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《小学英语外研一起六年级上册期末阅读理解专题复习试题附答案2.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《小学英语外研一起六年级上册期末阅读理解专题复习试题附答案2.docx(39页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、小学英语外研一起六年级上册期末阅读理解专题复习(2)试题附答案(已排版可直接打印)Old Smith is a very, very, very old man. He knows everything, he thinks. One day, a boy called Sam asked him where the Great Wall is. Old Smith told Sam its in China. Sam asked him how long the Great Wall is. Old Smith told Sam its 20, 000 kilometres long. Sa

2、m asked him how old the Great Wall is. Old Smith told Sam its millions (百万)of years old. But Sam told Old Smith it is only more than 2,000 years old.1. Old Smith is aman.()A. youngB. oldC. clever2. Sam asked Smith the things aboutA. ChinaA. ChinaB. the Great WallC everything3. The Great Wall islong.

3、()A. twenty thousand kilometresA. twenty thousand kilometresB , twenty kilometresC. two thousand years4. Old Smith4. Old Smitheverything in fact.( )A. knowsB. don9t knowC. doesnt know第一篇Buckingham Palace (白金汉宫)is in London, England. It was built around 1705.Its famous because Queen Elizabeth (伊丽莎 白

4、女王)of England lives there.Buckingham Palace is a big and beautiful building. Queen Elizabeth and her family live on the second floor. The queen also has her office at the palace.Buckingham Palace is like a small town. The palace is about 600 rooms. About 400 people work there. Two people take care o

5、f the clocks. There are 300 clocks inBuckingham Palace!第1页共40页 like a sea of flowers. All the people in Beijing are trying their best to make the city more beautiful.59. Beijing is the capital of China.()The Summer Palace is in Beijing.()60. Beijing is a beautiful young city in China.()Many foreigne

6、rs come to visit Beijing every year.()61. The people in Beijing love the city very much.()第十四篇China made its first stamps in 1878. The first stamps were of a very big dragon.Behind the dragon, there were clouds and waves. People all over the world love to collect stamps from China. Chinese stamps ar

7、e famous because there are beautiful.They also show China that history, people, places and animals. Many stamps in China are childrens paintings. People love these stamps. The paintings show that China and the childrens works are very good.62. Canada made its first stamps in 1878.(). The first stamp

8、s were of a very big tiger.()63. People love to collect stamps from China.()Many stamps in China were mens paintings.()64. We can see Chinas history on the stamps.()第十五篇Thanksgiving is a very popular holiday in the US. It is on the fourth Thursday of November. On this day, families and friends come

9、together for a turkey dinner. People leave work early on Wednesday afternoon for a family reunion. Many people take Friday off and make it a long weekend because most Americans dont work on Saturdays and Sundays. During the holiday, travel between big cities can be a headache.The tradition of Thanks

10、giving holiday began in 1621 when the first English第10页共40页 settlers arrived in America. They didn*t have enough food. The Indians helped the white men and taught them how to grow corn and vegetables. So in that autumn, they had a good harvest. The English invited the Indians to their dinner in orde

11、r to give thanks to them for their help and to the God.65. Thanksgiving is on the fourth Saturday of November.()On Thanksgiving, people come together for a turkey dinner.()66. Thanksgiving began in 1621.()The Indians helped the white.()67. The English invited the God to their dinner.()帝 |一竺弟十八扁What

12、is the biggest animal in the world? Do you know? The biggest animal in the world lives in the sea. It is the blue whale (鲸). It can be more than 30 metres long. A blue whale can weigh over 150 tons (口屯) It is heavier than 30 elephants. The blue whale doesnt eat big fish. It feeds on (以为食)tiny creatu

13、res (微小生物).People killed the blue whales for their meat and oil in the past. But now no one is allowed to kill the blue whale.68. The biggest animal in the world is the elephant.(). The blue whale lives in the sea.()69. The blue whale can be more than 30 metres long.()The blue whale eats big fish.()

