sb.as 职务职务appoint sb.to do sth.appoint a time/place formake an appointmentkeep/break an appointmentappointedappointee(1)The president _ a new director.总经理任命了一位新主任。总经

13、理任命了一位新主任。(2)We _ him(_/_ _)chairman.我们选他担任主席。我们选他担任主席。(3)The teacher _ me _ _ the roll.老师指派我点名。老师指派我点名。appointedappointedasto beappointedto call(4)The time _ _ the meeting was 10:30.规定的开会时间是规定的开会时间是10点点30分。分。(5)Ive _ _ _ _ _ a client and may not come back for supper.我和一个客户约了晚上见面,可能不会回来吃晚饭了。我和一个客户约了

14、晚上见面,可能不会回来吃晚饭了。appointedformadeaneveningappointmentwith11.observatory n.天文台;气象台;观察台知识拓展_vt.观察;注意到;遵守;庆祝_n.观察者;遵守者;评论者 _adj.看得见的,值得注意的 _adj.善于观察的,机警的 _n.观察,注意,观察力,(观察后发生的)议论,意见_n.u遵守 c(对节日的)纪念observeobserverobservableobservantobservationobservance1._is the best teacher.2.He is a man of little_.3.The

15、 professor is an acute_.4.Officials from Greenwich_have the clock checked twice a day.5.Theworkerwaspraisedforhis_of therules.ObservationobservationobserverObservatoryobservance11.observe vt.观察;注意到;遵守;庆祝_遵守规则_庆祝某人的生日_看到某人做某事/正在做某事_说;评论observe a ruleobserve a persons birthdayobserve sb.do sth./doing

16、sth.observe on/uponobserve the speed limit 遵守车速限制(1)我们必须遵守交通规则。我们必须遵守交通规则。We must _observe the traffic rules.(2)你们国家的人庆祝圣诞节吗?你们国家的人庆祝圣诞节吗?Do you _in your country?observe Christmas Day11.observation n.观察,注意,观察力,(观察后发生的)议论,意见_观测 _对提出了宝贵的意见 _受严密监视 _避开某人的注意take an observation ofmake valuable observation

17、s onbe under observationescape ones observation1.Did you keep him_?你对他进行监视了吗你对他进行监视了吗?2.The astronomers were taking _Jupiter.天文学家们正在观测木星。天文学家们正在观测木星。3.She is a student of keen_.她是一个观察力敏锐的学生。她是一个观察力敏锐的学生。4.He made valuable _on the prices.他对物价问题提出了宝贵的意见。他对物价问题提出了宝贵的意见。under observationan observation o

18、fobservationobservations12.database n.数据库;资料库 _ n.数据;资料数据;资料1.He set up a few _to save information.2.The _ were collected by various researchers.databasesdatadata【改错】【改错】注意!data用作单数或复数。data是datum(数据,资料)的复数形式,但datum现如今都不常使用了,人们习惯用data,即使是表示单数时,也是用one of thedata的表达方式。Thesedatashavebeencollectedfromvar

19、ioussources.data_data n.数据;资料数据;资料 phenomenon-phenomenamedium-mediastadium-stadia or stadiums13.evaluate vt.评估,评价,估计评估,评价,估计重点用法重点用法_n.C U 评估,评价,评估报告评估,评价,评估报告_评估某人的能力;评估某人的能力;_评估某物的价值评估某物的价值/质量质量evaluationevaluate ones abilityevaluate the value/quality of sth.没见过他的工作,我无法评估他的能力。没见过他的工作,我无法评估他的能力。I c

20、annot _ without seeing his work.evaluate his abilityThey made an intensive _the health care program.evaluation of14.burn.to the ground 全部焚全部焚毁毁_把把烧烧成平地,成平地,烧烧光;光;渐渐烧渐渐烧完,完,火力减弱火力减弱_烧烧起来,旺起来;起来,旺起来;烧烧尽,尽,烧烧毁毁_烧烧掉某物掉某物_烧烧光,光,烧烧完完_逐逐渐烧渐烧完;完;烧烧光,光,烧烧毁毁_烧烧死死burn ones money_burn oneself out_burn ones face

