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1、冀教版八年级英语上册单元课时基础训练Unit 8 Celebrating Me!Lesson 43: What Makes You Unique?I .根据句子的意思和汉语提示填空.1. .We are(应该)to describe(我们 自 己).2. T m a good student, and I think I m a good (人).3. You can also write about your special (才能)and (个人长处).4. What makes you(独特).5. Yes, that makes (意义).口.用所给信息造句1. I/do my hom

2、ework tomorrow evening (be supposed to)2. Celina/ perform on Christmas Day next week (be supposed to)m .阅读理解Now satellites are helping to forecast (预报)the weather. They arein space, and they can reach any part of the world. The satellites takepictures of the atmosphere (大气),because this is where the

3、 weatherforms (形成). They send these pictures to the weather stations. Someteorologists (气象学家)can see the weather of any part of the world.From the pictures, the scientists can often say how the weather willLesson 47 : I Made It!I .根据句子的意思和汉语提示填空.1. .Peter left Miss Martins classroom feeling like a(失

4、败者).2. His teacher wrote a big F for “(不及格).3. Krista, his friend, (注意至!I) him looking sad.4. Peter(接受)the(挑战).5. She presented many (奖项)that day.U .读课文,用方框中单词的正确形式完成短文。agree; present; notice; fail; acceptPeter came from Mexico. He his English exam because hespelled too many words wrong. His friend

5、Krista that. If I canspell, you can spell, too. said Krista. Peter didn, t becauseEnglish wasn, t his first language.Krista helped Peter make a study plan. Peter thechallenge, and he worked very hard.On the last day of school, Miss Martin the Most-ImprovedStudent Award to Peter. His spelling was per

6、fect in the last exam. Peter felt so happy. He thanked Krista. Practice makes perfect! It always works.III.用下面的单词的正确形式完成对话。agree; present; notice; fail; accept1. A: Did you that? Jim does not seem happy today.B: Yes. But maybe he is just tired. He played soccer this morning.2. A: I think we should v

7、isit our grandpa next weekend.8: I We havenJ t visited him for a whole month.3. A: I know you really want this job. But if you, what will you do?B: I will feel sad, but I will not give up. I 11 continue working toward my dream.参考答案:I1. loser; 2. noticed 3. fail4. accepted; challenge 5. awardsII fail

8、ed; noticed; agree; accepted; presented111.1. notice 2. agree 3. failLesson 48: Li Ming s ReportI .根据句子的意思和汉语提示填空.1 .It is time for Li Ming to(提供;做)his report.2. Mr. White stands in front of(全班同学).3. Before(课),1 was (紧张的)about this report.4. My friend Jenny gave me some good(建议),and you all(鼓励)me.5.

9、 I work hard in school and I hope to go to (大学).6. I believe that.(熟能生巧)7. I practice English a lot(在课堂上)and (放学后).8. I am one of(最好的运动员)in the school.U .麦克的报告,用方框中的单词完成短文。college; singer; excellent; introduce; ourselvesHello everyone! Let me myself. I am Mike- a good person,an student and a hard wo

10、rker. I have many friends. We worktogether and help each other. We make strong! My dream is togo to someday, and I want to be a in the future. Ilove to sing and play hockey. I like myself. Thank you!III.完形填空。Tony is a friend of mine. He is 1 Italy (意大利) His school hasa big library with lots of books

11、. Tony 2 reading books about Chinabecause he is interested in China. China is 3 from his country, sohe wants to know how the Chinese live every day.He often 4 some Chinese in the street. They are all5 tohim. Sometimes he asks them some questions in Chinese. They all answer him kindly.6 they sometime

12、s don t understand him.Last month, Tony came to Beijing. He 7 many places of interest. When he arrived at the Great Wall, he couldn t believe his8, It was so great! He stayed in Beijing 9about a week and then he went to Xi an.Tony likes Beijing very much and he 10 to visit Beijing againsometime next

13、 year.1. A. with2. A. spends3. A. bigger4. A. meets5. A. active6. A. Until7. A. lived8. A. ideas9. A. atB. fromB. hatesB. beautifulB. keepsB. angryB. ButB. wentB. eyesB. forC. atC. lovesC. sameC.sendsC. friendlyC. SoC. visitedC. plansC. inD. forD. finishesD. differentD. worriesD. seriousD. OrD. buil

14、tD. earsD. to10. A. hopes B. needs10. A. hopes B. needsC. forgets D. begins参考答案:I1. present; 2. the class 3. class; nervous4. advice; encouraged5. college 6. practice makes perfect7. in class; after school8. the best playerII. introduce; excellent; ourselves; college; singerIII. 15 B C D A C 610 B C

15、 B B Achange.Today, nearly five hundred weather stations in sixty countries receive satellite pictures. When they receive new pictures, the meteorologists compare (比较)them with earlier ones. Perhaps they may find that the clouds have changed during the last few hours. This may mean that the weather

16、on the ground may soon change, too. In their next weather forecast, the meteorologists can say this.So the weather satellites are a great help to the meteorologists. Before satellites were invented, the scientists could forecast the weather for about 24 or 48 hours. Now they can make good forecasts

17、for three or five days. Soon, perhaps, they may be able to forecast the weather for a week or more ahead (提前).()1. Satellites travel.A. in space B. in the atmosphereC. above the ground D. above space()2.Why do we use the weather satellites to take pictures of the atmosphere?Because.A. the weather sa

18、tellites can do it easilyB. clouds form thereC. the weather forms thereD. the pictures can forecast the weather()3. Meteorologists forecast the weather.A. when they have received satellite picturesB. after they have compared new satellite pictures with earlier onesC. before they received satellite p

