2019九年级英语全册 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版.doc

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2019九年级英语全册 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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2019九年级英语全册 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版.doc_第2页
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1、UnitUnit 8 8PeriodPeriod 1 1 (Section(Section A A 1a-1c)1a-1c)学习目标学习目标能够用情态动词表示推断。自主学习自主学习汉译英1. 在野餐会上 2. 属于 3. 一定是 4. 听流行音乐课堂活动课堂活动1. 熟悉句型:Whose . is it? Its mine./It belongs to me.Its his/hers/sb.s /It belongs to him/her/sb.2. 完成 1a 和 1b 的练习。熟悉句型 Sth must belong to sb because .3. 完成 1c 的练习。熟悉句型 mus

2、t be sbs 和 must belong to sb.巩固练习巩固练习汉译英1. 这是谁的书?_ _ is this? / _ is this book?2. 它一定是玛丽的,海明威是她最喜爱的作家。It _ _ Marys. J.K.Rowling is her favorite writer.3. 这个足球可能是约翰的。The soccer ball _ _ Johns.4. 地上有本书,我们把它捡起来吧Here is a book on the ground, and lets _ _ _.课后反思课后反思自评: 小组评 :你学到了哪些知识?存在的问题或困惑?PeriodPeriod

3、 2 2 (Section(Section A A 2a-2d)2a-2d)学习目标学习目标能够分析和归纳情态动词 must, might, could, cant 表示推测时语气的强弱,并结合实际生活情境理解和运用。自主学习自主学习1. 了解 must, might, could, cant 表示推测时语气的强弱。2. 汉译英(1)参加 (2)其余的 (3)有价值的 (4)捡到 课堂活动课堂活动1. 处理 2a 至 2c 的练习。2. SummaryA: Whose . is this? = _B: It must/might/could/cant be sbs. = _3. Predict

4、ion:What are Linda and her mom talking about according to the picture?If you lose your schoolbag, what will you recall to help you find it?4. 阅读 2d 对话,回答下列问题。(1). Whats in the schoolbag?(2). Where did Linda go or what did she do?(3). Did she finally find it?巩固练习巩固练习用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1. Taiwan _ (belong

5、) to China forever.2. It must belong to _ (I) .3. The homework cant be _ (she). She wasnt at school today.4. A: _ (who) book is this?B: It must be Marys.课后反思课后反思自评: 小组评 :你学到了哪些知识?存在的问题或困惑?PeriodPeriod 3(Section3(Section A A 3a-3c)3a-3c)学学习目标习目标1. 能够熟练掌握情态动词 must, might, could, cant 的用法,并理解它们在句子中的含义。

6、2. 能够在适当的语境中正确使用情态动词 must, might, could, cant.自主学习自主学习汉译英1. 彼此 2. 采访 3. 报警 4. 一些不寻常的事 5. 噪声 6. 社区 7. 起初 8. 太而不能课堂活动课堂活动1. Discussion:What would you feel if you heard strange sound at night?2. 处理 3b 和 3c。3. Group work:Make up a conversation and role playA: Im the reporter from Daily News. Its said th

7、at some strange things happened in a nearby town these days. Lets interview some of the local people there and see what happens.B: C: D: E: F: G: 4. Discussion:What do you think the noises could be? Why?巩固练习巩固练习汉译英1. 我认为它太大不会是一只狗。I think it was _ big _ be a dog.2. 他们没有发现任何可疑的东西。They didnt find _ _.3

8、. 我们不知道。We _ _ _.4. 多数人希望只是动物或者人简单地路过。Most people hope that this animal or person will simply _ _ .课后反思课后反思自评: 小组评 :你学到了哪些知识?存在的问题或困惑?PeriodPeriod 4 4 (Section(Section A A GrammarGrammar Focus-4c)Focus-4c)学习目标学习目标1. 对情态动词表示推断的情况进行总结和应用。2. 能够用情态动词 must, might, could, cant 对各种情况进行推断,培养判断能力和逻辑思维能力。自主学习

