Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight《功夫熊猫:神龙骑士(2022)》第二季第十二集完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight《功夫熊猫:神龙骑士(2022)》第二季第十二集完整中英文对照剧本.docx_第1页
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《Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight《功夫熊猫:神龙骑士(2022)》第二季第十二集完整中英文对照剧本.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight《功夫熊猫:神龙骑士(2022)》第二季第十二集完整中英文对照剧本.docx(19页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、拈花指Skadoosh.结束劳累的传奇之旅后神翊奇匕们坐上了前往英国的船Exhausted from a most epic journey, the Dragon Knights ferry to England 开始了摧毁传说中天上武器的任务on a mission to destroy the legendary Tianshang Weapons.向你们介绍这是我的好友布蕾德Meet Wandering Blade, my best bud,嗜血成性、复仇从未退缩的战士a bloodthirsty warrior on a mission of unflinching revenge!

2、我现在想喝的只有水Mostly just regular thirsty right now.阿克南没有什么修不好的疯狂超凡天才Akna, a brainiac super genius who can fix anything!我有办法解决风向问题了I think I have a solution to our wind problem!我爸爸野外求生主厨My dad, survivalist chef.没有食物了Theres no more food,谁要来碗热气腾腾的水煮木头?but whos ready for a piping hot bowl of boiled wood, hu

3、h?露米尼总能保持冷静的盗贼人♥师♥Rukhmini, the master thief who always keeps her cool.这些桶归我了是我找到它们的我的These barrels are mine! I found them. Me!最后一位And finally,就是武功超群、声誉响彻各国的the panda with kung fu fury, known throughout the lands simply as. 平师♥傅♥ ?Mm. Mr. Ping?等一下不对劲Wait. Thats not right.

4、不我饿到忘了自己是谁了Oh no! Im so hungry I forgot who I am.我听到了肚子可我有什么办法呢?I know, belly. But what can I do about it?对了Oh, thats right!嗯?Any who, you wanna buy a good luck charm, or what?多几个也无妨不用找了I suppose I could use one more. Keep the change.那家伙是个穷鬼That guys broke!他的信封是空的而且还印倒了And his envelopes are empty an

5、d upside-down!“福倒了”Fu dao le!喂等等我会还你们钱的我发誓Hey, wait! I was gonna pay everyone back, I swear!不必提醒我你欠我钱I dont need to be reminded that you owe me.“福倒了”Fu dao le.你的“福”字贴倒了你看Your Fu character, its upside down. Here.搞定There you go.好吧大块头如果你真想炫耀就该Oh, alright, muscles. If you really wanted to show off, youd

6、- 使劲Get in there.你不是村子里的人Uh, youre not from around here.不是我Uh, no. Im, uh.在中国陷入When Chinas in danger.我其实正要离开Im actually on my way out.进来吧真的吗?Come on inside. -For real?多谢Ah, thanks.我只是想找地方过一晚I just need a place for the night.你不是说这里客满了吗?I thought you said this place was full.我说的是我没房♥间给你I said I

7、 didnt have room for you.晚上留在这个镇上很危险Its not safe to stay in town at night.大部分村民会带着家人逃到山上Most take their families and run for the hills.能救多少东西是多少然后第二天天亮再回来Save what they can, then come back again the next day.他们害怕失去自己本就所剩无几的家当Theyre scared of losing what little they have.但对有些人But for some of us, 这里是我

8、们唯一的家园 this is all weve got to call home. 你打算什么时候退房♥ ?Hm. So, what time are you checking out?等等不要是我Wait, no, its just me!我不是说过我自己一个人能行不用你帮忙吗?Didnt I say I could handle this myself? I dont need your help!而且你穿的是什公?And just what are you wearing?听着Look.我知道你嫉妒I can tell youre jealous.但真的没必要But you

9、 really dont have to be.看到这个了吗?这是正宗钟雄狮铠甲See this? Authentic replica Master Zhong Kui lion armor.你可以穿它我甚至有跟它搭配的尾巴Which youre welcome to wear. I even have a matching tail!我建议你现在就开始穿Though Id advise you put it on now.因为根据个人柔软度不同穿它要耗时15分钟到40分钟不等The process takes between 15 and 40 minutes depending on pe

