小学四年级英语 Unit 3 My Friends教案及反思.docx

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1、(幼儿园)具体课时备课表(成熟型教师用)单元(章)主题Unit 3 My Friends任课教师与班级四年级本课(节)课题Part A Lets learn, Lefs find out第1课时/共6 课时教学目标(含重点、难点)及设置依据1、 能听说、 认读 Long hair, short hair, strong, thin, quiet, friendo2、能听懂、会说My friend is strong. He has short hair并能在实际情景中运用。3、对学生进行关心朋友,朋友间要互相帮助的思想教育。Main and difficult points:Main poin

2、ts:描述人物相貌特征的词汇。Difficult points:适当运用本课的单词、句型描述自己的朋友。教学准备单词卡片,录音机,磁带,老师的照片及明星的照片。教学过程内容与环节预设个人二度备课课后反思Stepl Warm-up:1 Lets play. (Say the antonym)教师说一个形容词,请学生快速说出它的反义词。tall-short short-long big-small2、Lets do.Let students listen to the teacher and do il together.T: Tall, tall, tali. Make yourself tal

3、l.Short, short, short. Make yourself short.Big, big, big. Make your eyes bigStep 2 Presentation.1、quiet.1)在 Lets do 快结束的时候,T: Shbe quiet. (Teacher does and says it)Let students say the word after teacher.做游戏:Guess! How many books/ English/ Chinese.books do I have ?教师拿着书包让 学生猜,里面放着语文 书、故事书、英语书等 等,师生问

4、答后,也可 分组在学生之间进行, 看看哪组猜的既快又 正确。(幼儿园)具体课时备课表(成熟型教师用)单元(章)主题Unit 3 My Friends任课教师与班级四年级本课(节)课题Part A Read and write; Part C Lets make第3课时/共 6 课时教学目标(含重点、难点) 及设置依据Teaching aims:1、能听、说、读、写字母 Ss, Tt, Uu, Vv 和单词 teacher, student.2、能听说以S, T, U, V字母开头的单词,如:spoon, tiger, umbrella, violin等。3、制作Finger friends,培

5、养学生的动手能力。Main and difficult points:Main points:能四会掌握字母 Ss, Tt, Uu, Vv 和单词 teacher, studentoDifficult points: Teacher, student 这两个词的拼写。教学准备字母卡片,录音带,磁带,finger friends.教学过程内容与环节预设个人二度备课课后反思Step 1 Warm-up:1、Free talk.T: Whats your name? Whats his name?Let students describe their friend.2、Letter chant.Te

6、acher shows the letter cards. Let students say it.A A A, A B C. E E E, E F G. G G G,G H I3、Say the missing letter.T: A_CD.Ss: B.T: H_J K.Ss: K.游戏(Hit the card):将图贴在墙上, 学生或教师报单词,学 生听到后对准该单词用 手敲或用手指一下,看 谁反应快。内容与环节预设个人二度备课课后反思Step 2 Presentation.1、Ss, Tt, Uu, Vv1) Guessing game.Teacher shows the letter

7、s by fingers. ( A, C, S, T, U, V )Let students guess: Whats this letter?Let students read these letters together.2) Write the letters.Teacher write the letters on the board.学生书空。Students write the letters on the excess book.师检查,纠正错误。注:U,V两个字母要提醒学生注意,不要写成大小写同形。2、Spelling the words: teacher, student.1

8、) Spelling game. ( quickly response )字母呈现:在字母接力赛中 教师可加入S, T, U, V的听 写,集体校对时指出易写错 的地方。教师示范写出 S,T,U,V,让学生想一想,比较 一下与哪些字母形状相似, 强调T,U,V的小写形式。老师拼单词,让学生马上读出来。如果还没有拼完就猜出来了,就让学生把它拼完整。如: T: p-e-n. S: Pen; T: p-e-n-c-i-1. S:PenciL然后出现 student, teacher.Let students read and spell the two words.2) Lets chant.T-E

9、-A-C-H-E-R, The teacher teaches English.S-T-U-D-E-N-T,The students learn English.3) Write the words.Teacher write the two words on the board.Let students write them after teacher on the book.3、Listen and read.Let students read the word after the tape.内容与环节预设个人二度备课课后反思应强调“van”,这个是新单词。4、Lets make.学生当堂

