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《2021年上海市杨浦区初三中考二模英语试卷(解析版).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021年上海市杨浦区初三中考二模英语试卷(解析版).docx(20页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、杨浦区2020.2021学年度第二学期初三年级学业质量调研英语学科试卷2021年4月(总分值150分,考试时间:100分钟)考生注意:本卷有7大题。试题均采用连续编号,所有答案务必按照规定在答题纸上完成, 做在试卷上不给分。Part 1 Listening (第一局部 听力)L Listening comprehension (听力理解) (共 30 分)A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)(5分)1. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)【此处

2、可播放相关音频,请去附 件查看】1. 2. 3. 4. 5.【答案】(1).G(2). A (3).E(4).C(5).D【解析】【原文】略B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对 话和问题,选出最恰当的答案)(5分)2 .【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】A. Hot soup.A. Hot soup.B. Cola.C. Hot coffee.D. Juice.【答案】C【解析】【原文】略.【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】【答案】serve【解析】【详解

3、】句意:这家餐馆的经理训练女服务员正确地服务于餐桌。train sb. to do sth.训练某人做某事;service 服务,名词,其动词形式为serve;动词不定式to后用动词原形。故填serve。47. Their advice is listened to, but in fact, very little notice is taken of it.(polite)【答案】politely【解析】【详解】句意:他们的建议被礼貌地听了,但事实上,很少有人注意到这一点。此处用于句中修饰动词, 用其副词形式,故填politely。V. Rewrite the following sent

4、ences as required.(根据所给要求完成句子,每空格限填一词。)(共 14分)1 have never thought of staying in a floating hotel.(改为一般疑问句)you thought ofstaying in a floating hotel?【答案】.Have(2). ever【解析】【详解】句意:我从未想过住在一个漂浮的旅馆里。原句有助动词have, 一般疑问句将have提到句首并大 写首字母,never改为ever。故填Have; evero1 kept in touch with my new friends by chatting

5、 on my computer.(对划线局部提问)you keep in touch with your new friends?【答案】.How(2). did【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:我通过在电脑上聊天与新朋友保持联系。画线局部为uby chatting on my computern ,对方 式进行提问应用特殊疑问词how,位于句首首字母应大写;且原句为一般过去时,故此处应用助动词do的 过去式did。故填How; didoHe went to Auckland and visited his cousins.(保持句意基本不变)He went to Auckland and pai

6、d ahis cousins.【答案】 (1). visit (2). to【解析】【详解】句意:他去了奥克兰,拜访了他的堂兄弟姐妹。根据上下句比照可知,此处缺少“拜访”的表达, 结合本句的paid a.可知,此处应填短语pay a visit to.,表示“拜访某人”的意思,所以第一空应填visit,第二空应填too故填visit; too50. In the past, we didnt see as many bridges as we do today.(保持句意基本不变)In the past, we saw bridges we do today.【答案】(1). fewer (2

7、). than【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:过去,我们没有看到像今天这样多的桥梁。题目要求改为同义句,即句意为“过去,我们 看到的桥比今天少”的句子,由此可得英文句子uIn the past, we saw fewer bridges than we do today?。故填 fewer; thanoThe firemen put out the fire before it got serious.(改为被动语态)The fire out before it got serious.【答案】(1). was (2). put【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:消防队员在火势严重之前把火扑灭了。原句

8、为一般过去时,故改为被动语态应用was/were +过去分词”结构,主语为fire,故be动词应用was,故填was; put。51. Did you do any shopping after lunch, Susan?” asked Pansy.(改为间接引语)Pansy asked Susan she done any shopping after lunch.【答案】.whether#if(2). had【解析】【详解】句意:“苏珊,午饭后你买东西了吗? ”潘西问。直接引语为一般疑问句,变成间接引语时由连 词whether或if引导,所以第一空应填whether或if;此句直接引语时态

9、为一般过去时,变成间接引语时时 态应为过去完成时,其构成为“had done,所以第二空应填助动词had。故填whether/if; had。52. where, you, get storybooks, can, to, tell me(连词成句)?【答案】Can you tell me where to get storybooks【解析】【详解】根据标点可知,句子是疑问句,结合所给词汇可知,应该是情态动词开头的疑问句,Can you tell me你能告诉我 吗”,where是疑问词,where to get storybooks属于“疑问词+不定式”的结构,故填Can you tell