10、rsonal flexibility. 你能不能走开?-天明Cant you just stay away? -Ow.等等你还没看到精彩部分呢Wait, but you havent even seen the piece de resistance!我有好运符、陷阱、鞭炮以及任何能击退年兽的工具I got charms, traps, firecrackers, whatever luck we need to defeat Nian.而且我不会再说“传奇”这两个字我发誓Plus, Ill never say epic again. Swear.找个掩护物别当我的路Just hide beh

11、ind something and keep out of my way.如果年兽听到你拖着浑身的玩具叮铃唯啷作响If Nian hears you clanking around with all your. toys,我们就会暴露地点的well give away our position.隐秘是我们的优势Our strength is our stealth.你那么觉得?我倒不觉得You think? Im not so sure.我消灭北魏的怪物时I mean, when I vanquished the monster of Northern Wei,就是用的“恐艺”it was t

12、hrough the art of intimidashe,“恐吓艺术”的简称short for intimidation!但年兽无所畏惧Except Nian has no fears.伟大的猎人跟我说说你要怎么吓跑无所畏惧的怪物?So tell me, great hunter, how do you scare off a monster like that?每个生物都有害怕的东西我们只是还没找到它的而已Everyones afraid of something. We just havent figured it out yet.真够自以为是的Thats presumptuous of

13、 you.这是真的你害怕什么?Its true. What are you afraid of?你害怕什么?我在问你害怕.W-What are you afraid of? I said, what are you af-我害怕穿着廉价衣服拖拉着一袋破物什的Im afraid of arrogant overconfidence from some phony wanderer in a cheap costume 高傲自大的假独行侠peddling a knapsack of broken trinkets.这害怕的东西可真具体Thats a very specific fear.快跑Run

14、!你在干吗?快跑What are you doing? Run!也许我们能分散它的注意力拖延它的速度Maybe we can distract him. Slow him down!我们没时间了We dont have time.我们得把它引到小镇广场去We need to draw him to the village square, away from the shops. 快来Come on!我的推车My cart!不不要毁掉我的馒头No! Not the dumplings.不No!救命啊Help!我被埋在馒头F面了The dumplings fell on me!救命啊Help!快把

15、馒头搬开Move the dumplings!但别浪费它们But dont let them go to waste!这个Uh.嘿外面什么情况?Hey, whats going on out there?救命啊Oh, help!快把馒头拿开Get these dumplings off of me!多谢Thank you. Thank you!这也记在你账上Thats going on your tab.什么?Huh?我们得从这里出去We have to get out of here.想快点靶子Think fast! Bullseye!天啊Whoa!你无处可逃了熊猫Nowhere to ru

16、n, panda!我才不怕你Im not afraid of you!那就害怕起来你以为你能掌控你的福气吗?Well, you should be. You think you control your luck?不No.我之所以每年都来就是要提醒你你的福气I come here every year merely to remind you that your luck. 完全Is in.由我掌控My hands!什么?Hm?又是一个美好的夜晚明天见Another wonderful evening. See you tomorrow.不我差点就干掉它了Oh no! I had him!我都

17、找到破绽了I had an opening,但你的小玩意儿把它吓跑了and your little charms and trinkets just chased him off!喂你怎么能这么说?Hey, come on. Thats not fair.农田The fields!天啊-把这身盘衣服脱了Whoa! -Just take off that ridiculous outfit.快来Come quick!庄稼!庄稼着火了The crops! Theyre on fire!我们赌上性命信任着你We trusted you with our lives.我们供你吃穿给你住处We fed

18、you, clothed you, housed you.什么?不我是在守卫小镇啊Wh-what? No, no, I was defending the town.对啊这不是她的错Shes right, its not totally her fault.你又是谁?Who even are you?我?这个嘛Me? Well.在中国陷入邪恶野兽袭击的危险之际When Chinas in danger from beasts most foul,野兽们将遭遇theyll soon face the stranger-打住Whoa! Stop, stop, stop.我们永远也无法弥补损失的庄稼