21、 in the sun_burn downburn upburn offburn outburn awayburn.to death短语归纳短语归纳把钱挥霍掉把钱挥霍掉耗尽精力耗尽精力,精疲力竭精疲力竭晒黑了脸;晒黑了脸;(1)The house was _ _ _ _.那所房子被彻底焚毁了那所房子被彻底焚毁了。(2)This exercise helps you to _ _ fat and tone muscles.这项锻炼有助于消耗脂肪这项锻炼有助于消耗脂肪,使肌肉强健使肌肉强健。(3)Half the candle had _ _.那根蜡烛烧掉了一半那根蜡烛烧掉了一半。burnt to

22、thegroundburnoffburntaway根据汉语提示,补全英语句子。根据汉语提示,补全英语句子。1)Without the control of his parents,the gambler _(将钱挥霍一空将钱挥霍一空)in a week.2)The fire was _ _(烧得更旺了烧得更旺了)cheerfully in the grate.3)Rumor has it that the factory _(被大火夷为平地了被大火夷为平地了).burnt his money burning up has been burnt to the ground 4)He was ba

23、dly injured in the accident,and his hair was_.burnt offHe has no place to live in because his house has been burnt to the ground.After covering 20 miles,I was totally burnt out.Qiu Shaoyun burnt himself to death for our country.全部焚毁全部焚毁累垮累垮把把烧死烧死burn burned burnedburn burnt burntwave:n波浪波浪飘扬飘扬挥手挥手wa

24、ve ones handswave to/at sb5.absolute adj.完全的完全的;真实的真实的 absolutely adv.完全地完全地;绝对地绝对地e.g.Its an _ fact.-Do you let your kids walk alone at night?-_not.You are _ right.Its _ impossible.I have _ trust in you.There is no _ standard for beauty.absoluteAbsolutelyabsolutelyabsolutelyabsoluteabsolutesuit:n 一

25、套外衣;套装一套外衣;套装The business suit suits the young lady well.suit:vt 适合;使适宜适合;使适宜 suitable:合适的合适的suit to:使适合于fitsuitmatch大小;形状合适大小;形状合适颜色、花样或款式适合;还指合乎需要、口味、性格、地位颜色、花样或款式适合;还指合乎需要、口味、性格、地位衣服的搭配衣服的搭配The skirt _ you well,but its color doesnt _ you.The tie and coat _ perfectly.Will the date _ you?fitssuitma

26、tchsuitmake ones way 1.she made her way to her home.2.We made our way to the shopping mall.3.so long as you work hard with a strong will,you can make your way in life.前往;向前往;向走去(后接走去(后接to/towards+地点)地点)成功;有所成就成功;有所成就feel ones waypush ones way find ones waywind ones wayfight ones wayfeel ones way:摸索着

27、前进摸索着前进push ones way:挤过;挤进挤过;挤进fight ones way:杀出一条血路杀出一条血路wind ones way:蜿蜒前进蜿蜒前进41feel ones waypush ones wayfind ones waygo ones wayfight ones waywind ones/its waylose ones way摸索前进摸索前进挤过挤过找到路,设法到达找到路,设法到达走自己的路,我行我素走自己的路,我行我素奋勇前进奋勇前进蜿蜒前进蜿蜒前进迷路迷路她犹豫了一下她犹豫了一下,但向前走去但向前走去.She hesitated,but _.她快速离开房间她快速离开

28、房间,朝她床边走去朝她床边走去.She hastily left the room,and _ _.你若想要有出息你若想要有出息,趁年轻的时候要学会发奋趁年轻的时候要学会发奋.If you want to _,you must learn to work hard while you are still young.made her way forward made her way to her bedmake your way in the world所有的车辆都得给救火车让路所有的车辆都得给救火车让路.All the traffic has to _ _.我将把职务让给更年轻的人我将把职务