10、 me where to get storybooks“你能告诉我在哪里可以买到故事书吗”。Part 3 Reading and Writing(第三局部读写)VL Reading Comprehension (阅读理解)(共 50 分)A. Choose the best answer.A. Choose the best answer.(根据以下内容,选择最恰当的答案。)(12分)A Fun Plant Experiment to Try at Home!Without water, plants would die. Do you know how water gets from the

11、 roots of a plant to the rest of the plant? The water travels through tiny tubes that form pathways to all parts of the plant. This is similar to how blood flows in our bodies. And here is an experiment to prove it.Materialsa celery stick a sharp knifea glass of water some red food colour2Put a few

12、drops of the red food colour in the glass of water.1) Cut the bottom of the celery stick and place the celery in the water.2) Leave the celery stick in the glass of water for several hours.3) Remove the celery stick and cut it into pieces horizontally, that is, across the stem (茎).ObservationRed foo

13、d colour is present in all cross sections from the bottom of the celery stick right up to the leaves.ExplanationThe water, along with the red food colour, has been transported up the celery stick through the tiny tubes in it. The experiment, therefore, proves that tiny tubes in plants enable water t

14、o reach all parts of the plant. The red food colour shows where the water has travelled to in the celery stick.55. The type of the text is.D. an instructionD. TipsA. a reviewB. an advertisementC. a menuWhat best fits the blank?A. FormB. ScheduleC. St叩sWhat do you observe when the celery stick is cut

15、 into cross sections?A. The inside of the celery stick is empty.B. The water in the glass has disappeared.C. The celery stick has become bigger.D. All the cross sections have become red.56. Blood in the bodies is compared to in the plant.A. waterB. the leavesC. the stemD. the rootIn the experiment,

16、why is red food colour added to the water?A. It makes the celery stick look nicer.B. The waters path in a plant can be seen.C. The plant needs food colour to survive.D. It helps the plant to transport the water.57. The experiment aims to show.A. how to colour a stick of celeryB. that plants would di

17、e without waterC. how water travels through a plant D. that science experiments are fun to do 【答案】55 D 56. C 57. D58. A 59. B 60. C【解析】【分析】文章通过一个实验证明水是如何在植物内部传输的。【55题详解】推理判断题。根据整个文章的理解可知,本文主要是教大家在家做植物水分输送的实验,还包括了所需的 材料、步骤等,因此这是一篇说明性的文章,应选D。【56题详解】最正确标题题。根据1) Put a few drops of the red food colour in

18、 the glass of water.4) Remove the celery stick and cut it into pieces horizontally, that is, across the stem (茎)可知,这里是介绍实验的具体步骤,应选 C。【57题详解】细节理解题。根据“Red food colour is present in all cross sections from the bottom of the celery stick right up to the leaves.”可知,从芹菜杆的底部一直到叶子的所有横截面都是红色的。应选D。58题详解】名田节理解

19、题。根据“The water travels through tiny tubes that form pathways to all parts of the plant. This is similar to how blood flows in our bodies”可知,水通过微小的管道从通道流到植物的各个局部,这与人体的血液流动 方式相似,所以blood相当于植物中的water,应选A。【59题详解】细节理解题。根据“The red food colour shows where the water has travelled to in the celery stick.可知,红色

20、的 食物颜色显示水在芹菜中的流向,应选B。【60题详解】推理判断题。根据“Do you know how water gets from the roots of a plant to the rest of the plant?以及And hereis an experiment to prove it.”可知,这个实验的目的就是要弄清楚水是如何通过植物的,应选CoB. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择:B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the

21、passage(选择:恰当的单词或短语,完成短文。)(12分)My name is Evelyn Garrido, and Im from the Philippines. Next month Im going to go abroad. Tve never been to another country before. Tm going to go to the U.S. as an exchange student. Tm going to live with a host family in a small town in Minnesota, in the north of the

22、U.S.I started planning and preparing for my trip last year. There was a lot to do! I did some 61 student exchange programs, and then I applied. I also applied for a passport and got a student visa. After that, I attended courses at the weekends about rules, how to survive, etc. My older sister Lucia

23、 studied abroad two years ago, so she helped me plan my trip and showed me how to 62 my flight online.I feel excited, and a little scared. Sometimes I say, “Lucia, Ill probably be 63 She says, Youre not alone. WeUl have video chats with you every day. And youll definitely meet new friends soon.”My h

