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《七年级上册Unit1Myname'sGina杨蝶unit1myname'sGina教学案例.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《七年级上册Unit1Myname'sGina杨蝶unit1myname'sGina教学案例.docx(7页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、The Third Period of Class: Section B (la- If)教材分析:本单元sectionB的核心语言目标是:学习数字和询问电话号码。数字在我们的现实生活中非常普遍,电话号码, 身份证号码,银行账号,邮政编号等等,数字与现实生活密不可分,学生通过学习数字进而用英语询问电话号码, 从而达到学中用,用中学的目的,同时也使他们感受数字与生活的密切联系。学情分析:在学习本课之前,大多数同学都会唱英文数字歌,能够认读一些数字,所以同学们有一定的语言基础,能够认读 部分简单的0-9,但是有些困难的数字,以及数字正确的读音学生还不是很清楚,所以在教学的过程中注重对学 生发音的纠

2、正以及数字认读的教授,并且相对于前面比较长的单词,0-9数字单词较为简单,学生认读也比较容 易。Teaching aims (教学目标)1 .熟练掌握英文数字09;2 .掌握日常生活中一些常见的数字的实际意义(比如:110, 120, 119, 114, 121等)。3 .填写通讯录。Language points (语言点)1 .要求掌握以下句式:Whats your telephone number? Its.2 . 要求掌握以下词汇:zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine.Difficulties (难点):中

3、英文数字的对应关系。Teaching steps (教学步骤)Step 1. Warming-up and revision (课堂热身和复习)(1) Lead in:Good morning, boys and girls. Shall we continue our lessons? Could you please tell me what we learnt in sectionA? Yes. We learnt to ask others names and introduce our names to others. Shall we have a review first? Re

4、vision1. Re view the ways of greetingsa. In starter units, we learnt some ways of greetings; do you still remember what they are?b. Yes. There are some ways. Good moming! Good afternoon! Good evening! How are you? Hi! and Hello!2.Review asking names and introducing our namesIn section A, vc learnt t

5、o ask others names and introduce our names to others.(3) Presentation (呈现)T: Please tell me how to say it in English? (Show (he Ss (he number cards, one by one)Ss: Its one.Ss: Its two.Play GamesPart oneT: We have 1() groups. Every group has a number. When I show the number card, the group must stand

6、 up and say the number loudly. Ready? (Every (ime, T shows the Ss one card. The group must stand up.)Ss: Five./Seven./Three.Part twoT: Now, this time, Ill show you the number card, but the next number group must stand up and say the number loudly. (T shows the Ss one card.) e.g.:T: (Show the card-2)

7、Ss: Three. (Group 3 stands up and says the number loudly)Part threeT and the Ss play the game again, but this time, not the next group stands up, but the number before, e.g.:T: (Show the card3)Ss: Four. (Group 4 stands up and read (he number loudly)【教学设计说明】1 .教师事先准备好0-9,共10张数字卡片。课堂上随机使用。看学生的反应速度、熟练度

8、和准确性。2 .为了提高趣味性,在游戏中让学生进行复习与巩固。过程中教师要注意观察每一组学生的反应速度、正 确性,以及这一组学生中,他们的反应是否一致。3 .教师随机展示数字卡,起立的却是后一个数字的学生组,同时他们也必须大声读出他们自己的数字。也 就是教师展示的数字的下一个。通过游戏,训练他们的反应速度和正确性。4 .为了增加游戏的难度;提高竞争的激烈度以及学生的参与度,数字的逆向思维可作为训练的种途径。Step 2. Section B la1 .Listen and repeata. Open your books at page 4. Would you please do activ

9、ity la?b. I will play the tape. And for the first (ime, please just listen.c. OK. This time, I would like you to read after the tape.d. Lets try it again.e. Can you read the numbers one by one?2 .Translation gamea. Lets play a translation game. I will say numbers in Chinese and please translate them

10、 into English. First who would like to have a try?b. Very good! I would like you to translate the numbers one student by one.c. Now this time I will give you a challenge task. The first student says one number in English and then he / she says a different number in Chinese. He will call a second stu

11、dent translate it into English. And then the third.goes on.【教学设计说明】Tell students they will hear the numbers 0 to 9.Play the tape again. Have them listen silently or repeat lo (hemselves.Play the tape again. Have them listen and repeat.Step 3: Section B lb1. Listen and repeata. Just listen to the con

12、versations for the first time.b. Listen and repeat the number.2. Listen and write the telephone numbera. Listen lo the conversations for the third time and write the telephone numbers.b. I think most of you have finished it. Lets check them together.3. Read the tape scripta. Lefs read the tape scrip

13、t of 1b together.b. I would like some of you to read in class. Who would like to have a try?【教学设计说明】教师课前必须准备一些车牌号、房间号、电话号码等(最好用图片的形式,有条件可制作成 PPT),作为课堂训练的拓展和延伸,并且与生活实际相联系。增强语言的实际生活功能。Step 4: Section B 1c1 .Look and reada. Look at the conversation in activity 1c and can you read it together?b. Who wou

14、ld like to read it in class?2 .Task -My friends phone numbersa.I think most of you want to know your friends, phone number.b.Would you please ask your friends and try to write them on your notebooks? I will give you five minutes to finish the task. Lets see who will get the most phone numbers.c.Time

