备战2023年中考英语热点话题作文强化训练专题09 航天 含范文.docx

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1、专题09航天(-)(2022黑龙江大庆中考真题)2022年令世人瞩目,在过去的半年里,涌现出了很多为了梦想拼搏奋斗 的人物。例如,圆梦航天,胜利返航的神舟十三的3名宇航员;开场失利,永不言弃,最终夺得亚洲杯冠 军的中国女足运发动正是这种对梦想执着追求的精神,使得他们为祖国做出了突出贡献。作为新时代 的青少年,你的梦想是什么?请以“My Dream”为题,写一篇短文。要点:1.你的梦想是什么?2 .原因是什么?3 .为此你会怎么做?注意:1.词数90左右;2,可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;4 .文中不允许出现自己的真实姓名和学校。My Dream【答案】例文My DreamEveryone h

2、as his dream. My dream is to be a doctor. When I was in Grade Seven, I was sick and often went toThank you!【解析】【详解】.题干解读:题目要求介绍王亚平的个人信息并结合本卷完形填空B篇中的内容谈谈她的优秀品质,在最后 讲打算如何向她学习。1 .写作指导:写作时要结合一、三人称,时态结合一般现在时与一般将来时。演讲稿可分为四段式:第一段 介绍王亚平的个人信息;第二段谈其优秀品质;第三段讲自己的计划;最后一段收尾,感谢大家的聆听。 要做到无单词拼写和语法错误。(七)(2022河北石家庄一模)

3、假如你校在英语节期间将举办一场主题为“My Space Dream”的英语演讲比赛, 请根据以下提示写一篇演讲稿,谈谈你为实现航天梦将作何准备。提示:(1) What do you think of flying to the moon?(2) What are you going to do? Why?注意:短文须包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥;短文中不要出现真实的地名、校名和人名;词数80左右。开头已给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇:take exercise, get knowledgeGood morning, everyone. Tm glad to stand here to give

4、aspeech.Thanks for your listening!【答案】例文Good morning, everyone. Tm glad to stand here to give a speech. I think flying to the moon is fun and exciting. I will spare no effort fbr my future dream. First of all, Im going to take up some sports like running or playing ping-pong because exercising is a

5、good way to keep healthy. We wont go to China Space Station unless we are in good health. In addition, I plan to study hard and learn more because its necessary and important to get knowledge about space. So, I will try my best to read more books.Thanks for your listening!【解析】【详解】.题干解读:题目要求根据主题“My S

6、pace Dream”写一篇讲稿,围绕两个提示问题,讲述自己认为去月球将 会是什么样的体验和如何实现自己的太空梦并且陈述理由,必须要点齐全,可适当发挥。1 .写作指导:写作使用第一人称,时态主要采用一般将来时。首先应承接开头,接下来先陈述自己对去月球 的想法,再将自己实现太空梦的计划逐一列出并讲述原因,同时注意选用合适的连词、短语和句型来将内 容进行串联和拓展。整篇文章做到思路清晰,层次清楚,要点齐全;行文要语句通顺,符合逻辑关系;无 语法、单词拼写和标点错误。see doctors. The doctors were very friendly to me and they often ch

7、eered me up. With the help of them, I was getting better. Now I am very healthy. Since then I have hoped to become a doctor. In order to achieve my dream, I will study hard. Til give my love to the patients as much as possible and help them out of danger. To be a doctor is really good. I think my dr

8、eam will come true one day.【解析】【详解】.题干解读:本文属于材料作文写作,要求以“My Dream”为题,介绍自己的梦想,以及拥有这个梦想的原 因,和为此会做些什么。写作时按说明文的格式来写。1 .写作指导:本文主要采用第一人称来写。写作时,说明“梦想是什么”这一局部应用一般现在时;讲述拥 有这个梦想的事件时,应用一般过去时;而在讲述为了实现梦想,“会做什么事”这一局部应用一般将来时。 按照题目要求,先介绍“我”的梦想,再讲述拥有这一梦想的事件过程,最后列举为了实现梦想会做的事情并 结尾。写作时注意三种时态的正确使用方法。(二)(2022北京门头沟二模)飞天梦,强

