Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight《功夫熊猫:神龙骑士(2022)》第二季第十一集完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight《功夫熊猫:神龙骑士(2022)》第二季第十一集完整中英文对照剧本.docx_第1页
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Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight《功夫熊猫:神龙骑士(2022)》第二季第十一集完整中英文对照剧本.docx_第2页
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《Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight《功夫熊猫:神龙骑士(2022)》第二季第十一集完整中英文对照剧本.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight《功夫熊猫:神龙骑士(2022)》第二季第十一集完整中英文对照剧本.docx(8页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、拮花指Skadoosh.来吧Come on.狡猾的东西Tricky little.到我嘴里来Get in there.来吧Oh, come on.夹住了Yes!什么?Huh?乳齿象大♥师♥ ?Master Mastodon?嗯?Huh?我们在哪?Where are we?我们在你的虚境里We are in your void.当我掌控你身体时你的灵魂就会在此休憩The place where your spirit resides while 1 am in control ofyour body. 好神奇啊Whoa!这样那根巨大的面条就说得过去rThe big n

2、oodle makes a lot more sense now.我感到了我跟元素的连接I feel my connection to the elements.我的力量回来了My powers returned.天啊Whoa!我可以迅速出招攻祖马个措手不及Im quick enough to catch Zuma off guard,但我必须有雷电轮的速度才能击败她but its the Storm Wheels speed I will require to defeat her.我必须拿到雷电轮再把其他武器都偷回来I must take the wheel, then steal the

3、 rest of the weapons back.好极了我怎么帮你?他们群殴我Theyre all bullying me.见鬼稍等Oops! One sec.可恶拿不下来真的假的?Dang it. Come on, for real?难以置信-不敢相信我们做到了I couldnt believe it. -I cant believe we made it.祖马不掌权了你打算怎么做?What will you do now that Zumas no longer in charge?我们会选出正确的领袖Well, well find the right person to lead.一个

4、以民为本的人Someone who puts all people before themselves.我们选佩佩We want Pelpel.不管什么事他都能想到办法He has a plan for everything!我?Me?看来你能回去继续做玩具了You can go back to making toys now the fightings over.是啊Hmm. Yeah.你们要坐船去英国吗?And youre sailing to England?我们得去弄清楚阿尔菲有没有摧毁另一个轮户再把这些变成布丁Gotta see if Alfie destroyed that whe

5、el, and hopefully turn these into pudding.我的说法对吗? 完全错误Uh, am I using that term right? -Not at all.好极了我准备好去英国了Yeah. Im totally ready for England.阿尔菲总是提到浓雾下雨地面Alfie always talked about the fog, the rain, the ground.一切都仿佛就在眼前Almost like 1 could see it.你想跟我们一起去吗?Did you want to come with us?我已经做好了坚不可摧的箱

6、子存放武器愿意当然愿意I already made an indestructible trunk to transport the weapons! Yes, yes please. 棒极了这稀奇古怪的家伙也要来Oh great. The weird ones coming.接卜来就交给我们吧乳齿象大♥师♥Well take it from here, Master Mastodon.接下来只要到英国就好Now its just a straight shot to England.困难都已经过去了对不对?I feel like the hard parts be

7、hind us, right?一定是这样Count on it.Yes! How do I help?待在这里别妨碍我By staying in here, out of my way.什么?不我以为我们要联手Wha. No. I thought we*d team up.你用你的雷电力量我用我的功夫之火You with the zappy storm powers, and me with the ku ng fu fire.这是我的使命阿宝This is my mission, Po.妈呀Ovv!让我控制一条胳膊一条腿Let me control one arm and one leg.不

8、行Absolutely not.一根小拇指和眉毛?A pinky and both eyebrows?我说了不行I said no!I just.我只是觉得无法助我朋友一臂之力只能袖手旁观很奇怪Feels weird that I wont be there to help my friends.让这碗汤抚慰一下你吧Let this bowl of soup comfort you.如果你看着它For if you look into it这不是给我喝的?Was I not supposed to eat it?我只再给你舀一次Im only doing this one more time.