29、让给更年轻的人.I shall _.make way for a fire truckmake way for younger peopleMake way for 为为让路让路20.potential n.U可能性,潜在性;潜力,潜能可能性,潜在性;潜力,潜能 adj.潜在的,可能的潜在的,可能的(只可作前置定语只可作前置定语)potential _(doing)sth.的可能性的可能性/潜在性潜在性realize ones potential_有潜力做某事有潜力做某事forhave the potential to do sth.发挥某人的潜能发挥某人的潜能She realized the

30、 _ danger of their situation.她意她意识识到了他到了他们处们处境的潜在危境的潜在危险险。Our common goal is to maximize our _economic growth.我我们们的共同目的共同目标标就是最大程度地就是最大程度地发挥经济发挥经济增增长长的潜力。的潜力。All children should be encouraged to _.应应当鼓励所有的儿童充分当鼓励所有的儿童充分发挥发挥他他们们的潜能。的潜能。realize their full potential.potential forpotential21.actual adj.

31、实在的;实际的(实在的;实际的(只用作只用作定语定语)actually adv.实际上;事实上;竟然实际上;事实上;竟然(表示惊讶表示惊讶)in fact/as a matter of fact 事实上;实际上事实上;实际上(1)What did he _ say?(actual)(2)The _ cost was much higher than we had expected.(actual)(3)Do you think its a good idea to make friends with your students?_,I do.I think its a great idea.(

32、actual)根据提示完成句子根据提示完成句子actually actual Actually ample a 充足的(拿得多,很充足)sample n 样品,标本(s=se分开+ample分开拿出标本)example n 样本;榜样(ex出+ample拿出来作为榜样)exemplar n 典型;模型(ex出+empl=ampl+ar)exemplify v 举例说明(ex+empl+ify)22.sample n.样品,样本样品,样本samplev.(取样)23.candidaten.候选人,申请人【巧记】can(能够)-did(做的过去式)-ate(吃的过去式),口诀:能做能吃不就成食神大

33、赛候选人了吗?24.threat n.威胁威胁,恐吓恐吓,凶兆凶兆 _v.威胁威胁,恐吓恐吓,似将发生似将发生 _ adj.威胁威胁(性性)的的,凶兆的凶兆的 (动词动词threaten的现在分词的现在分词)_ adv.胁迫地胁迫地,险恶地险恶地threatenthreateningthreateninglya threat to sth.对来说都是一种威胁under threat of在的威胁下threat of drought干旱的威胁 threaten sb.with sth./to do sth/that)1)He received death _ from right wing gr

34、oups.2)The hijakers _kill one passenger every hour if their demands were not met.3)He received a _ letter.threatsthreatened tothreatening25.thunderstormn.雷暴雷暴,雷雨,雷雨 snowstorm n.暴风雪暴风雪 rain heavily 表示雨下得很大表示雨下得很大 pour v.灌注灌注,倾泻倾泻,涌入涌入,流流,倾盆大雨倾盆大雨 The rain is pouring.倾盆大雨倾盆大雨 Its raining cats and dogs

35、.滂沱大雨滂沱大雨 气候气候 _ n.n.天气天气 _ n.n.多云的多云的 _a.a.晴朗的晴朗的 _a.a.下雨的下雨的,多雨的多雨的 _a.a.下雪的;多雪的下雪的;多雪的 _ a.a.有风的有风的,刮风的刮风的 _ a.a.霜霜 _ n.n.雾雾 _ n.n.结冰;冻结结冰;冻结 _ v.v.温度温度,体温体温 _ n.n.climateweathercloudy sunnyrainy snowywindytemperaturefrostfreezefogVocabulary Revision 飓风飓风 _ _ n.n.台风台风 _ _ n.n.微风微风,轻风轻风 _ _ n.n.地震

