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《八年级上册Unit2Howoftendoyouexercise初二上Unit2学历案.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《八年级上册Unit2Howoftendoyouexercise初二上Unit2学历案.docx(4页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、Unit 2 How often do you exercise?温江二中李斌第二课时【主题与课时】Section A 2a-2d【学习目标】1 .通过辨别带有有百分比数量的频度图片,能快速地说出和拼写出所学过的频度副 词。(P01).通过表格中这个J符号在一周中出现的比例,能够准确地用频度副词来描述活动的频率;并能够对比转 换成另一种频率词的表述。(P01)2 .通过听2a和2b的对话,能够准确地判断出图中人物Cheng Tao的活动出现的先后顺序;并能够准确地与 所给的时间频率匹配。(P02).结合自己的实际情况,能够运用新学的频率词来填写2c表格中的活动,并能够和自 己的同伴进行真实的对

2、话;同时也能够运用第三人称来谈论小组其他成员的活动与频 率。(P02)3 .通过观看舞蹈视频片段,能够了解西方文化中的Swing danceo再通过2d的角色扮 演,能够体会和理解有关频度副词的进一步用法。(P03)【评价任务】1. Task 11 (DOI), 12&3 (D02)2. Task 22、3&5 (D03)3. Task 3-1&2 (1)02) , 33 (1)04)4. Task 41、2、3、4&5 (D05)5. Task 5-1 (D01&2), 52 (D05)【资源与建议】1 .本课时为Section A的第二课时,内容包含2a, 2b, 2c和2d。2 .本课时

3、主要是要会灵活运用表示频度的另一种表达方式,以及它与频度副词之间的相 互转换。3 .能进一步运用how often和表示频度的副词或短语以及第三人称单数来谈论你的同 伴的日常活动。4 .运用资源链接,能够了解西方文化中的Swing dance。【学习过程】一.课前准备1. Preview(预习)the new words.2. Know about the frequency words.一.课中学习Task 1 Lead-in (PO1)1. Look at a picture with the frequency words to try to say them.从不,从未en work

4、into pairs有时经常,常常有时经常,常常通常,一般总是很少,几乎不3. Look and learn another way to express the frequency like following.ActivityA weekFrequencyMon.Tues.Wed.Thur.Fri.Sat.Sun.ExerciseVVJVVVJalwaysevery dayDo homeworkVVVVVVusuallysix times a weekRead booksVV7VVusuallyfive times a weekSwimVVVVusuallyfour times a wee

5、kUse the internetVVVoftenthree times a weekWatch TVVVsometimestwice a weekTry paraglidingJhardly everonce a weekI exercise from Monday to Sunday.I always exercise.I exercise every day.Leam: six times a day, . twice a week, once a weekTask 2 Work on 2a and 2b ( PO2 )Look at the picture and the title

6、of 2a, and predicate what they are talking about. Make sure Cheng Tao do those activities in the box.1. Listen to the conversation in 2a , then number the activities 1-5.2. Check the answers in group .3. Listen again , then match the activities with how often Cheng Tao does them.4. Check the answers

7、 in pairs like following.A: How often does Cheng Tao watch TV ?B: He watches TV twice a week.Task 3 Work on 2c (PO2)Read the title of 2c, make sure how often we do those activities , then fill in the chart by using the new expressions.1. Work into pairs to practice the conversation in 2c.2. Change b

8、ooks with each other in group, then pairs ask and answer about our partner activities with how often.A: How often does Mark use the Internet ?B: He uses the Internet twice a week .A: Whats his favorite web site?B: His favorite web site is Baidu Music.A: How oftendoes he use it ?B: He uses it once a

9、month.3. Read lb conversation togetherTask 4 Work on 2d (PO3)1. Look at the picture of 2d with the questions :1) What are they doing right now?2) What kind of dance is it ?2. Watch a video about the swing dance.Learn: swing danceListen to the conversation with the questions. How often does Claire ha

10、ve dance lesson ? How often does she have piano lesson ?3. Read the conversation, then role-play it.4. Tell the main idea about conversation.Task 5 Group work (PO1&2)1. What do we learn from the 2a about the frequency ?2. What problems do we have at the 2d ? And share them .【检测与作业】Make up a new conv

11、ersation on the phone to ask your pen pal about his or her activities and how often he / she does them. Then write down the conversation.【学后反思】1 .能否通过百分比对所描述的频率,正确地使用频度副词。你能结合百分比写出这些频度副词吗?2 .能否将频度副词与新学的once a week, twice a week , three times a week等新的表达方法进行互换。 请将它们进行对比写出。3 .能否用第三人称单数来谈论日常活动的频率并编写成有意

12、义的对话。【资源链接】摇摆舞Swing Dance最早出现在20世纪早期的美国,他们不仅在美国本土拥有大批忠实的追随者,二战时传到欧 洲而且受到了世界范围的普遍喜爱,也是好莱坞经典年代中的经典舞蹈。Swing Dance是双人的交易舞也可以自 己跳独舞,自娱性即兴舞蹈,用不着循规蹈矩,没有严格的动作规范,没有那么多约束,随性潇洒,只需掌握其 常用组合动作,即可自由发挥。风格可温柔缠绵、可热烈狂野,动作欢快洒脱,变化多样,尽显自由个性!与其 它交谊舞相比,Swing Dance更活泼、欢快!Swing Dance 包括:Lindy Hop, Balboa, Charleston, Jitterb

13、ug, Boogie Woogie, Tap, Blues 等等舞种。 1927年Lindy Hop在Savoy大舞厅里诞生了,它的出现把Swing Dance推向了巅峰!关于Lindy Hop流传着这 样的故事,个舞者在舞厅里跳着种大家以前没有见过的舞步,于是大家都很好奇就问这个跳舞的人他跳的是 什么舞。这个舞者正好在前几天看到一个报道的题目是Lindy Hops the Pond于是就顺口说:这舞就叫Lindy Hop。就这样Lindy Hop就传奇般的成为了极受欢迎的一种舞蹈。通常我们在初学Swing Dance的时候和舞会中 跳的都是Lindy Hop!从上世纪的20年代到50年代是摇

14、摆乐和舞者最得意的30年,当摇滚乐出现以后Swing Dance就渐渐的被 人淡忘了,随着时间的推移只有那些上了年纪的老人才可以跳这种舞蹈! 70年代这Swing几乎无人提起,到了 80年代中期在70多岁的美国Swing传奇大师Frankie Manning的带动下有一批年多的Swing Dancer迅速的成 长起来且向全世界推广这种舞蹈,Swing开始复兴了!到了 90年代的美国和欧洲就出现了很多Swing高手和优 秀教师。90年代末Swing Dance来到了亚洲,新加坡,首尔,北京,上海,台北,东京,大板,西贡,香港, 等等一些地方都有Swing课程和舞会。2023年美国教师Adam Lee把Swing Dance带到了北京成立了 Swing Beijing,起初只有在北京生活的外国 留学生喜欢跳Swing,慢慢地在北京的爵士酒吧里每周一的舞会和课程吸引了越来越多在北京生活的年青人,如 今北京跳舞的人数在不断的增加,从2023年起每年四月份都会在北京举办三天的“摇摆长城 Swing国际活动, 每年都会吸引几十名来自世界各地的Swing爱好者聚集北京一起吃喝玩乐,组织者也会请国际上最有名的Swing 老师来北京教全天的周末课,然后一起去长城跳Swing还有疯狂的Party !


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