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《2022年贵州省贵阳市中考英语真题(含答案).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年贵州省贵阳市中考英语真题(含答案).docx(24页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、第I卷选择题第一局部 完形填空(共两节,16小题;每题1分,共16分)第一下阅读下面一篇短文,从短文前的选项中选出能填入空白处的最正确选项。选项中有一个为多余选 项。A. in B. how C. but D. enough E. some F.the G. andBorn into a Yao family in Yizhang, Hunan, Jiang Mengnan? s world has been silent since she was 6 months old. At that time, 1 medicine damaged(损害)her hearing. But throu

2、gh her hard work, she did well at school and university. She started studying for a doctorate(博士学位)at Tsinghua University 22018.When Jiang was about one year old, her parents began showing her 3 to understand people by reading lips (嘴唇).It was really hard, but soon Jiang learned to “listen” and even

3、 speak. Jiang s mother says she 11 never forget4day Jiang said Mamav for the first time when she was 16 months old.When she was old 5, Jiang went to a primary school instead of a specialschool for disabled children. She said it was difficult at first. During lessons, she had to copy down everything

4、on the blackboard and study alone after class to keep up with her classmates. Jiang did quite well at school 6 made it all the way to Tsinghua University.T m always thankful that my parents, teachers and friends never give me special attention, so I never thought I was different from anyone else, “

5、Jiang said.第二节 阅读下面一篇短文,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入空白处的最正确选 项。要求如下:1 .请列举23项你经常参加的劳动;.重点谈谈你参加劳动的收获并提出建议;2 .文中不得出现真实个人信息。IQuestionnaire (问卷)h ,1| I .I Dear students,I D. I%l,kc 加山 our opinion on taking partln laborI Plcasc 8mp3e the questionnaire and return IHoT|- Middle SchoolL What labor activities do yo

6、u oflen take part in?cleaning Ihc classroomworking in an old peoples home Ddoing choresother2. What have you learnt from taking part in labor activities? OteamworkDproblcm-solving -being thankfill r i - u : creative thinking being independent Dothcr3. What arc your suggestions on taking part in labo

7、r activities? i keep a balance between labor activities and study,, H improve communicative skills Dhclp each other | 口be responsibleDbe active OothcrIII;:f /fl ,; . , s-.第I卷选择题第一局部 完形填空(共两节,16小题;每题1分,共16分) 第一下【6题答案】【答案】1. E 2. A3. B4. F5. D6. G第二节 阅读下面一篇短文,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入空白处的最正确选 项。【716题答案】【答

8、案】7. A 8. B 9. C 10. C 11. B 12. A 13. A 14. B 15.C 16. C第二局部 阅读理解(共三节,22小题,含第n卷第三节5小题;每题2分,共44分) 第一节 阅读下面三个语篇,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最正确选项。【1720题答案】19. C20. A【答案】17. C 18. A【224题答案】【答案】21. C【答案】21. C22. B 23. B24. A【2528题答案】【答案】25. A【答案】25. A26. C 27. A28. B第二节 阅读下面一篇短文,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最正确选项。选项中有一个为多余选

9、项。【2933题答案】【答案】29. F 30. D 31. A 32. B 33. E第n卷非选择题-* -44-弟二下【3438题答案】【答案】34. electricitysail boats35. kill birdsare very ugly/are noisy/make noise/look ugly36. cheap and common第三局部 写作(共四节;第一、二、三节15分,第四节15分;共30分)第一节 根据语境,用所给词的适当形式填空。(每题1分,共5分)39题答案】【答案】us40题答案】【答案】places【41题答案】【答案】widely42题答案】【答案】is

10、43题答案】【答案】 stronger第二节(每题1分,共5分)408题答案】【答案】44. Too muchtake care of45. at nightlook up to46. belongs to第三节 根据中文意思,补全英语译文。(每题1分,共5分;每空限填一词,缩写算一词)【49题答案】【答案】 was chosen50题答案】【答案】 .will#does#it#it .not#not#won t#doesn t【51题答案】【答案】To do【52题答案】【答案】who has#who has had#that has#that has had53题答案】【答案】There

11、are第四节书面表达(15分)【54题答案】【答案】例文Let s Take Part in Labor ActivitiesLabor is the source of all happiness. Labor is one of the necessary conditions for students all-round development. And I think it is good to do housework.Doing chores helps to develop children s independence and teaches them how to look

12、after themselves. I used to be lazy at home. Seeing this, my mother came up with an idea一I have to earn my pocket money by doing housework. It changed me a lot. For example, when I can t work out a math problem, I prefer to sweep the floor or tidy up my room to clear my mind. Once my mother told me