15、 is up! How many phone numbers did you have? Please read them to one of your friends.【教学设计说明】Invite two students to talk about their own and each others names and telephone numbers.Step 5: Section B Id1 .ListenListen to the conversations for the first time.2 .Listen and matcha. Listen to the convers

16、ations for the second time and match the names with the telephone numbers.b. Listen to the conversations for the third time and check them by yourselves.3 . Check the answersLets check the answers together.Answers: I. c 2. d 3. b 4. a教学设计说明Have students read names and telephone numbers silently. Pla

17、y the tape and ask students to match the numbers with the names.Step 6: Section B le1. ListenListen to the conversation for the first time.2 .Listen and completea. Listen to the tape and complete the phone numbers.b. Listen to them again and check the answers.3 .Check the answersLets check the answe

18、rs together.4 .Read the tape scripta. Read the tape script together.b. Who would like to read in class?教学设计说明Tell them they will hear the tape again. Have them fill the blanks in the phone numbers. To check answers, invite student volunteer to ask: What fs s telephone number?Step 7: Section B IfWrit

19、e your phone number on a piece of paper and put it in a bag. Then take out a piece of paper and find the ownerTask-My friends phone number book.In last period, you finished your friends5 name list and this time you know how to ask others their phone numbers. Could you please make your friends phone

20、number book? Please ask your friends about their phone numbers and fill in the chart.Example: Whats your phone number.?Its 教学设计说明Have students write the numbers in their notebooks. Tell them to write the words for the numbers next to them. Invite students to say a number and have another student spe

21、ll the word.要求在教室内随机寻找四位同学, 询问他们的姓名和电话号码,并在一张纸条上。而此时的“随机更能增加语言的真实交际性。根据学生的实际水 平,可以让Ss自由发挥编对话。加入自己的内容,丰富对话内容和形式。同时,根据课堂时间安排,检查对话 若干。要求学生在听时,记录相应内容。Step 8: SummarizeLets summarize what we learnt in this period.Step 9: Homework1. Oral work:(1) Listen to Section B 2a, read and recite it.(2) Go on making

22、 up your dialogues with your partner and polish it.2. Written work:(1) Finish workbook P.3. Ex 4 and 5.(2) Bring some photos of your friends, or your relatives telephone numbers, car numbers and get ready to introduce to the classmates.教学反思:我校是一所普通的农村学校,由于教学环境、学习氛围、教学资源、家庭教育等原因,造成目前六年 级学生英语基础薄弱,个性差异

23、大。六年级作为正式学习英语的初始年级,才刚刚开始接触英语不久,好奇心强, 学习热情高,学习兴趣浓,但是大部分的学生注意力不能持久,为了吸引学生的注意力,我尽量为学生提供一个 愉悦而轻松的环境,有趣的课堂活动以及多样的教学设计。通过前面三个预备单元的学习,学生己经能够听懂一 些简单的课堂用语,用英语进行简单的相互问候,交换姓名等,在英语学习中他们口语较差,但是他们善于模仿 语言,能够从模仿中找到学习英语的乐趣,增强英语学习的自信心,并且乐于展示自我。鉴于学生的这些特点, 在教学目标,教学过程,教学活动的设计结合课标、教参对学生的要求,从学生的实际出发,但是上完课之后发 现在教学目标、教学过程,教

24、学设计也有诸多欠缺优点:1、能够把握教材,明确教学目标,利用图片和视频开展教学,让学生在课堂上掌握key words,并且通 过听录音,模仿,小组展示等加强口语的练习,提升学生的口语能力,并且利用小组合作,掌握句型:what,s your/his/her telephone number? Its. /My/Hcr/His telephone number is 2、教学过程完整,课堂互动丰富,为学生营造了良好的学习氛围。在教学中采用鼓励、强化等方式引 导学生开口说,用奖励机制不断刺激学生的学习积极性,学生在老师的引导下,通过反复的练习能够认读、听写出数字0-9,并且在反复的练习中培养了学生的

25、模仿能力。3、丰富多样的教学活动,让学生以游戏的形式进行学习,改变了传统课堂的形式,使课堂变得活泼有 趣,学生的兴趣也被极大地提升,numbers stand up让学生参与到课堂中,动起来吸引学生的注意力,提升 了课堂效率,让学生在轻松愉悦的课堂氛围中掌握知识。需要改进的地方:4、在教学活动中有些学生羞涩、内向,不积极举手发言,不积极参与讨论,对于这些学生所为教师虽 然对他们进行了引导和鼓励,但是教学时间有限,没有让这些学生积极参与到课堂活动中,没有让学生在有 限的时间高效的掌握课堂知识,在以后的课余时间要多加关心后进生,让他们参与进课堂,注重课堂上的效 率,激发学生的学习枳极性,培养学生的学习兴趣。5、在教学过程中,后面时间有点紧,导致最后的模仿练习只能在课后进行。主要原因是:一前面数字 教学用的时间超时了,二是第二个游戏环节时间太长,浪费了时间,三是最为老师的教学语言速度有点过慢, 教师的教学语言就是整堂课的教学速度,提升教学速度有利于抓住学生的集中力,提升课堂的效率,所以以 后再时间观念上还要加强。


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