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《牛津译林高一英语MU单元单词复习课.pptx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《牛津译林高一英语MU单元单词复习课.pptx(27页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、Teaching goals:1.To review key words,phrases 2.To use words and phrases to make sentences freely.3.To use what weve learnt to make up a composition.4.Can express opinions on advanced technologies.第1页/共27页Fill the blanks with appropriate formsThis _ news _ everyone on the spot yesterday,making them _

2、.(amaze)The illness _ her,leaving her unable to study and work._,however,didnt stop her hunger for learning.(disable)His friendliness and kindness gave us a strong _.In other words,we were all _by his friendliness and kindness.(impress)When the lost boy was found by his parents,he was in _.From his

3、_ look,we could see the boy was _of the stanger.He must have experienced something extremely _.(terrify)amazingamazedamazeddisabledDisabilityimpressionimpressedterrorterrifiedterrifyingterrified第2页/共27页1.Honestly speaking,playing computer games has more _ (不利因素)for teenagers.2.He has been in_(不断的)pa

4、in since the accident.3.Most of the bricks we use in daily life are made from_(黏土).4.The container on the table contains some white _(粉末).5.You have added too much _(液体)to the mixture.6.He enjoys teaching boys in the _(社区)how to play baseball.7.I used to use a camera when I go s_.8.A true friend sho

5、uld share not only h_ but also sadness with you.9.Correct ideas come from s_ practice.10.We made him our m_ in our class last term.11.You may stop the machine by pressing this b_.12.My bedroom is a large room with a high c_.disadvantagesconstantclaypowderliquidappinessightseeingneighborhoodocialonit

6、oruttoneiling第3页/共27页1.值得做某事_2.一就 _3.使增强,使增加,使扩大_4.提出,提议_5.实际上;事实上_6.借助的便利 _7.受伤 _8.对有信心 _deserve to do sth.upon/on doing sth.add toput forwardin realityin the convenience ofget injured be confident about/of sth第4页/共27页9.使鲜活、生动 _10.对某事失望 _ 11.对感到惊奇 _12.从长远来看 _13.和相比 _14.至于,关于 _15.最后但同样重要的 _16.指控某人(做

7、)某事 _17.(偶然)遇见,发现 _18.在某人方便的时候 _bring.alive/back to lifebe disappointed atbe amazed at/byin the long term/runcompared with/toas to/forlast but not leastaccuse sb.of(doing)e acrossat ones convenience第5页/共27页19.惊恐地 _20.突然 _ 21.在帮助下 _22.打包 _23.消失;褪色 _24.起.作用 _25.雇佣某人做某事 _26.扮演角色 _27.逃避做某事 _28.在远处 _in t

8、errorwith the aid ofpack upfade awayfunction ashire sb to do sthplay a role inescape doing sthall of a sudden/suddenlyin the distance第6页/共27页1.You cant avoid _ _ her if you both work in the same office.2.Obamas first speech as president _ _ _ _ _ people.3.Its perfectly natural to _ _ _ public speaki

9、ng.4.A new argument arose _ _ whether we should have a 3-day holiday on Dragon Boat festival.5._ _ _ his knowledge,all the students showed their respect for their teacher.6.The questions_ _ at the meeting are of vital importance.7.Never _ _ identifying information such as name,or telephone number in

10、 a public message.8.This latest incident will _ _ the pressure on the government.9.It was reported that a plan crash happened last night and most of the passengers _ badly _ and some 10 died.be terrified with;be amazed at;add to;be injured;come across;leave an impression on;as to;give away;put forwa

11、rd coming acrossleft a deep impression onbe terrified withas toBeing amazed atput forwardgive awayadd towere injured第7页/共27页 Revision Of RealCine This business p_will give you some information about RealCine.The technology behind RealCine is v_ r_(VR).Unlike a film,RealCine puts you into the action