14、70. In the past people killed the blue whales for their meat and oil.()第十七篇Hello, everyone! My name is Jack. I study in Qianmen Primary School. I like reading books and doing sports. I often read books after dinner. And I like reading story books and picture books. At the weekend I often go swimming

15、 with my friends. And I often play football with my friends in the park. But sometimes I stay at home第11页共40页 and help my mum clean the room.71. Jack studies in Qinanmen Primary School.()Jack likes reading story books and picture books.()72. Jack often reads books before dinner.()Jack often plays fo

16、otball with his parents in the park.()73. Sometimes Jack stays at home and helps his mum clean the room.()第十八篇Dear Ann,I hope youre well. Tm on holiday in London with my friend Lucy. We arrived there by plane last Monday. On Tuesday we saw Big Ben and Buckingham Palace. The next day we visited the B

17、ritish Museum and had dinner in a Chinese restaurant. On Thursday we went to Tower Bridge on the River Thames and looked at the city. Today is Friday. We did some shopping. I took lots of photos and Im sending them with email to you! Tomorrow were going to fly home.Love,Lene74. Lene and Lucy arrived

18、 in London last Sunday.(). On Wednesday Lene and Lucy saw Big Ben and Buckingham Palace.()75. Lene and Lucy are going back home by plane on Saturday.()Lene and Lucy did some shopping on Friday.()76. . On Thursday Lene and Lucy went to Tower Bridge on the River Thames.()第十九篇Traffic lights are the sam

19、e in every country. There are always three lights: red, yellow and green. Red means stop. Yellow means wait and green means go. In China, drivers drive on the right side of the road. In the US, drivers drive on the right side too. In England and Australia, however, drivers drive on the left side of

20、the road. If you go by car, by bike or on foot, you must know the traffic rules.第12页共40页There are always three lights in every country: red, yellow and green.()77. Yellow lights mean ngon.()In China, drivers drive on the right side of the road.()78. In the US, drivers drive on the left side of the r

21、oad.()If you go on foot, you dont have to know the traffic rules.()第一十篇? i 1 I /nn阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。The Smarts are looking at a map of China. They want to visit many places during(在期 I可)their winter holiday. Mr Smart wants to visit Tibet. He wants toclimb the mountains and ride a horse. Mrs Smart wa

22、nts to go to Hong Kong. She wants to do some shopping. Amy wants to go to Harbin. She wants to see the beautiful snow and she wants to skate and ski. Sam wants to go to Guilin. He likes the mountains and the stones. He wants to row a boat. Tom wants to stay at home and play computer games.79. The Sm

23、arts want to travel in China.(). Mr Smart wants to ride a horse in Tibet.()80. Mrs Smart wants to go to Hong Kong to do some shopping.()Amy wants to swim in Harbin.()81. Sam wants to go boating in Hangzhou.()阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。I am Tom. There are four people in my family-my father, my mother, my sister

24、 and I. Last Sunday was a fine day. My family went to the Zhongshan Park by subway. We went hiking in the park. At first, we were happy and excited. My father is stronger than all of us, so he took many things in his bag. We played games, sang songs and danced in the park. But suddenly (突然地),my sist

25、er fell down (摔倒 了)and hurt第13页共40页 her leg. At last, she had to (不得不) go to see a doctor. We were sad in the end (最 后).82. Toms family went to the park last Saturday.()Toms father is stronger than his mother.()83. Tom*s sister took many things in her bag.()Tom*s family went to the park by subway.()

26、84. Tom hurt his leg.()第一十一篇Read and write Tor F”.One hot afternoon, the old man was asleep in his chair. His monkey was sitting beside him. Suddenly the monkey found a mosquito (蚊子)but he couldnt kill it.The monkey got so angry that he picked up a big stone. The monkey killed the mosquito, but it a

27、lso broke the old mans nose.85. It was hot in the afternoon.(). The old man was sleeping in his bed.()86. The monkey killed the mosquito at last.()The mosquito broke the mans nose.()第二十三篇根据短文内容,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。Jo is an American girl. She is from New York. She is thirteen. She likes drinking milk a lo

