2019学年七年级英语下学期期末测试试题 人教新目标版.doc

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《2019学年七年级英语下学期期末测试试题 人教新目标版.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019学年七年级英语下学期期末测试试题 人教新目标版.doc(15页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、120192019学年七年级英语下学期期末测试试题学年七年级英语下学期期末测试试题满分:150分时间:120分钟注意事项:1. 本场考试时间为120分钟;2. 请按照番号顺序把所有答案填到答题卡上。选择题部分请用2B铅笔按顺序认真填涂到答题卡规定位置。笔试部分请用黑色签字笔按顺序填写到答题卡方框中的对应题号横线上。超出答题区域不得分。3. 请保证答题卷上字迹清晰、卷面完整、整洁、无折痕。不得使用修正带或修正液。听力部分(30 scores)I. Listen to five questions or sentences and choose the correct responses acco

2、rding to what youve heard from the tape. Each question or sentence will be read twice. 听句子选出正确的应答, 每题念两遍。(5 scores) 1. A. No, thank you. B. Yes, please. C. No way.D. A mixed salad, please.2. A. Dont worry. B. You are joking. C. Great. D. Thank you. 3. A. Its really nice. B. Its down the street. C. I

3、ts got many great collections. D. Its quite big.4. A. He is tall and very interesting. B. He is a policeman.C. She is pretty with blonde hair. D. She likes chocolate.5. A. Leave me alone. B. Sure. Whats wrong.C. Nothing, really. D. How can I know?II. Listen to 4 sentences and choose the right pictur

4、e according to what youve heard from the tape. Each sentence will be read twice. 听句子选出对应的图片,每题念两遍。(4scores)2A B C D6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _III. listen to six short dialogues and answer the following questions. Each dialogue will be read twice. 听短对话回答问题。每段对话读两遍。(6scores)10. When will the film start?A. 8.2

5、0. B. 8.30. C. 8.40. D. 8.10.11. How does Iris usually go to school?A. By car B. By bus C. On foot . D. By bike.12. Where does Jenny go to school?A. Ireland. B. The United States. C. France. D. Japan.13. What would the lady like for her starter?A. Vegetable curry. B. Roast lamb with rice C. Mixed sa

6、lad. D. Soup of the day. 14. Who loves watching sports programmes?A. I do. B. Father does. C. Mother does. D. My sister does.15. Whos got some freckles?A. Izzie has. B. Sue has. C. Tom has. D. Daniel has. IV. Listen to a long conversation carefully and judge the following statements true or false. I

7、f its true, choose A; if its false, choose B. The passage will be read three times.听对话,判断正误,正确请选A, 错误请选B。该对话念三遍。(5%)16. Becky travels, works and lives on the boat.317. The life on the boat is always quiet and easy.18. Becky sometimes watches TV and often listens to the radio.19. Its not a big boat a

8、nd it has got three rooms.20. Becky does shopping twice a month in London. V. Listen to two short passages (passage A and passage B) and choose the correct answers to the questions. The passages will be read three times.听短文,选择正确答案,短文念三遍。(10%)Passage A21. Which is NOT one of the three most popular sp

9、ort in America?A. Volleyball. B. Basketball. C. Baseball. D. American football. 22. When can people usually enjoy football games in America?A. Friday. B. Saturday. C. Sunday. D. A,B confused; outside; leaves; scared; idiot; island; teaches; village; real; storms; temporary; south/southern; opinion; waste; selective; Competitions; documentaries; unusual; raw; dishes; similarities; intelligent; fingers; thumb; laugh; chemical; makes; Ninety-eight; difference136-145yourself; rest; another; scared; shows; how; to check; get; where; Anyway146-150GCFBE


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