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1、2022年高考英语最新热点时文阅读Omicron变异病毒01题型主要内容1阅读理解讲述了中国现有的新冠遏制战略能够有效地对抗新冠变异的Omicron病毒2阅读理解介绍了尽管是欧米克隆的变种,新冠病毒在中国仍然处于控制之下3阅读理解讲述了实验室实验发现,在从支气管(从气管到肺部的主要管道)采集的组织样本 中,Omicron Covid变体比原始和Delta版本的冠状病毒繁殖速度快约70倍,这 可能有助于解释其快速传播4阅读理解讲述随着世界的发展,疫情的爆发,世界各国想要了解更多变种的信息,更多的 奥密克戎变种病例出现了(江苏省常州市20212022学年高三上学期期末考试英语试题)Chinas e

2、xisting COVID-19 containment strategy, characterized by firm and rapid response to cut its transmission and block new outbreaks, should be sufficient for dealing with the new Omicron variant (变种)of the novel coronavirus, health experts and officials said recently.They added that the countrys dynamic

3、 zero-case policy should continue to be enforced this winter and spring, as new modeling shows that dropping it prematurely would risk causing “a huge outbreak”.Wu Zunyou, a chief epidemiologist, said the new variant appears to be more contagious (传染的)than the Delta variant due to its exceptionally

4、high number of spike mutations.“But no matter how the virus mutates, regular public health measures, such as wearing masks, maintaining social distancing and washing hands, will be effective against all variants J Wu said.Zhang Wenhong, a well-known doctor from Shanghai, said Chinas current “rapid r

5、esponse and dynamic zeroing of new infections“ can deal with all variants.The strategy has also enabled China to win a window of opportunity in terms of building up scientific support to fight the virus, he said. Ongoing work includes increasing reserves of vaccines (疫苗)and drugs to support the glob

6、al battle against the pandemic, and boosting inventories (存货)of Chinas public health and medical resources.According to Wu Zunyou, Chinas overall epidemic situation remains stable and under control against a backdrop of surging infections globally. This remarkable outcome is largely due to the centr

7、al approach of inten*upting the spread of the virus, blocking new outbreaks and implementing quarantine (隔离)for incoming travelers/9 he said.“By the most conservative estimates, the strategy had avoided 47.8 million COVID-19 infections and的疾病和死亡,尽管这种病毒本身的致病性可能较低。”“因此,结合我们最近的研究表明,Omicron 变种可以部分逃脱疫苗和过

8、去感染的免疫,Omicron变种的总体威胁可能非常重大。”广可知,它可 能对人们的健康造成很大的威胁。故选D。12. 细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段“Kamil added, Of course, a huge component of Omicrons transmissibility in real life is going to be its potential to escape neutralising antibodies that protect against infection in the first place. Ifs very likely spreading we

9、ll even between vaccinated people, especially those who haven9t recently gotten a booster shot?9 (Kamil 补充道:“当然,Omicron 在现实生活中传播性的一 个重要组成部分,将是它在最初抵御感染的中和抗体方面的潜力。它很可能在接种疫苗的人之间传 播得很好,尤其是那些最近没有接受加强注射的人。”广可知,现有的免疫在对抗Omicron中发挥的 作用很差,这可能会导致Omicron的传播性加强。故选D。13. AD14. AC【解析】本文是说明文。文章主要讲述随着世界的发展,疫情的爆发,世界各国

10、想要了解更多变种的信息, 更多的奥密克戎变种病例出现了。13词句猜测题。根据第二段“The variant was identified days ago by researchers in South Africa, and much is still not known about it, including whether it is more infectious, more likely to cause serious illness or more able to evade the protection of vaccines. (这种变种在几天前被南非的研究者们认定,并且许多

11、仍然是 未知的,包括是否更有感染性,更可能引起更严重的疾病,或者更能够evade疫苗的保护。)可知, evade是及物动词,这句话表达的是研究者们对这种变种的未知部分的担忧,尤其是更可能导致的坏 的结果,所以evade应该是有“逃脱”的意思,“逃脱疫苗的保护”即“疫苗对它的保护性减少。和A选 项意思一致。故选A。14. 细节理解题。根据第四段 Dr. Francis Collins, Collins, along with several experts, said that the news should make everyone redouble their efforts to use

12、 the tools the world already has, including vaccinations, booster shots and measures such as mask-wearing. (Collins和其它儿位专家说,这条新闻应该让每个人加倍努 力来使用这个世界已有的工具,包括接种疫苗,加强针的注射和像戴口罩的措施。)可知,证明人们 应该重视使用现有的防疫工具,即现有防疫措施是有效的。故选D。15. 细节理解题。根据第五段“they go against the advice of the WHO. It has warned against any overre

13、action before the variant is thoroughly studied”(他们违背世界卫生组织的建议。在彻底研究这个变异体之前, 它已经警告过任何过度反应。)可知,证明世卫组织反对各国对新冠变种过度反应。故选A。16. 主旨大意题。根据第一段“Cases of the omicron variant of the coronavirus popped up in countries (奥密 克戎变种病例在世界各国突然出现)可知,这篇文章主要围绕更多的奥密克戎病例的出现展开的陈 述。故选C。令关注有礼(1今学科网中小学资源库扫码关注可免费领取180套PPT教学模版令海量教