12、and c_with your senses in an active way.The effect can make you a_(惊奇的).In the c_(便利)of Real Cine,teenagers with social problems can achieve c_;the d_(残疾人)can travel around which he couldnt make it before;Besides this,VR can be used for thef _ to practice skills in a s_environment without being i_in

13、 a burning building.Moreover,it can be applied to teaching,which will leave you an unforgettable i_.You dont need feel t_(恐惧)any more.Finally,RealCine plays an important role in u _ p_(城市规划)resentationirtualonnectslanningecurerbanealitymazed onvenienceonfidenceisabledirefightersnjuredmpressionerrifi

14、ed第8页/共27页 On June 8th,the 15th WWDC(Worldwide Developers Conference)was held by Apple corporation.The conference lasted for 5 days and Apple presented several latest products to all users.Besides,the chief CEO Cook was present at the conference and made an amazing presentation on its updated softwa

15、re IOS.9 personally,which inspired the designers present greatly.present sb with sth=present sth to sb.make/give a presentation on sthbe presented at(be absent from)present n.1.我被要求对禁烟广告运动做一个简短的介绍。2.给冠军颁发金牌;3.所有缺席会议的开发者不可能出席下次活动.All developers,who _ this years conference,are_to _ next years activity

16、.present the champion with a gold medal=present a gold medal to.I was asked to give a short presentation on anti-smoking advertising campaign.unlikelybe present atwere absent from第9页/共27页 Apple Watch doesnt have function of making calls,however it can function as monitoring your healthy conditions a

17、nd providing instant information.Althought it doesnt have many advantages,i believe,it can perform an important function in the near future.第10页/共27页function vi.&n.function as.the function of.perform a function我的钢笔书写不太流利。My pen does not _ 可以让一个年龄稍大些的学生当教师。One of the older students can _ 胃的功能是消化食物。如果

18、它不起作用了,它可能出毛病了。_the stomach is to digest food.If it doesnt _,there can be something wrong with it.function very well.function as a teacher.The function ofperform the function第11页/共27页To deal with the rising level of sea and an urgent house shortages in big cities,Holland designers put forward the co

19、ncept of floating houses,as far as I am concerned,which is amazing!第12页/共27页My watch was slow,so I put it forward three minutes.Weve put forward the date of our wedding by one month.The Trade Union Congress put forward a plan for national recovery.put forward把.收起来把.放在一边;节省写下来;记下熄灭;扑灭张贴;搭建;提供食宿put aw

20、ayput asideput downput output up拨快(钟等)把提前提出(观点、议案等)推迟忍受put offput up with1.She cant_ a lot of noise while she is working.2.He had to _ the appointment(约会)because of his illness.3.The fire was soon _.4.My mother opened the drawer to _ the knives and spoons.5.She can _ almost every word her teacher sa

21、ys.6.The exam results will be _ on Friday morning.put up withput offput output awayput downput up第13页/共27页 To add to safety of these floating houses,the scientists are intended to work out a new material for the sake of construction.Besides,various creative designs and environment-friendly paintings

22、 are taken into consideration.第14页/共27页add to 增加;增添add.to.add up to 加起来等于;意味着某事物add up 合计,把(数目)加起来 1)I dont think these facts will _ anything,as we can see.2)Thousands of new books from abroad have been _the school library.3)Setting off fireworks can_ the atmosphere of the festival.4)You must have m

23、ade a mistake when you _ the bill _,because the bill _ more than 1000 yuan.add up toadded toadd toaddedupadded up to第15页/共27页Not only do these uniqiue pictures add more fun to our life,but also impress us deeply.They leave a sweet impression on us and teach us an important lesson as well:we need val

24、ue every moment with our beloved families and friends.第16页/共27页impress sth on/upon sb;impress sb with sth;be impressed with/by;have/leave an impression on sb;what impresses sb.most is.;1.1.一位优秀的老师必定会给学生未来的发展留下深刻的影响。Surely,a good teacher_his students for their future.2.最打动我的地方是她坚持打进了决赛。_was that she