24、ost family the Jenses sent me an email with information about the 64 in Minnesota. Winters are cold! I emailed them and said I dont have any warm clothes!” They told me, Well give you some of our warm clothesI bought a good guidebook online. The information about cultural differences is really helpf

25、ul. People will probably be very 65 me because Im from a different country. Theyll probably ask me, “Do you eat hamburgers in the Philippines? (Yes.) Is it cold in the Philippines? (Never.) ril try to answer cheerfully!As an exchange student, Til learn a lot about Americans and their culture. Lucia

26、says Ill also learn about myself. And since I will be away from home fbr a long time, Ill definitely learn to be more 66. I hope so and Imreally looking forward to my trip!61. A. training forB. research intoC. projects onD. surveys about62. A. bookB. catchC. delayD. board63. A. busyB. sickC. lonelyD

27、. disappointed64. A. weatherB. dietC. clothesD. sightseeing65. A. afraid ofB. thankful toC. angry withD. interested in66. A. patientB. creativeC. independentD. confident【答案】61. B 62. A63. C 64. A65. D 66. C【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,作者以第一人称口吻介绍了自己的一段出国交换经历。【61题详解】句意:我对学生交换工程做了一些研究。training for 为训练;research in

28、to 研究;projects on 关于的工程;surveys about 关于的调查。根据上文“I started planning and preparing for my trip last year”可知,作者对学生交换工程做了一些研究之后, 才去申请了该工程。应选B。【62题详解】句意:所以她帮我计划行程,教我如何在网上预订航班。book预订;catch抓住;delay延迟;board登上。根据下文“my flight online”可知,此处指的是在网上预订 航班。应选A。63题详解】句意:露西亚,我可能会感到孤独。busy 忙碌的;sick 生病的;lonely 孤独的;disa

29、ppointed 失望的。根据下文 “YoiTre not alone. Well have video chats with you every day”可知,此处是作者在表达自己可能会感到很孤单。应选C。【64题详解】句意:里面有明尼苏达州 天气信息。weather天气;diet日常饮食;clothes衣服;sightseeing观光。根据下文“Winters are cold!”可知,寄宿家庭 在给作者的邮件中写有明尼苏达州的天气信息、。应选Ao【65题详解】句意:人们可能会对我很感兴趣。afraid of害怕;thankful to感谢;angry with对感到愤怒;interest

30、ed in对感兴趣。根据下文 “becausem from a different country”可知,因为作者来自不同的国家,所以人们可能会对她很感兴趣。应选D。【66题详解】句意:我一定会更加独立。patient 耐心的;creative 有创意的;independent 独立的;confident 有信心的。根据上文 “since I will be away from home for a long timev可知,作者要离家单独在外很长一段时间,这会让作者学会更加独立。应选C。C. Read the passage and All in the blanks with proper

31、 words.(在短文的空格内填入适当的词, 使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首字母已给。)(14分)Read the comments about changes in the future. How much do you agree with them?The days, some people work at home one or two days a week instead of going to an officeevery day. I think in the future a lot more people will work from home all the time.

32、 And thenumber of offices will decrease. It9s sad, because people will lose most of their s 67 skillslike the ability to connect to others.There wont be any paper books in the future. They might disappear c 68 If you want to read books, you will have to download them to a portable e-reader. It will

33、hold hundreds of your favourtie books. Some e-readers might also be waterproof. So you can use them when you are having a bath or a s 69!I think the number of people on the planet will continue to i 70 Therell be lessspace, so weH need to change the way we live. Maybe weUl live underground, or maybe

34、 lots of people will live together in a single house. Ifs horrible! Life will definitely get w 71 than it is now!Our house might be s 72 in the future. If theres an emergency, it will automatically send a message to the police or call for an ambulance. Our house might also control the heating and th

35、e air-conditioning, so well never feel too hot or too cold.Driverless cars are a new thing at the moment, but I think in the future it will be common to have one. I think itll be a good and safe thing, because we wont have so many road a 73 Maybe we will stop using petrol, too. That would be good.【答

36、案】67. (s)ocial(c)ompletely68. hower(i)ncrease69. (w)orse(s)mart70. (a)ccidents【解析】【分析】本文主要关于未来生活的变化。67题详解】句意:这很可悲,因为人们会失去大局部社交技能,比方与他人联系的能力。根据“theirskills like the ability to connect to others”以及首字母提示可知,此处表示社交技能,social社会的,形容词。故填social。【68题详解】句意:它们可能会完全消失。空处缺少一个副词,修饰动词disappear,根据“There wont be any p

