Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight《功夫熊猫:神龙骑士(2022)》第一季第十一集完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight《功夫熊猫:神龙骑士(2022)》第一季第十一集完整中英文对照剧本.docx_第1页
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Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight《功夫熊猫:神龙骑士(2022)》第一季第十一集完整中英文对照剧本.docx_第2页
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《Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight《功夫熊猫:神龙骑士(2022)》第一季第十一集完整中英文对照剧本.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight《功夫熊猫:神龙骑士(2022)》第一季第十一集完整中英文对照剧本.docx(9页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、拈花指Skadoosh.神龙大♥师♥ !Dragon Master!救命啊!Please help!阿宝?Po?阿宝Po!阿宝Po!他们走了Theyre gone.他们下山了你可以走了Down the hill. You should get going.别动阿宝你手受伤了Now, hold still, Po. Youre hurt.你怎么了?What happened?我儿子被你抛下应付残局My son was left to clean up your mess.我居然还帮你讲话你看你害他伤得多重I even defended you, but look wh

2、ats happened!阿宝我.Po.不许跟他说话你要是想跟他说话Dont talk to him! Ifyou want to talk to him,就先跟我说我再酌情考虑要不要帮你传话you gotta talk to me first, and then maybe Ill relay the message.我没想到事情会这样I, I didnt mean for this to happen.她说:“都是我的错Oh. She says, This is all my fault,你用魔法手套狠狠揍我吧”and now its your turn to punch me in th

3、e arm with a magical punchy glove thing.骑士守则做你的侍童The Knights Code. Being your page.全都是谎话All of it was a lie.为什么?You let them get away.我不得不我不能让他们I had to. I couldnrt let them-天啊Oh. 、白 谢谢Thank you.换作是你你也会这么做的You would have done the same for me.不是这个是谢谢你做我朋友No. For being my friend.我的第一个朋友My first friend

4、.我不该骗你的And I shouldnt have lied to you.我的眼泪快止不住了Youre making water come out of my eyes.我们不知道他们去了哪里也没有武器能抓住他们We dont know where theyre headed, and we have no weapon that can match them. 并非如此Uh, not quite true!你怎么.How did you鞭子在你这那他们拿的是什么?If you have the whip, what do they have?备个魔品总是好的Always good to

5、have a fake.你替换了鞭户?You switched it out?怎么?你要帮我们吗?So what, you want to help us now?我可没这么说I didnt say that.但我们的目标是一致的But, we are after the same things.我要集齐四件天上武器鞭子只是我的第一步The whip was supposed to be the first on my hunt for all four Tianshang Weapons. 但现在-打住But now- -Uh, no, no, no.如果你想跟我儿子说话就得先经过我If y

6、ou wanna say something to my son, you say it to me first,然后我再酌情考虑转达and then maybe Ill tell him.你也一样Same goes for you, still.我们还没完We arent done.爸爸没事了你知道去哪找别的武器?Dad, its okay. You know how to find the other weapons?你可能要付出比你预想更多的代价It may cost more than youre willing to pay.很有说服力Hm, sounds promising.可惜我

7、们要回家了马上要错过晚餐高峰了Uh, too bad were heading home. Were late for the dinner rush.我必须得去爸爸I have to go, Dad.你听到克劳斯和维露卡说的You heard Klaus and Veruca.如果我们不阻止他们他们就会召唤死尸大军统治世界If we dont stop them, theyre gonna resurrect the evil army and take over the world. 就算为此我不得不相信一个假骑士So if that means I have to trust a fak

8、e knight.这就有点刻薄了Seems a bit harsh.和一个骗子盗贼请叫我骗户盗贼大&hearts顺♥And a con artist slash thief. -Master con artist slash thief.我也必须这公做Then thats what I have to do.我跟你一起去Then Im coming with you.抱歉什么?Im sorry, what?你少管你这冒牌骑士Stay out of this, Meandering Knife.我不会让你一个人跟这两个人去的Im not gonna let you do this

