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《(文末附答案)高中英语被动语态必考考点训练.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(文末附答案)高中英语被动语态必考考点训练.docx(16页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、(文末附答案)高中英语被动语态必考考点训练单项选择题(经典例题高频考点-名师出品必属精品)1、 一Excuse me, sir. When can we buy Justin Biebers newest album?一Not until it next month.A . will be recordedB . recordsC . is recordedD . recorded2、Officials say that few patients with the COVID-19 owing to the effective prevention.A . infectedB . have i

2、nfectedC . be infectedD . are infected3、Tom as well as two of his classmates to the party.A . was invitedB . were inC . has invitedD . invited4、Sorry. At no time in this building, sir.A . is smoking permittedB . smoking is permittedC . does smoking permitD . smoking does permit5、I didn* t know a thi

3、ng about the Clean Air Act that in congress at that time.A . was being debatedB . was debatedC . had been debatedD . debated6、The photos, which while I was studying in Beijing, remind me of many happy memories.A . had takenB . were takenC . had been takenD . took7、A pair of shoes; they cant be used

4、now.A . are being mendedB . is being mended9、答案:C解析:考查宾语从句的语序。句意:直到最近几年,科学家和教师才开始了解学习障碍以及如何处理它们。空格处与 前面的learning disabilities并列均作understand的宾语,宾语从句要用陈述语序,且deal with和how连用, do with和what连用,应选Co10、答案:B解析:考查数词和动词的时态语态。句意:两百名学生被邀请参加了上周五的开幕式。hundred和数字连用,用单数, 两百是two hundred,学生和邀请之间是被动关系,用被动语态,根据时间状语last F

5、riday可知是一般过去时, 所以用一般过去时的被动语态,一般过去时的被动语态是was/were+及物动词的过去分词,students是复数, 用 were invited,应选 Bo11、答案:B解析:考查时态、语态和非谓语动词。句意:近年来已经建成了十几个公园,既是旅游目的地,也是天然氧吧。根据 句中时间状语 in recent years 及 as both tourism destinations and natural oxygen bars 可知,公园的建设已经完 成,所以第一空要用现在完成时;parks于build为动宾关系,所以第一空要用被动语态。第二空及之后的内容 作为公园建

6、立后实现的一个结果,所以应用现在分词作状语。结合选项,选项B符合题意,应选B。12、答案:D解析:考查非谓语动词和时态。句意:到去年12月底,被称为“水立方”的国家游泳中心已经被改造成“冰立方”, 以迎接即将到来的北京冬奥会。根据句意可知,第一空涉及固定短语be referred to as ”被称为”,此处作10 定语,省略be ;第二空为句子谓语动词,根据时间状语By the end of last December可知用过去完成时,表示 动作发生在过去以前,主语the National Aquatic Center和transform是被动关系,应用过去完成时的被动语态。 综上,应选D。

7、13、答案:C解析:考查时态及语态。句意:新的能源共享工程正在全国数十个城市开展,目的是给中国未来几年的经济提供动力。A. are setting out现在进行时的主动语态,表示动作正在开始;B. are being figured out现在进行时的被动语态, 表示动作正在被弄明白;C.are being carried out现在进行时的被动语态,表示动作正在被实施;D. are trying out现在进行时的主动语态,表示动作正在试验。根据语境可知,表示新的能源共享工程正在城市中开展实施, 才能给中国的经济提供动力,要用现在进行时。主语New energy-sharing proje

8、cts与动词carry out是被动关 系,因此要用现在进行时的被动语态。应选C。14、答案:B解析:考查时态和语态。句意:在过去的几年里,世界上生产了成千上万辆小车。根据时间状语in the past few years 可知,本句应用现在完成时,主语cars和produce之间为被动关系,应用现在完成时的被动语态,主语是复数, 助动词用have。应选Bo15、答案:D解析:考查时态语态。句意:直到今天,林肯仍被认为是世界上最鼓舞人心的人物之一。根据时间状语this day及语 境可知此处描述的是现在的一个事实,且主语Lincoln与regard之间是被动关系,故用一般现在时的被动语态, 结

9、合主谓一致。应选Do1116、答案:B解析:考查时态语态和主谓一致。句意:在他们为期一周的逗留的最后一天,约翰和他的朋友们被邀请到北岸一个美 丽的农场,在星空下听一场私人音乐会。当主语后接介词短语as well as并列主语时,谓语动词的单复数应和 介词短语前的主语保持一致。本句中主语John, as well as his friends与谓语invite构成被动关系,结合语境可 知为一般过去时的被动语态,且与John保持一致,用单数。应选B。17、答案:C解析:考查被动语态和非谓语动词。句意:我们学校旁边的河已经变得干净了,因为新的防止它进一步被污染的措施 正在被采取。分析句子可知,第一空