19、Well never recover the harvest weve lost永远也不可能了你让我们更加倒霉I didnt think it was possible, but you made our luck even worse! 离开Get out!你们给我离开小镇Get out, you.你说“你们”是也包括我吗?Uh, when you say both of us, do you mean me too?对好吧也是Yes. Yeah. Yep. Makes sense.喂等等Hey, wait up!喂Hey, hey.真的很抱歉Im sorry about that.妈呀Wh

20、oa!我能跟你同行吗?Can I. come with you?跟我同行?去哪?我连个能回去的家都没有Come with me? Where? I dont even have a home to go back to.你为什么留在那里?Why did you stay?那地方根本就不像个家啊I mean, that place didnt seem like much of a home.那里的人都超刻薄的The vibes were very harsh.我以前不是这样的I used to be different.我小时候安静又害羞还很容易受惊吓I was shy, quiet, and

21、 easily scared.但我哥哥小镇的前猎人与我截然相反On the other hand, my brother, who was the towns original hunter, 他爽朗、充满活力又勇敢无畏was loud, boisterous, and brave.他是我的偶像He was also my idol.有一天One day,年兽袭击了小镇Nian attacked the town.我独自被困在了外面害怕得瑟瑟发抖I was caught outside, alone and scared.但我知道只要我回到家就安全了But I knew if I could

22、just get home, Id be safe.我一直等待着机会I waited for my chance.等年兽转头我就跑了起来When Nians attention was turned, I made a run for it.就在眼看能脱离危险的时候我被绊倒了I was almost in the clear, but I tripped,因为这一下年兽盯上了我and just like that, Nian was looming over me!就在我以为我就要死的时候I thought I was done for, but-我才是你的对手丑陋的怪物Over here,

23、you ugly monster!你想要更多?来拿啊You want more? Come and get it!快跑我马上就过去Go! Ill catch up.记住Remember,要无所畏惧no fear!他引开了年兽He led Nian away.让我有机会逃跑giving me the chance to escape.尽管他说会立刻追上我And though he said herd be right behind me.但他再也没有回来过He never came home again.我救不了我的哥哥所以就想救这个小镇I couldnt save my brother, so

24、 I tried to save the town.这里是他唯一留给我的东西That place was all I had left of him.但现在我连这里都失去了And now, Ive failed them too.对不起Im sorry.我不知道I didnt know.我希望你能找到你一直在找的福气I hope you find the luck youve been searching for.好让我看看福气接下来指引我去哪Alright. Lets see where my luck leads me next.你们怎么在外面?What are you doing her

25、e?早知道会这样-减少损失We called it -Cut our losses.那里曾是个美好的小镇但现在再待在那里已经没意义了Used to be such a nice town, but theres no point in staying now.过来跟我们一起坐吧Come. Take a seat. Join us.我确实需要歇一歇多谢I sure could use a rest. Thanks.总的来说今早还是很不错的You know, all things considered, its actually a nice morning.是啊话说我能要点麻绳吗?Yeah. H

26、ey, can I have some of that twine?一般来说这是要付费的但这次就算了Normally, Id charge you, but. Ill let it slide.你变心软了呢Ha! Youre getting soft!心软?怎么说话的?Soft? How dare you?什么声音?你们听到了吗?会是年兽来了吗?What was that? Did anyone hear that? Could Nian be out there?不是但我认得这个叫声No, Id have recognized that growl anywhere.天啊我以为年兽把东西全部

27、摧毁rWhoa! I thought Nian destroyed everything.差不多是吧但我们把东西都拼凑到了一起Well, almost everything. But we all pitched in together.我在储物间里有一些剩下的面粉I had some extra rice flour in one of my storerooms.我用叶子做了碗And I made bowls out of some leaves.再加点糖就做出了我们最后的口粮Add a little sugar, and I found a way to make what we hav

28、e left last!这也太好吃了这菜叫什么?This is so good! Whats it called?年糕Nian gao.“年”?你用那怪物的名字命名菜?Nian? You named it after the monster?我总得开♥发♥商机啊Hey, I have to find some way to capitalize on this.好吧我能懂Eh, okay. I get that.我以前都把这皮纸贴在客栈外面I used to put these lanterns around the inn,这样远道而来的行客就能看到它so tra