13、to buy some fruit. I quickly made a list, compared prices and bought fresh fruit. I now have a habit of managing money and I know it s great of my mother to look after my family so well!This is how I learn to do houseworkit s a skill that lasts a lifetime.中考阅卷老师整理中考英语易混单词词组besides, except except for

14、f butbesides是指除之外还(又),包括后面所提及的人或物在内。Twenty-five students went to the cinema besides him.except是指抛开不谈”,不包括后面所提及的人或物在内。Twenty-five students went to the cinema except him.except for是指除了,不包括后面所提及的人或物在内,后面跟的词与句子的主语不 属于同类。Your article is very good except for some mistakes. but 常与 every, any, all, none, no

15、 以及它们与 one, thing, body, where 构成的复合词 等连用。有的已经成为了惯用语,如:all but(几乎,除之外全部),anything but(除之外都),nothing but (只不过是)。There is nothing but a cup on the table.1. reach, arrive in/atf get toreach +地点,意思是到达。arrive in+大地方,arrive at+小地方,意思是抵达、到达某地(尤指行程的终 点)。get to+地点,意思是到达。注意:当arrive in/at和get to后面跟的是地点副词here,

16、there, home等时,那么省略介词 in/at/too当只说明到了,而未说明地点时,用arriveoat the end of, in the end, by the end ofat the end of指某段时间的结束或某段路程的终止处,意思是在结束时, 在尽头”。Our school held a sports meeting at the end of last term.At the end of this street you will find a bookshop.in the end相当于at last, finally ,意思是最后,终于。In the end, th

17、ey caught the thief.by the end of用于过去完成时或将来时,意思是到末为止。By the end of last term, we had learned five English songs.This question will have been answered by the end of today.2. itf onef thatit代替上文所提到的那个事物,一般指物,不指人。可以代替单数可数名词或不可数名 词。复数形式是they或them。I have 50 yuan. My uncle gave it to me last week.one代替上文出

18、现过的单数名词,以免重复。泛指代人或物。所指代的人或物属于同类 事物中不同的一个,即替代的是一个带有不定冠词的可数名词的单数形式。复数形式是onesoI have lost my old watch. This is a new one.that代替前面同类不是同一的事物。可以代替单数可数名词或不可数名词。代替可数名 词时,复数形式是thoseo that不可以代替表示人的名词,它可以根据语义在后面加上一些 定语,多数是of的短语;它的前面不能存在任何定语。The water in wells is cleaner than that in the rivers.3. look for, lo

19、ok up, find, find outlook for意思是寻找,强调找的过程。look up意思是查找,强调查字典、 号码。find意思是找到,发现,强调找的结果。find out意思是查明,发现,了解,指的是经过认真观察、调查或研究把某事或某物 查出来、搞清楚,多用于复杂而不容易直接查出的情况。4. as well, as well asas well相当于also, too ,意思是也,又。常放在句子末尾,无需用逗号与句子分 开。I am going to London and my sister is going as well.as well as意思是也,还。常用来连接两个并列

20、的成分。连接连个并列的主语时,谓 语动词与前面的主语保持一致;翻译时先翻译后面,再翻译前面。Your wife as well as you is friendly to me.5. rather than, instead off in place ofrather than和would连用时构成would rather. than,意思是宁愿而不愿”的句式,表示主观愿望,在两者中择一。She would rather die than lose her children.rather than不和would连用时,表示客观事实,意思是是而不是;与其不 如。它的并列成分可以是名词、代词、形容

21、词、介词(短语)、动名词、分句、不定 式、动词等等。rather than连接两个主语时,谓语动词应该和前面的主语保持一致。rather than连接两个不定式时,不定式可以带to ,也可以不带tooHe is an explorer rather than a sailor.You rather than I are going to go camping.I decided to write rather than (to) telephone.instead of意思是代替,做而不做My parents just called me. F m afraid I have to have

22、dinner with them instead of shopping with you tonight.in place of意思是代替。着重强调一种物质替换另一种物质。Plastics are now often used in place of wood or metal.6. alive, livingalive意思是活着的,有生命的,和系动词be连用,着重表示一种状态,作表语。He was still alive after the car accident.living意思是有生命的,生活的,在句子中作定语,放在所修饰的名词的前面或代词 的后面。There are no livi

23、ng things on the moon.10. sayf speak, talk, tell say+内容(+ 语言),意思是说。Say goodbye / a word.Say it in Englishz please.Can you understand what she said.speak+语言,意思是讲话”。Would you speak Chinese, please? I can t understand you.talk意思是”讲话,谈论,谈话。talk to / with /aboutThey were talking about a film when the tea