36、地震 _ _ n.n.闪电闪电 _ n.n.雷声;打雷雷声;打雷 _ _ n.&v.n.&v.雷雨;雷暴雨雷雨;雷暴雨 _ n n.暴风雪暴风雪 _n.n.breezehurricanetyphoonearthquakethunderstorm lightningthundersnowstorm26.precious(adj.)珍奇的珍奇的,珍贵的珍贵的 (adv.)(强调极少太少强调极少太少)precious little/few preciousness(n.)可贵可贵1)Youre wasting precious time!2)Theres precious little to do

37、in this town.【词语辨析】【词语辨析】precious,valuable这两个形容词均含这两个形容词均含“贵重的,有价值的贵重的,有价值的”之意。之意。1)precious指具有极大价值,无法以金钱衡量,指具有极大价值,无法以金钱衡量,或因本身的品质而具有极大的价值。或因本身的品质而具有极大的价值。2)valuable物品指有相当价值,可高价出售的;物品指有相当价值,可高价出售的;非物品指重要的或有用、有益。非物品指重要的或有用、有益。【知识运用】【知识运用】Treasured memories live and grow more_ with time.May those bea

38、utiful yesterdays help to ease todays sorrow.Aprecious BvaluableCexpensive Dpriceless答案:答案:A本题题意:珍爱的记忆与时光同在且日益本题题意:珍爱的记忆与时光同在且日益珍贵,愿那些美好的昨天帮助你减轻今天的悲哀。珍贵,愿那些美好的昨天帮助你减轻今天的悲哀。precious表示表示“受珍爱的;受珍惜的受珍爱的;受珍惜的”。priceless adj.无价的,极贵重的,非常有趣的,无价的,极贵重的,非常有趣的,极荒谬的极荒谬的-ist化学家 _旅客 _专家 _n.小说 a.新颖的_ _ _ n.中篇小说_ _

39、_ vt.使小说化,编成小说 27.novelistn.小说家novelnovelettenovelizechemisttouristspecialist_ n.新奇的事物;新颖noveltyI enjoy reading _(novel),especially the works of Mark Twain,who was a worldwide _(novel).novelistnovels29.uncomfortable(adj.)感觉不舒服的 (反义)_ _(adv.)不舒服地 (反义)_ _(vt.)安慰,抚慰 (n.)舒服,安逸,安慰3)The children are a gre

40、at _ to me.1)She _ herself with the thought that it would soon be spring.2)They had enough money to live _ in their old fortableuncomfortablycomfortablycomfortcomfortedin comfortcomfort30.unconscious(adj.)无知觉的,无意识的;未察觉(反义)_ _(adv.)无意地,不知不觉地(反义)_ _(n.)无知觉状态(反义)_ 清醒状态3)I cant remember any more I must

41、havelost consciousness.1)They found him lying unconscious on the floor.2)He was quite unconscious of the danger.be unconscious of sth._be conscious of doing sth./that _consciousconsciouslyconsciousnessunconsciouslyunconsciousness不知道不知道-意识到,注意到意识到,注意到 n.知觉,观念,看法知觉,观念,看法31.shoot vt.(shot,shot)射中;射伤射中;

42、射伤shoot sb./sth.射中某人射中某人/某物某物shoot at sb./sth瞄准某人瞄准某人/某物某物He shot at the rabbit,but didnt shoot it.他向那只兔子射他向那只兔子射击击,但没射中。,但没射中。Zhou Kehua was shot in the head,therefore,he was shot dead at last.头部中弹头部中弹被击毙被击毙母亲向那只狼射击,但是没打中。母亲向那只狼射击,但是没打中。My mother shot at the wolf,but missed it.向向射击射击shoot(shot;shot

43、)选词填空:shoot 或shoot at 填空He is _ a bird,and he _ it.shoot at:向向射击射击shoot:射中射中(强调射击强调射击的结果的结果)shooting atshotstremble with 因因-发抖发抖tremble at sth.因听到因听到/看到看到/想到想到-而颤抖而颤抖 ;tremble for sth为为-担忧担忧32.tremble vi.摇晃;摇动;颤抖摇晃;摇动;颤抖1.The children waited outside the school,_cold.2.I _ his safety.3.Im _ the thoug

