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《解析:2022年新高考全国一卷英语真题(原卷版).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《解析:2022年新高考全国一卷英语真题(原卷版).docx(14页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2022年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语本试卷共10页,满分120分。考试用时12()分钟。注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔将自己的姓名、考生号、考场号和 座位号填写在答题卡上。用2B铅笔将试卷类型(A)填涂在答题卡相应位置上。将条形码横贴 在答题卡右上角“条形码粘贴处”。因笔试不考听力,选择题从第二部分的“阅读”开始, 试题序号从“21”开始。2 .作答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂 黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案,答案不能答在试卷上。3 .非选择题必须用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域

2、内相应 位置上;如高改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液,不按 以上要求作答的答案无效。4 .考生必须保持答题卡的整洁:考试结束后,将试卷和符题卡一并交回。第二部分阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题:每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AGrading Policies for Introduction to LiteratureGrading Scale90-100, A; 80-89, B; 70-79, C; 60-69, D; Below 60, E.Essays (60%)Your fo

3、ur major essays will combine to form the main part of (he grade for (his course: Essay 1 = 10%; Essay2 = 15%; Essay 3 = 15%; Essay 4 = 20%.Group Assignments (30%)Students will work in groups to complete four assignments (作业)during the course. All the assignments willbe submitted by the assigned date

4、 through Blackboard, our online learning and course management system.Daily VVork/In-Class Writings and Tests/Group VVork/Homework (10%)Class activities will vary from day to day, but students must be ready to complete short in-class writings ortests drawn directly from assigned readings or notes fr

5、om the previous class lecture/discussion, so it is important to take careful notes during class. Additionally, from time to time I will assign group work to be completed in class or short assignments to be completed at home, both of which will be graded.Late WorkAn essay not submitted in class on th

6、e due date will lose a letter grade for each class period it is late. If it is not 高中的学习方法总结关于高一一、高一关键词难从初中到高中是个从量变到质变的过程,高中整体呈现知识量增大理论性增 强、系统性增强、综合性增强、能力要求增加的6增趋势,而盖伊又是数学、物 理、化学学科难点最集中的年级,所以对大多数学生来说,初三到高一不是个坡 儿,面是个坎儿,必须要跳才能完成这个质变的过程二、高一最重要的事情1、重视高一成就高考-高一是整个高中阶段的开始,抓住高一让自己一开 始就能够占据领先位置,对学生高中阶段的发展至关

7、重要,多年的高考经验显示, 对高一的重视程度和3年后的高考成绩成正比关系,想要在高考中取得好成绩, 一定要从高一抓起!2、提前动手,从容应对一.刚刚经历了中考,很多学生沉浸在紧张后的放松 里,但是学习如逆水行舟,不进则退,稍一放松,可能就会给自己的高一学习制 造麻烦,抓住高一开始,让自几的高中学习一帆风顺!3、发现漏洞及时弥补一高中学习比较紧张,发现漏洞千万不要以太忙太累 为由任其存在和发展,因为知识之间是有内在联系的,漏洞不补,会影响其他知 识的学习和综合应用,并且积累得太多,会觉得无从下手,只好放弃,给高考造 成很大损失!4、成绩波动正确看待-高一学习成绩波动是非常正常的事情,一般来说,

8、只要适应了高中老师的讲课方式、掌握了高中知识的学习方法,成绩都会逐步上 升并且趋于稳定的。因为成绩的暂时下降而失去信心或对某个学科失去兴趣是得 不尝失的。关于高二一、高二关键词一分化高二是一个比较特殊的年级,一方面已经适应高中的学习生活,另一方面紧张的高三还没有来临,所以心理上比较轻松;同时,高二还要面对多个科目的会 考,会分三高考科目的注意力;另外,很多家长理解上有误区;高二先放松一下, 要不在高三就没有放松的时候了。这种想法非常错误,结果就是高二是轻松了,到高三也紧张不起来。以上各 种因素综合起来,造成了严重的分化,一些学生到高三再想努力的时候,发现已为时太晚!二、高二最重要的事情1、均衡

9、发展-高考录取依据是总成绩,只要没有严重的偏科,即便是各科 都成绩平平,在高考中也能取得一个不错的成绩。如果在高三冲刺中还能够部分 学科有所突破,就会考得非常理想,所以均衡发展是取得高考好成绩的基础。2、提前备考一-高考考得是整个高中三年的知识,而不只是高三的知识。不 要认为高考就是高三的事情,其实每个阶段都是在备考,都是在为高考打基础, 高二尤其如此。3、强化基础-高一的很多知识是在以后的学习中必须要用到的基础知识, 所以如果发现高一的部分知识没有完全掌握,千万不能等到高三复习的时候再去 解决,要尽快补上,使自己高二高三的学习更加顺畅。关于高三一、高三关键词-一冲刺步入高三,就像战场上吹响了