10、制作12个finger friends,上面可以写上本堂课学过的字母或单词,并为它们配上形 象的图画。Stcp3 Consolidation.1、Game:打乒乓球全班分为A, B两组,先由A组一名学生报一个字母A,由B组学生以最快的速度报出以字 母A开头的单词。然后由B组学生报下一个字母B, A组学生报B开头的单词。若有一方报错 或答不上来,就要给另一组加分。2、Do the activity book.板书 设计Ss, Tl, Uu, Vv个人二度备课:课后反思:作业布置 或设计抄写字母 跟读录音课后反思:教后整体反思新课程改革,是一次深刻的改革,新课改倡导全人教育,强调课程要促进每个学生

11、身心健康的发展, 培养学生良好的品质的终身学习的能力,新课改倡导建设性学习,注重科学探究的学习,关注体验性学习, 提倡交流与合作、自主创新学习,因此我这节课中,根据本课的重难点创设各种情景,鼓励学生大胆地使 用英语,创造了宽松民主、和谐的教学空间,创造条件让学生能够探究他们自己的一些问题,并自主解决 问题。把英语教学与情态有机地结合起来,创造各种合作学习的活动,促进学生互相学习,互相帮助,体 验成就感,发展合作精神。(幼儿园)具体课时备课表(成熟型教师用)单元(章)主题Unit 3 My Friends任课教师与班级四年级本课(节)课题Part B Lets learn, Lefs do; P

12、art C Task time第4课时/共 6 课时教学目标(含重点、难点) 及设置依据1、能用“ I like”说出自己的爱好,并能用“ My friend likes”介绍朋友的爱好。2、能听说认读 music, science, sports, computer game, painting 并能根据指令做出相应动作,如:Listen to music, do sports 等。3、能完成PartC中的表格,并能根据表格内容对朋友进行描述。4、注意培养学生严谨的学习态度,提倡发展学生的兴趣爱好,提醒学生应适量地玩有益的电脑游戏。Main and difficult points:Main

13、 points:表示兴趣爱好的词汇。Difficult points:单词 science 的发音。教学准备单词卡片,录音机,磁带。教学过程内容与环节预设个人二度备课课后反思Step! Warm up.1 Dictate the letters and words. (Ss, Tt, Uu, Vv, teacher, student)2、Listen and do.Clean the window. Close the window.Sweep the floor. Make a cakeStep 2 Presentation1、Music.Let students look at a pic

14、ture. In the picture there is a girl. She is listening to the music.T: Look. She is listen to the music.Let students listen to the music.Teacher points at the tape.让学生听一些学 过的指令做动作,如: Make a cake . Listen to me . Draw a tree .等。内容与环节预设个人二度备课课后反思T: Listen! Music. Do you like music?Ss: Yes./ No.Let stu

15、dents try to say: musicHe likes musicLet students do and say: Listen to music.2、sportsTeacher shows the picture of sports.T: look! He likes sports.Let students try to say: sportsHe likes sports.T: Do you like sports?S: Yes, I do.3、computer game.(一直问到一个不喜欢体育的)Teacher shows a computer game CD .T: What

16、s about computer game? Do you like computer game?Let students read the word after teacher.4、science.师出示自然课用的实验铁架子。Let students read the word after teacher.T: Who likes science? Please stand up.5、paint.Teacher shows a paintbrush quickly.T: Whats this? Do you know?Let students read the word after teac

17、her.T: Do you like painting?6、Listen, stand up and say.T: Who likes sports/ painting/ computer game/ science/ sports/ music? Please stand up.新词呈现:出示几张小朋友 的图片,教师问:What does he / she like ? Can you guess ? 让学生回答:He / She likes.分别引出music , science,computergame ,sports , painting 等词 汇,由教师带读或者抽读。(大家一边自己回

18、答,一边记住别人喜欢什么)T: Who likes music? Does he like music?Teacher shows the sentence on the board. ( My friendlikes music.)比一比,谁记得多。T: Who likes music? Does he like music?Teacher shows the sentence on the board. ( My friendlikes music.)比一比,谁记得多。7、寻人启事:全班分为两大组,各组根据教师提供的走失者的照片及爱好,拟一份口头的寻人启事,清另 一组在图片中找出这位走失者