9、国梦! 2022年4月16日,神舟十三号载人飞行任务取得圆满成 功。航天任务取得成功离不开航天人的坚守与努力。习总书记深情寄语航天人:”在航天事业开展的征程上 勇攀高峰、不断前行”,“你们是新时代中国航天事业无数奋斗者、攀登者的代表”假如你是李华,你校英语社团公众号正在做“我最崇拜的航天英雄系列推送,请你用英语给公众号留言, 推荐一位你最崇拜的航天英雄,对其作简要介绍,并说明推荐理由。提示词语: work hard, stick to, dream, difficulty, overcome提示问题: Which space hero do you admire most? Why do yo

10、u admire him/her?I am Li Hua from Class 1, Grade 9.【答案】例文I am Li Hua from Class 1, Grade 9. All Chinese people are proud of the three astronauts, Nie Haisheng, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu. Among them, I admire Wang Yaping most.Wang Yaping is not only an astronaut but also a teacher in space. Born in

11、1980, Wang Yaping loved learning and was good at sports when she was in school. Her space dream started in 2003. She trained really hard and never gave up. After ten years effort, she joined the Shenzhou X mission and gave wonderful and lively lessons in space. Moreover, she is the first female astr

12、onaut who walked in space successfully in China.As a student, I truly admire Wang Yaping for her great spirit of devoting herself to her space dream. Whenever I meet difficulties, I should also learn from her to keep on trying and never lose heart.【解析】【详解】.题干解读:本文是一篇材料作文。要求根据提示问题介绍自己最崇拜的航天英雄。注意要点齐全,

13、可适当 发挥。1 .写作指导:写作时要以第三人称来介绍,时态综合使用一般现在时和一般过去时。作文可分为三段,第一 段引出话题;第二段介绍王亚平;第三段介绍自己钦佩王亚平什么。要保证语言连贯,无语法和拼写错误。(三)(2022.江苏苏州.一模)神舟十三号顺利返航,宇航员王亚平再次圆梦天宫,凯旋归来。你校正组织以“The hero in my heart”为题的征文活动,请根据以下要点介绍王亚平的事迹并提供你对她的钦佩之情。 出生于1980年,在学校里热爱学习,擅长体育太空梦始于2003年,十年如一日艰苦训练、从不经历与成就 言弃2013年加入神舟十号航天任务并太空授课 中国首位在太空行走的女宇航

14、员你的观点 (至少两点)注意:1.词数:100左右。2 .文中不得出现与考生相关的真实姓名、校名等信息。3 .参考词汇:the Shenzhou X mission 神舟十号航天任务 The hero in my heart Wang Yaping is not only an astronaut but also a teacher in space.【答案】例文The hero in my heartWang Yaping is not only an astronaut but also a teacher in space. Bom in 1980, Wang Yaping loved

15、 learning and was good at sports when she was in school. Her space dream started in 2003. She trained really hard and never gave up. After ten years effort, she joined the Shenzhou X mission and gave wonderful and lively lessons in space. Moreover, she is the first female astronaut who walked in spa

16、ce successfully in China.As a student, I truly admire Wang Yaping for her great spirit of devoting herself to her space dream. Whenever I meet difficulties, I should also learn from her to keep on trying and never lose heart.【解析】【详解】.题干解读:该题目为一篇应用文写作。标题和首段已给出,第二段介绍宇航员王亚平的经历与梦想,包括 题目中给出的四个要点;第三段写出自己的

17、两个观点并结尾。1 .写作指导:本文应该用第三人称来表达故事内容;时态需采用一般过去时和一般现在时,用一般过去进行 时描述宇航员王亚平的经历与成就;用一般现在时描述自己的观点。写作过程中需要注意时间逻辑,时态 的切换,行文流畅,用词准确,条理清晰。(四)(2022.天津河北.二模)假如你是李华,上个月你在“中国航天日”参加了科技馆举行的航天俱乐部活动, 请根据以下要点写一篇短文,描述这次活动,并表达你的想法。(1)我听了宇航员的故事,学习到了科学精神。(2)我做了物理实验,增长了科学知识。(3)我参观了展览,使我对太空旅行更感兴趣了。(4)我认为参考词汇:科学精神scientific spir