10、冲锋号,从这一刻起,需要全力冲刺心无 旁鹫、全力以赴、坚持不懈、决不放弃!不管自己的水平如何,不论自己的能力 怎样最关键的是你冲刺了没有?(可以挂座右铭或激励性的话语警醒向己)二、高三最重要的事情1、明确目标一明确高考目标,同时分析自己的程度,明确差距。对目标学 校的情况初步了解(对比历年招生情况,有无加分限制)。如果没有合理定位自 己,是无法完成科学规划的2、恰当选择-对于高三学生来说,选择课外辅导是必不可少的,老师的引 领和点拨可以让你进步的更快,但是课外辅导的形式很多,如:在线课程、班级 辅导、串讲课堂、一对一辅导、请家教、或是最近流行的随叫随到的某品牌家教 机等,根据自身情况选择合适的

11、学习模式,才能用时最短、效果最好。3、重视第一轮复习第一轮复习是最全面、最系统的,也是大多数学生 最认真最有成效的。在第一轮复习时,不投机、不偏颇、不耍小聪明,才能收获 最大。4、调整心态高三没完没了的做题、没完没了的考试,还有家长和老师 没完没了的唠叨,加上自己给自己的压力,很容易有急躁、郁闷、迷茫、懈怠等 情绪。这个时候如果能够及时调整,让心态回归到正确的轨道上,就是往高考成 功道路上前进了巨大的一步。但若这种心态蔓延,就会成为你高考成功路上难以 逾越的障碍在学习方面他们应该这样做:1处理好知识与能力的关系学生在校学习中,一定要重视基础知识的学习。基础是什么?就是课本上的 那些知识,就是平

12、常我们做的最多的作业题型。基础知识学好了,学习能力自然 就提高了。学习能力强,掌握知识的速度就快。2处理好看书与做题的关系学生一定要保证看书的时间。比如英语,对一些常见的词汇、知识点、语法 等一定要多看,多看才能记熟,才能顺利做题。不要搞题海战术,但也要做一定 量题。做临考前的复习题要有代表性、典型性。3处理好学习与休息的关系要保持一个良好的心态,不要打疲劳战,尤其是到考试时,不要过度紧张, 要适当休息,劳逸结合。学习时要有一定的收获,不做无用功。要注意学习做题 的效率和效果。4学会做和自己水平相当的题。无论是中考或是高考。临考前一段时间,应结合自己的实际水平进行复习, 做与自己水平相当模拟题

13、。首先要保证基础题要做对,基础题没做对,难题更没 有希望了。越接近考试,越要适当降低练习的难度,不做那些偏题和怪题,这有 利于增强自信心。5平时做题要讲究质量不要追求数量对于大量的典型例题,要透彻的做到底、做明白。我们在学习中,盲目的做 大量的题目是不会有太多效果的。比如你英语阅读能力很一般,一口气看儿十篇 阅读理解文章,做了好几十道选择题,可惜一篇都没看懂或是半懂不懂,选择答 案时也是连蒙带猜。这样还不如用同样的时间作一篇或儿道题,彻底把它读懂弄 透,不认识的单词就去查字典,把整篇文章结构,每个句子的意思都搞清楚,每 个答案都弄明白,这样日积月累下来进步肯定非常惊人。做什么数学题、化学题 或

14、生物题等也是一样的。做一道题就把他的解题思路、涉及的知识点都弄清楚明 白,能够举一反三,下次在碰到类似的题目就不怕了。这样哪怕是用平时做十道 题的时间来做一道题,学习效率也会大大的提高。怎样学好语文1勤记忆这里的记忆并不同于英语的语法的死记硬背,而是指理解地记。例如:当新 学一个生字丽的时候,你只要理解这个字的含义是好看、漂亮的意思,就能举一 反三地理解出秀丽壮丽、美丽等一大串和丽有关的词语。长期如此,你会发现自 己已经懂得了许多字、词。2深感悟有的同学最怕考试中出现那些写出文章中心思想的题目,其实过这一关很容 易,你只要用心去读,用心去感受就会自然而生。比如:我们读朱自清的背影 就要全身心地