9、alone, with the two of them.你需要有人保护而这是我的职责You clearly need someone to protect you, and thats always been my job.那我们开始寻找武器吧Then we Ye off on a treasure hunt.为此我们要离开中国And that means were leaving China.等等什么?Wait, what?Why?阿尔菲Alfie.是我害死了他Its my fault that he died.那晚他要我待在家里但我跟踪了他He told me to stay home t

10、hat night, but I followed him.阿尔菲爵士法师攻来了 -什么?Sir Alfie, the mages have attacked.女王陛下召你去支援The Queen calls for your aid.快去我们在宫殿见快Go, Til meet you there. Go!阿尔菲Alfie!什么?Huh?你要去执行任务吗?Are you going on a mission?我要去帮你I want to help!露露Lulu!今晚不行今晚很危险Not tonight. Its too dangerous.那你呢?What about you?你知道这把剑叫什

11、么吗?Do you know what I named it?露斯拉之盾Lutheras Shield.它不是宝剑吗?But its a sword!是的但它是用来保护你的Yes. But its purpose is to protect you.我会永远保护你Ill always protect you.你的任务就是待在家里保护好它等我回家And your mission is to stay here and protect her until I get back. 嗯Uh.啊Ah! Woohoo!不许动我哥哥Leave my brother alone!露露Lulu!到后面去Get

12、back!我跟你说过别跟过来I told you not to follow me.但阿尔菲我知道你需要我的帮助But Alfie, I knew you needed my help.阿尔菲?Alfie?不要No!如果不是我我哥哥也许就不会死If it wasnt for me, my brother would still be alive. 我要弥补我的过错I have to fix this.我要为哥哥报仇I have to avenge my brothers death.不是你的错你当时那么小Come on, you were just a kid.你比任务还重要布蕾德Youre

13、more than your mission. Blade.你更不需要骗我And you never have to lie to me.你不是骑士又如何?So what if youre not a knight?我也不是神龙大♥师♥ 了啊Im not a Dragon Master.好了起来吧我们还要抓黄鼠狼呢Now, come on. We got some weasels to catch.你还愿意帮我?Youre. still going to help me?当然了Of course I am.我们得追上去Oh, we have to catch up.

14、别着急Not so fast!他去哪我就去哪Wherever he goes, I go.这是我遇到你后给自己定的新规矩This is a new rule I have, ever since I met you. 可能有个办法I might have an idea.珍?Zhen?珍就是你的办法?Zhen is your idea?相信我Trust me.哼Huh?不错啊阿宝但你摆脱不了我的Nice try, Po, but youre not escaping on my watch. 魏民老兄你可别后悔Oh, Weimin, buddy. Youre gonna regret that

15、.什么?Hm?棒呆了Woohoohoo! Yeah!太棒了Yeah! Oh, boy! Yeah!永别了蠢货们So long, suckers.棒耶Yeah, baby!大熊座Ursa Major!什么?whirring -groans 天啊-抓紧了Whoa! -Hold on!好用力推Alright, push!把控制杆给我Hand me the reins.爸爸你知道怎么开雪橇吗?Dad, do you even know how to drive a sled?我可是中国北部雪橇速滑赛的三连冠I won the North Chinese Sled Racing Championship

16、 three years in a row. 上车抓紧了Now get in, and hold on to your tenders.妈呀天啊Woohoohoo! -Whoa!上啊Come on!棒耶Yeah!我用双急转缩短下距离Well use the chicane to close the gap.抱歉“双急”什么?Im sorry, the chi- What now?现在我要借助他们的低压气穴超过他们Now, well get into their slipstream and make my move.追上了Got you!爸爸你帅呆了Dad! Youre. awesome!神龙

17、大&hear国师♥你来救我了Dragon Master! You came to save me!我又是神龙大♥师♥ 了 ?Oh, now Im the Dragon Master, huh?把鞭子交出来露米尼Hand over the whip, Rukhmini.我们说好了的鞭子归我We had a deal! I leave with the whip!如果鞭子被他们抢到世界就完了The whole world is doomed if they get that whip.那是世界的事关我屁事?That sounds like the worl

18、ds problem, not mine!抱歉魏民什么?Sorry about this, Weimin. -Huh?等等什么?Wait, what?你不能.Hey! You. c-cant.我是皇上Im the Emperor!这可不是每天都能看到的Well, thats something you dont see every day!或每晚Hm. Or every night.嘿你Hey, you.我太机智了打我啊Outsmarted again! Boop-de-boop- 干Doop.嗯?Huh?该死的法师Ugh. Mages.又打中胳膊了Right on the arm.天啊Oh.