10、处是从句谓语动词,主语new measures和take之间是被动关系,应用被 动语态;根据固定短语prevenLfrom“防止”可知,此处应用动名词作为介词from的宾语,又逻辑主语 it (指代river)和pollute之间是被动关系,故应用动名词的被动形式being done。综上所述,应选C项。18、答案:C解析:考查时态语态:句意:小偷被抓住在学校对面的商店偷钱,现在正在被警察询问。根据句中时间状语是at the moment可知,用现在进行时。the thief和question是被动关系,用现在进行时的被动语态。应选C。19、答案:C解析:考查非谓语动词和动词时态语态。句意:这

11、些花闻起来很香,吸引了游客去欣赏大自然的美景,这些花是去年在植物园里种植的。第一空,分析可知,此处为非谓语动词作后置定语,排除B项;smell “闻起来”是系动词, 没有被动语态,不用过去分词smelt表达被动含义,排除D项;动词不定式to smell表将来,不符合句意,排12 除A项;所以应用现在分词短语smelling sweet作为flowers的定语;第二空,动词grow “种植”和主语之间 是被动关系,根据时间状语last year,应使用一般过去时的被动语态were grown。应选C项。20、答案:B解析:考查固定短语和主动表被动。句意:你评价很高的那个雇员证明是不老实的。分析句

12、子结构可知,you have been thinking highly为定语从句,修饰名词The employee, think highly of为固定短语,意为“高度评价”, 去掉定语从句以后句子为The employee dishonest, prove应用主动表被动,“sth. prove+形容词”意为“某物被证明是”,句子时态为一般现在时,主语The employee是单数,因此prove用第三人称单数,空 格处为ofproves,应选Bo21、答案:B解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:Mr Green站起来为那个16岁的男孩辩护,说他不是该受责备的那个人。第一空:Mr Green与say

13、之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,表示主动,所以使用现在分词作伴随状语;第二空:be to blame该受 责备,用主动形式表示被动含义,此处去掉be作后置定语,故B正确。22、答案:C解析:考查时态和语态。句意:如果这本词典不属于你,就把它放在该放的地方。由选项可知,本句时态用一般现在 时,实义动词(词组)的否认形式的助动词用doesn t, belong to sb.(属于某人)没有被动形式,主动表被 动,第二空where引导的地点状语从句缺乏谓语,belong是不及物动词,构成句型“主语+不及物动词”结构, 从句主语it是单数,谓语加s。应选C项。23、答案:D13解析: 考查主谓一致和时态。句意

14、:凯瑟琳,和我们学校的两个男孩,七天前被邀请去纽约拿奖品。根据the other day判断为一般过去时,又along with ”和一起”适用就远原那么,所以主语只看Catherine,是为单数,与谓 语第动词invite是被动关系,应选D项。小提示:此题考查就远原那么就远原那么即谓语动词的形式要和离它最远的主语保持一致,常见的适用救援原那么的词或短语有:with, together with, along with, as well as, besides, except, rather than 等, 例如:1). He, as well as his two sons, often g

15、oes fishing,他和他的两个儿子常常去钓鱼。2), I rather than you are to blame.我,而非你,应该被责备。24、答案:B解析:考查时态和语态。句意:我能用一下你的车吗,迈克?我的车正在被修理。当然,这是钥匙。分析句 子可知,根据借车人借车的行为可知,借车人的车应该是正在修理,即修理的动作正在发生,故应用现在进行 时。句中mine为名词性物主代词,代指my car,与repair之间为被动关系,即车被修理,故应用现在进行时 的被动语态,句式为“主语+am/is/are+being +动词过去分词+其他;car为可数名词单数形式,与is连用, repair的

16、过去分词为repaired,故填is being repaired。应选B项。25、答案:B解析:考查时态和语态。句意:露西,你从历史课上学到了什么?纸是大约2000年前在中国创造的。根据时 间状语about 2000 years ago可知,用一般过去时。主语Paper与invent之间为被动关系,所以用被动语态。14应选Bo26、答案:A解析:考查动词词义辨析和动词短语词义辨析。句意:梯田设计巧妙,水路相互连接。第一处画线局部,design意为 “设计”,此处使用了一般现在时的被动语态;第二处画线局部connect with为固定短语,意为“连接”,此处使用现在分词短语作宾语补足语。应选A