14、育资源一触即达 令新鲜活动资讯即时上线学科网950, 000 related deaths in China J he said.As the outlook for the pandemic remains serious for this winter and spring, Wu said these measures should continue to be enforced.Adjustment (调整)of virus control measures should be done extremely carefully and with every detail and pro

15、cedure being taken into consideration, so as to avoid making mistakes or taking the wrong path J he said.1. What might be the best title of this newspaper article?A. Chinas COVID-19 strategy can cope with Omicron.B. Chinas CVID-19 approach has made great achievements.C. New Omicron variant appears t

16、o be more contagious.D. New Omicron variant calls for adjustment of measures.2. What can best describe Chinas existing strategy?A. Traditional and immature.B. Solid and effective.C. Regular and risky.D. Dynamic and contemporary.3. . According to Zhang Wenhong the current strategy has brought to Chin

17、a a window of opportunity in terms of.A. cultural exchangesB. economic recoveryC. scientific preparationsD. medical profits4. What can we infer from the passage?A. The Delta Variant of COVID-19 will soon disappear.B. New variant makes it harder to maintain social distancing.C. The dynamic zero-case

18、policy will continue for a while.D. This winter and spring will see fewer cases of infection.02(广东省茂名市五校联盟2021-2022学年高一上学期期末联考英语试题)With the world reporting more cases of Omicron variant (欧米克隆变种)on Tuesday and more Western countries huny up to close their doors. China, where so far only Hong Kong has

19、 reported cases, is calmly and confidently responding to possible challenges with vaccine (疫苗)study and the experience got from Chinas zero-COVID policy.Chinese observers said that China will benefit from its COVID-19 policy of preventing cases from homeand abroad which continues to show its unique

20、advantages facing Omicron. In comparison, observers reminded that Western countries are likely to be affected by Omicron if the variant is highly infectious (感染 的),with their unscientific epidemic (流彳亍病)control measures and overconfidence in vaccines, which has led to the rapid spread of the new var

21、iant, an expert told Global Times on Tuesday.But to some Western media, Chinas policy means isolation (隔离).CNN said in a report on Monday that as much of the world started to learn to live with COVID-19, Chinanlooked increasingly isolated by comparison”.Chinese observers said that the Wesfs choice o

22、f dealing with COVID-19 is a helpless action as they cannot possibly clear their domestic cases with large numbers of locally transmitted cases, and residents are unwilling to team up with governments. In some countries, even the leaders do not follow their own rules.Biden on Monday call on American

23、s to wear masks, but he has come under fire for flouting his own rules. He was pictured without a mask covering his face over the Thanksgiving weekend in a shop that had a sign on the window requiring customers to wear face coverings, the BBC reported.5. What is the zero-COVID policy?A. The vaccine

24、can kill all the variants of the epidemic.B. No one goes out and people will close the doors for isolation.C. It is a useful measure to reduce the local infection.D. It is a serious control method to clear the cases.6. What does the underlined word flouting mean?A. observingB. hatingC. going against

25、 D. followingWhich means does the author NOT use to develop the passage?A. By following the time order.B. By giving examples.C. By making comparisons.D. By quoting.7. What is the main idea of the report?A. Western countries are likely to be affected by Omicron.B. Despite the Omicron variant, it is s

26、till under control in China.C. Western choice is helpless when faced with COVID-J9.D. Biden call on Americans to deal with the epidemic seriously.(江苏省六校2021-2022学年高三下学期期初联合调研考试英语试卷)The Omicron Covid variant has been found to multiply about 70 times quicker than the original and Delta versions of cor

27、onavirus in tissue samples taken from the bronchus(支气管),the main tubes from the windpipe to the lungs, in laboratory experiments that could help explain its rapid transmission.The study, by a team from the University of Hong Kong, also found that the new variant grew 10 times slower in lung tissue,

28、which the authors said could be an indicator of lower disease severity.Michael Chan, who led the work, said the result needed to be interpreted with caution because severe disease is determined not only by how quickly the virus replicates(复制)but also by a persons immune response. It is also noted th

29、at by infecting many more people, a very infectious virus may cause more severe disease and death even though the virus itself may be less pathogenic(致,齿的)he said. Therefore, taken together with our recent studies showing that the Omicron variant can partially escape immunity from vaccines and past

30、infection, the overall threat from the Omicron variant is likely to be vei-y significant.”Jeremy Kamil, an associate professor of microbiology and immunology at Louisiana State University Health Shreveport, pointed out that Delta, which turned out to be more pathogenic, showed a similar pattern of r

31、eplicating more slowly in the lungs. These authors found Omicron replicates fantastically welleven far better than either Delta or the original virusin bronchial tissue,“ Kamil said. This could in some ways contribute to an advantage in transmission between people.”Kamil added, Of course, a huge com

