2019八年级英语下册 Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks Section B.doc

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《2019八年级英语下册 Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks Section B.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019八年级英语下册 Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks Section B.doc(2页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、1UnitUnit 2 2 IllIll helphelp toto cleanclean upup thethe citycity parksparksSectionSection B B to B.as; as C.to;as D.as;to2 2.We had to stay at home A A the heavy rain. A.because ofB.becauseC.whenD.until3 3.My computer is broken.Why not ask Mr.Smith C C for you? A.to fix up itB.fix up itC.to fix it

2、 upD.fix it up4 4.What did you do last weekend?I went to Nanjing B B my aunt. A.visitB.to visitC.visitingD.visited5 5.Who do you C C ? My father.We both have big eyes and small mouth.A.look afterB.run afterC.take afterD.like after6 6.If you get there,please B B . A.call us onB.call us upC.call us to

3、D.call us off7 7.The girl is B B .She cant use her legs and arms well. A.interestingB.disabled2C.smartD.successful8 8.Our school was C C in 1925 and has a history of more than 90 years. A.set aboutB.set outC.set upD.set with9 9.Can you D D what the future will be like? I think there will be more rob

4、ots,and they will help us do lots of work.A.trainB.coverC.controlD.imagine1010.The Internet makes it possible for people B B things online. A.buyB.to buyC.buyingD.will buy.补全对话在横线上填写适当的句子补全对话A:Hi,Vince!You didnt come to Sarahs birthday party yesterday.1. WhereWhere werewere you/Whatyou/What diddid y

5、ouyou dodo? B:I helped do something in the old peoples home.A:Really?2. DidDid youyou gogo therethere alonealone? B:No.Cindy and Tony went there with me.A:3. WhatWhat diddid youyou dodo therethere? B:We cleaned up the rooms,washed the clothes and made the bed for the old.A:4. WhatWhat elseelse diddid youyou dodo? B:We also sang many songs for the old to cheer them up.A:Thats great!5.WhenWhen willwill youyou gogo therethere againagain? B:We will go there again next month.A:If you go,please call me up.I also want to do something for the old.B:OK.


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