19、这船不错Such a nice boat.替我们谢过你皇帝慷慨出借Give our thanks to the Emperor for the loan.乖乖交出你手上的鞭子吧Now then, well just be taking the whip off your hands.鞭子在哪啊?Wheres it at, eh?拿来Ha ha!把鞭子给我笨熊Hand over the whip, bears.你把手套给我臭黄鼠狼No, you hand over the gauntlet, weasels.别做无力的挣扎了No sense making this harder on yours

20、elves.你们做梦Youre both delusional.其他法师都死绝了你们孤立无援The other mages are gone. You two are all alone.就算四个都在你们也敌不过英国所有的骑士Even if you got all four, you couldnt defeat all the knights of England. 不我们可以Oh, but we can.我们从莲花村拿到的这卷卷轴都告诉我们了Its all right here in this scroll that we took from the Lotus Village.能撼动大地

21、的手套A gauntlet to move the Earth.燃烧不尽的鞭子A whip of endless flame.能召风唤雨的手轮Wheels to ride the storm.还有能驾御狂风的头盔And a helmet to master the wind.这些远古的战士创造出这些的武器的目的只有一个The ancient warriors created these weapons for one purpose, 那就是封印敌人的灵魂to trap the souls of their enemies.但若一旦你集齐四样武器But once you bring all f

22、our together,被它们封印的灵魂就能被释放为我们所用the souls inside come out to play, play, play!你知道这些武器能召唤恶灵吗?Did you know about this whole evil army of resurrected monsters thingy with the weapons? 要是知道你不觉得我早跟你说了吗?You dont think I would have mentioned it?沟通又不是你的强项Communication isnt exactly your strong suit.我给你个机会熊猫Im

23、 giving you one chance, Pandy.跟我走吧Join me.什么?等等什么?What? Wait, what?不行No. No way.就算再过上百万年我也绝不会Not in a hundred thousand million years would I ever,你懂的连想都不会想.you know, even consider possibly thinking- 行吧懂了Yeah, yeah, got it.那太可惜了Your loss!我可抢手了Im a catch!你看到了吗?Whoa! Did you see that?阿宝Po!这一刻我等了 15年了Iv

24、e been waiting for this for 15 years.我该谢谢你I should be thanking you.那晚如果不是你我们早就死透了If you hadnt shown up that night, wed be deady, dead, dead!你是我们的救星Our hero.天啊Ow!看招Take that! -Whoo!什么?Huh?你知道怎么用吗?Do you know what youre doing?我找到窍门了Oh, Im getting the hang of it.看到你俩重归于好可真好Isnt it peachy to see you two

25、 back together again?布蕾德你没事吧?Blade, are you okay?结束了笨熊们Its over, bears.还没Not so-还没完Not so fa-鞭子呢?Where is it?你在找这个吗?Looking for this?布蕾德我们得赶紧走Blade, we gotta go.不No.两个神武都在他们手上我们打不过的Uh. Two magical weapons. No magical weapons. 也许我只能为任务而活Maybe Im not more than my mission.布蕾德Blade!好好想想阿宝有什么办法Okay, thin

26、k, Po. What do we do? What do we do?好Okay.我跟你走维露卡Ill come with you, Veruca.我My.亲爱的l-love.但你得放了布蕾德But you gotta leave Blade alone.好吧交易告吹我懂了Ah, offers off the table, got it.嗯Hm.鞭子是我的Thats my whip.已经不是了Not anymore.不No!不No!你逗我玩呢?You cant be serious.布蕾德Blade!放手Let go!不行I cant!暗夜黑钢Black Steel of the Equinox!你放走了他们


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