28、t.Now Jo is in China. She likes Chinese very much. She studies at No. 15 Middle School. She studies well. She reads Chinese every morning. She likes speaking Chinese in class. She often speaks Chinese after class, too.She watches TV on Saturday evening. She does her homework at school. She likes hel

29、ping others. She likes playing basketball.第14页共40页87. . New York is in Canada.( )Jo likes drinking milk very much.()88. Jo lives in China now.()Jo speaks Chinese only in class.()89. Jo doesnt like playing basketball.()第一十四篇) iI-i /tttj根据短文内容,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)oSam wants to borrow a book from the school

30、library.He comes to the library with Laura. They cant see any assistants in it, but only a robot standing there. Then Sam says to the robot,“Hey, give me the book.But the robot doesnt move.“Whats wrong?”he asks Laura. Then Laura tells him/You must say please first when you want to borrow something f

31、rom him.So Sam says/Please give the book to me, Mr Robot/The robot brings the book. But this time Sam cant take the book out of the robofs hand. Laura tells him againYou must say thank you5 before you take the book. So Sam says JOh, thank you very much, Mr Robot.”The robot smiles and gives the book

32、to him.90. Sam comes to the library with a girl.( )There are some assistants in the library.( )91. Sam sayshelloto the robot.()Laura doesnt know how to borrow a book from a robot.( )92. Laura helps Sam to borrow a book.( )第15页共40页小学英语外研一起六年级上册期末阅读理解 专题复习(2)试题答案(已排版可直接打印)第一篇Old Smith is a very, very,

33、 very old man. He knows everything, he thinks. One day, a boy called Sam asked him where the Great Wall is. Old Smith told Sam its in China. Sam asked him how long the Great Wall is. Old Smith told Sam its 20, 000 kilometres long. Sam asked him how old the Great Wall is. Old Smith told Sam its milli

34、ons (百万)of years old. But Sam told Old Smith it is only more than 2,000 years old.1. Old Smith is a man.()A. youngB. oldC. clever2. Sam asked Smith the things about.( )A. ChinaB. the Great WallC. everything3. The Great Wall is long.()A. twenty thousand kilometres B. twenty kilometres C. two thousand

35、 years4. Old Smith everything in fact.( ). knowsB. dont knowC. doesnt know答案:L B 2.B 3.A 4. C解析:本文主要讲了关于长城的一些信息。1 .句意:老史密斯是个 人。A年轻的,B年老的,C聪明的,根据Old Smithis a very, very, very old man.,可知老史密斯是个非常非常老的人,故选B。2 .句意:萨姆问史密斯关于 的事情。A中国,B长城,C任何事情,根据 One day, a boy called Sam asked him where the Great Wall is.

36、,可知萨姆问史 密斯关于长城的事情,故选B。3 .句意:长城 长。A两万公里,B二十公里,C两千年,根据Old Smithtold Sam ifs 20, 000 kilometres long.,可知长城两万公里长,故选 A。4 .句意:事实上,老史密斯并不是什么都知道。根据But Sam told Old Smith it第16页共40页is only more than 2,000 years old.,可知老史密斯并不是什么都知道,主语Old Smith是第三人称单数,助动词用doesiTt,故选C。第一篇1 rTnBuckingham Palace (白金汉宫)is in Londo

37、n, England. It was built around 1705. Its famous because Queen Elizabeth (伊丽莎白 女王)of England lives there.Buckingham Palace is a big and beautiful building. Queen Elizabeth and her family live on the second floor. The queen also has her office at the palace.Buckingham Palace is like a small town. The

38、 palace is about 600 rooms. About 400 people work there. Two people take care of the clocks. There are 300 clocks in Buckingham Palace!Queen Elizabeths day starts at 7:00 in the morning. At 8:30 every morning, the queen has breakfast with her family. Then she works in her office all morning. After l

39、unch, she visits hospitals, schools, or new buildings in the country.People visit the rooms in Buckingham Palace in August and September. There are wonderful things to see.5. 一How old is Buckingham Palace?()Its years old.A. more than 200B. more than 300C. more than 400Buckingham Palace has got about