19、。游戏:让学生分组竞赛,请 一名学生上台抽图片,抽到 哪张就用肢体语言表示图片 上单词的意义。教师问:What does he / she like ?下面的学 生用 He/She likes.抢答。内容与环节预设个人二度备课课后反思8、Lets chant.Let students listen to the tape.Let students say and do after the tape.Step3 Consolidation1 Game: Act and guess教师准备六张词卡,分别写有music, science, sports, computer game, paintin

20、g.请一学生.装上前 抽取一张并表演,请其他学生猜。2、Task: Choose your favourite class.教师准备八张图卡,分别画有代表八种兴趣的图。请学生介绍并统计人数。3、Do the activity book.板书 设计music, science, sports, computer game, painting个人二度备课:课后反思:作业布置 或设计介绍自己的爱好。 跟读录音课后反思:教后整体反思本课的主要语言项目是学习表达某人喜欢什么和一些相关的词汇:music, science, sports, painting, computer game等。我采取了不同的方

21、式来呈现新单词,以此来调动学生的积极性。如听音乐、 打篮球、画画等。然后通过提问,学生回答转入到“He/Shelikes的学习。并通过游戏来进行对 单词的操练,让学生有 种新鲜感,乐于参与到活动中来,在玩中掌握本节课的重点。Let s do部分的 教学,通过边说词组边做动作,帮助学生理解Listen to music. Do sports. Paint. Make friends. Play computer games.的中文意思,在听听做做中进一步巩固本课时的重要单词(幼儿园)具体课时备课表(成熟型教师用)单元(章)主题Unit 3 My Friends任课教师与班级四年级本课(节)课题P

22、art B Lets learn, Lefs chant; Part C Lefs sing第5课时/共 6 课时教学目标(含重点、难点) 及设置依据1、能听懂、会说Whats her name? Her name is”并能在情景中运用。2、说Lets chant部分内容。3、会唱歌曲子Friends”,并进行情感教育。Main and difficult points:Main points:句型Whats her name? Her name is”并能在Difficult points: Lets chant 及歌曲 “fHends” 的句子含义理解。教学准备录音机磁带教学过程内容与环

23、节预设个人二度备课课后反思Step 1 warm-up.1 Look and say.Teacher shows the word cards. Let students read them together.(music, science, sports, computer game, painting )2、Lets do.Listen to music3、Free talk.Do you like sports? What about music?Step 2 presentation1、Whats her name? Her name is1)由上面的对话引入。T: Whats his

24、 name?1 .猜猜看:T:I have a book . Guess! An English book or a Chinese book ?2 .幸运大转盘:黑 板上挂彩色大转盘,一 名学生站到讲台前,背 向黑板,教师或一学生 转转盘,看箭头指向哪 种颜色,其余学生发问: Black or white ? Red or green?由该学生回答。2) Practice.内容与环节预设个人二度备课课后反思Let a students act like a teacher.S: XX and XX, be quiet.2、long hair, short hair.1) Follow let

25、s do”. Teacher says it slowly.T: Make your hair long. Make your hair short.Teacher points at two students with long hair and short hair.T: Look at here. Long hair, short hair. (Say it slowly)2) Practice.(学生指着自己的头发)S: Long hair / short hair.Let students talk about the students hair in the class.Hair-

26、long hair-She has long hair.Shortshort hairHe has short hair.3、strong, thin.1) T: I have two pictures. (Teacher shows two pictures of a man and a girl.) T: Look! The man is strong. The girl is thin.Let students read the word after teacher.2) Practice.(吵嘴)Let students try to say: Im strong. Youre thi

27、n. Hes strong. Shes thin.4、friends.1) Teacher shows two pictures of Zhao Wei and Lin Xinru.T: Look! Who are in the pictures?S: Zhao Wei and Lin Xinru.T: Who is quiet?新词练习:请一名比较瘦的学 生和一名比较健壮的学生上 台,让学生明白thin和 strong的意思,同时告诉学 生thin还有“薄”的意思, 如:a thin booko通过学生 用书三年级上册中歌谣Look at the cat, it is fat.学生 已学过单

28、词fat,告诉学生现 在一般不用fat来形容人而 是用 Strong oS: His name is内容与环节预设个人二度备课课后反思T: Whats her name? (Teacher says it slowly)Let students say it with teacher: Her name is2) Ask some students about this question.(直到大部分学生能回答)3) Lets chant.Whats her name? Whats her name? What is her name?Her name is, her name is, her

