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《届高三英语总复习单选题汇编情态动词虚拟语气.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《届高三英语总复习单选题汇编情态动词虚拟语气.pdf(15页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、届届高高三三英英语语总总复复习习单单选选题题汇汇编编情情态态动动词词虚虚拟拟语语气气文档编制序号:KK8UY-LL9IO69-TTO6M3-MTOL89-FTT688情态动词、虚拟语气情态动词、虚拟语气(2013 安徽卷)28.I _ to my cousins birthday party lastnight,but I was not availableA.wentB.had goneC.would goD.would have gone(2013 北京卷)34.If we _ a table earlier,we couldnt bestanding here in a queue.A.

2、have bookedB.bookedC.bookD.had booked(2013 福建卷)30.Do you think George has passed the drivingtestNo.If so,he _his car to our college yesterday.A.would drivedrivenB.droveC.would haveD.had driven(2013 江苏卷)30.I should not have laughed if I _ you wereserious.A.thoughtB.would thinkC.had thoughtD.have thou

3、ght(2013 陕西卷)12.My mom suggests that we _ eat out for achange this weekend.A.shouldD.wouldB.mightC.could(2013 天津卷)14.If he had spent more time practicing Englishbefore,he _ able to speak it much better nowA.will beB.would beC has beenD.would have been(2013 浙江卷)8.Eye doctors recommend that a childs f

4、irst eyeexam _ at the age of six months old.A.wasD.isB.beC.were(2013 重庆卷)29.It rained cats and dogs this morning.Imglad we took an umbrella.Yeah,we would have got wet all over if we_.A.hadntB.haventC.didntD.dont(2013 陕西卷)21.The children _ lost in the woods;otherwise,they would have been at the lakes

5、ide camp asscheduled.A.must have gotD.should get(2013 新课标 II)6.Since nobody gave him any help,he _have done the research on his own.B.must getC.should have gotA.canB.mustC.wouldD.need(2013 江西卷)29.When I was a child,I _ watch TV wheneverI wanted to.A.shouldB.couldC.mustD.need(2013 辽宁卷)31.Harry is fee

6、ling uncomfortable.He _ toomuch at the party last night.A.could drinkB.should drinkC.would haveD.must have drunk(2013 四川卷)5.Why are your eyes so red You _ haveslept well last night.Yeah,I stayed up late writing a report.A.cantB.mustntC.needntD.wont(2013 天津卷)9.No one _ be more generous;he has a heart

7、of gold.A.couldB.mustC.dareD.need(2013 安徽卷)34.It _ be the vocabulary that caused youthe problem in the exercise because you know a lot of words.A.mayshouldB.couldntC.D.neednt(2013 北京卷)35.-You neednt take an umbrella.It isntgoing to rain.-Well,I dont know.It _ do.A.mightB.needC.wouldD.should(2013 湖南卷

8、)32.He _ sleep,although he tried to when hegot on such a hunt for an idea until he had caught it.A.wouldntD.mustntB.shouldntC.couldnt(2013 新课标 I)29.The door _ open,no matter how hardshe pushed.A.shouldntD.mightntB.couldntC.wouldnt(2013 浙江卷)3.I _ myself more-it was a perfect day.A.shouldnt have enjoy

9、edenjoyedD.couldntB.neednt haveC.wouldnt have enjoyedhave enjoyed(2013 重庆卷)26.What are you doing this Saturday Im not sure,but I _ go to the Rolling Stones concertA.mustB.wouldC.shouldD.might2014安徽卷 People are recycling many things which they_ away in the past!A.had thrownB.will be throwingC.were th

10、rowingD.would have thrown2014北京卷 _I have a word with you It wont takelong.A.CanB.MustC.ShallD.Should2014北京卷 We _back in the hotel now if you didntlose the map.A.arebeB.wereC.willD.would be2014全国大纲卷 Although you _ find bargains inLondon,its not generally a cheap place to shop.A.shouldD.canB.needC.mus

11、t2014福建卷 _no modern telecommunications,we wouldhave to wait for weeks to get news from around the world.A.Were thereB.Had there beenC.If there areD.If there have been2014湖南卷 If Mr.Dewey _ present,he would haveoffered any possible assistance to the people there.A.wereB.had beenwas2014湖南卷 Ive prepared

12、 all kinds of food for the picnic.Do you mean we _ bring anything with usA.cantD.needntB.mustntC.shantC.should beD.2014江苏卷 It was sad to me that they,so poor themselves,_ bring me food.A.mightD.couldB.wouldC.should2014江西卷 Life is unpredictable;even the poorest _become the richest.A.shallD.mightB.mus

13、tC.need2014陕西卷 We would rather our daughter _ at homewith us,but it is her choice,and she is not a child anylonger.A.would stayB.has stayedD.stayC.stayed2014陕西卷 We would rather our daughter _ at homewith us,but it is her choice,and she is not a child anylonger.A.would stayB.has stayedD.stayC.stayed2

14、014四川卷 I still remember my happy childhood when mymother _ take me to Disneyland at weekends.A.mightB.mustC.wouldD.should2014天津卷 _ the morning train,he would not havebeen late for the meeting.A.Did he catchD.Had he caughtB.Should he catchC.Has he caught2014浙江卷 They were abroad during the months when