19、icturesD. during they study satellite picturesE. 4. Maybe we 11 soon be able to forecast the weather for.A. one dayB. two daysC. five daysD. seven days or even longer()5. The main (主要的)idea of this passage is that satellites are now used in.A. taking pictures of the atmosphereB. receiving pictures o

20、f the atmosphereC. doing other work in many waysD. weather forecasting参考答案:I1. supposed; ourselves 2. person3. talents; personal strengths4. unique 5. sensen.1. I am supposed to do my homework tomorrow evening.2. Celina is supposed to perform on Christmas Day next week.ni.阅读理解ACBDDLesson 44: Georgia

21、 Plays BasketballI.根据句子的意思和汉语提示填空.1 .My family comes from(希腊)1.1 was born there.(没有人)else in my school comes from there.3 . But he sometimes (返回)there and play for the(希腊的)National Basketball Team.4 .When I was in Grade 6, I played for the (初级的)high basketball team.n .用所给单词的正确形式填空1. Last year he(ret

22、urn) to China to play for the Chinese team.2. Once, she (win) a game for her city. She was very proud of herself.3. Her dream is(play) ping-pong in the Olympics.4. Jack wants to (continue) studying Chinese when he returns to Canada.HL完形填空A king was old and he knew it was time to choose a new king. H

23、etold all the young people in his country, ,I will give 1 of you aseed(种子).Plant it and bring it back one year later. Show me the plantsthat you bring,2 I 11 choose a new king from you.A boy 3 Ling got a seed, too. He planted it 4. But theseed didn, t grow at all. A year later, Ling had to take his

24、5 boxto the palace. Others all brought beautiful plants there and Ling felt 6.The king 7 the palace and looked around. When he foundthere was nothing in Lings box. The king smiled and said to the others, “One year ago, I gave everyone a seed 8 couldnJ t grow. But all ofyou, 9 Ling, have brought me p

25、lants and flowers. Ling was theonly one with the honesty (诚实)only one with the honesty (诚实)and 10 to bring such a box. Sohe will be the new king!”1. A each2. A. and3. A. liked4. A. careful5. A. full6. A. sad7. A. got8. A. which9. A. besides10. A each11. A. and12. A. liked13. A. careful14. A. full15.

26、 A. sad16. A. got17. A. which18. A. besidesB. neitherB. butB. helpedB. carefullyB. emptyB. excitedB. arrivedB. whoB. withC. bothC. althoughC. namedC. carelessC. beautifulC. happyC. wentC. whatC. exceptD. noneD. soD. askedD. carelesslyD. brokenD. satisfiedD. arrived atD.itD. as10. A. skill B. courage

27、C. experience D. fear参考答案:I 1. Greece;2. Nobody3. return; Greek 4. juniorII. 1. returned 2. wonII. 1. returned 2. won3. to play 4. continuem .完形填空15 DBCAA15 DBCAA610 BBBCALesson 45: Be Yourself!I.根据句子的意思和汉语提示填空.1. .1 get(一般的)grades in all of my subjects except English.2. Sometimes I make (愚蠢的)mistak

28、es.3. My friend Lisa, however, is(漂亮的)and(聪明的).4.1 want to be like her, but I know that s(不可能的).u .读这封给苏的信和苏的回信,用适当的代词填空。Dear Sue,r m a high school boy. T m good at all my subjects, but I don, t like , I don, t have any friends. The boys in my class enjoyafter class. They talk and laugh, but no one

29、speaks to me. I don, t knowhow to speak to. I feel very lonely.Lonely Boy from Ottawa.Dear Lonely Boy,Teenage years are wonderful but also difficult. It s common that many middle school students donJ t like. Be proud of. You are doing so well in school. After school you can read the news and share i

30、nteresting stories with classmates.Think about your interests and find a new hobby. Maybe you can join a club and make more friends. Soon you will begin to enjoy!Sue参考答案:I 1. average; 2. stupid 3. pretty; smart 4. impossibleII. them; themselves; them; themselves; yourself; your; yourselfLesson 46: M

31、y DreamI.根据句子的意思和汉语提示填空.1 .1 often sang with my hair brush as my(话筒).2 . But I taught myself by listening to the radio and watching TV (节目).3 . One year, our school organized a(才艺表演)4 .Some students wanted to(讲笑话)and others wanted to dance.5. I wanted to sing, but I wasn, t (自信的).6. ”(做的好),Cathy! Yo

32、u will be a real opera singer someday.”n .单项选择1. Help to some fish, please.Thanks.A. you B. yours C. yourself D. your2. Did they have a party last Sunday?Yes, they did. They really enjoyed.A. themselves B. itself C. himself D. ourselves3. Let s go to ask the teacher about the math problems.Why not w

33、ork them out all by?A. ourselves B. himself C. themselves D. myself4. Our teacher made us in the classroom until she cameback.A. to stay B. stay C. staying D. stayed5. Linda asked me her write the report.A. help B. helps C. to help D. helpedIII.用所给信息造句。Example A: My teacher encouraged me to take par

34、t in the show.1. Dr. Lin/Xiao Feng/join a club and make new friends, (advise.to)2. Georgia s parents/her/ study medicine in the future (want. to)Example B: I felt my heart beating so fast.1. Cathy/her friends/wave at her (see)2. Jenny/Li Ming/ call his parents (hear)参考答案:1. microphone;2. programs3. talent show4. tell jokes5. confident6. confident7. Well donen. CAABCIII.A:1. Dr. Lin advised Xiao Feng to join a club and make new friends.2. Georgia s parents wanted her to study medicine in the future.B:1. Cathy saw her friends waving at her.2. Jenny heard Li Ming calling his parents.


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