15、投入进去,就像自己的父亲关爱自己一样去感悟,你就产生一种感 激之情,轻松写出作者的写作目的和文章的中心思想。3善联想在学习古诗文时,可以闭上双眼,仿佛自己回到了诗人所描绘的情境中,你 就会不知不觉的记住和理解其意思。4多练笔作文。一个让许多同学头痛的难题。其实也简单,只要你记住六个字“阅读、 积累、练笔”。从多阅读课外书积累出更多的名言警句,最后动笔写出来或者多 写日记等,到了关键时候,自然而然就下笔如有神了。培养语文自学能力语文是一门最易自学成才的课程,古今中外不少大作家都是自学成才的。作 文写的好,工具书不可少,养成一个勤查字典、词典的好习惯。语文是一门语言 学科,字、词典是无声的老师,字

16、音、字义及相应用法在字典里都说的很清楚。 因此,备齐工具书是学习好语文的一个首要条件。6要把学习语文当成一件快乐的事情它的读音、解词造句、诗歌、散文、小说、戏剧等都是非常有趣的。尤其是 当我们在做完数理化作业后,看看语文方面的东西,简直是一种享受。相信,作 为华夏子孙的我们一定会学好祖国的语言文字的高中拉分看语文一一高中语文基本学习方法高一语文注重阅读理解能力以及文言文基础,会让新高一同学们在开始时较 难入手。让我们来看看高中语文如何学习高中语文的基本学习方法1、主动预习对于语文课来讲,预习相当重要,特别是古文学习,如果你能在预习阶段就 能通过自己的思考将文章中出现的重要语法知识归纳出来,学会

17、主动学习,便可 以达到以下四个目标:(1)大致了解:对课文或下一课所学的内容及层次有大致的了解;(2)巩固梳理:巩围复习IFI知识,理解新知识,能把新旧知识进行粗层次的有 机联系;(3)找出重点:找出课文中的重点、难点和自己感到费解的地方,尤其对那些 似是而非、似曾相识的知识要特别引起注意;(4)课后练习:了解课文后面的练习,对于难度较大的问题要做记号,等老师 授课时注意听讲或提出。预习实际上是听课前在思想上、心理上及知识上的准备。2、专心上课课堂是教育教学的主阵地。学生在校的大部分时间是在课堂上度过的。上好 课、听好课是学习各门功课的重要途径。课堂学习是一顼艰苦的脑力劳动,只有 讲究策略,才

18、能取得好的效果。行之有效的课堂学习策略主要有:(1)抓住思路:抓住老师的思路,跟紧老师的步伐,学会抓思路而不是死记硬背;(2)抓住关键点:抓住关键内容,抓关键词,而不是将所有课件上的内容照搬 到笔记上;书必须学会圈点勾画。(3)活跃思考:积极思维,学思结合;(4)课上时间:珍惜课上学习时间,完成老师布置的任务。(5)注意课堂小结:在课堂学习过程中要做到,眼到、手到、心到。只有在课 堂上达到对老师所讲内容的最基本的消化吸收,才有可能为知识的进一步掌握和 巩固打好基础。3、及时复习复习是语文学习的重要环节,也是提高语文学习成效的重要因素。语文复习 必须要主动,可以运用以下几种具体方法:(1)系统整

19、理(2)独立作业(3)分析错误 (4)系统小结。提高学习方法古人说“不动笔墨不读书”是很有道理的,不断动笔能强化记忆、整理思维、 提高认识。所以语文学习中,动笔很重要。1、语文学习中要用好两个本子。(1)随笔本我们现在年级的同学都有一个很漂亮的随笔本,随笔本是同学们用于创作的 园地,在随笔本里,没有文题的限制,有的是触景生情、有感而发、熔铸古今、 笔下生花。好文章常常是切实有感后带着强列的创作冲动而形成的酣畅文字。同 学们通过积累、感触和思索,基本能养成良好的笔力文风。但是也有少部分的同 学把随笔本当成一个情绪的垃圾桶,当然情绪若能通过笔端得到良好的宣泄,这 也未尝不是一件好事,但其实随笔本可

