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《最新2019小升初英语分班考试模拟题10(无答案).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《最新2019小升初英语分班考试模拟题10(无答案).doc(5页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、1小升初英语分班考试模拟题十小升初英语分班考试模拟题十(时间:45 分钟满分:100 分)一、词汇。 (20 分)1. How many _(公园)are there in your school?(根据所给中文写单词)2. Dont cry(哭)_ (再、又). Its not useful.(有用的)3. My f_is small,but it is a happy one.(根据句意和首字母写单词)4. Millie isnt pretty, but she is p_. We all like her very much.(根据文意和首字母写单词)5. Its hot(热的)toda

2、y. Please_(not close) the windows.(根据英文含义写单词)6.-What are his sisters? -They are_. (The person人whose job is to help(帮助 a doctor work.)7. It takes us half an hour to_ (read) English every day.(用所给词的适当形式填空)8. -Wheres your classroom?-Its on the_(one) floor of that building.(用所给词的适当形式填空)9. We like_(play)

3、 football and basketball.(用所给词的适当形式填空)10. There are about(大约)two_(hundred) students in the park today.(用所给词的适当形式填空)二、选择填空。(30 分)( ) 1. -Is Sally from America? -No, Sally is an_girl, but shes in_now.A. America; England B.English; AmericaC. American; English D.England; America( ) 2. All these books ar

4、e_the girls.A. for B. at C. with D. of( ) 3. -Is this your ball, Nick? -Yes,_. A. this is B. its C. here is D. it is2( ) 4. This pair of shoes_for my sister.A. are B. has C. is D. be( )5. Bill Gates is from the _ .A. UN B. USA C. PRC D. HK( )6. Miss Fang is _ English teacher. _ is a good teacher.A.

5、our, She B. my; He C. a; She D. /; She( )7. -Whats in the reading room?-There _ a teacher, twenty desks and thirty chairs in it.A. am B. is C. are D. be( )8. I have other lessons _ Music, Art and PE.A. like B. likes C. as D. be like( )9. -_ this boy in the art room?-Hes my new friend.A. Whos B. What

6、 C. How D. Who( )10. Look at the photo of my family. The boy _ my father and my mother is me.A. in B. on C. between D. of( )11. -The books on the chair _ Millies, right?-Yes, they are.A. is B. theyre C. its D. are( )12. -Whos Mr Brown? -Hes _ father.A. Tony and Sally B. Tonys and SallysC. Tony and S

7、allys D. Tony,Sallys( )13. Mrs Wang is Toms mother. She is my aunt. Tom is my _.A. cousin B. twin brother C. son D. uncle( )14. If you cant _ English, you can _ it in Chinese.A. speak; speak B. say; speak C. speak; say D. say; say( )15. -Who_ a dog in my class? -Many students _.A. have; has B. has;

8、has C. has; have D. have, have三、完形填空。 (10 分) 3Its seven in the morning. After 1 Mr White and Mrs White 2 their children to the school 3 the car. Then they go to work in a 4 . The children have lunch at school. Father and mother have lunch at the factory. There 5 four classes in the morning and two i

9、n the afternoon. After 6 the children play games for some time. Sometimes the children 7 the classroom with their classmates. Then they go home by school bus. Mother cooks supper for the 8 . The children help their mother do the housework.After supper the children d0 9.Father and mother watch TV or

10、10 .( )1.A. lunch B. supper C. dinner D. breakfast( )2.A.take B.bring C.help D.get( )3.A. on B. by C. at D. in( )4.A. hospital B. factory C. school D. restaurant( )5.A.has B.are C.is D.have( )6.A.classes B.school C.class D.afternoon( )7.A.clean B.stay C.wash D.play( )8.A.home B.child C.herself D.fam

11、ily( )9.A.their homework B.their homeworks C. their housework D.his homework( )10.A.read book B.do some reading C. make some reading D. do some reading books四、情景交际。 (10 分)Millie 正和 Jill 谈论她家附近的一个新公园,你能根据上下文,选择合适的句子将她们对话补充完整吗?(M= Millie,J=Jill They are classmates.)M:Hello, Jill! 1_.J:2_. Is it very b

12、ig?M:No, its not very big, 3_.J:Well, whats in it? Are there any lakes?M:Yes, there is a lake. 4_.J:Is there a zoo?4M: No, there isnt. But there are many birds in it,and there are lots of flowers, too.J:5_.M:There isnt a shop in the park, but there are some small shops near the park.A.but its beauti

13、ful.B. Oh. Thats nice.C. What about shops?D. And there are many trees around the lake.E. There is a new park near my house.五、阅读理解。 (10 分)My family lives in London. In the morning, my father goes to work and we go to school. My father takes us to school every day. My mother stays at home. She does th

14、e housework. She always has lunch at home, and visits her friends in the afternoon. In the afternoon,we go home from school by bus. My father gets home from work late. At night my two brothers and I always do our homework. We go to bed at about ten. My father and my mother usually read newspapers. W

15、e can watch TV at the weekend.( )1._goes to work in the morning.A. No one B.We all C.My father D.My mother( )2._lunch at home.A. My mother has B.My father has C. Only the children have D.All the family have( )3._home late.A. The children get B.My father gets C. My mother is not D.My parents get( )4.

16、 We can watch TV _.A. on Sunday afternoon B.every dayC. often D.at the weekend( )5. There are _ people in my family.5A. three B.four C.five D.six六、句子改写。 (20 分)Lucy 在做变换句子练习时不小心漏了几个词,你能帮她补上吗?1. There are sixteen boys and fourteen girls in my class.(同义句)We have _ students in my class.2. They are my new books.(对画线部分提问)_ are they?3. There are some teachers in the reading room.(改否定句)There_teachers in the reading room.4. The Park is big and beautiful.(同上)The Park _ big and beautiful.5. There is only one English book in my bag.(对画线部分提问)_ English books are there in your bag?


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