24、cher came in. tell意思是“告诉,讲述。tell+抽象的整体tell a storytell sth. to sb. tell sb. (about) sth. tell sb. (not) to do sth.r II tell her the news as soon as I see her.11. be used to do sth.f be used to doing sth.f used to do sth.be used to do sth,是use sth. to do sth.的被动语态z意思是“被用来做。Nowadays, robots are used t

25、o do some dangerous things instead of human beings.be/get used to doing sth. 习惯于做 ,be/get是系动词,used是形容词,to 是介词。The man was used to living in the countryside.used to do sth.过去常常做0be famous for, be famous asbe famous for相当于be known for,意思是以.而闻名。The town is famous for its beautiful scenery.be famous as意

26、思是作为.知名;以身份而闻名。Jay Chou is famous as a singer.12. watch sb do sth.f watch sb doing sth.watch sb do sth意思是看见某人做过,强调动作的全过程。I watch the thief steal the book from the desk.Did she watch the children cross the road?watch sb doing sth意思是看见某人正在做。强调动作正在进行。I watch the thief stealing the book from the desk.Sh

27、e watched the children crossing the road.类似用法的词有see, hear等。13. cross, across, throughcross是动词,across和through是介词。They crossed the river by the boatacross意思是横穿,横过,指的是从物体的外表上穿过。I swam across the river 20 years ago.through意思是贯通,直穿,透过,指的是立体空间中的穿过。They walked slowly through the woods.The sunshine shone in

28、 the bedroom through the window.14. in a wayf in this wayf by the wayf on the wayin a way意思是在某种程度上;在某种意义上。In a way, it is a good book.in this way意思是用这种方法。In this way, you can speak English well.0n the way意思是在路上,在途中。On the way home my father told me a story.by the way意思是顺便说。By the wayz have you seen

29、the film before?15. stop to do sth.f stop doing sth.stop to do sth.意思是停下来去做某事。As soon as the teacher left, students stopped to talk.stop doing sth.意思是停止做某事。The students stopped talking as soon as they saw the teacher. stop . from doing sth.意思是阻止做。Please stop them from playing fire.16. take part inf

30、join in, joinMy dad has always spent his free time climbing mountains. He spends ages 7 his route (路线), checking the weather forecast and finding the best maps. He really likes a good 8, For example, he always chooses the most difficult wayup the mountain. It means he feels he s really 9 something.A

31、s soon as I could walk, he started taking me with him sometimes. At first, he used to carry me on his shoulders. Later on, I had my own little boots (靴子) and I 10 him up the easiest slopes (斜坡).I can still remember how excited I was when we set off and how H I felt.The first time I did a proper clim

32、b with him, I was about eight years old. As we came round the last bend to the summit (山顶),we 12some other climbersstanding there enjoying the view. They couldn t believe my father had managed to get to the 13 with such a small child. In fact, we weren, t the only ones who managed to do so that day.

33、 When we were coming down, we met another family with two 14 girls, who must have been just behind us.I m now 15 and I belong to a local climbing club. Dad 15 hoped to pass on his love of climbing to me. It seems that he has. I already spend most of my weekends in the 16, Sometimes Dad comes too but

34、 now I m the one out infront and he can t always keep up with me!7.A.planningB.describingC.explaining8.A.partnerB.challengeC.suggestion9.A.lostB.missedc.achieved10.A.pushedB.guidedc.followed11.A.tiredB.happyc.lonely12.A.sawB.recordedc.interviewed13.A.topB.holec.corner14.A.wiseB.youngc.strongtake par

35、t in意思是参加,指的是参加群众性活动或会议,并在其中起一定的作用。These days, students take part in many activities.join意思是参加,加入,指的是加入组织、团体、党派等,成为其中的一员。He joined the army in 1998 and joined the Party the next year.join in意思是参加某活动,后面跟的宾语一般是表示竞赛、游戏、娱乐等活动的名 词,常用搭配join sb. in (doing) sth.Everyone should join in the game.17. be famili

36、ar tof be familiar withbe familiar to意思是某事对某人是熟悉的,主语一定是sth.。Your name is very familiar to me.be familiar with意思是某人对某事是精通的、熟悉的,主语一定是sb.。He has become familiar with the city.20. have gone tof have been tof have been inhave gone to意思是去了,可能在途中或在目的地,人还没回来。My father has gone to Shanghai and will be back i