17、。27、答案:A解析:考查时态和语态。句意:到目前为止,双方还没有达成任何协议。由时间状语so far可知,句子应该用现在完 成时态。又因为agreement和reach之间是被动关系,所以应该用现在完成时的被动语态。应选A。28、答案:B解析:考查动词时态和语态。句意:不幸的是,我和我的同学上周一去了艺术博物馆,却被告知它正在被装修。根据 last Monday可知,描述的是过去的情况,谓语动词用过去时;主语it指代艺术博物馆,和谓语动词之间是动 宾关系,谓语动词应用被动语态;结合语境可知,装修的动作当时正在进行,故谓语动词应用过去进行时的被 动语态。应选B项。29、答案:C解析:考查现在进

18、行时的被动语态和主谓一致。句意:据报道,目前灾区正在建造不止一幢新房子。根据at present 可知,此处应用现在进行时。动词build意为“建造”,和主语house构成被动关系。“more than one+可数名词单数”做主语,谓语动词用单数。应选C。1530、答案:A解析:考查时态语态。句意:现在正在进行一项关于学生是否应该在假期里多上几节课的调查。根据时间状语标志 now可知,这里要使用现在进行时。然后调查和开展之间的关系是被动关系,所以这里要用现在进行时的被动, 那么is being carried out满足题意。故此题选Ao31、答案:B解析:考查非谓语动词和语态。句意:最重要

19、的是,老年人通常是第一个品尝食物的人,因为他们在中国很受尊敬。 第一空,the first后跟不定式作后置定语;第二空,主语they与respect构成被动关系,应用过去分词和are构 成被动语态。应选Bo32、答案:A解析:考查”主动形式表达被动含义”的语法点与固定用法。句意:-你觉得电影阿凡达怎么样?-很有趣,值 得再看一遍。be worth doing为固定用法,表示“值得做某事”,此处doing为主动形式,但表达被动含义, 电影值得“被看”,却使用现在分词watching而不使用watched,综上,根据be worth doing的结构,此题 选Aoqq 约宗 r解析:考查虚拟语气。

20、句意:当地大多数人坚持要求不要拆掉这座古庙,因为它历史悠久。insist表示“坚持要求” 时,后面宾语从句要用(should)do形式的虚拟语气,其中should可以省略。从句中主语the old temple与pull down之间是被动关系,用(should) be done形式。应选C。1634、答案:C解析:考察动词时态和被动语态。句意:我们城里一座新的体育场现在正在建设中。它的建设工作将在两个月内完成。 根据前一句的时间状语at present与主语a new stadium可知,第一空格填现在进行时,主语stadium与谓语 动词build是被动关系,用被动语态,主语是a new

21、stadium为单数名词,所以用is ,所以第一空答案为is being built ;根据第二句的时间状语in another two months可知,用一般将来时,主语it与谓语动词complete 是被动关系,故用一般将来时的被动语态,所以第二空答案为will be completed。应选C。35、答案:B解析:考查虚拟语气和被动语态。句意:军官命令伤员应该尽快被送往医院。command “命令”接宾语从句,宾语 从句需使用虚拟语气:主语+(should)+动词原形,本句中主语the wounded与谓语send为被动关系。应选B 项。36、答案:D解析:考查动词时态语态。句意:自本

22、世纪初以来,那个村庄盖了许多新房子。根据后文since the beginning of this century可知此处应用现在完成时,且主语houses与谓语动词make构成被动关系,故应用现在完成时的被动 语态。应选Do37、答案:D解析:考查虚拟语气。句意:由于已发现两例奥米克罗冠状病毒变异病例,英国政府敦促最近从南非抵达的任何人接 受检测。A. being tested正在被检测;B. was tested被检测;C. must be tested必须被检测;D. be tested被检17 测。分析句子,has urged后接that引导的宾语从句,urge表示“敦促”,后接宾语从

23、句时应用虚拟语气,即 从句的谓语动词应用“should+动词原形”,其中should可以省略,本句中test与主语anyone之间是被动关 系,应用被动语态,即(should) be testedo应选D项。38、答案:B解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:这台X光机坏了,因此需要维修才能进一步修理。it指代上文提到的X-ray machine, 与repair是被动关系,need doing sth. “需要做”,need后用动名词作宾语表示被动含义,符合题意,故 选Bo39、答案:A解析:考查时态和语态。你打算明天去丽萨的聚会吗?是的,如果我被邀请的话。根据问句中“tomorrow” 可知,问句询