29、 name is Amy.Whats her name? Whafs her name? What is her name?Her name is, her name is, her name is Lily.让大家用班里同学的名字来换,(男女都可以用)分小组表演。2、Guessing game.1)教师事先录好几个班里同学的声音,让大家听磁带上的声音,猜猜是谁。T: Whats his name? / Whats her name?S: His/ her name is2) Teacher shows a back of photo.T: She is a little girl. She

30、has a short hair and red face. She likes playing. She is come from Japan. Can you guess whats her name?3、Whos missing?出示一组书中人物的图片,让学生观察几秒钟,然后去掉一幅图。全班间:Whos missing? A boy or a girl?请一个学生回答:A boy.再问 Whafs his name?回答 His name is4、Learn the dialogue.Let students listen to the tape.Question: John has a

31、 friend, yes or no? Boy or girl? Whats her name?新知呈现:联系上面的游戏, 教授学生学习:Whats her name ? Her name is .练习:出示名人照片,师生 练习 Whats his / her name ? 教师描述班中一名女生:She likes music . She has long hair . Whats her name ?让学 生猜。然后也可由学生自己 出题自己猜,操练中要加上 评语:YouVe right.Let students read the dialogue after the tape.Let som

32、e students act is .Step 3 Consolidation内容与环节预设个人二度备课课后反思1、Introduce the friend.Let students introduce their friend.S: I have a friend. Shes this. She hasShe likesSs: Whafs her name?S: Her name is2、Lets singLet students learn to sing the song “fYiends”.3、Do the activity book.板书 设计Whats her name?Her n

33、ame is个人二度备课:课后反思:作业布置 或设计跟读录音 自编儿歌课后反思:教后整体反思我设计了两个环节来进行合作学习,第一个环节是小组共同练习Let飞do部分要求合作学习,互相帮助解决问题。 由接受能力较好的学生发出指令,其他学生做动作,或者一人做动作,其他人说词组,为不爱说的同学也提供机会。第二 是设计了一个调查活动,通过调查复习复习句型I likeHe/She likes。学生的热情很高,愿意与他人进行交流。通 过这两个活动,学生对本节课的难点也轻松掌握。趣味操练部分,通过猜词游戏和耳语游戏:What does he like?发挥学生的主动性,进一步操练本课时的知识。最 后让学生描

34、述一下自己的朋友,则把所学运用到实际生活,体现了学以致用。但我也发现,有个别学生有发音不准确的现象,在做小组活动时,有几个学生参与性不是很高。如果在耳语游戏时, 放手让学生来做,是不是会更好呢?新课程改革必须要与实践相结合,即将努力学习,积极进取,积极参与课程改革,我要在课改中不断学习,不断实践, 不断反思,愿与新课程共同成长。改革理论,更新教学观念,迎接新课改的(幼儿园)具体课时备课表(成熟型教师用)单元(章)主题Unit 3 My Friends任课教师与班级四年级本课(节)课题Part B Read and write; Part C Lets check, Story time.第6课

35、时/共 6 课时教学目标(含重点、难点) 及设置依据1、能听、说、读、写字母Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz以及单词boy, girl, friend.2、能听说以W, X, Y, Z开头的单词。3、完成Lefs check部分的内容。4、能理解会读Story time中的会话,鼓励学生进行角色表演,并渗透互帮互且的思想教育。Main and difficult points:Main points:掌握四会字母及单词。Difficult points:单词的拼写。教学准备单词卡片,录音机,磁带。教学过程内容与环节预设个人二度备课课后反思Step 1 Warm up:1、Sing a song:

36、Friends”2、Lets chant.Whats his name? Whats his name? What is his name?His name is, his name is, his name isWhats her name? What,s her name? Whats her name?Her name is, her name is, her name is(用班里同学的名字来说)Step 2 Presentation1、Learn 山e letters.Teacher shows the letters. ( Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz )Let students

37、read the letters after teacher.(大家一起来设计:用势来表示这几个字母)预习:(1)四会 单词拼读接力赛。(2)慢动作:将 学过的四会字母放进袋 子里,在慢慢抽出的过 程中两组学生抢答,不 仅要读出该字母,还要 说出一个含有此字母的 单词,答对多的组获胜。内容与环节预设个人二度备课课后反思让学生想想有什么缩写或单词中有这几个字母。如:WTO, XO, WCo2、Write the letters.Teacher write the letters on the board.Let students write the letters on their book.注

