2019七年级英语下册 Module 11 Body language Unit 1 They touch noses导学案.doc

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1、1课题:课题:ModuleModule 1111 BodyBody languagelanguage UnitUnit 1 1 TheyThey touchtouch noses!noses!学习目标1.重点:能够正确使用下列单词:bow;kiss;shake;British;German;Japanese;Russian;visitor.nod;head;hug;together;touch; nose;India2.难点:祈使句的用法 经典句型:(1)ThatsThats becausebecause people do different things in different coun

2、tries.(2)I dont know that.程序集体备课内容个案补充学习过程一、一、一、自主学习一、自主学习 反馈质疑反馈质疑 短语翻译1. 肢体语言 2. 一些俄罗斯老师 3. 迎接来访者4. 握手 5. 点头 6. 做不同的事情 7. 在不同的国家 8. 互相拥抱 9.把手放在一起 10. 碰鼻子 二、二、合作学习合作学习 即时训练即时训练1 Match the pictures with the words and expression from the box.2 Listen and match the pictures with the nationality.3 Read

3、 in roles.4 Finish Activity 4 and 5.三、知识链接知识链接 辨析辨析 1 1:“time”“time”1.time 表示“时间时间”时 是不可数名词2.time 表示“次数次数”时 是可数名词。three times 意为“三次” ,一次是“once” ;两次是“twice” ;三次或三次以上用“基数词+times”辨析辨析 2 2:国家和国民:国家和国民China_ Russia_ Britain_Japan_ America_ Germany_France_个别学生对某些国籍、国民的使用上,区别不清。还需要加强练习。3四、四、 达标检测达标检测 A.A.单

4、项选择单项选择1. Chinese often _when they meet. A. shake hands B. shakes hands C. touch noses D. touch heads2. They help _when they are in need.A. each B. each other C. the other D. every other3. They all live _ in a three-bedroom house. A. together B . with C. each D. and4.He got up late. _he came late. A

5、. Thats why B. Thats because C. This is why D. This is whyB.B.填空填空1. 那是因为我们都累了。 _ _ we are all tired.2. 你知道他们来自哪里吗? Do you know _ _ _ from?3. 因为胜利,刚才他们彼此拥抱。 They _ _ _ for success just now.4. 如果你看见他们,就点点头。 If you see them, please _ _ _.5.这里是一些欢迎他们的方法。_ _ some ways to welcome them.6.触摸人怎么样? _ _ touching people?7. 那些女孩正站在门口,微笑着欢迎来访者。The girls are standing at the door and welcoming visitors 1_ _ _.收获


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