9、自主学习归纳总结情态动词 must, might, could, cant 对各种情况进行推断。 课堂活动课堂活动1. 处理 4a 和 4b 的练习。2. Discussion(4c):How much can you tell about the person who lives here? Is it a boy or a girl? What are his/her hobbies?3. Make up a conversation.巩固练习巩固练习用 must, might, could, cant 填空1. A: What is it?B: I dont know. It _ be

10、a kind of bird.2. He _ be Japanese. He speaks Japanese so well.3. Miss Liu _ be in the office. She has gone to Beijing to study.4. These boys _ be tired after planting so many trees.5. The toy _ be Bobs. He is the only little kid in this family.课后反思课后反思自评: 小组评 :你学到了哪些知识?存在的问题或困惑?PeriodPeriod 5 5 (Se

11、ction(Section B B 1a-1e)1a-1e)学习目标学习目标能够通过听、说学习和外星人有关的词汇,并会对相关的现象进行推测。自主学习自主学习汉译英1. 你认为这个人为什么在跑呢?Why _ _ _ the man is running?2. 他们想看日出。They want to see the sun _.3. 上班迟到 4. 为锻炼而跑步 5. 一些奇怪的东西6. 做梦 7. 来自电视新闻媒体 8. 拍电影课堂活动课堂活动1. Write a sentence about each picture(1a).a. _b. _c. _2. 处理 1b 和 1c 的练习。3. R

12、ole-play a conversation.巩固练习巩固练习完成句子1. 这本字典肯定是 Jane 的,上面有她的名字。This dictionary _ be _ . Here is her name on it.2. 那幅画可能是我父亲的。That picture _ _ to my father.3. “孩子们在哪里?” “他们可能正在操场踢球呢。 ”A : Where are the children?B: They might _ _ soccer on the playground.4. 她整天因为考试忧虑。She is worried the whole day _ _ th

13、e tests.5. 一定有人到我们家了,但是是谁呢?There must _ _ visiting our home. But who is it? 课后反思课后反思自评: 小组评 :你学到了哪些知识?存在的问题或困惑?PeriodPeriod 6 6 (Section(Section B B 2a-2e)2a-2e)学习目标学习目标能够用扫读的方式进行阅读,通过阅读,理解连接词的用法。自主学习自主学习1. 收集整理不同的连接词(表时间、因果、转折、并列、条件等) 。2. 汉译英(1)信息 (2)超过,多于 (3)到达 (4)不仅而且 (5)之一 (6)指出 课堂活动课堂活动1. 结合文章中

14、的句子正确理解 2a 中的连接词的用法。2. Reading(1) 处理 2c 和 2d 的练习。Mysteries about StonehengeWhat Stonehenge might have been used for.1. Who built it?2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (2) DiscussionWhat other mysteries do you know?What do you know about these mysteries?What is mysterious about them?巩固练习巩固练习完成句子。1. I often see him

15、 _ (enter) the tall building.2. He is one of my good _ (friend) .3. I can _ _ (与交流) English men.4. The knife is used for _ (cut) things.5. We should keep our classroom _ (clean).课后反思课后反思自评: 小组评 :你学到了哪些知识?存在的问题或困惑?PeriodPeriod 7 7 (Section(Section B B 3a-3b)3a-3b)学习目标学习目标能够用书面语言写关于神秘事件的新闻。自主学习自主学习1.

16、归纳总结情态动词表推测的用法。2. 能够运用情态动词正确写出句子课堂活动课堂活动1. Discussion:What could the noises be?Why do you think so?2. Writing practice(3b)巩固练习巩固练习假如你是 Mike,你的好朋友 Lucy 的宠物狗豆豆,走失好几天了,为此,她感到焦虑。请给 Lucy 写封信,安慰她,并推测狗可能会在哪里,在做什么。要求:1. 书信格式要正确。 2. 运用以下句式给出猜测:She might.It is possible that.课后反思课后反思自评: 小组评 :你学到了哪些知识?存在的问题或困惑?PeriodPeriod 8 8 (Self(Self Check)Check)学习目标学习目标复习巩固本单元的重难点知识自主学习自主学习整理归纳本单元重难点知识课堂活动课堂活动课后反思课后反思自评: 小组评 :你学到了哪些知识?存在的问题或困惑?


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