29、velers from miles away could see it.然后进来让我宰Suckers.但我想我再也用不到它了I guess I wont be needing them anymore.看来我们得去别处谋生了Guess well have to make our luck elsewhere.我得找个正儿八经的工作不能再做鞭炮了Im gonna have to get a real job now. No more making firecrackers for me.“由我掌控”My hands!什么?Hm?鞭炮Firecrackers.鞭炮Firecrackers!年兽被我

30、的好运符和鞭炮转移了注意力Nian was distracted by my good luck charms and firecrackers. 然后呢?Yes. And?它本可以烧了我但它好像受到了惊吓He could have toasted me, but I think he was kinda scared.如果我们还有一线机会能赶跑年兽呢?What if we had one more shot to stop Nian from coming back? 拯救你们的家园To save your home.我有个办法I have an idea, but we dont have

31、 much time但我们时间不多而且需要所有人协助and I need everyone onboard to pull it off.都打包好-快点Pack it all up! -Come on.我们得赶紧去山上We gotta get to the mountains before nightfall不各位都停下Hey, no, stop! Everyone!各位我有个计划Everyone, I have a plan.听我说你们能不能Uh, excuse me, could I- Whoa!各位我有个计划Everyone, I have a plan.各位Anyone?各位停下我有个

32、计划Hey, no, stop, everyone. I have a plan.都听我说Over here. Trying to get something through to you.各位?Anyone?都给我听好Listen up!各位我有个计划Everyone, I have a plan.“福倒了”Huh?不!No, no, no!那是什么?What was that?什么什么?Huh? What was that?你一直都藏着那个馒头吗?-不你不懂Have you been hoarding dumplings? -No, no, no, you dont understand.

33、那是我的救急馒头-馒头?That was my emergency dumpling. -Dumplings?真的假的?Are you serious?那个.Uh.饿肚子死不了Starvation isnt going to kill you,是我会让你死because I am!快看Look!是啊快看看什么?Uh, yeah! Look! What are we looking at?月亮真漂亮Oh, the moon. Nice.为什么要盯着月亮看?Why are we staring at the moon?因为它象征着今晚是新年的第一天Because the moon means to

34、night is the first day of the Lunar New Year!所谓的春节The Spring Festival!春节?-就是新一年的第一天Spring Festival? -Its the beginning of a new lunar year!中国新年The Chinese New Year!我们在这一天庆祝新年新气象的到来祈祷新年里的生活、家庭和运势顺利A celebration of life, family, and luck in the coming year.过年Guo nian.我们会祈求新年运势昌盛When we make wishes for

35、 the fortunes of the year ahead.Fu dao le.知道这是什么意思吗?You know what that means?福气颠倒了Your lucks upside down.好吧对没错Okay, okay. Yes, thats right.一直以来我也感受到了晦气一直伴着我Ive felt that way for a long time. Unlucky.这可能让人意外因为我知道你们认为我是个伟大的怪物猎人Which might be a surprise, cause I know you all think of me as this great m

36、onster hunter. 并没有No we dont.这里从没人那么认为过No one here has ever thought that.好吧扎心了Okay, little harsh.其实是我撒谎了The point is, 1 lied.我从没战胜过一个怪物Ive never even successfully fought one.这F说通了Well, that makes a lot more sense.我之所以制♥作♥这些红包I made these envelopes thinking是想有朝一日能带着巨大的财富回乡与乡民共享Id come b

37、ack home rich enough to share my fortunes one day, 但我的村庄消失了but my village is gone.就在我为了成为英雄而离乡后一条邪恶的大蛇摧毁了它Destroyed by a big nasty serpent while I was out trying to be a hero.我多希望我从未离开过家乡Now I just wish Id stayed.就像你们这位真正的猎人这么久以来她始终都在保护这里Like your real hunter. Shes been fighting to protect this town