37、aper books in the future.”以及首字母提示可知,此处表示纸质书完全消失,completely完全地,副词。故填completely。【69题详解】句意:所以你可以在洗澡或淋浴时使用它们!根据“when you are having a bath or a”以及首字母提示可知, 此处表示淋浴,have a shower故填showero70题详解】句意:我认为地球上的人口数量会继续增加。根据“Therell be less space, so well need to change the way we live.”以及首字母提示可知,此处表示地球上的人口数量会继续增加,

38、increase增加,空前有 continue to do继续做某事,填动词原形。故填increaseo71题详解】句意:生活肯定会比现在更糟!根据Maybe weUl live underground, or maybe lots of people will live together in a single house. It,s horrible”以及首字母提示可知,此处表示未来的生活会比现在更糟,worse更糟,形容词 比拟级。故填worse。【72题详解】句意:我们的房子将来可能会很聪明。根据If theres an emergency, it will automatically

39、 send a message to the police or call for an ambulance”以及首字母提示可知,此处表示未来的房子将会很聪明,smart聪明的,形 容词。故填smart。【73题详解】句意:我认为这将是一件既好又安全的事情,因为我们不会发生那么多交通事故。根据Driverless cars are a new thing at the moment”以及“I think itH be a good and safe thing, because we wont have so many road.”可知, 无人驾驶汽车的出现会减少交通事故的发生,acciden

40、t事故,空前有so many,此处用名词复数形式。故填 accidents oD. Answer the questions.(根据以下内容回答以下问题。)(12分)Sally woke with a sudden movement. She heard strange sounds; she could smell smoke. The room was full of smoke. She coughed. What was happening? Her bedroom door opened with a bang and her mother ran in, her face whit

41、e.“Get up Sally, we have to go! Get dressed now!” Her mother disappeared back into the house.Sally jumped from her bed and opened the window. Screams and cries came from the streets below. Sally watched people throw their things into carts, horses threading the ground, keen to leave.“Hey, whats happ

42、ening? Sally yelled.“Fire!” her neighbour shouted back.“Coming from Pudding Lane! Get out now Sally! No one is safe!Sally pulled her window shut and got changed as quickly as she could. Downstairs, she found her father, mother and sister jamming their things into a handcart. They watched people tryi

43、ng to put out the big fire with leather buckets full of water. It didnt seem to make any difference, as the fire jumped from one building to the next.“The houses are so close tighter and made of wood! Sally noticed, as she tripped over candlesticks, burnt pans and odd bits of furniture that people h

44、ad dropped in the streets.The grocers boy, Tom Winter, saw Sally and said, “Some people are going to St. Pauls Cathedral to stay safe.Made of stone. Wont bum like wood., Sally nodded, but followed her parents down the dark street.They walked and walked. Finally, they arrived at Moorfields. It was a

45、wide-open space with no buildings to burn.They were safe.71. Sallys house was on fire, wasnt it?72. Why did Sally cough?73. Where did the fire start?74. How were people trying to put out the fire?75. Why did Sallys family go to Moorfields?76. What changes do you think were made to the buildings afte

46、r the fire?【答案】74. No, it wasnt.75. Because the room was full of smoke.76. The fire started from Pudding Lane .77. With water in leather buckets./They used leather buckets full of water to put out the fire.78. Because it was a wide open space with no buildings to burn.79. Firstly, buildings were mad

47、e/built if stones instead of wood. Secondly, building were built further apart./Certain distance was left between buildings.【解析】【分析】本文主要讲述了莎莉所居住的地区的一次着火的经历。【74题详解】根据第五段 u Fire!9 her neighbour shouted back.,及第六段 uComing from Pudding Lane! Get out now Sally! Noone is safe!5可知,布丁巷着火了,莎莉的房子目前没有着火。故填No,

48、it wasnt【75题详解】 根据第段中第二、三、四句 u She heard strange sounds; she could smell smoke. The room was full of smoke. She coughed.v可知,莎莉咳嗽是因为房间里全是烟。故填Because the room was full of smoke.【76题详解】 根据第六段第一句uComing from Pudding Lane!?,可知,火是从布丁巷开始的。故填It started from PuddingLane.77题详解】根据第七段第三句They watched people trying to put out the big fire with leather buckets full of wat


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