七年级英语上册教案-Unit 4 Where's my schoolbag.docx

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1、Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag ?单元导学案话题Wheres my schoolbag?我的廿包在哪?11 .room (n.)房间12 .their (pron.)他(她、它)们的13 .hat (n.)帽子l.where (adv.)在哪里2 .table (n.)桌子.bed (n.)床3 .sofa (n.)沙发5.chair (n.)椅子6.on (prep.) 在上.under (prep.) 在下7 .come (v.)来.desk (n.)书桌8 .think (v.)认为.head (n.)头14 .know (v.)知道;了解.radio (n.)收音

2、机15 .clock (n.)时钟.tape (n.)磁带16 .player (n.)播放机.model (n.)模型17 .plane (n.)飞机.tidy (adj.)整洁的18 .but (conj.)但是.our (pron.)我们的25 .everywhere (adv.)至U处.always (adv.)总是重 要 短 语1 .under the table在桌子下面2.1 n the chair在椅子上2.2 n the sofa在沙发上2.3 n your school bag在你的书包里e on快点儿6.under the chair在椅子下面7.in his schoo

3、lbag在他的书包里8 .their keys他们的钥匙9 . tape player 录音机.model plane 飞机模型10 .under the radio在收音机下面.English book英语书11 .be tidy干净的.be everywhere 到处都是12 .the white model plane白色的飞机模型16.in the bookcase 在书柜里17.in our room在我们的房间里1 . Where are my books?我的书在哪里?2 .They/re on the sofa .它们在沙发上。2.1 think 3in your grandp

4、arents room.我认为它在你祖父母的房间里。4.1 dont know.我不知道。5.The English books are under the radio.英语书在收音机下面。6.1 have a clock.我有一个钟表。7.Ginas books are everywhere.吉娜的书到处都是。单元语法单元l.Where 的特殊疑问句: Wheres my schoolbag?2.地点介词:in, under, on的用法。重点:Where的特殊疑问句。重难点 难点:地点介词:on, in, under的用法第一课时 Section A(la2d)2.table (n.)桌子

5、4.sofa (n.)沙发6.on (prep.) 在上9.desk (n.)书桌11.room (n.)房间它)们的14.head (n.)头自主预习案学生自学新单词(教材P19-20),比一比,看谁记得又快 又准。(见多媒体) 一、四会单词1.where (adv.)在哪里3 .bed (n.)床.chair (n.) 椅子7 .under(prep.) 在 下.come (v.)来 lO.think (v.)认为 12.their (pron.)他(她、 13.hat (n.)帽子 二、重点短语 l.under the table 在桌子下面 2.on the chair 在椅子上 3.

6、on the sofa在沙发上4.in your school bag在你的书包里e on快点儿随堂导学案Step 1情景导入Teacher: Hello, everyone! We often cant find our things, like keys, pens, clothes, even homework. How do you do then? Yes, you must look for them here and there right away. If you cant find them by yourself. How do you do? Yes, you can a

7、sk others for help. Then do you know how to ask and answer the location of some things? In this class, we will learn about it.环节说明:开门见山导出语言目标,学生能够立刻进入课 堂状态,明确本节课的学习任务。Step 2完成教材la-lc的任务.认真观察la图片,将所给词语与图中的物品进行匹配, 并大声朗读单词。(2分钟)(见多媒体)1 .认真听录音,并按你听到的顺序给图中的物品编号,核 对答案并朗读对话。(3分钟).依照la图片中的对话,用1c所给的表示方位的介词。n

8、, in, under编写对话,并在小组内结对练习。(3分钟)参考案例A: Where is the school bag?B: Its under the table.Step 3完成教材2a2d的任务.认真观察2a图片,说出它们的英语单词。听录音,按 听到的顺序给这些物品编号。(2分钟)(见多媒体)1 .认真观察2b图片中的各个物品的位置,再听一遍录音, 把2a中的物品编上序号。(3分钟).根据2b图片中的物品位置,仿照2c结对练习对话,并 在小组内展示一下。(3分钟)参考案例A: Are the keys on the sofa?B:No, they arent. Theyre on t