24、问的是将来的事,答语为“if”引导的条件状语从句,从句应用一般现在时表将来,且主语T 与“invite”之间为被动关系,故应用一般现在时的被动语态,句式为“主语+am/is/are+动词过去分词”,“I” 与“am”连用,与vite”意为“邀请”,动词词性,过去分词为“invited”,故空格处应用“am invited”。应选A项。40、答案:C解析:考查时态和语态。句意:他说他家乡自1990以来发生了巨大的变化。分析句子可知,从句中谓语动词take place与主语changes是被动关系;根据句意,表示“变化已经发生”且由主句谓语said可知,动作发生在过 去。所以用过去完成时的被动语态

25、。应选C项。41、答案:C18解析: 考查省略句。句意:我坚信这个工程,如果按照计划进行,一定会顺利进行。分析句子结构,that引导的宾语 从句中,主句的主语是the project,和if弓I导的条件状语从句主语一致,状语从句中可省略主语和be动词, 宾语从句的主句为一般将来时,if条件句使用一般现在时代替将来时,主语the project和carry out为被动关系, 需用被动语态,完整的从句是“if it is carried out according to the plan,此处省略了 it iso应选Co42、答案:B解析:考查时态和语态。句意:此人现在正被关押在监狱里,因为他在

26、疫情隔离期间违反了法律。分析句子可知,此 处是主句谓语动词,由now和语境判断为现在进行时,主语the man和keep之间是被动关系,故用现在进行 时的被动语态,主语是第三人称单数,应用is being done,应选B项。43、答案:C解析:考查非谓语。句意:我的电脑需要修理,但我忘了把它送到修理店去。need doing sth,=need to be done需要 做某事。forget doing sth.忘记曾经做过某事;forget to do sth,忘记去做某事。结合句意,应选C。44、答案:D解析:考查时态和语态。句意:1913年,弗罗斯特的第一本诗集男孩的遗嘱由一家著名出版

27、社出版,后来获得 了巨大成功。A. have been published已经被出版(现在完成时态的被动语态);B. has been published已经被 出版(现在完成时态的被动语态);C. were published被出版(一般过去时态的被动语态);D. was published被出版(一般过去时态的被动语态)。分析句子结构可知,空处为句子的谓语动词,根据and后面 的became可知,句子用一般过去时态。句子的主语和谓语动词之间为动宾关系,所以要用一般过去时态的被19C . is mendedD . are mended8、 Sitting over there was the

28、 student who they thought to speak at the opening ceremony.A . selectedB . selectingC . was selectedD . selects9、Only in the last few years have scientists and teachers begun to understand learning disabilities andA . how can they be dealt withB . what they can be dealt withC . how they can be dealt

29、 withD . what can they be dealt with10、Two students to the opening ceremony last Friday.A . hundreds; were invited B . hundred; were invitedC . hundreds of; invited D . hundred of; invited11、A dozen parks _ in recent years,as both tourism destinations and natural oxygen bars.A . was built; to serveB

30、 . have been built; servingC built; servingD . have built; served12、By the end of last December, the National Aquatic Center, also the Water Cube ,into an“Ice Cube for the upcoming Beijing Winter Olympics.A . was referred to as transformedB referred to as was transformedC was referred to as being tr

31、ansformedD . referred to as had been transformed13、New energy vehicle sharing projects in dozens of cities across the country to fuel Chinas sharingeconomy in the next few years.A . are setting outB . are being figured out 动语态。主语为单数,谓语动词使用第三人称单数形式。应选Do45、答案:C解析:考查过去进行时的被动语态。句意:当我匆忙赶到商店时,我看到那些书正在被装进箱

32、子里。动词pack意为“包装”,和主语books构成被动关系,所以应用被动语态,排除选项A和选项D。根据“Isaw”可知,此处 是指在过去正在发生的事情,所以应用过去进行时。应选C。20C are being carried outD . are trying out 14、In the last few years thousands of cars all over the world.A . have producedB . have been producedC . are producingD . are being produced15、Even to this day, Linc

33、oln as one of the most inspiring figures in the world.A . regardsB . has regardedC . regardingD . is regarded16、On the last day of their week-long stay, John, as well as his friends,to attend a private concert on a beautiful farm on the North Shore under the stars.A . invitedB . was invitedC . were