37、n a week.have been to意思是到过,曾经去过某地,现在人已经回来了。He has been to Shanghai three times.have been in+地点+一段时间意思是在某地停留了一段时间。He has been in Hangzhou for three years.21. see, look, watch, readf noticelook指的是有意识的观看,强调看的动作,其后接宾语时,一定要加介词atoLook! What are they doing?see指的是视觉器官有意识或无意识的看到的物体,强调看的结果,意思是看见,看 到。如看医生see t

38、he doctor,看电影see a filmoI looked but saw nothing.watch意思是观看、注视”,指的是以较大的注意力观看。常用于看比赛watch a match ,看电视 watch TVOHis father often watches TV in the evening.read意思是读,看书、看信、看报纸等常用read。Don, t read in the bed.notice意思是注意到,看到,指的是有意识的注意,含有从不注意到注意的变化。He noticed a purse lying on the ground.22. be made off be

39、made from, be made intobe made of意思是由制成指在成品中可以看出原材料,如木制的桌椅、家具 等,其制作过程只发生了物理变化。The chair is made of wood.be made from意思是某物由制成,指制成的东西完全失去了原材料的外形或特 征,或原材料在制作过程中发生了化学变化,在成品中已经无法识别。Wine is made from grapes.be made into意思是某种原料被制成某种成品,指某种原料被制成某种产品,与be made of /from正好相反。be made into的主语是原料,其后跟产品。Grapes can b

40、e made into wine.23. be made off be made from, be made intobe made of意思是由制成”,指在成品中可以看出原材料,如木制的桌椅、家具 等,其制作过程只发生了物理变化。The chair is made of wood.be made from意思是某物由制成”,指制成的东西完全失去了原材料的外形或特 征,或原材料在制作过程中发生了化学变化,在成品中已经无法识别。Wine is made from grapes.be made into意思是某种原料被制成某种成品指某种原料被制成某种产品,与be made of /from正好相反

41、。be made into的主语是原料,其后跟产品。Grapes can be made into wine.24. in front off in the front ofin front of意思是在的前面,两者不在同一整体即在范围外。There is a big tree in front of my house.in the front 0f意思是在的前面,两者在同一整体即在范围内。There is a big desk in the front of the classroom.25. spend, pay, take, cost夫 spent I often spend the h

42、oliday with my parents. I often spend two hours doing my homework every night.(介词 in 可以省略)I often spend two hours on my homework every night. paid I paidAve yuan /brthe book. = I bought the book for /Veyuan. I paid /brthe book. tookIt + takes / took +sb. + 时间 + to do sth. (it 是形式主语,to do sth.是真正的主语)

43、It took me two hours to read this book.It takes her half an hour to go to school on foot every day. coststh.(物)+ cost + sb. + 钱/ too muchThe pen cost me five yuan.26. advice, advise, suggest, suggestion advise 和 suggest 都是动词,advise sb. to do sth.和 suggest doing sth.意思均为 建议某人做某事。advice和suggestion是名词。

44、advice是不可数名词,意思是忠告,意见,指点, 是指具有丰富的知识、足够的经验、正确的判断力和明智的观点的人对另一个人的“劝告 或见解,在表示数量时需要加量词,如a piece of advice0suggestion是可数名词,意思是意见,建议,提议,特指为了改进或解决某一问题 而提出的建议、方法,但不一定正确,。27. the number off a number ofthe number of意思是的数量,后跟可数名词的复数形式,作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。a number of意思是许多,大量,后跟可数名词的复数形式,作主语时,谓语动词 用复数形式。29. till, quie

45、t, calm, silentstill意思是寂静的。表示一动不动的静态,常指吵闹、激动之后或之间的安静。quiet指的是没有喧闹、活动或骚乱的寂静状态,与吵闹、噪音等相对。calm既可以指天气、海洋等的平静状态,又可以指人的镇静、沉着、不慌乱、不受外界 影响和情绪支配。silent指的是不发出声音或不说话,亦可以引申为对保持沉默,不发表意见15. A. neverB. hardlyC. always16. A. forestsB. marketsC. mountains第二局部 阅读理解(共三节,22小题,含第H卷第三节5小题;每题2分,共44分) 第一节 阅读下面三个语篇,从每题所给的A、

46、B、C三个选项中选出最正确选项。17. Central Park Tour begins ato clock inthe morning every day.A. sixB. sevenC. eight18.How much should wepay for an adult bike for two hours?R. $16, 95,C. $19.95,19.A.19.A.A couple will need a if they take theire i ght-month-o1d baby.C.20. What is the text type of the reading material?B. A poem.C. A speech.A. An ad.BPaper cutting or tearing is a cultural tradition in China. For centuries, it has been passed down from one generation (一代人) to the


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