15、 we werecarrying out the investigation,or they _ to our help.A.would have come B.could comehad come2014重庆卷 Ive ordered some pizza,so we _ worryabout cooking when we get home tired.A.cantB.dare notC.needntC.have comeD.D.may not2014重庆卷 It was John who broke the window.Why are youtalking to me as if I

16、_ itA.had doneB.have doneC.didD.am doing(2015 北京卷)Cant you stay a little longerIts getting late.I really _ go now.My daughter ishome alone.A.mayD.dareB.canC.must(2015 北京卷)If I _it with my own eyes,I wouldnt havebelieved it.A.didnt seeD.hadnt seenB.werent seeingC.Wouldnt see(2015 江苏卷)It might have sa

17、ved me some trouble _ theschedule.A.did I knowhad I known(2015 天津卷)I _ have worried before I came to the newschool,for my classmates here are very friendly to me.A.mightntB.mustntC.needntB.have I knownC.do I knowD.D.couldnt(2015 天津卷)I wish I _ at my sisters wedding lastTuesday,but I was on a busines

18、s trip in New York then.A.will beB.would beC.have beenD.had been(2015 浙江卷)It was so noisy that we _hear ourselvesspeak.A.couldntB.shouldntC.mustntD.neednt(2015 苏北三模)Mum,my mobile phone is nowhere to be found._ it in the locker room of the gymA.May you leaveleftC.Could you leaveD.Must you have leftB.

19、Canyouhave(2015 苏北三模)My parents are talking about their school daysas if they _ back at school.A.areB.wereC.have beenD.had been(2015 苏北二模)The school took the students request intoconsiderationthataparty_beheldtocelebratethevictory.A.couldshouldB.mightC.wouldD.(2015 苏北三市三模)They should have informed y

20、ou of the resultof the competition by the time it was eventually given out,_A.havent theyB.didnt theyC.shouldnttheyD.hadnt they(2015 苏北三市三模)-What about your trip to the town -Couldnt be worse.Stuck in the mud,the car _ notmove,however hard we pushed it.A.couldB.shouldC.wouldD.might(2015 苏北四市一模)-I wo

21、uld be greatly thankful to JasonCoates who rescued my life after I fell through the ice.-Thatsit.You_Christina,yourwifebutthatJason pulled you from the canal.A.will never meetB.would never meetC.would never have metD.will never have met(2014 苏北四市一模)Thanks for inviting me to your party,_my classmate

22、Jane comeOf course.She is always welcome.A.MustB.ShouldC.WillD.Shall(2014 徐州三模)一 I think I saw Mr.Smith at yesterdays party.一 Hethere.He is now on a business trip in Greece.And heleft the day before yesterday.A.mustnt have beenhave beenC.might not bebe(2014 徐州三模)一 Did you go to Taylor Swifts concert

23、 lastnight一 I would rather I _.But I was preparing a report formy boss.A.didD.mightB.hadC.wouldD.should notB.couldnt(2015 届苏锡常镇二模)They are said to have been familiarwith each other.But they_.They were introduced only hours ago.A.may not have beenbeenC.mustnt have beenhave been(2015 届苏锡常镇二模)The measu

24、re of a mans real character iswhat he _ if he _ he would never be found out.A.would do;knewB.may do;knewD.needntB.couldnthaveC.might do;knowsknownD.shoulddo;had(2015 苏锡常镇一模)Where are my new sneakers Have you seenthem一 HowA.shallshouldI know I m your sister,not your servant.B.willC.D.might(2014 苏锡常镇二

25、模)Overloaded with work,school teachers nowget far less sleep than they _.A.shallB.shouldC.mayD.might(2014 苏锡常镇二模)Did you attend the opening ceremony ofTheVoice of China last weekSorry!We _ it,but we had a terrible trafficaccident on our way.A.must have attendedC.could have attendedB.must attendD.cou

26、ld attend(2014 苏锡常镇一模)A sense of anxietyif we were addicted tovarious social networking applications.A.would have arisen B.has arisenD.could ariseC.will arise(2014 苏锡常镇一模)-School is over.How can we contact Robert -Try phoning him.Hebe home by now.He lives only astones throw from the school.A.wouldB.

27、WillC.shouldD.shall(2015 南京三模)33.I _ able to catch the first lighthome,but my watch betrayed me.A.wereB.had beenhave been(2013 南京二模)27.-How was your trip to Yancheng lastweek?-Wonderful!I only felt sorry that I _ the naturereserve of red-crowned cranes,butthe weather was awful.A.could visitB.could h

28、ave visited C.might visitD.might have visited(2013 南京二模)31.If you want somebody to go window shoppingwith you,why not try calling Marie-she _ be home by now.A.shallB.shouldC.willD.would(2014 南京二模)27.-My computer _ start,no matter howhard I try.-It might have crashed.A.wontB.shouldntC.mustntD.wouldnt

29、(2014 南京三模)31.-Will my car be ready by the end of theday -It _ be,sir.Ill call if therere anyproblems.C.would beD.wouldA.couldD.shouldB.mustC.shall(2014 南京三模)34.Had he not come an hour earlier,he_ the secret that his mother was always there.A.must never findfoundC.would never findfoundB.must never haveD.would never have


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