40、 rooms.()A. 600B. 400C. 300What does Queen Elizabeth do after lunch?()一She.A. works in her officeB. takes care of her clocks C. visits other places in thecountry6. Which is TRUE about the Buckingham Palace?()The queens family live on the first floor.A. The queen works in her office in the morning.第1

41、7页共40页B. People can visit Buckingham palace in winter.答案:5. B 6. A 7. C 8. B解析:介绍英国的白金汉宫的一些基本情况,它的历史,女王的工作。5.句意:白金汉宫有多久了? A.超过200年,B.超过300年,C.超过400年。由句子It was built around 1705.可知是18世纪建造的,已经有超过300年历史。 故选B。6 .句意:白金汉宫有 房间。A.600, B.400, C.200,由句子 The palace is about600 rooms.可知有600个房间。故选A。7 .句意:伊丽莎白在午饭

42、后做什么? A.在她的办公室工作,B.照顾她的钟,C. 参观国家的其他地方,由句子 After lunch, she visits hospitals, schools, or new buildings in the country.可知女王午饭后参观国家的其他地方。故选Co.句意:关于白金汉宫哪个是对的? A.女王的家住在一楼。B.女王早上在他的 办公室工作。C.人们可以在冬天参观白金汉宫。由句子People visit the rooms in Buckingham Palace in August and September.可知在秋天可以参观白金汉宫。 Queen Elizabeth

43、 and her family live on the second floor.可知女王和家人住在二 楼。所以AC都是错的,故选B。第二篇Did you see the film Frozen(冰雪奇缘)? Maybe Frozen 2 was childrens favourite Disney film in 2019.In this film, Elsa and Anna are in trouble (麻烦)again. There is something wrong with Elsas magic powers (力量).This puts her country in dan

44、ger (危险)Elsa must go to find where her magic comes from And she must save her country. Of course, her sister Ann and her friends Kristof, Olaf. Sven go with her Do you know them? Now lets meet these lovely characters.Elsa, the queen (女王)of Arendelle (阿伦黛尔).She has beautiful long white hair. She is b

45、orn with magic powers. She can make everything frozen (冰冻).Anna is Elsa*s younger sister. She has no magic powers. She always looks happy She loves Elsa very much When Elsa is in danger. Anna tries to be brave.第18页共40页Kristoff is a strong and kind young man. He*s Annas boyfriend. He is very helpful.

46、 He is always there for the girls.Olaf is a cute snowman. Elsa made him with her magic powers.Sven is Kristoffs pet reindeer (驯鹿).He grows up with Kristoff. He is Kristoffs best friend.8 . is the queen of Arendelle. She has magic powers.( )A. ElsaB. AnnaC. Kristoff9 . Anna is a girl. She loves her s

47、ister very much.( )A. happyB. shyC. sad10 . Kristoff is helpful. He is.()A. Elsa*s boyfriendB. Anna*s boyfriendC. a reindeer11 . Elsa made a snowman with her magic powers. His name is.( )A. KristoffB. SvenC. Olaf12 . Elsa must go to find where her magic comes from, because her is indanger.()A. siste

48、rB. countryC. friend答案:9. A 10. A 11. B 12. C 13. B解析:短文介绍了电影冰雪奇缘的故事,2019年上映会上映第二部。介绍 主人工Elas的魔法以及拯救国家的事情。9 .句意:是阿伦黛尔的女王。她有魔法力量。A.Elsa; B.Anna; C.Kristoff ; 由句子 Elsa, the queen(女王)of Arendelle(阿伦黛尔).She has beautiful long white hair. She is born with magic powers.可知是 Elsa 有魔法,是女王。故选 A。10 .句意:安娜是一个 女孩。A.开心;B.害羞;C.伤心;她非常爱他的姐姐。 由句子 Anna is Elsas younger sister. She has no magic powers. She always looks happy可知她是一个快乐的女孩,故选A。11 .句意:克里斯托夫是乐于助人的。他是 o A.艾尔莎的男朋友;B.安娜的男朋友;C.一个驯鹿;由句子 Kristoff is a strong and kind young


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