9、如果你看着它就能看到外面的世界For if you look into it, you shall see the outside world.神奇的汤面视角Mystical soup vision.天啊Whoa.你确定我不能用鞭子吗?Youre sure I cant use the whip?你要我跟你说几次不行?How many times? No!武器相碰引发的崩裂会摧毁这个城镇和这里所有人The clash of weapons would destroy this city and everyone in it. 好吧Ugh. Fine.拜见祖马巴澜Hail, Zuma-Balam

10、.你能先敲门吗帕克斯?Can you knock, Pax?祖马巴澜我们正在遭受攻击Zuma-Balam, we are under attack.什么?真的假的?谁?What? For real? By who?天啊真的走到这一步了伙计们Jeez. Its- Its really happening, guys.好你们都准备好去死了吗?Okay, everybody ready to die?我不知道我行不行我不像你们那么会打我只是个农夫I dont know if I can do this. Im not a fighter like you all. Tm just a farmer.

11、 伙计我是煮面的厨师Buddy, Im a noodle cook.他太谦虚了他以前做过海盗Hes being modest. He used to be a pirate.别告诉别人Sh! Keep that to yourself.你确定你能做到吗? 只要让我见到祖马Youre sure you can pull this off? -Just get me to Zuma.我要跟阿宝说话Let me speak to Po.布蕾德我的虚境太奇妙了Blade. Blade! My void is wild.我居然找到了 18年前弄丢的幸运凉鞋I found my lucky sandal

12、I lost like, 18 years ago.嘿Hey.乳齿象能做到的我见识过他的力量Mastodon can do this. Ive seen his power.不是这个而是I-Its not that Its-我觉得跟你一起作战我会自在很多I-I would feel a lot better riding into battle next to you.我依然在你身边还有我的幸运凉鞋Im still right there with you. Me and my lucky sandal.我们不能We cant lo.好了开始吧Yeah, yeah. Lets do this.

13、全员就绪?Ready?出发!Advance!我们是来讨回天上武器的祖马Were here for the Tianshang Weapons, Zuma.你若乖乖交出来就能避免战争There doesnt have to be a fight我不知道你在说什公Um, I dont know what youre talking about?你已经从这些村民身.偷够多了Youve stolen enough from these people.把武器交出来不然我们就动手抢rHand over the weapons or we will take them from you.他们在说什么?-什么

14、?What are they talking about? -Wh-What, uh.我不懂I dont get it.帕克斯交给你们了Mm, Pax? Take care of them, would ya?守护我们的城镇Defend your city.开一条通向祖马的路Carve a path to Zuma.我们必须让乳齿象大&hearts顺♥拿到雷电轮We must get Master Mastodon to that Storm Wheel.进攻Onward!毁灭雷电攻击Lightning strike of Doom!我打得好像不差啊Hey! Im not bad

15、 at this!也没有好到哪里去Well, youre not great either.等你们了解我后就知道我其实挺好相处的Im really very pleasant when you get to know me.等等你救了我们?你们不是坏人吗?Wait. You saved us? Arent you the bad guys?不是的我们只是想拿到魔力武器No. Were just trying to get the magic weapons.魔力武器?Magic weapons?什公?Huh?这个一天啊Uh- -Oh.蒂卡尔的子民们People ofTikal.无需畏惧你们的守

16、护者来了Have no fear, your Protector is here.那是祖马吗?Is that Zuma?她在飞吗?Is she flying?祖马是守护者?Zumas the Protector?没错Thats right.一直以来我就是守护者I have been your Protector all along,今天我要保护你们不受入侵者的侵犯and now I will protect you from these invaders.准备作战Ready yourselves.原来是祖马?Zuma did that?-Oh no!橡胶果然有用Huh. Rubber. It

17、really worked.永远别小瞧有满桶热巧克力的呆子的实力Never underestimate a bunch of nerds with a full pot of hot cocoa.什么?你怎么做到的?What? Wh-Wh- How did you do that?别人不许用我的轮子No one may use my wheels.我来帮你Got your back.一切都在我掌控之中I have this under control.她为什么这久做?Why is she doing this?她是个怪物Shes a monster.什公?Seriously?我为百姓做了那么多