9、he table.2 .大声朗读2d的对话,分角色表演,然后请学生展示对 话。(3分钟)环节说明:通过听,说,读,写练习让学生理解并掌握 方位介词的含义及用法,学生在练习中学会了介绍物品的 位置。Step 4小结训练(4分钟)(见多媒体) 用恰当的介词填空。1 . Look! Your book is on the desk.2 .Is it under the bed?Yes, its under the bed.3 .一Wheres Tom?一Hes at school.4 . Look! There is a cat in the picture.5 .Wherere the books

10、?Theyre in the bookcase.Oh, yes. Theyre in it.Step 5布置作业自主预习案学生自学新单词(教材P21),比一比,看谁记得又快又 准。(见多媒体)一、四会单词know (v.)知道;了解二、重点短语l.under the chair在椅子下面2.in his schoolbag在他的书包里3.their keys他们的钥匙随堂导学案St叩1情景导入(Ask and answer about the things in the classroom).Teacher: Hello, boys and girls, look at our classro

11、om. There are many things in it. Can you tell me where they are? Questions:B: I dont know.A: Are they in the bag?B: No, they arent.A: Are they in the pencil box?B: Yes, they are.Step 3完成教材3c的任务L让学生仔细观察课本相P19的图片,找出两幅图片的不 同之处。(2分钟)2.学生就两幅图片结对问答,要求一些小组展示对话。(4 分钟)参考案例A:Where is the schoolbag? Is it unde

12、r the table?B:No, it isnt. Its on the table.Step 4环节说明通过编对话以及练习对话让学生掌握本课的语言目标,即第二课时 Section A (3a3c)Teacher: Where is your English book / pen / ruler* ?Students: Its in/on/under theTeacher: Where are the desks/chairs-?Students: They are in/on/under the-Teacher: Is the book / Are books on the desk?St

13、udents: Yes, it is/they are.No, it isnt/they arent.环节说明:通过课前的一个师生互动问答,复习上一节课 的知识,在问答中引入新课的话题。Step 2完成教材3a-3b的任务L看图补全对话,快速背诵3a的对话,然后小组内结对 练习。(2分钟)2.就3b图中的物品编写对话,并结对练习。(4分钟)参考案例A: Where are the pencils?用where和一般疑问句询问物品的位置。小结训练(2分钟)(见我媒体)选择方框中的单词并用其适当形式填空。where, be, they, under, watch, onhave two watch

14、es.2 .Where are the balls?一Theyre on the sofa.3 .Some girls are under the tree(M).4. Where is your teacher?Shes in the room.5. Is your English book on the desk?6. Their pencils are in the bag.Step 5布置作业2.clock (n.)时钟4.player (n.)播放机6.plane (n.)飞机自主预习案学生自学新单词(教材P22),比一比,看谁记得又快又 准。(见多媒体)一、四会单词1 .radio

15、 (n.)收音机3.tape (n.)磁带5.model (n.)模型.认真听录音,圈出房间里汤姆想要的东西。再听一遍录 音核对答案。完成1c。(3分钟)1 .再听一遍录音,记下汤姆的东西的位置,请两位学生在 黑板上书写句子,比一比看谁写得准确又全面。完成Id。(5分钟)参考案例The English books are under the radio.第三课时Section B (lale)二、重点短语.tape player 录音机1 .model plane飞机模型.under the radio在收音机下面2 .English book 英语书 随堂导学案 Step 1情景导入Teac

16、her: Nice to meet you, boys and girls! In Section A, we have learnt how to ask and identify things position. In this lesson, well continue to talk about it. Now please turn to Page 22 and look at this picture in la carefully and tell me whats in the picture and where are they now.Questions:Teacher:W

