2019八年级英语下册 Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains练习.doc

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《2019八年级英语下册 Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains练习.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019八年级英语下册 Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains练习.doc(2页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、1UnitUnit 6 6 AnAn oldold manman triedtried toto movemove thethe mountainsmountains单元训练单元训练单项选择1 1.(2017四川甘孜)Because of the terrible flu,Tom was too A A to feed himself. A.weak B.excited C.happy2 2. (2017辽宁丹东)Lucy often B B me my best friend.They both have long curly hair. A.thinks;ofB.reminds;ofC.h

2、elps;outD.leaves;out3 3.(2017湖北黄石)Look; A A excited the boy is on seeing these cute pandas! A.howB.how anC.what anD.what4 4.(2017山东东营)Whos your favorite teacher?Miss Green.She makes us D D English in an interesting way. A.believe inB.take part inC.come up withD.fall in love with5 5.(2017山东东营)Im worr

3、ied about the talent show tomorrow.Be confident(自信的)! If you dont believe in yourself, A A will. A.nobodyB.anybodyC.everybodyD.somebody6 6. (2017四川甘孜)Linda has a beautiful C C .She sings very well. A.look B.sound C.voice7 7.(2017重庆 A 卷)Jane has become much B B than before.She can express herself in

4、public now. A.braveB.braverC.lazyD.lazier8 8. (2017湖北鄂州)Ill be away for a long time.Dont worry.She can look after your pet C C . 2A.careful enoughB.enough carefulC.carefully enoughD.enough carefully书面表达假如你是李梅。你的美国笔友 Tom 想知道中国经典故事“Sima Guang hit the tank(缸)”,请你根据下面所给的图画,给 Tom 讲述这一经典故事。【思路点拨】本文是一则故事,要

5、求在写故事的时候讲清楚故事的人物、时间、结果等。在讲故事时通常采用一般过去时。SimaSima GuangGuang hithit thethe tanktank(缸)OnceOnce uponupon a a timetime,SimaSima GuangGuang waswas playingplaying hidehide andand seekseek withwith severalseveral childrenchildren inin thethe garden.Theregarden.There waswas a a largelarge waterwater tanktan

6、k inin thethe garden.Itgarden.It waswas fullfull ofof water.Whenwater.When thethe kidskids werewere playingplaying,oneone childchild fellfell intointo thethe tank.Othertank.Other childrenchildren werewere soso frightenedfrightened thatthat theythey startedstarted toto runrun,cryingcrying forfor help

7、.Howeverhelp.However,SimaSima GuangGuang waswas different.Hedifferent.He thoughtthought itit overover andand thenthen hadhad anan idea.Heidea.He pickedpicked upup a a bigbig stonestone andand threwthrew itit atat thethe tank.tank.“BangBang!”,thethe tanktank brokebroke andand thethe waterwater ranran out.Theout.The kidkid waswas saved.saved.


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