44、ht of tomorrows examination.trembling withtremble fortrembling at 选词选词填空填空(tremble,shake)She _ at the sight of the snake.Houses _ as a bomb exploded in the neighborhood.trembledshook33、sweat n.汗;汗水;vi.流汗;出汗He wiped the _ his face.他擦去脸上的汗。We _ in the hot sun.我们在火辣的太阳下出汗了。_n.运动衣,套头衫,毛衣work up a sweat_

45、get into a sweat about sth._no sweat_sweater因锻炼/辛苦工作而流汗因某事而紧张害怕一点也不难,毫不费力sweat from/offsweatedSuddenly,the little girl _(因而害怕)the sight of a mouse under her bed.got into a sweat about To get in the wheat before the rain,he _.(忙出了一身汗)worked up a sweatHe finished the task with _(毫不费力地)no sweatanxious:

46、忧虑的;不安的;渴望的(对结果感到不安)anxiety:担心;焦虑;渴望The college entrance examination is around the corner,the girl feel anxious about the grades of the exam.为为担心担心/担忧担忧be anxious(for sb)to do sth:渴望某人做某事渴望某人做某事The poor kid is anxious for kind people to help him.34anxious adj.令人担心的,忧虑的,焦急的令人担心的,忧虑的,焦急的_ n.焦虑;担心;渴望焦虑

47、;担心;渴望_为某事忧虑、担心为某事忧虑、担心_渴望某事渴望某事_渴望渴望,急于,急于_渴望渴望(某人某人)做做_渴望渴望anxietybe anxious aboutbe anxious forbe anxious to dobe anxious(for sb.)to do.be anxious that(1)Helen _ _ _ travelling on her own.海海伦对伦对自己一个人出自己一个人出门门旅行感到担心。旅行感到担心。(2)Peggy _ _ _ _ that she can cope with extra responsibility.佩吉急切地想表明她能承担佩吉

48、急切地想表明她能承担额额外的外的职责职责。(3)Mary has _ _ _ your return.玛丽玛丽急切地盼你回来。急切地盼你回来。isanxious aboutisanxiousto showbeenanxiousforpanic:v 惊慌;惊恐惊慌;惊恐 (panicked;panicked)n 惊慌;恐慌惊慌;恐慌panic over/at:因而惊慌panic sb into doing sth:使某人惊慌做某事人们听到枪声都感到惊慌失措。人们听到枪声都感到惊慌失措。H7N9H7N9使得农民们惊慌地低价卖鸡。使得农民们惊慌地低价卖鸡。The crowd panicked ove

49、r/at the sound of the guns.The H7N9 flu panicked the farmers into selling the chickens at a low price._ 使某人因惊慌而做某事使某人因惊慌而做某事_ 对对感到惊慌感到惊慌_ 处在恐慌中处在恐慌中_ 陷入恐慌陷入恐慌_ 处于惊恐状态处于惊恐状态35.panic vi.&vt.惊慌;惊恐惊慌;惊恐n惊慌;恐慌惊慌;恐慌提示:提示:panic的过去式、过去分词分别为的过去式、过去分词分别为_。panicked,panickedpanic sb.into doing sth.panic over/at

50、.be in a panicget into a panicin a state of panic (1)The crowd ran out _ _ _.群众惊慌失措地跑出去。群众惊慌失措地跑出去。(2)She _ _ _ _ when her teacher walked towards her.当她见到老师向她走来时,她变得惊慌失措。当她见到老师向她走来时,她变得惊慌失措。(3)The idea might _ the investors.这个想法可能会使投资者惶恐不安。这个想法可能会使投资者惶恐不安。inapanicgotintoapanicpanic36.glance through


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