32、ponent of Omicron transmissibility in real life is going to be its potential to escape neutralising antibodies that protect against infection in the first place. Its very likely spreading well even between vaccinated people, especially those who havent recently gotten a booster shot.”The findings, t

33、ogether with other recent work showing Omicron infects cells more readily, add to an emerging picture that the variant may be intrinsically more transmissible in addition to escaping existing immunity.8. What is the kind of the passage?A. A news report.B. A science fiction.C. A health guide.D. A med

34、icine advertisement.9. What could Jeremy Kamil agree with?A. We should take the result seriously.B. Omicron may cause more severe disease and death.C. Both Omicron and Delta grew slowly in the lungs.D. Those who have gotten a booster shot wont be infected.10. What can we learn about Omicron?A. It is

35、 a new variant of Delta.B. Delta is less pathogenic than it.C. Vaccinated people neednt worry about it.D. It may pose a great threat to peoples health.11. According to the passage, which of the following may cause Omicron transmissibility?A. That many people havent been vaccinated.B. That many peopl

36、e refused to wears masks in public.C. That Omicron infects lung cells much more quickly.D. That existing immunity plays a poor part in fighting Omicron.04(2022广东实验中学高二期末)Cases of the omicron variant of the coronavirus popped up in countries on opposite sides of the world on Sunday and many governmen

37、ts rushed to close their borders even as scientists cautioned that its not clear if the new variant is more alarming than other versions of the virus.The variant was identified days ago by researchers in South Africa, and much is still not known about it, including whether it is more infectious, mor

38、e likely to cause serious illness or more able to evade the protection of vaccines. But many countries rushed to act, reflecting anxiety about anything that could prolong the pandemic that has killed more than 5 million people.Israel decided to bar entry to foreigners, and Morocco said it would susp

39、end all incoming flights for two weeks starting Monday. Scientists in several places from Hong Kong to Europe to North America have confirmed its presence. The Netherlands reported 13 omicron cases on Sunday, and both Canada and Australia each found two.Dr. Francis Collins, director of the National

40、Institutes of Health in the United States, meanwhile, emphasized that there is no data yet that suggests the new variant causes more serious illness than previousCOVID-19 variants. Collins, along with several experts, said that the news should make everyone redouble their efforts to use the tools th

41、e world already has, including vaccinations, booster shots and measures such as mask-wearing. know, America, youre really tired about hearing those things, but the virus is not tired of us J Collins said.As more omicron cases have been found in more countries such as Dutch, Canada, Australia, many c

42、ountries are introducing travel bans or closing borders, though they go against the advice of the WHO. It has warned against any overreaction before the variant is thoroughly studied, noting that travel restrictions may play “a role in slightly reducing the spread of COVID-19 but place a heavy burde

43、n on lives and livelihoods.Spain announced it wont admit unvaccinated British visitors starting Dec. 1. David Hui, a respiratory medicine expert in Hong Kong, agreed with that strategy, saying the two people who tested positive for the omicron variant had received the Pfizer vaccine and exhibited ve

44、ry mild symptoms, such as a sore throat. 13. What does the underlined word evade“ in Paragraph 2 probably mean?A. escape fromB. help withC , come down withD. engage in14. According to Dr. Francis Collins, we know that.A. more and more countries will have to close their borders.B. omicron has already

45、 made Americans tired of the disease.C. the new variant has caused more serious illness than the previous one.D. regular public health measures are effective against the variant.15. What can we learn from the passage?A. World Health Organization is against omicron-related travel bans.B. The new vari

46、ant is thought to have originated in South Africa.C. The previous vaccine is of little use in fighting against omicron.D. Spain has its border closed to foreign travelers including British visitors.16. Which would be the best title for this passage?A. More countries have begun to introduce travel ba

47、nsGreat damage caused by a new variant called omicronB. More omicron cases emerge as world rushes to learn moreVaccinations and booster shots recommended to be pushed参考答案:2. BC3. C【解析】本文为一篇说明文。文章主要讲述了中国现有的新冠遏制战略(以坚定快速的方式中断新冠的传播 阻挡新的爆发),能够有效地对抗新冠变异的Omicron病毒,这种策略还会加大力度来预防冬季疫情 的爆发。1. 细节理解题。根据文章第一段“Chi

48、nas existing COVID-19 containment strategy, characterized by firm and rapid response to cut its transmission and block new outbreaks, should be sufficient for dealing with the new Omicron variant (变种)of the novel coronavirus, health experts and officials said recently.(中国现有的 新冠遏制战略(以坚定快速的方式中断新冠的传播阻挡新的爆发),能够有效地对抗新冠变异的 Omicron病毒)”可知,此篇文章主要讲中国新冠战略可以对抗Omicron病毒,故选A。2. 细节理解题。根据文章第一段“Chinas existing COVID-19 containment strategy, characterized by firm and rapid response to cut its transmission and block new outbreaks (中国现有的新冠遏制战略,以坚定快速 的方式中断新冠的传播阻挡新的爆发)”可知,中国现在抗疫的战略是坚定有效的,故选B。3. 细节理解题。根据文


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