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《(精品模拟演练18-2019届江苏高考英语3500词汇复习与检测(原卷版).pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(精品模拟演练18-2019届江苏高考英语3500词汇复习与检测(原卷版).pdf(7页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、模拟演练 18-2019 届江苏高考英语 3500词汇复习与检测(原卷版)最新好资料推荐-如有侵权请联系网站删除一、单项填空(从题中所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项)1.To be honest,the role John plays in this film doesn t come up to my _,though he is one of my favoriteactors.A.excusesA.expensesB.explanationsB.exchangesC.experiencesC.excusesD.expectationsD.extension2.The tec

2、hnical cooperation and cultural _ between the two countries are daily on the increase.3.The man is _ a serious nervous breakdown because he is unable to deal with pressure from daily life.A.by the end ofB.in expectation ofA.affect,an effect A.explicitA.emotionencouragemen7.Its likely someone gave he

3、r a lift,_ that she took a taxi.A.even sowisely.A.enjoyA.end up to liftA.explicitB.encourageB.end up liftingB.energeticB.effectC.envyD.employ9.If he continues like this,he will _ a stone only to have it drop on his own foot,just as the old saying goes.C.end up in lifting D.end up with liftingC.excel

4、lentC.elementD.especialD.energy10.This old professor insisted that he was _ enough and that he not retire.11.David will succeed along the career ladder one day,I firmly believe,should he devote more _ to it.A.educationthe law.A.envyB.evaluateC.enjoyD.extend13.Roosevelts contributions to the science

5、of administration alone would _ him to distinction amongthe Presidents.A.educateencourage14.To learn from foreign countries is _ different from worshipping(崇拜)everything foreign.精品好资料-如有侵权请联系网站删除C.at the end ofD.on the edge ofD.an effect,an effect4.The new law has come into _;surely it will have _ o

6、n industry of the country.B.effect,affectC.effect,an effect5.The girl dressed in the latest Paris fashion is _ in her appearance but rude in her speech.B.energeticC.elegant D.especialB.expectationC.emphasisD.6.Basin a trading decision more on _ than on sound analysis,you will regret it sooner or lat

7、er.B.or soC.if everD.or else8.If you intend to arouse students interest in your project,youd better _ your teaching methods more12.You can _ every right the law has given you,but make sure all your behavior is within the boundaries ofB.evaluateC.entitleD.最新好资料推荐-如有侵权请联系网站删除A.entirelystandards.A.enqu

8、ireB.extremelyC.eventuallyD.equally15.The government has put forward a series of policies and measures to _ the improvement in livingB.encourageC.ensureD.establishB.enthusiasticC.explicitD.eager16.The failure was a big blow to him,but he didnt give in and soon got as _ as ever.A.especialsecurity.A.e

9、qualB.essentialC.eventualD.extreme18.A teachers job is not to tell the students what to believe or value,but to _ them to develop a worldviewfor themselves.A.establishequip19.The recent research attempts to _ the effectiveness of different drugs used for the new virus.A.ensureA.explanationA.extremel

10、yin vain.A.enquiries B.excusesproject perfectly.A.excludeA.essentialA.employA.expandB.escapeC.ensureD.explain24.A firewall provides an _ security blanket for your computer network.B.energeticB.exploitC.enthusiasticC.excludeD.equalD.export25.They eat only plant foods,and take care to _ animal product

11、s from other areas of their lives.26.Many laws require that pollution levels not _ those found to be harmful to people.B.extendC.exceedD.enlargeC.evidencesD.approvals23.We are doing well now,but we can t _ the fact that there is still a long way to go before we finish theB.evolveC.exceedD.evaluate20

12、.Language has always beenas the phrase goesthe mirror to society.English is no _.B.excuseC.exceptionC.essentiallyD.expectationD.eventually21.In general,it is failure which encourages us to work harder that _ leads to success.B.especially22.Floyd Landis made several lame _ blaming medicine he had bee

13、n taking for an injury,but these were allB.evaluateC.earnD.17.We should place _ emphasis on development and security,and develop nuclear energy on the base of27.We really _ the importance of putting in place safeguards to prevent children s identities from falling inwrong peoples hands.A.expectB.ens

14、ureC.evaluateD.emphasizeD.efficient28.He had no objective evidence that anything _ was happening.A.explicitB.extraordinaryC.entire精品好资料-如有侵权请联系网站删除最新好资料推荐-如有侵权请联系网站删除29.Efforts will be made to innovate new teaching models to _exploit the students potential.A.exposeB.exhibitC.expressD.exploit30.I don

15、t know who sent the gift,but Ill make a careful _.A.examination B.expressionpurposes is to create more original _.A.enjoymentB.entertainmentC.enquiryD.exploitation31.During the forum,Dong Qing,a famous hostess,shared her experience of creating The Reader,one of whoseC.enterprise D.employment32.Mike

16、came here _ to see you,_ after he heard that you had returned from abroad.A.especial,specialC.specially,especiallyA.exceedestablishB.especially,especiallyD.specially,mainlyC.extendD.33.This is positively the last chance for the industry to _ such a system.B.emphasize34.The new magazine is intended f

17、or a generation of active men and women who seek new and challenging ways to_ and experience the world.A.exportexpressB.exploreC.exploitD.35.Cloning technology can _ human life by creating human organs to replace those which fail to function.A.enlargeB.expectC.extendD.expand二、完形填空(从题中所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项