34、invitedD . had been invited17、The river beyond our school has become clear again as new measures are to prevent itany further.A . taken; pollutingB . taking; being pollutedC . taken; being pollutedD . taking; to be polluted18、The thief was caught stealing money from the shop opposite the school and

35、by the local police atthe moment.A . was questionedB . had questionedC . is being questionedD . has been questioning19、The flowers sweet attract the visitors to the beauty of nature, which in the botanic gardenlast year.A . to smell; grewB . smell; were grownC . smelling; were grownD . smelt; were g

36、rowing20、The employee you have been thinking highly dishonest.A . of provingB . of provesC . of to proveD . of being provedMr. Green stood up in defence of the 16-year old boy, that he was not the one.A . said; blamedB . saying; to blameC . to say; to be blamedD . saying; blamingIf the dictionary yo

37、u, put it where it.A . doesn, t belong to; belongs toB . isn t belong to; is belongedC . doesn1 t belong to; belongsD . isn5 t belong to; is belonged to23、Catherine, along with two other boys in our school,to New York to pick up the prizes the other day.A . are invitedB . is invitedC . were invitedD

38、 . was invited24、一Can I use your car, Mike? Mine.一Sure, here is the key.A . repairsB . is being repairedC . is repairingD . is repaired25、一 Lucy, what have you learned from this history class?一 Paper first about 2000 years ago in China.A . is; inventedB . was; inventedC . is; inventingD . was; inven

39、ting26、The terraces are cleverly designed, with waterways connecting with each other.A .设计;连接B .设计;清除C .修改;连接D .修改;清除27、So far, no agreement by the two sides.A . has been reachedB . was reachedC . will reachD . will have reached28、Unfortunately, my classmates and I went to the Art Museum last Monday

40、, only to be told that it.A . is being decoratedB . was being decoratedC . decoratedD . was decorated29、It is reported that more than one new house at present in the disaster area.A . has been builtB . have been builtC . is being builtD . are being built30、A survey now about whether students should

41、have extra lessons during the holidays.A . is being carried outB . has carried outC . has been carried outD . had been carried out31、Most importantly, the elderly are usually the first the food because they are well in China.A . to taste; to respectB . to taste; respectedC . tasting; to respectD . t

42、asting; respected32、-What do you think of the movie Avatar? - Interesting. It is again.A . worth watchingB . worth to watchC . worth to be watchedD . worth being watched33、Most of the local people insist that the old temple as it has a long history.A . should not pull downB . must not pull downC . n

43、ot be pulled downD . would not be pulled down34、 A new stadium at present in our city. Work on it in another two months.A . is built; will completeB . is being built; will completeC . is being built; will be completedD . is building; will be completed35、The officer command that the wounded to hospit

44、al as soon as possible.A . would be sentB . should be sentC . need to sendD . should send36、A lot of new houses in that village since the beginning of this century.A . madeB . were madeC . have madeD . have been made37、As two cases of Omicro coronavirus variant have been detected, the British govern

45、ment has urged that anyone who has arrived from South Africa recently.A . being testedB . was testedC . must be testedD . be tested38、 This X-ray machine doesnt work, so it needs for further use.A . to repairB . repairingC . repairedD . being repaired39、一Do you plan to go to Lisa1 s party tomorrow?一

46、Yes, if I.A . am invitedB . was invitedC . inviteD . am inviting40、He said that great changes in his hometown since 1990.A . have taken placeB . have been taken placeC . had taken placeD . had been taken placeI firmly believe that the project, if according to the plan, will definitely work out well.

47、A carrying outB . being carried outC . carried outD . to be carried out41、 The man in prison now because he broke the law during the quarantine time.A . keptB . is being keptC . is keepingD . was keptMy computer needs but I forgot it to the repair shop.A . to be repaired; takingB . to repair; to tak

48、eC repairing; to takeD . repaired, to take44、In 1913,Frost s first book of poems, A Boy s Will,by a famous publishing house and became a6great success later.A . have been publishedB . has been publishedC . were publishedD . was published 45、When I hurried to the store, I saw that the books into boxes.A . were packingB . have been packedC . were being packedD . had packed(文末附答案)高中英语被动语态00B参考答案1、答案:c解析:考查时态和语态。句意:-对不起,先生。我们什么时候能买到贾斯汀比伯的最新专辑?-直到下个月才会录制 下来。分析可知设空处为until引导的时间状语从句的谓语,根据next month可知主句应是一般将来时


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