38、 for so long.“福倒了 ”还有另一层含义Fu dao lehas another meaning.就是“福到了 但你们必须要让福气进来Luck has arrived. But you have to welcome that luck in.通过你们的善良、慷慨和团结Through kindness, generosity, and community.我知道因为我看到过它带来的福气I know, because Ive seen the luck it can bring firsthand.从免费给我食物的人那里From those who opened up their k

39、itchen to me for free.“免费”?Free?免费为我提供住所的人那里To those who welcomed me into their home for free.到与我分享欢乐的人那里当然也是免费的And those who just wanted to spread a little joy, also for free.其实我是想把它当作一门生意的但Oh, well, I mean, I was trying to run it as a business, but, you know. 这里不仅是一座村庄更是一个家园This is more than just

40、a village. It*s a home.如果你们能有幸拥有家园那就不该离开And ifyoure lucky enough to find a home, you dont walk away.而应该为之而战You fight to keep it.年兽让你们分崩离析但若我们团结一致Nian pulled you all apart, but together-就能逆转霉运We can turn our luck around.你听到全部的演讲了吗?还是只是刚到?Did you hear my whole speech, or just walk in now?我可以再来一遍如果你想我都

41、听到了I can start over if you want, or- -Oh, I heard it伟大的猎人那我们的计划是什么?So, great hunter, whats the plan?我们认为年兽没有畏惧的东西在数年前就放弃了希望Oh, we lost hope years ago, believing that Nian had no fears.但我们发现了可能改变这点的东西But weve come across some things that might change that.天啊那些比你平常做的大好多啊Wow! Those are way bigger than

42、the ones you normally make!那都不算什么Ha! These arent anything.你就等着瞧吧Just wait and see.准备Ready!大家尽管拿Well, take as much as you need!空着肚子可战胜不了年兽哦Cant fight Nian on an empty stomach!这是我想的那个吗?Is that what I think it is- Ow!不许偷看No peeking.好一切准备就绪Okay, everythings in place.我们已经做好了充足准备Were as ready as we can be

43、.如果你是对的这能奏效的话.If youre right, and this works.绝对能奏效的Its gonna work.别忘了我们还有备用计划And remember, we have the backup plan.障眼法之腥红面具The Crimson Mask of Deception!好吧Right.为什么要叫这个名字来着?它都不是红的Why is it called that again? Its not even red.怎么回事?你们为我打扫干净了 ?Whats this? You cleaned up for me?放心交给我好了Well, Ill take car

44、e of that.年兽被我头盥上的红色闪睹了眼睛Nian was blinded when he saw the red in my helmet, 所以我们要让它只看到红色so lets make sure thats all he sees.我的眼睛My eyes!它看到我的鞭炮后踉跄了一下And he totally flipped when he saw my firecrackers, 所以我们要在小镇放满鞭炮让他无处可藏 so lets load em up so he has nowhere to hide. 什么?Wha它跑错方向了He turned the wrong wa

45、y!别担心我来引它到小镇广场Dont worry! Ill lead him back to the town square.什么?Huh?好极了Yes!怎么回事?你们在做什么?What is this? What are you doing?我们已经不怕你了因为我们找到了你最害怕的东西Were not scared of you anymore, because we figured out your biggest fear of all. 我们已经学会了如何逆转霉运A village who knows how to turn their luck around.接下来你的福气.And

46、now it looks like your luck.要消失殆尽了Has run out!我说你的福气要消失殆尽了I said, it looks like your lucks run out!等一下Uh, j-just a minute.是吗?Or has it?快启动备用计划Quick! Backup plan!天啊Whoa!天啊我刚才差点就被绊倒那样就糟糕了Oh man. I almost tripped on a rock back there. That would have been bad.看到了吗?他们知道自己失败了See that? They know theyve lost.人一-对上恐惧立刻就会原形毕露You can always rely on fear to show you who people really are.看来你又孤身一人了Looks like youre alone, yet again.不她没有No shes not.快走Come on!你没听到吗?我们已经不怕你了Didnt you hear? Were not afraid of you anymore!你们就这点能耐吗?Is that all you have?什么?Huh?什么?Huh?你是谁?Who are y


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