20、以有更好的用处。同学们可以自己喜欢的 专题,从妙辞佳句到到精美文章、从历史学敌到民间俚语、从术语名词到文学流 派、从文学描摹到专题研究,可作随时的大量的摘录抄写。随笔本常备手边,努 力坚持,积累多样的表达,使之成为一本美文汇集。(2)知识积累本知识本是用来记录语言和文学方面基本知识的,可用于随堂笔记和个人整理。 经过初中学习,绝大部分的语法知识和语言现象都有触及,但限于理解能力,许 多同学是一知半解,支离破碎的。到了高中,有必要对其进行系统梳理,同学们 可参照有关讲解,从字形、词语、标点到句法、修辞,用一年时间归纳整理,同 时对文学常识,写作知识等注意搜集,可构建起自己语文知识的框架体系。2、

21、课外书籍语文学习最重要的内容是读书。要学好语文,光读几册教材是远远不够的, 必须要大量地阅读课外书籍,从书中获取丰富的精神养料。勤奋读书,必须做到 珍惜时间,抓紧分分秒秒。欧阳修善于利用“三上”的时间读书,即“马上、枕 上、厕上”,郑板桥读书则利用“舟中、马上、被底”的零星时间读书背诵。古 人勤奋读书的精神值得大家学习。3、词典资料读书要养成勤查词典资料等工具书的习惯。工书的种类很多,除了字典、辞 典外,还包括文献资料、索引等供查考使用的图书。最常用的工具书为字典、词 典、辞典。如新华字典、现代汉语词典、古汉语常用宇字典、唐诗鉴赏 辞典、宋词鉴赏辞典等。工具书不仅可以在碰到疑难问题时查阅,而且

22、也可 以作一般书籍一页一页地读下去,同样是大有收益的。语文学习的要义在于勤和恒。大家要五法并用,充分调动起眼、耳、口、手、 心各感官,实现听、说、读、写、思诸种功能。如果说听和读这两种视听手段是 吸收营养,是“进”的过程;那么说和写则是加工和生成的过程,是进行人际交 流的必需。良好学习习惯的养成要有坚强的毅力,要持久地有意识地培养。只要 有决心,良好的习惯就一定能养成。这对人的一生将是一笔巨大的财富,终身享 用不尽。turned in by the 4(h day after the due date, it will earn a zero. Daily assignments not co

23、mpleted during class will get a zero. Short writings missed as a result of an excused absence will be accepted.1. Where is this text probably taken from?A. A textbook.B. An exam paper.C. A course plan.D. An academic article.2. How many parts is a students final grade made up of?A. Two.B. Three.C. Fo

24、ur.D. Five.3. What will happen if you submit an essay one week after the due date?A. You will receive a zero.B. You will lose a letter grade.C. You will be given a test.D. Ybu will have to rewrite it.BLike most of us, I try to be mindfulof foodthatgoes lo waste. The arugula (芝麻菜)wasto make a nice gr

25、eensalad, rounding out a roast chicken dinner.But Iendedup working late. Then friends calledwith a dinnerinvitation. I stuck the chicken in the freezer. But as days passed, the arugula went had. Even worse, 1 had unthinkingly bought way too much; I could have made six salads with what I threw out.In

26、 a world where nearly 800 million people a year go hungry, “food waste goes against the moral grain,M as Elizabeth Royte writes in this months cover story. Itjaw-dropping how much perfectly good food is thrown away 一from “ugly” (but quite eatable) vegetables rejected by grocers to large amounts of u

27、neaten dishes thrown into restaurant garbage cans.Producing food that no one cats wastes the water, fuel, and other resources used to grow it. That makes food waste an environmental problem, in fact, Royte writes, 4tif food waste were a country, it would be the third largest producer of greenhouse g

28、ases in the world.”If thats hard to understand, lets keep it as simple as the arugula at the back of my refrigerator. Mike Curtin sees my arugula story all the time but for him, its more like 12 bones of donated strawberries nearing their last days. Curtin is CEO of DC Central Kitchen in Washington,

29、 D.C., which recovers food and turns it into healthy meals. Last year it recovered more than 807,500 pounds of food by taking donations and collecting blemished (有 瑕疵 )produce (hat otherwise would have rotted in fields. And the strawberries? Volunteers will wash, cut, and freeze or dry them for use

30、in meals down the road.Such methods seem obvious, yet so often we just dont think. t4Everyone can play a part in reducing waste, whether by not purchasing more food than necessary in your weekly shopping or by asking restaurants to not include the side dish you wont eat,“ Curtin says.4. What does th

31、e author want to show by telling the arugula story?A. We pay little attention to food waste.C. We waste more vegetables than meat.5. What is a consequence of food waste accordingA. Moral decline.C. Energy shortage.6. What docs Curtins company do?A It produces kitchen equipment.B. We waste food uninl