25、_the final match.3.我被这位探险家的非凡的冒险故事所打动。了。leave a deep impression on/uponWhat impressed me mosthung on toI was impressed with the explorers extraordinary adventures./The explorer impressed his extraordinary adventures on me.第17页/共27页Practising Translate the following passage by using the chunks learne

26、d before.第18页/共27页1.在现实生活中,我是一名高一学生。2.借助于RealCine,我成了一名雅安地震灾区的救援人员(rescuer)。3.一到达雅安之后,我就见到了很多受伤的人。不幸地是,有更多人没有逃脱灾难。4.得益于搜救犬(a rescue dog),我不仅成功地拯救了一些人,而且我还鼓励他们坚持下去。5.当晚天气预报预测(forecast)接下来几天里会有大雨,这就增加了救援的困难。6.随后,我们救援组长提出了一些拯救伤员的建议。7.接下来的日子里,我们救援人员尽最大努力帮助那儿的每个人。8.最后,尽管我已经筋疲力尽,但我体会到了帮助他人的幸福感。Dont forget

27、 to use the chunks learned before.第19页/共27页1.In reality,I am a Senior One student.2.With the aid of RealCine,I played the role of a rescuer in Yaan earthquake.1.在现实生活中,我是一名高一学生。2.借助于RealCine,我成了一名雅安地震灾区的救援人员(rescuer)。第20页/共27页3.一到达雅安之后,我就见到了很多受伤的人。不幸地是,有更多人没有逃脱灾难。3.Upon arriving in Yaan,I met many p

28、eople who got injured.Unfortunately,hundreds of people failed to escape.4.In the convenience of a rescue dog,not only did I save some people successfully but also I encouraged them to hang on.4.得益于搜救犬(a rescue dog),我不仅成功地拯救了一些人,而且我还鼓励他们坚持下去。第21页/共27页5.In the evening,the weather report forecast that

29、it would rain heavily during the following days,which would add to our difficulties in saving people.6.Afterwards,our group leaders put forward a number of suggestions on saving injured people.5.当晚天气预报预测(forecast)接下来几天里会有大雨,这就增加了救援的困难。6.随后,我们救援组长提出了一些拯救伤员的建议。第22页/共27页7.During the following days,we r

30、escuers tried our best to aid each survivor.8.Finally,even though my strength gave out,I experienced a feeling of happiness by helping others.7.接下来的日子里,我们救援人员尽最大努力帮助那儿的每个人。8.最后,尽管我已经筋疲力尽,但我体会到了帮助他人的幸福感。第23页/共27页 In reality,I am a Senior One student.With the aid of RealCine,I played the role of a res

31、cuer in Yaan earthquake.Upon arriving in Yaan,I met many people who got injured.Unfortunately,hundreds of people failed to escape.In the convenience of a rescue dog,not only did I save some people successfully but also I encouraged them to hang on.In the evening,the weather report forecast that it w

32、ould rain heavily during the following days,which would add to our difficulties in saving people.Afterwards,our group leaders put forward a number of suggestions on rescuing injured people on rainy days.During the following days,we rescuers tried our best to aid each survivor.Finally,even though my

33、strength gave out,I experienced a feeling of happiness by helping others.第24页/共27页The Road Not Taken By Robert FrostTwo roads diverged in a yellow wood,And sorry I could not travel bothAnd be one traveler,long I stoodAnd looked down one as far as I couldTo where it bent in the undergrown.I shall be

34、telling this with a sighSomewhere ages and ages hence:Two roads diverged in a wood,and II took the one less traveled by,And that has made all the difference黄色的树林里分出两条路,可惜我不能同时去涉足,我在那路口久久伫立,我向着一条路极目望去,直到它消失在丛林深处。也许多少年后在某个地方,我将轻声叹息把往事回顾,一片树林里分出两条路,而我选了人迹更少的一条,从此决定了我一生的道路。第25页/共27页第26页/共27页感谢您的观看!第27页/共27页


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