17、hat is in the picture? Where is it/are they?Students: .环节说明:承上启下,在总结Section A的学习内容后给 学生下达要完成的任务,让学生迅速进入课堂状态。Step 2完成教材la-lb的任务.仔细观察la中的图片,将方框中的单词与图中物品匹 配并熟读这些单词。(2分钟)1 .仔细观察la的图片3分钟,然后合上书,写下你记住 的所有物品及其相对位置。(4分钟).小组结对练习:学生A提问物品的位置,学生B回答。 (学生B不能打开书)(4分钟)参考案例A: Where is the radio?B: Its on the desk.A:

18、Where are the tapes?B: They are in the bookcase.Step 3完成教材lcle的任务.根据汤姆房间里的物品的位置进行问答,完成le。(3分 钟)参考案例A: Where are the English books?B: Theyre under the radio.环节说明:该环节中学生通过看图搭配词汇,加强了对新 单词的记忆,并在结对练习中运用新词汇,同时继续操练 询问物品位置的句型。Step 4小结训练(4分钟)(见多媒体)根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。1 .她的书包在桌子下面。Her bag is under the table.2 .我的

19、帽子在哪儿?Wheres my hat?3 .他的笔记本在床上。His notebook is on the bed.4 .一我的钥匙在哪儿?一在沙发上。一Wherere my keys?一Theyre on the sofa.5 .一她的书在椅子上吗?一是的,它们在。一Are her books on the chair ?一Yes, they are.Step 5布置作业2.but (conj.)但是4.everywhere (adv.)到处自主预习案学生自学新单词(教材P23-24),比一比,看谁记得又快 又准。(见多媒体)一、四会单词l.tidy (adj.)整洁的3.our (pro

20、n.)我们的5.always (adv.) 总是 二、重点短语Its under the desk.4.再读一遍短文,根据凯特和吉娜拥有的物品及其位置完 成2c的表格。(3分钟)Step 3完成教材3a.3b的任务L阅读3a的表格,填写表格,小组内互相交流。(3分钟) 2.学生写出自己房间里的物品,尝试在句中使用and,并 让学生大声读出自己的句子。(4分钟) 参考案例第四课时Section B (2a3b)1 .be tidy干净的2 .be everywhere 到|处3 .the white model plane白色的飞机模型4.in the bookcase 在书柜里5.in our

21、 room在我们的房间里 随堂导学案Step 1情景导入Teacher: Hello, everyone! Do you want to know about my bedroom? Let me tell you something about it! My family photo is on the wall. My clock is on the desk. My tape player is on the desk, too. What about your bedrooms? Can you tell us some?Students: (Say something about t

22、heir bedrooms) 参考案例Here is my room. My TV is on the desk. My watch is on the bed. My ball is under the chair.环节说明:通过It景导入,激发学生用英语表达的欲望, 对提高学生的口语表达能力起到较好的效果。Step 2完成教材2a-2c的任务L学生仔细看2a的图,写出图中物品的名称,比一比, 看谁写得又多又快。(3分钟)2 .阅读2b的短文并回答问题:Is Kate tidy? Is Gina tidy?然 后大声朗读短文。(5分钟)3 .根据短文内容回答以下问题。(3分钟)1 .Are

23、Kate and Gina sisters?Yes, they are.2 .Where are Kates tapes?Theyre in the schoolbag.3 .Where is the white model plane?1. My dictionary and my radio are on the desk.2. My pencil box is in my schoolbag and my schoolbag is under the desk.Step 4于不节说明通过阅读训练提高学生运用知识的能力,学生在完成任务 的过程中将重难点知识强化。小结训练(4分钟)(见多媒体

24、)选择方框中的单词补全对话。yes, on, your, where, not, know, here, they, areA:Mum, is my backpack?B:l dont 2 .Is it under the chair?A:No, it isnt.B: Is it 3 the sofa?A:Oh, yes. 4 it is. But(但是)where 5 my books?They are 6 in the backpack.B: Are_7_ in the bookcase?A: No, theyre not.They are on the dresser.B: Are_8_ keys on the dresser, too?A: 9 , they are.1. where2. know3.on4. Here5 .are6.not7 .they8 .your9 .YesStep 5布置作业第五课时语法焦点与同步作文指导(见多媒体)


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