38、:Yy要注意提醒学生,大小写字母不一样,而且一个占上面两格,一个占下面两格。3、Practice the letters.1) Show the letter card.Let students take out the letter cards.T: Show me big letter Y. ( students do it)2) Bingo请学生拿出一张纸,上面画好9个方格。教师报出9个字母,随便学生以什么方式填入格子。四会单词呈现:教师走向一 男生,T: Hello, XX . Tm a girl, were friends.B: Yes, Im a boy , you are a g

39、irl, were friends .T: Can you spell the word然后教师报出其中的三个字母,如果该学生的3个字母在一条直线上,他就可以喊:Bingo!4、Learn the words.1) yacht.Teacher shows the word cards.T: Look, this is a yacht.Let students read this word after teacher.2) zebra.Teacher shows the back of picture.(让学生从轮廓中猜猜是什么)Let students read this word after

40、 teacher.T: What colour is the zebra?3) Read the words and letters after the tape.5、Boy, girl, friend.1)教师出示一幅图,图里面有斑马在动物园里,Zang Peng和Chen Jic在一-起看斑马。“boy”?出示单词卡,男生拼读后将 卡贴到黑板上,学生集体拼 读后教师指导书写,同法教 girl, friend .内容与环节预设个人二度备课课后反思T: Look! Where is the zebra? Zhang Peng and Chen Jie are at the zoo. Zhang

41、 Peng is a boy. Chen Jie is a girl. Theyre friends.2) spell and write the words.Teacher write the words on the board. Let students spell the words. Then let them write the words on the book.3) Spelling game.教师报一个单词,由一组同学每人报一个字母,把它拼完整。Step 3 Consolidation.1、Story time.Let students listen to the tape.

42、 Then read it after the tape.Let students read it in roles.Task time:1 .让学生看懂表格怎样操 作,认读第一条词汇。2 .学生进行调查,填表。告 诉学生询问爱好时用 What do you like ?或 Do you like?提问。3 .反馈调查结果,描述同 学。培养学生通过调查获 得结论的学习习惯和与 人交往的能力。Let some students act it.2、Do the activity book.板书 设计Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz个人二度备课:课后反思:作业布置 或设计抄写字母 跟读课文课后反思:教后

43、整体反思S: Lin Xinru is quiet.T: Yes, but they are good friends.Let students say it after teacher. ( friendLets be friend)内容与环节预设个人二度备课课后反思2) Practice. Guessing game.Let a student describe afriend of him. Others guess who is he/she.练习:学生以小组为单 位或同桌之间练习句型:lamS: She is quiet. She has long hair and big eyes

44、. She is thin. Who is she? / She/1 Ie/Tom/My fatherSs: XXX.is .这个学生站起来说:Let s be friend.5、Practice:排队。模仿体育课从矮到高排队,学生通过比较头发长短来移动位置,但是每次只能移动一位。S: She has long hair. He has short hair. 直到找到合适的位置。Read the words after the tape.Stcp3 Consolidation.1、 Guessing game.Teacher shows some picture on the board.

45、Teacher describes one of them. Let students guess who is he/ she.2、 Look, remember and say.Teacher shows a picture. Let students look at it on 10 second. Then teacher hide the picture. Let students describe he/ she.(比比谁说得多) 3、 Do the activity book.板书 设计Long hair, short hair, strong, thin, quiet, fri

46、end o个人二度备课:课后反思:作业布置 或设计听录音,跟读课文。跟父母描述自己的好朋友。课后反思:教后整体反思本节课是词句教学,词不离句,句不离语景。通过学习新的句型This is friends来训练新单词,同时利用所学句型与新词介绍朋友巩固 本节课的生词,突出了英语的教学目的:学为了运用。Let s chant,让学生在有节奏的说唱中体验语言,加强记忆。通过歌曲my friends 的学习来巩固本节课的生词friends,让学生在唱起来的同时动起来,乐起来。也能陶冶学生的情操,培养艺术素质。让学生在游戏中练,在 交际活动中用,多元性评价活动贯穿课堂始终,目的是激发学生学习英语的兴趣,使他们初步建立学习英语的自信心。根据小学生的年龄特 征,空中课堂和我们的执教课堂二者结合,“空中课堂”资源能将抽象、枯燥、单调无味的单词、对话教学演变成小学生喜闻乐见的动画片, 将知识点变得有趣而生动,培养学生的学习


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