18、it太空旅行space travel要求:(1)词数:80100个。(2)题目和开头已给出,不计入总词数。(3)要点齐全,行文连贯,可适当发挥。The activities on Space Day of ChinaLast month, I【答案】例文:The activities on Space Day of ChinaLast month, I took part in the space club activities held by the Science and Technology Museum on Space Day of China. In the Science and

19、 Technology Museum, first of all, I heard some stories about astronauts and learned the scientific spirit. Next, we did some physics experiments to increase our knowledge of science. Finally, it also made me more interested in space travel by participating in the exhibition.I think we should take pa

20、rt in more of these activities. These activities can keep our thirst for space knowledge alive and enhance our enthusiasm for science as well.【解析】【详解】1 ,题干解读:该题目属于材料作文。根据要点写一篇短文,描述你参加的这次航天俱乐部活动,并表达你的 想法。2.写作指导:本文应该用第一人称来表达故事内容;时态采用一般过去时为主。本文可以采用两段式 写作,第一段描述这次活动的内容,第二段那么表达对此次活动的看法。(五)(2022广东深圳实验学校三模)

21、中国航天日(Space Day of China),为纪念中国航天事业取得的成就、 向宇航员致敬,学校英语社团组织大家用英文写信给他们,请根据以下提示,完成书信。90词左右,开头 和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。1 .为他们对太空事也做出的贡献感到骄傲;.询问太空站(space station)上生活和工作的情况(至少两点);2 .对天宫课堂(Tiangong Class)非常期待,希望学习到更多的航天知识;.表达关心,祝愿他们顺利返航(return to Earth)、安全着陆(landv.)。Dear astronauts,I am writing to you with great exc

22、itement.Yours faithfully,Li Hua【答案】范文:Dear astronauts,I am writing to you with great excitement. I am proud of your remarkable accomplishments made in Chinas space expeditions. With my curiosity about your life and work in Tiangong space station, T am writing to enquire about your current situation.

23、 Have you adapted to the weightless environment? If you miss your family, is it possible for you to make video calls on a regular basis. Additionally, I am looking forward to Tiangong Class”. I hope we can learn a lot about the knowledge of space by it.Wish you a successful mission and a comfortable

24、 journey! We all hope you will return to Earth smoothly and land safe and sound.Yours faithfully,Li Hua【解析】【详解】1 .题干解读:题目要求给宇航员们写一封信;要求包含所有提示内容。2 .写作指导:此作文时态以一般现在时为主,穿插使用其他时态;采用第一人称和第二人称口吻;可采用 2段落格式,第一段:阐述对宇航员的尊敬、对太空生活的好奇以及对天宫课堂的期待;第二段:表达关心 和祝愿。(六)(2022江西中考真题)学校决定开展向航天女英雄王亚平学习的英文演讲活动,请你按下面表格要求 写一篇演讲

25、稿。先简单介绍王亚平的个人信息,再谈谈你从本卷完形填空B篇中感受到的她的优秀品质(personality),最后说说你打算如何向她学习。写作要点具体内容1. Personal informationAge: 42Birthplace: a small village in Shandong ProvinceHobby: sports2. Personality根据完形填空B篇概括(不得照搬原文)3. Your plans 要求:1 .短文应包括表格中所有的写作要点,条理清楚,行文连贯,可适当发挥;2 短文中不能出现真实的人名和地名;3.词数80120,短文开头及结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Hel

26、lo, everyone! It,s my honor to introduce an astronaut hero Wang Yaping.Thank you!【答案】例文:Hello, everyone! Its my honor to introduce an astronaut hero - Wang Yaping. Wang is a 2-year-old woman born in a small village in Shandong Province. She likes playing sports very much.Wang Yaping is the first fem

27、ale astronaut who performed spacewalk by Shenzhou XIII. She deserves our highest respect for her persistence in hard training. She loves her work and never gives up.To learn from Wang Yaping, I am going to reflect on our weak points and work hard to do better. Vm going toovercome the difficulties I meet just as Wang did. Hard work can pay off.


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