32、enlionally at times.D. We have good reasons for wasting food, to the test?B. Environmental harm.D. Worldwide stan ation.C. It turns rotten arugula into clean fuel.D. It helps local farmers grow fruits.7. What does Curtin suggest people do?A. Buy only what is needed.C. Go shopping once a week.D. it m

33、akes meals out of unwanted food.8. Reduce food consumplion.D. Eat in restaurants less often.CThe elderly residents (居民)in care homes in London are being given hens (o look after to stop them feeling lonely.The project was dreamed up by a local charity (慈善组织)to reduce loneliness and improve elderly p

34、eoples wellbeing. It is also being used to help patients suffering dementia, a serious illness of the mind. Staff in care homes have reported a reduction in the use of medicine where hens are in use.Among those taking part in the project is 80-year-old Ruth Xavier. She said: I used to keep hens when

35、 I was younger and had to prepare their breakfast each morning before I went to school. ”UI like the project a lot. I am down there in my wheelchair in the morning letting the hens out and down there again at night to see theyve gone to bcd.“Its good to have a different fbcus. People have been bring

36、ing their children in to see the hens and residents come and sit outside to watch them. Tin enjoying the creative activities, and it feels great to have done something useful.There are now 700 elderly people looking after hens in 20 care homes in (he North East, and the charity has been given financ

37、ial support to roll it out countrywide.Wendy Wilson, extra care manager at 60 Penfold Street, one of the first to embark on the project, said: “Residents really welcome the idea of the project and the creative sessions. Wc arc looking forward to the benefits and fun the project can bring to people h

38、ere.”Lynn Lewis, director of Notting Hill Pathways, said: We are happy to be taking part in the project. It will really help connect our residents through a shared interest and creative activities.What is (he purpose of the project?B. To provide part-time jobs for the aged.D. To promote the elderly

39、peoples welfare.A. To ensure harmony in care homes.C. To raise money for medical research.8. How has the project affected Ruth Xavier?A. She has learned new life skills.B. She has gained a sense of achievement.C. She has recovered her memory.D. She has developed a strong personality.9. What do the u

40、nderlined words embark on“ mean in paragraph 7?A. Improve.B. Oppose.C. Begin.D. Evaluate.10. What can we learn about the project from the last two paragraphs?A. It is well received.B. It needs to be more creative.C. It is highly profitable.D. It takes ages to see the results.DHuman speech contains m

41、ore than 2,000 different sounds, from the common m and a to the rare clicks of some southern African languages. But why are certain sounds more common than others? A ground-breaking, five- year study shows that diet-relaled changes in human bite led to new speech sounds that are now found in half (h

42、e worlds languages.More than 30 years ago, the scholar Charles Hockett noted that speech sounds called labiodentals, such as F and v,were more common in the languages of societies that ate softer foods. Now a team of researchers led by Damian Blasi at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, has found

43、 how and why this trend arose.They discovered that the upper and lower front teeth of ancient human adults were aligned (对齐),making it hard to produce labiodentals, which are formed by touching the lower lip to (he upper teeth. Later, our jaws changed to an overbite structure (结构),making it easier t

44、o produce such sounds.The team showed that (his change in bite was connected with the development of agriculture in the Neolithic period. Food became easier to chew at this point. The jawbone didnt have to do as much work and so didnt grow to be so large.Analyses of a language database also confirme

45、d that there was a global change in the sound of world languages after the Neolithic age, with the use of and increasing remarkably during the last few thousand years. These sounds are still not found in the languages of many hunter-gatherer people today.This research overturns the popular view that

46、 all human speech sounds were present when human beings evolved around 300,000 years ago. ,The set of speech sounds we use has not necessarily remained stable since the appearance of human beings, but rather the huge variety of speech sounds that we find today is the product of acomplex interplay of

47、 things like biological change and cultural evolution,44 said Steven Moran, a member of the research team.11. Which aspect of the human speech sound does Damian Blasis research fbcus on?A. Its variety.B. Its distribution.C. Its quantity.D. Its development.12. Why was it difficult for ancient human a

48、dults to produce labiodentals?A. They had fewer upper teeth than lower teeth.B. They could not open and close their lips easily.C Their jaws were not conveniently structured.D. Their lower from (eeth were no( large enough.14. What is paragraph 5 mainly about?A. Supporting evidence for the research results.B. Potential application of the research findings.C. A further explanation of the research methods.D. A reasonable doubt about the research process.15. What does Steven Moran say about the s


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