18、事After all Ive done for you people.没有我你们什么都得不到Without me, youd have nothing!如果我得不到它谁都别想得到And ifl cant have it, nobody can.她在做什公?What is she doing?她要把金字塔砸到我们身上Shes gonna drop the pyramid on us.等等你怎公回来了?Wait, no! What are you doing here?祖马要摧毁城镇我们要阻止她Zumas gonna destroy the whole city. We gotta stop he

19、r. 用你的雷电力量啊Do your lightning stuff.计划失败了阿宝The plan failed, Po.我想我心里一直隐约知道会这样I suppose a part of me always knew this would be the end. 拿好我的面Hold my soup.欢迎回来Welcome back.你怎么知道是我?How did you know it was me?面的味道准备跳Noodle smell. Now, jump.这蝎子尾巴可真诡异Wow. Freaky scorpion tai).要拉你们一把吗?Do you, uh, need a han

20、d?我们去取雷电轮吧Lets get us a Storm Wheel.小心Look out!那玩意儿可不会一直悬在空中That things not going to stay up forever.具有该体积物体的质量的终端速度A mass that size currently from the terminal velocity.不我们必须撤退Oh no. We have to evacuate the city.立刻撤退!Now!不Oh no.不No.阿宝Oh, Po.你现在收手还来得及祖马You can still stop this, Zuma.你的口音怎么变来变去的?You k

21、now, your accent really comes and goes.我听过你保护过的那些人的故事Ive heard the stories of all the people you helped.我知道你在乎他们你是他们的守护者I know you care about them. You are the Protector!你依然可以是但不是以这种方式And you still can be, but not like this.太晚了Its too late.不!No!我们刚死了吗?Did. we just die?但我们没拿到武器But we didnt get the we

22、apons.一旦她扔下金字塔所有人都会被压扁的Everyones gonna get squashed once she drops that pyramid. 儿子?Uh, son?不Oh! Oh no!我的阿宝My Po.不Oh no!不No.是他的错他不肯放手Its his fault. He wouldnt let go.他们在做什么?Wh-What are they doing?他们没有放弃Theyre not giving up.等等什么?Wait, what?天上武器会禁锢战败的人的灵魂The Tianshang Weapons were made to trap the sou

23、ls of those they defeated,就如数百年前被我们打败的大军一样like the army we fought thousands of years ago.我们要跟那些愤怒的老头一起被关在雷电轮里了 ?Were gonna be trapped in that Storm Wheel with a bunch of angry old people forever? 阿宝Po.不是我们Not we.武器只吸收一个灵魂现在你的体内有两个The weapons only require one soul, and right now, there are two in you

24、r body.我们中只需去一个就好Only one of us has to go.你拥有雷电力量你是最可能打败祖马的人You have the storm powers. Youre our best shot.是你把这些人凝聚到了一起You brought these people together.不论是死敌、老弱病残还是看似蠢蛋的家伙Mortal enemies, weaklings, fools, perhaps,你都能看到他们的闪光点 but you see the best in them, 就如你对我一样as you have in me.我的队伍使得世界分崩离析My team

25、 broke the world,但你的队伍具有修补它的力量but now I see your team must fix it.等你们成功And when you do,等你们摧毁那些武器when you destroy those weapons,我就能安心长眠了I may finally rest.乳齿象大♥师♥Master Mastodon.不No!大熊座Ursa Major!什么?What?儿子?Son?我还活着Im alive.我好爱你们I love you guys so much,但这话得等会再说了and we absolutely have to

26、 talk about this later我们都要死了Were all gonna die!你可以飞蠢货You can fly, idiot.我太害怕了完全不敢松手Well, my hands are too scared to let go.这是最后一次有人用这些武器了这次是说真的Last time any of us use these things, for real this time.你怎么.Uh, h-how did you.雷电轮要吸收一个灵魂The Storm Wheel needed a soul,乳齿象大&hearts少币♥牺牲了自己让我来打败祖马and Master Mastodon gave his so we could have another shot. 太棒了Woohoo!我才是受害人Im the victim here!


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