18、中,选出最佳选项)In 2008,teachers and students from Johnson Country Community College(JCCC)traveled to Las Pintas,Mexico,to help build a clinic in the poor community.This work was the _1_ of JCCC s students to _2_their classroom knowledge to help the developing world.It has _3_ me.In 2007,upon graduating fr

19、om high school,I was _4_ what career I wanted to go in for.I began my_5_ at Johnson County Community College and attended general education classes.In my second term,I was_6_ to be a member of the JCCC International Service that traveled to Las Pintas to _7_ health care.In Las Pintas we taught the l

20、ocal people how to _8_ common health problems and social issues that manyof their neighbors were experiencing._9_,we got the chance to learn their Spanish _10_ and their dailylife.This model of service between JCCC and Las Pintas is a rich cross-cultural _11_ that not only helped theLas Pintas peopl

21、e but also broadened our view greatly.I _12_ to use my experience in Las Pintas in my daily life.I now work as a nurse at a hospital with alarge Spanish _13_.I truly enjoy caring for Spanish patients _14_ they remind me of my time in Las精品好资料-如有侵权请联系网站删除最新好资料推荐-如有侵权请联系网站删除Pintas.As a result of my _1

22、5_ with the JCCC service learning program over the past years,I am able to_16_ with patients from different cultures.I love _17_ my own community and have continued myinvolvement with the JCCC program.Gandhi wrote that“The best way to find yourself is to_18_ yourself in the service of others”.In Las

23、Pintas,I _19_ myself a career that will be with me throughout my _20_.1.A.successexpectation2.A.expand3.A.equipped4.A.enthusiasticuncertain5.A.education6.A.relieved7.A.examineoffer8.A.think about9.A.In publicgeneral10.A.culture11.A.result12.A.continue13.A.language14.A.ifthough15.A.relationshipagreem

24、ent16.A.compare17.A.servingconducting18.A.loseB.beginningC.benefitD.B.evaluateC.explainD.employB.trappedC.changedD.disturbedB.afraidC.unhappyD.B.searchC.experimentD.businessB.ashamedC.honoredD.surprisedB.checkC.orderD.B.deal withC.find outD.get throughB.In returnC.In advanceD.InB.coursesC.hobbiesD.s


26、C.lifetimeD.effort三、任务型阅读(请认真阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填上一个最恰当的词)Marketers have more options in todays increasingly multilingual societya variety ofelectronic and print media can address groups of consumers in different languages.Various factorsinfluence the choice of media and language.In some cases

27、,its simply practical to advertise in theconsumers native language,particularly if many of the consumers in this group are primarilymonolingual.In other cases,by advertising on,say,a Spanish television channel in the US,anadvertiser may earn the respect of the consumer by addressing him in his nativ

28、e language,as well asdevelop positive associations with the medium and its unique content.Now,marketers have anotherfactor to consider when deciding where to advertise and in what language.A paper.Do bilingualshave two personalities?A special case of cultural frame switching published by researchers

29、 at theUniversity of Texas,shows that bilingual individuals exhibit different personality characteristicswhen speaking different languages.Lead researcher Nairan Ramirez-Esparza,tested individuals who were bilingual in English andSpanish for various personality traits,and found that the subjects ans

30、wered the questions differentlywhen asked in English and Spanish.The new work built on past research showed the values ofsubjects changed when they were surrounded by stimuli from different cultures.How can marketers take advantage of“cultural frame switching”?It may sound challengingwithout specifi

31、c research,but at least for Spanish,English bilinguals in the US,there is now somehard data on the language-related personality shift.Extrapolating to other language combinationsmay be possible,too.Since the Spanish/English bilingual results seem to be in agreement withtesting of monolingual Spanish

32、 and English speakers,language-specific testing of bilingual subjectsmay not be essential to get an idea of what kind of cultural frame switching might occur in otherbilingual combinations.Rather,comparing known personality differences for each language/culturewould give an indication of the differe

33、nces bilingual individuals would exhibit.精品好资料-如有侵权请联系网站删除最新好资料推荐-如有侵权请联系网站删除I think it would be a mistake to over-emphasize this phenomenon over other criteria affectingthe selection of appropriate media and language to reach a target market.Clearly,the majorconsiderations of demographics(人口统计资料),p

34、erception of the medium,language fluency,etc.should remain major factors.Besides,the language-driven cultural frame switching may not makemuch difference to many products or services.If the product does attract one cultural personalitymore,though,it may make sense to exploit that difference of the o

35、ther decision criteria are more orless equivalent.The researchers point out that the differences arent great.Even if slight,though,thedifferences are noticeable.Cultural Frame Switching:Different Language,Different PersonalityConcept of culturalframe switchingCultural frame switching refers to the p

36、henomenon of shifting from onecultural mindset to another when people are 1_ to their new culturalenvironment.Cultural frame switching is a factor marketers now take into 2_ toreach target customers.Applications ofcultural frameswitchingPersonality shift proves to be 3_ for Spanish/English bilingual

37、s,whichmakes it not 4_ to do language-specific testing of bilingual subjects.Looking for the known personality differences between eachlanguage/culture would give marketers a better 5_ of how bilingualindividuals would 6_ in two different cultures.Its wrong to put too much 7_ on the functions of cul

38、tural frameswitching.Facts about culturalframe switchingCompared with other criteria,the language-driven cultural frame switchingsimply plays a(n)8_ role in marketing success.Providing that a product 9_ to a certain cultural personality more,thedifference is worth employing.Conclusion精品好资料-如有侵权请联系网站删除The effect different languages have on personality is 10_ butnoticeable.


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